All Classes and Interfaces
A Visitor which replaces "XML DTD Parameter Entities" by their "replacement text".
Character input source.
Realizes either the root class for all model elements, or one of the
intermediate abstract classes.
Generic implementation for
, when a general InvertibleFunction.invert(R)
is given.A generic implementation which ..
Top level of the generic implementations of
.Generic implementation DOCME
Base class of the parsing search-tree monad.
Functional interface for binary continuations.
Functional interface for continuations.
Abstract base class for patterns that delegate to some other
pattern, chosen dynamically per target.
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.
Visits the bytecode of a class and collects annotations.
Each instance of this class realizes the application of an xslt program,
given as a
, to a certain input.Sorted list of instances of T for indexed representation, realized internally by
an array.
Library of constants and combinators for java language level arrays.
Implementation of a sorted list by an underlying array.
Abstract base class for patterns that contain no subpatterns.
Maintains for one given
a map from element names into
s.Sorts all attributes'
from the SAX event
attributes part and from the DTM definition into the appropriate
diagnosis sets AttributeChecks.ok
, AttributeChecks.violateType
, AttributeChecks.violateFixed
, or
), according to the type check results.This is a refinement necessary for xslt of
.Facade which adds standard behaviour to the SAX attributes implementation.
Utility class with tests for the validity of Attribute values.
Parses an xslt "attribute value template" into an xpath expression
with explicit string operations.
Base class of finite automata.
State of an automaton.
Iterator-like mutable API for tracking the consumption of an
input sequence of code points by an automaton.
Auxiliary hand-coded functions for Format generation.
Descends awt structures, i.e.
Super class for all generated matcher classes of a tdom model.
Utility class for low-level inquiries on AWT windows etc.
Batch processing of d2d sources into different back-ends,
using BandMs' own "txsl" implementation of xslt 1_0.
Generated source for command line processing.
This enum type indicates: Switch on/off different
trace outputs individually.
Generated source of a graphical user interface (GUI) for command line processing.
Batch processing of d2d sources into different back-ends,
using BandMs' own "txsl" implementation of xslt 1_0.
Represents one transformation job, with all its parameters, to
be applied to multiple d2d source file inputs.
Behavior of an automaton in a particular state.
Abstract base class for patterns that contain two subpatterns.
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.
Represents lexical context, i.e mappings from name to value as a linked list.
Library of constants and combinators for classes implementing
Intput Stream which allows to read single bits sequentially.
Output Stream which allows to write single bits sequentially.
Library of constants and combinators for classes implementing
.Auxiliary class to open a particular URI in a window of the user's
standard browser.
The built-in functions for xpath are defined by the
"core XPath function library" in [XPath 1.0:4]
The following list is in that sequential order!
[Xpath 1.0:4.1]
Function: number last()
Function: number position()
Function: number count(node-set)
Function: node-set id(object)
Function: string local-name(node-set?)
Function: string namespace-uri(node-set?)
Function: string name(node-set?)
[Xpath 1.0:4.2]
Function: string string(object?)
Function: string concat(string, string, string*)
Function: boolean starts-with(string, string)
Function: boolean contains(string, string)
Function: string substring-before(string, string)
Function: string substring-after(string, string)
Function: string substring(string, number, number?)
Function: number string-length(string?)
Function: string normalize-space(string?)
Function: string translate(string, string, string)
[Xpath 1.0:4.3]
Function: boolean boolean(object)
Function: boolean not(boolean)
Function: boolean true()
Function: boolean false()
Function: boolean lang(string)
[Xpath 1.0:4.4]
Function: number number(object?)
Function: number sum(node-set)
Function: number floor(number)
Function: number ceiling(number)
Function: number round(number)
ASSUME xpath expressions are type-checked, so do NOT ALWAYS check parameter structure
when executing, but crash.
Realizes all built-in functions for xslt, including those already
defined for xpath.
Container for the application specific values required by the built-in
xslt standard function.
A restricted implementation used by
Restrictions include : only one range for all domain signatures.
.Restrictions include : only one range for all domain signatures.
Abstract base class for patterns that delegate expensively
transformed targets to a subpattern.
Indicates that a target can not be transformed.
For post-processing the d2d2/xml entries into a comprehensive and
standardized text encoding.
Generate a digest number over a tree of files.
Main method for initiating an xslt process from command line.
Generated source for command line processing.
UNTIL all uses with CatalogByString have been eliminated!
Utility class for reading a
from an XML file.Code generator for translating the current state of a given
into java code to reconstruct it.Base class for all generated classes which realize an Attribute with type
.Realizes the fine granular d2d character level parsing.
A simple wrapper for one (of the many parallel) parsing situations; wraps
as the next input situation and ResultingStructure
as collected so far.Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.
Collects all parser particles from character parsers and
joins them to a content model which is DTD compatible.
Represents a RegExp as a collection of segments:
g=non-recursive termation case, p=prefix before the first recursive call,
s=suffix after the last recursive call, i=inbetween two recursive calls.
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.
Fundamental character and string constant definition.
Implements Character Sets as an ordered sequence of ranges.
Behaves immutable.
Behaves immutable.
Realizes the ranges which make up the character sets.
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.
Implements "CoPair" operations and guarantees strictness of left variant.
Implements "CoPair" operations and guarantees strictness of both variants.
Facade to "CoPair" operations and guarantees strictness of right variant,
by overwriting "set_right()"
Implements a map from an enum type to a strict range (no null objects on the right side.)
Implements a List which is strict in all its elements.
Extends the checked list to ensure that it does not become empty.
Implements a map which is strict in its domain (=left of arrow).
Implements a map which is strict in its range (=right of arrow).
Implements a map which is strict in its range (=right of arrow)
and its domain (=left of arrow).
Implements a multi map which is strict in its domain,
Implements a multi map which is strict in its range, i.e.
Implements a multi map which is strict in its domain and its range,
Implements "Pair" operations and guarantees stricness of left side
Implements "Pair" operations and guarantees stricness of both components.
Implements "Pair" operations and guarantees stricness of right side
Implements a Set which is strict in all its elements.
Choice node class of the parsing search-tree monad.
// FIXME tree/subset pairs necessary !?!? Classname stored in .class ?
// FIXME give filenames as CLI-parameters !?
// FIXME give first/latest generation as CLI-parameters !?
Abstract algorithm for traversing a class file.
Defines static methods for finding recursive static references to
classes via breadth-first search.
Gets file names from command line or a very primitive interactive GUI input
A factory to create new objects from a closure prototype.
Immutable map of Unicode code point keys encoded as
values to arbitrary values.A specialized supplier of unicode code points.
Static factory methods for creating patterns for collections.
Library of constants and combinators for classes implementing
similars.Find one or more results of a construction.
Utility class of static methods.
Descends through an xslt tdom, and dumps the SAX events to some
.Descends through an xslt tdom, and switches automatically to
result tree fragment visitation (=
if those are found as contents of xslt leaf elements (of particular types only!),
as indicated by the map CombinedVisitor.subtrees
.Library of constants and combinators for classes implementing
.Compile java source for different front-ends for editing,
saving, decoding etc.
Re-ification of the combination strategy applied by the different subclasses
for combining their sub-formats.A class loader that mimics the
behavior of
.Utility class holding ubiquituously used constants.
A parametrized action on a stateful class.
Library of constants and combinators for classes implementing
.Analysis special for API DOC generation.
Converts SAX events into textual representation, not supporting name spaces.
which propagates all SAX events (api calls)
identically to the receiver in ContentProxy.out
.Rewriter which simplifies all content models in a Dtd.
Interface defining "CoPair" operations, not (yet) implying any strictness.
Requires "CoPair" operations and implies strictness of left side.
Requires "CoPair" operations and implies strictness of right side.
Visitor generated by umod according to field selection #2.
Class realizing a "tagged union" of two(2) to four(4) different cases.
Indicates that the annotated class is intentionally part of a
cyclic dependency of classes.
Umod main model class: This is the internal
model for the d2d text type definitions.
Signals the case that a particular ID string value in a IDREF or IDREFS attribute value
of a particular document is not related to a value of an ID attribute in the
same document.
Abstract base class of AST data.
Functional interface for interpretation views of AST data.
Deterministic finite-state labeled automaton.
Implements the translation of a d2d definition module (imported from
.ddf/.umod/.dtd/ad lib) into a Dtd object.
Collects XSLT rules (and the necessary namespace declarations)
in d2d format
from a set of resolved modules, for one particular transformation
target key.
SAX ContentHandler
which discards all events.Implementation which sends error messages to a
.Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.
Is entered for each instantiated definition into the
resolvedModule's result data.
(This definition has been created by UMod from the source at SYSTEM "D2d.umod":280.3-285.29, see this pretty print.)
(This definition has been created by UMod from the source at SYSTEM "D2d.umod":280.3-285.29, see this pretty print.)
Defines the string constants for presenting the parser situation to the
user on a given type of terminal.
A variant which inserts ascii code into in the printed regular expression.
A variant which inserts no mark-up at all into in the printed
regular expression.
Implementation of DiagnosisMarkUp for the widespread "VT100" terminal
A source file which only adds comments to existing modules.
Multi-lingual translations catalog, generated from XML source.
Used as the carrying class for the java "resource" mechanism,
and as an uri and resource resolver.
Common base class for all document classes in this tdom instance.
Common base class for all document classes in this tdom instance.
Common base class for all document classes in this tdom instance.
Common base class for all document classes in this tdom instance.
Document with an
as its root (=topmost) element.Document with an
as its root (=topmost) element.Document with an
as its root (=topmost) element.Document with an
as its root (=topmost) element.Document with an
as its root (=topmost) element.Meaning: Sequence of a collection of command
line options, to
be compiled into GUI mask, online help method, parsing method, etc.
Document with an
as its root (=topmost) element.Meaning: List of multi-lingual translations.
For tpath, each document object is a collection of "Nodes".
Top-Level programm for distribution of code (as binary), plus documentation,
example(s) and sources.
Auxiliary data class to define the main operation parameters by a particular
instance of a particular application, realized as a subclass of
.Serializes a document given as a
w3c dom
(in some local
implementation) into a sequence of Sax events.Computes Dominator Forest.
Complex multi-lingual dialog for installing
"DEnS" = "Documentation, Examples and Sources"
on the local machine.
Provides static methods for more complex drawings.
Central class for all meta-information.
Umod main model class: Model for w3c xml
dtds, written in umod, cf.
Central class for all meta-information.
Central class for all meta-information.
Central class for all meta-information.
(Ancillary class for generating pretty-print format objects).
Ancillary class providing Paisley compound patterns.
Decoder for umod's own XML serialisation.
Encoder for umod's own XML serialisation.
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.
Visitor generated by umod according to field selection #0.
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.
Visitor generated by umod according to field selection #0.
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.
(Ancillary class as basis for all visitors).
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.
Visitor generated by umod according to field selection #0.
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.
Visitor generated by umod according to field selection #0.
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.
Visitor generated by umod according to field selection #0.
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.
Simple dtd to d2d2 module converter, returns an instantiated Module
or null in case of error.
Umod main model class: Evaluated/semantic
version of a DTD.
(Ancillary class for generating pretty-print format objects).
Ancillary class providing Paisley compound patterns.
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.
(Ancillary class as basis for all visitors).
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.
Visitor generated by umod according to field selection #0.
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.
Visitor generated by umod according to field selection #0.
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.
Visitor generated by umod according to field selection #0.
Visitor generated by umod according to field selection #0.
Visitor generated by umod according to field selection #0.
Serializes the model instance into a sequence of SAX events.
Serializes the model instance into a sequence of SAX events.
Serializes the model instance into a sequence of SAX events.
Serializes the model instance into a sequence of SAX events.
An enumeration type which comprises all items from a set of underlying enumeration types.
Wrapper for one single data item added to the enumeration.
The product of multiple DynamicEnum realized as one DynamicEnum of tuples.
Interpreter for generating formats from the format description language
An abstract base class for reflection-based type case
An abstract base class for reflection-based type case
An abstract base class for reflection-based type case
Models the four regular-expression operators which are frequently used
in extended Backus–Naur forms.
Common superclass for all Element classes in this tdom model.
Common superclass for all Element classes in this tdom model.
Common superclass for all Element classes in this tdom model.
Common superclass for all Element classes in this tdom model.
(#PCDATA | a:bold | a:ital | a:ulin | a:blink | a:strikeout | a:scaps | a:hh | a:larger | a:smaller | a:indexlo | a:indexhi | a:spanstyle | a:src | a:verbatimXml | a:nl | a:ldots | a:label | a:ref | a:pers | a:opus | a:persop | a:emph | a:xemph | a:xlang | a:treeInclude | a:link | a:cite | a:image)*
(#PCDATA | a:kind | a:bold | a:ital | a:ulin | a:blink | a:strikeout | a:scaps | a:hh | a:larger | a:smaller | a:indexlo | a:indexhi | a:spanstyle | a:src | a:verbatimXml | a:nl | a:ldots | a:label | a:ref | a:pers | a:opus | a:persop | a:emph | a:xemph | a:xlang | a:treeInclude | a:link | a:cite | a:image | a:list | a:table | a:footnote | a:footnotemark | a:footnotetext | a:p)*
(#PCDATA | a:kind | a:bold | a:ital | a:ulin | a:blink | a:strikeout | a:scaps | a:hh | a:larger | a:smaller | a:indexlo | a:indexhi | a:spanstyle | a:src | a:verbatimXml | a:nl | a:ldots | a:label | a:ref | a:pers | a:opus | a:persop | a:emph | a:xemph | a:xlang | a:treeInclude | a:link | a:cite | a:image | a:list | a:table | a:footnote | a:footnotemark | a:footnotetext | a:p)*
(a:image_file, (a:image_alt)?, (a:image_width)?, (a:image_height)?, (a:image_align)?, (a:image_showLabel)?)
((a:listSymbol)?, (a:listStartnum | a:listContinues)?, (a:label)?, (a:listitem)+)
.Realizes the content model
(a:listStartnum | a:listContinues)?
which is the 1st choice clause in the enclosing content model, realized
by Element_a_list
.Realizes te content model
which is the 1st alternative in the enclosing choice, realized by
.Realizes te content model
which is the 2nd alternative in the enclosing choice, realized by
(#PCDATA | a:bold | a:ital | a:ulin | a:blink | a:strikeout | a:scaps | a:hh | a:larger | a:smaller | a:indexlo | a:indexhi | a:spanstyle | a:src | a:verbatimXml | a:nl | a:ldots | a:label | a:ref | a:pers | a:opus | a:persop | a:emph | a:xemph | a:xlang | a:treeInclude | a:link | a:cite | a:image | a:list | a:table | a:footnote | a:footnotemark | a:footnotetext | a:p)*
(#PCDATA | a:kind | a:bold | a:ital | a:ulin | a:blink | a:strikeout | a:scaps | a:hh | a:larger | a:smaller | a:indexlo | a:indexhi | a:spanstyle | a:src | a:verbatimXml | a:nl | a:ldots | a:label | a:ref | a:pers | a:opus | a:persop | a:emph | a:xemph | a:xlang | a:treeInclude | a:link | a:cite | a:image | a:list | a:table | a:footnote | a:footnotemark | a:footnotetext)*
(#PCDATA | a:hh)*
(#PCDATA | a:label | a:treeInclude)*
(#PCDATA | a:tdCls | a:bold | a:ital | a:ulin | a:blink | a:strikeout | a:scaps | a:hh | a:larger | a:smaller | a:indexlo | a:indexhi | a:spanstyle | a:src | a:verbatimXml | a:nl | a:ldots | a:label | a:ref | a:pers | a:opus | a:persop | a:emph | a:xemph | a:xlang | a:treeInclude | a:link | a:cite | a:image | a:list | a:table | a:footnote | a:footnotemark | a:footnotetext | a:p)*
(#PCDATA | a:bold | a:ital | a:ulin | a:blink | a:strikeout | a:scaps | a:hh | a:larger | a:smaller | a:indexlo | a:indexhi | a:spanstyle | a:src | a:verbatimXml | a:nl | a:ldots | a:label | a:ref | a:pers | a:opus | a:persop | a:emph | a:xemph | a:xlang | a:treeInclude | a:cite | a:image)*
(#PCDATA | a:bold | a:ital | a:ulin | a:blink | a:strikeout | a:scaps | a:hh | a:larger | a:smaller | a:indexlo | a:indexhi | a:spanstyle | a:src | a:verbatimXml | a:nl | a:ldots | a:label | a:ref | a:pers | a:opus | a:persop | a:emph | a:xemph | a:xlang | a:treeInclude | a:link | a:cite | a:image | a:list | a:table | a:footnote | a:footnotemark | a:footnotetext | a:p)*
.Realizes the content model
((a:td)* | (a:th)*)
which is the 1st choice clause in the enclosing content model, realized
by Element_a_tr
.Realizes te content model
which is the 1st alternative in the enclosing choice, realized by
.Realizes te content model
which is the 2nd alternative in the enclosing choice, realized by
(#PCDATA | a:bold | a:ital | a:ulin | a:blink | a:strikeout | a:scaps | a:hh | a:larger | a:smaller | a:indexlo | a:indexhi | a:spanstyle | a:src | a:verbatimXml | a:nl | a:ldots | a:label | a:ref | a:pers | a:opus | a:persop | a:emph | a:xemph | a:xlang | a:treeInclude | a:link | a:cite | a:image)*
(#PCDATA | a:bold | a:ital | a:ulin | a:blink | a:strikeout | a:scaps | a:hh | a:larger | a:smaller | a:indexlo | a:indexhi | a:spanstyle | a:src | a:verbatimXml | a:nl | a:ldots | a:label | a:ref | a:pers | a:opus | a:persop | a:emph | a:xemph | a:xlang | a:treeInclude | a:link | a:cite | a:image)*
.Meaning: Conjuntive combination of two
conditions for enabling an option.
Realizes the content model
((testequal | testgreater | optarg | enumSetContains) | and | or | not)+
which is the 1st choice clause in the enclosing content model, realized
by Element_and
.Realizes te content model
(testequal | testgreater | optarg | enumSetContains)
which is the 1st alternative in the enclosing choice, realized by
.Realizes the content model
(testequal | testgreater | optarg | enumSetContains)
which is the 1st choice clause in the enclosing content model, realized
by Element_and.Choice_1_Alt_1
.Realizes te content model
which is the 1st alternative in the enclosing choice, realized by
.Realizes te content model
which is the 2nd alternative in the enclosing choice, realized by
.Realizes te content model
which is the 3rd alternative in the enclosing choice, realized by
.Realizes te content model
which is the 4th alternative in the enclosing choice, realized by
.Realizes te content model
which is the 2nd alternative in the enclosing choice, realized by
.Realizes te content model
which is the 3rd alternative in the enclosing choice, realized by
.Realizes te content model
which is the 4th alternative in the enclosing choice, realized by
.Meaning: Describes one boolean argument in an
option's list of argument types.
Meaning: Default value in case the option is
missing completely.
(#PCDATA | p | h1 | h2 | h3 | h4 | h5 | h6 | div | ul | ol | dl | pre | hr | blockquote | address | table | br | span | bdo | map | object | img | tt | i | b | big | small | em | strong | dfn | code | q | samp | kbd | var | cite | abbr | acronym | sub | sup | noscript | ins | del | script)*
.Meaning: Multi-Lingual text which separates
groups of options and appears in
a GUI screen mask, etc.
Meaning: mangled into a variable name which
gives access to the
corresponding graphic sub-object in the generated GUI class.
Meaning: Enabling condition which "un-greys"
the input fields of an option,
if fulfilled.
Realizes the content model
((testequal | testgreater | optarg | enumSetContains) | and | or | not)
which is the 1st choice clause in the enclosing content model, realized
by Element_condition
.Realizes te content model
(testequal | testgreater | optarg | enumSetContains)
which is the 1st alternative in the enclosing choice, realized by
.Realizes the content model
(testequal | testgreater | optarg | enumSetContains)
which is the 1st choice clause in the enclosing content model, realized
by Element_condition.Choice_1_Alt_1
.Realizes te content model
which is the 1st alternative in the enclosing choice, realized by
.Realizes te content model
which is the 2nd alternative in the enclosing choice, realized by
.Realizes te content model
which is the 3rd alternative in the enclosing choice, realized by
.Realizes te content model
which is the 4th alternative in the enclosing choice, realized by
.Realizes te content model
which is the 2nd alternative in the enclosing choice, realized by
.Realizes te content model
which is the 3rd alternative in the enclosing choice, realized by
.Realizes te content model
which is the 4th alternative in the enclosing choice, realized by
.Meaning: Constant to test against some current
option argument value,
for forming an enabling condition.
(#PCDATA | p | h1 | h2 | h3 | h4 | h5 | h6 | div | ul | ol | dl | pre | hr | blockquote | address | fieldset | table | form | a | br | span | bdo | map | object | img | tt | i | b | big | small | em | strong | dfn | code | q | samp | kbd | var | cite | abbr | acronym | sub | sup | input | select | textarea | label | button | noscript | ins | del | script)*
.Meaning: gives the sequence of default values
for a repetition group, is the
option is completely omitted.
(#PCDATA | p | h1 | h2 | h3 | h4 | h5 | h6 | div | ul | ol | dl | pre | hr | blockquote | address | fieldset | table | form | a | br | span | bdo | map | object | img | tt | i | b | big | small | em | strong | dfn | code | q | samp | kbd | var | cite | abbr | acronym | sub | sup | input | select | textarea | label | button | noscript | ins | del | script)*
(#PCDATA | a:kind | a:bold | a:ital | a:ulin | a:blink | a:strikeout | a:scaps | a:hh | a:larger | a:smaller | a:indexlo | a:indexhi | a:spanstyle | a:src | a:verbatimXml | a:nl | a:ldots | a:label | a:ref | a:pers | a:opus | a:persop | a:emph | a:xemph | a:xlang | a:treeInclude | a:link | a:cite | a:image | a:list | a:table | a:footnote | a:footnotemark | a:footnotetext | a:p | a:SRC)*
.Meaning: One description, in several
.Meaning: Only directories are valid values.
(#PCDATA | p | h1 | h2 | h3 | h4 | h5 | h6 | div | ul | ol | dl | pre | hr | blockquote | address | fieldset | table | form | a | br | span | bdo | map | object | img | tt | i | b | big | small | em | strong | dfn | code | q | samp | kbd | var | cite | abbr | acronym | sub | sup | input | select | textarea | label | button | noscript | ins | del | script)*
.Realizes the content model
(dt | dd)+
which is the 1st choice clause in the enclosing content model, realized
by Element_dl
.Realizes te content model
which is the 1st alternative in the enclosing choice, realized by
.Realizes te content model
which is the 2nd alternative in the enclosing choice, realized by
.Realizes the content model
(a:p | a:SRC)*
which is the 1st choice clause in the enclosing content model, realized
by Element_docmat
.Realizes te content model
which is the 1st alternative in the enclosing choice, realized by
.Realizes te content model
which is the 2nd alternative in the enclosing choice, realized by
.Realizes the content model
(issue | docmat | package)*
which is the 1st choice clause in the enclosing content model, realized
by Element_entries
.Realizes te content model
which is the 1st alternative in the enclosing choice, realized by
.Realizes te content model
which is the 2nd alternative in the enclosing choice, realized by
.Realizes te content model
which is the 3rd alternative in the enclosing choice, realized by
.Meaning: All translations of one key into
several languages.
Meaning: Key for retrieving the translation
Meaning: When set: the language for which
the attribute @key is
already a valid translation.
Meaning: Refers to an Enumeration as the type
of the value of an option's argument.
Meaning: The enumeration item which shall be
used as
default value, if the option is missing completely.
Meaning: The name of the enum, for
Meaning: An enumeration type which can be used
for several parameters of
several options.
Meaning: Used to refer to this enumeration
when defining the type
of option parameters.
Meaning: One position in an enumeration type
(represented by the enclosing
context element).
Meaning: Text as which this item is realized
in the generated code.
Meaning: Text as which this item appears to
the user, on the command line, in
a GUI, etc.
Meaning: Refers to an Enumeration as the base
type for a set type for
the value of an option's argument.
Meaning: The enumeration items which make
the set value be used as
default value, if the option is missing completely.
Meaning: The name of the enum, for
Meaning: Boolean value whether an enumeration
set contains a particular value.
Meaning: The argument of the option by its
(zero-based) position index.
Meaning: The option from which the current
argument value is taken.
Meaning: The enumeration item the set is
tested for.
(#PCDATA | legend | p | h1 | h2 | h3 | h4 | h5 | h6 | div | ul | ol | dl | pre | hr | blockquote | address | fieldset | table | form | a | br | span | bdo | map | object | img | tt | i | b | big | small | em | strong | dfn | code | q | samp | kbd | var | cite | abbr | acronym | sub | sup | input | select | textarea | label | button | noscript | ins | del | script)*
.Meaning: Describes one floating point argument
in an option's list of argument types.
Meaning: Default value in case the option is
missing completely.
Realizes te content model
which is the 1st alternative in the enclosing choice, realized by
.Realizes te content model
which is the 2nd alternative in the enclosing choice, realized by
.Realizes te content model
which is the 3rd alternative in the enclosing choice, realized by
.Realizes te content model
which is the 4th alternative in the enclosing choice, realized by
.Realizes te content model
which is the 5th alternative in the enclosing choice, realized by
.Realizes the content model
((title, (script | style | meta | link | object)*, (base, (script | style | meta | link | object)*)?) | (base, (script | style | meta | link | object)*, (title, (script | style | meta | link | object)*)))
which is the 2nd choice clause in the enclosing content model, realized
by Element_head
.Realizes te content model
which is the 1st alternative in the enclosing choice, realized by
.Realizes te content model
which is the 2nd alternative in the enclosing choice, realized by
.Realizes te content model
which is the 3rd alternative in the enclosing choice, realized by
.Realizes te content model
which is the 4th alternative in the enclosing choice, realized by
.Realizes te content model
which is the 5th alternative in the enclosing choice, realized by
.Realizes te content model
which is the 1st alternative in the enclosing choice, realized by
.Realizes te content model
which is the 2nd alternative in the enclosing choice, realized by
.Realizes te content model
which is the 3rd alternative in the enclosing choice, realized by
.Realizes te content model
which is the 4th alternative in the enclosing choice, realized by
.Realizes te content model
which is the 5th alternative in the enclosing choice, realized by
.Realizes te content model
which is the 1st alternative in the enclosing choice, realized by
.Realizes te content model
which is the 2nd alternative in the enclosing choice, realized by
.Realizes te content model
which is the 3rd alternative in the enclosing choice, realized by
.Realizes te content model
which is the 4th alternative in the enclosing choice, realized by
.Realizes te content model
which is the 5th alternative in the enclosing choice, realized by
.Realizes te content model
which is the 1st alternative in the enclosing choice, realized by
.Realizes te content model
which is the 2nd alternative in the enclosing choice, realized by
.Realizes te content model
which is the 3rd alternative in the enclosing choice, realized by
.Realizes te content model
which is the 4th alternative in the enclosing choice, realized by
.Realizes te content model
which is the 5th alternative in the enclosing choice, realized by
(#PCDATA | p | h1 | h2 | h3 | h4 | h5 | h6 | div | ul | ol | dl | pre | hr | blockquote | address | fieldset | table | form | a | br | span | bdo | map | object | img | tt | i | b | big | small | em | strong | dfn | code | q | samp | kbd | var | cite | abbr | acronym | sub | sup | input | select | textarea | label | button | noscript | ins | del | script)*
.Meaning: Describes one integer argument in an
option's list of argument types.
Meaning: Default value in case the option is
missing completely.
Meaning: marks options which are not
represented in a generated GUI mask,
like "suppress splash window"
marks options which only affect the way of presentation, but not the payload execution, like "suppress splash window".
marks options which only affect the way of presentation, but not the payload execution, like "suppress splash window".
Meaning: Central data object to represent one
recognized issue.
(#PCDATA | p | h1 | h2 | h3 | h4 | h5 | h6 | div | ul | ol | dl | pre | hr | blockquote | address | fieldset | table | form | a | br | span | bdo | map | object | img | tt | i | b | big | small | em | strong | dfn | code | q | samp | kbd | var | cite | abbr | acronym | sub | sup | input | select | textarea | label | button | noscript | ins | del | script)*
.Realizes te content model
which is the 2nd alternative in the enclosing choice, realized by
.Meaning: Negation of a condition for enabling
an option.
Realizes the content model
((testequal | testgreater | optarg | enumSetContains) | and | or | not)
which is the 1st choice clause in the enclosing content model, realized
by Element_not
.Realizes te content model
(testequal | testgreater | optarg | enumSetContains)
which is the 1st alternative in the enclosing choice, realized by
.Realizes the content model
(testequal | testgreater | optarg | enumSetContains)
which is the 1st choice clause in the enclosing content model, realized
by Element_not.Choice_1_Alt_1
.Realizes te content model
which is the 1st alternative in the enclosing choice, realized by
.Realizes te content model
which is the 2nd alternative in the enclosing choice, realized by
.Realizes te content model
which is the 3rd alternative in the enclosing choice, realized by
.Realizes te content model
which is the 4th alternative in the enclosing choice, realized by
.Realizes te content model
which is the 2nd alternative in the enclosing choice, realized by
.Realizes te content model
which is the 3rd alternative in the enclosing choice, realized by
.Realizes te content model
which is the 4th alternative in the enclosing choice, realized by
.Realizes the content model
which is the 1st choice clause in the enclosing content model, realized
by Element_note
.Realizes te content model
which is the 1st alternative in the enclosing choice, realized by
.Realizes te content model
which is the 2nd alternative in the enclosing choice, realized by
.Realizes te content model
which is the 3rd alternative in the enclosing choice, realized by
.Realizes te content model
which is the 4th alternative in the enclosing choice, realized by
.Realizes te content model
which is the 5th alternative in the enclosing choice, realized by
.Realizes te content model
which is the 6th alternative in the enclosing choice, realized by
.Realizes the content model
(a:p | a:SRC)*
which is the 2nd choice clause in the enclosing content model, realized
by Element_note
.Realizes te content model
which is the 1st alternative in the enclosing choice, realized by
.Realizes te content model
which is the 2nd alternative in the enclosing choice, realized by
(#PCDATA | param | p | h1 | h2 | h3 | h4 | h5 | h6 | div | ul | ol | dl | pre | hr | blockquote | address | fieldset | table | form | a | br | span | bdo | map | object | img | tt | i | b | big | small | em | strong | dfn | code | q | samp | kbd | var | cite | abbr | acronym | sub | sup | input | select | textarea | label | button | noscript | ins | del | script)*
.Meaning: Reference to some option's current
argument value, to test it in an
enabling condition.
Meaning: The argument of the option by its
(zero-based) position index.
Meaning: The option from which the current
argument value is taken.
.Meaning: Definition of one particular option
as it appears on a command line,
in the GUI, etc.
Meaning: the short name, entered in the
commandline with one minus sign,
like "
".Meaning: the long name, entered in the
commandline with two minus signs,
like "
".Meaning: Says whether this option must be
present on the command line.
Meaning: Sequence of a collection of command
line options, to
be compiled into GUI mask, online help method, parsing method, etc.
Meaning: Whether reperated option arguments
may be continued
following some other option(s).
Meaning: Whether setter methods will be
for editing the value of an option instance.
Realizes the content model
(enumeration | option | comment)*
which is the 1st choice clause in the enclosing content model, realized
by Element_optionlist
.Realizes te content model
which is the 1st alternative in the enclosing choice, realized by
.Realizes te content model
which is the 2nd alternative in the enclosing choice, realized by
.Realizes te content model
which is the 3rd alternative in the enclosing choice, realized by
.Meaning: Disjuntive combination of two
conditions for enabling an option.
Realizes the content model
((testequal | testgreater | optarg | enumSetContains) | and | or | not)+
which is the 1st choice clause in the enclosing content model, realized
by Element_or
.Realizes te content model
(testequal | testgreater | optarg | enumSetContains)
which is the 1st alternative in the enclosing choice, realized by
.Realizes the content model
(testequal | testgreater | optarg | enumSetContains)
which is the 1st choice clause in the enclosing content model, realized
by Element_or.Choice_1_Alt_1
.Realizes te content model
which is the 1st alternative in the enclosing choice, realized by
.Realizes te content model
which is the 2nd alternative in the enclosing choice, realized by
.Realizes te content model
which is the 3rd alternative in the enclosing choice, realized by
.Realizes te content model
which is the 4th alternative in the enclosing choice, realized by
.Realizes te content model
which is the 2nd alternative in the enclosing choice, realized by
.Realizes te content model
which is the 3rd alternative in the enclosing choice, realized by
.Realizes te content model
which is the 4th alternative in the enclosing choice, realized by
.Realizes the content model
(issue | docmat)*
which is the 1st choice clause in the enclosing content model, realized
by Element_package
.Realizes te content model
which is the 1st alternative in the enclosing choice, realized by
.Realizes te content model
which is the 2nd alternative in the enclosing choice, realized by
.Meaning: The text to be printed as a header
line in the "usage()" function.
.Meaning: Describes one rational number
argument in an option's list of argument types.
.Meaning: Describes a sequence of value types
in an option's list of argument types which
can appear more than once.
Meaning: Whether the empty sequence is a
valid input ("star", not "plus").
Realizes te content model
which is the 1st alternative in the enclosing choice, realized by
.Realizes te content model
which is the 2nd alternative in the enclosing choice, realized by
.Realizes te content model
which is the 3rd alternative in the enclosing choice, realized by
.Realizes te content model
which is the 4th alternative in the enclosing choice, realized by
.Realizes te content model
which is the 5th alternative in the enclosing choice, realized by
.Realizes te content model
which is the 6th alternative in the enclosing choice, realized by
.Realizes te content model
which is the 7th alternative in the enclosing choice, realized by
.Realizes te content model
which is the 8th alternative in the enclosing choice, realized by
.Realizes the content model
(optgroup | option)+
which is the 1st choice clause in the enclosing content model, realized
by Element_select
.Realizes te content model
which is the 1st alternative in the enclosing choice, realized by
.Realizes te content model
which is the 2nd alternative in the enclosing choice, realized by
.Realizes te content model
which is the 1st alternative in the enclosing choice, realized by
.Realizes te content model
which is the 2nd alternative in the enclosing choice, realized by
.Realizes te content model
which is the 3rd alternative in the enclosing choice, realized by
.Realizes te content model
which is the 4th alternative in the enclosing choice, realized by
.Realizes te content model
which is the 5th alternative in the enclosing choice, realized by
.Realizes te content model
which is the 6th alternative in the enclosing choice, realized by
.Realizes te content model
which is the 7th alternative in the enclosing choice, realized by
.Realizes te content model
which is the 8th alternative in the enclosing choice, realized by
.Meaning: Describes one string value argument
in an option's list of argument types.
Meaning: Default value in case the option is
missing completely.
.Realizes the content model
((col)* | (colgroup)*)
which is the 1st choice clause in the enclosing content model, realized
by Element_table
.Realizes te content model
which is the 1st alternative in the enclosing choice, realized by
.Realizes te content model
which is the 2nd alternative in the enclosing choice, realized by
.Realizes the content model
((tbody)+ | (tr)+)
which is the 2nd choice clause in the enclosing content model, realized
by Element_table
.Realizes te content model
which is the 1st alternative in the enclosing choice, realized by
.Realizes te content model
which is the 2nd alternative in the enclosing choice, realized by
(#PCDATA | p | h1 | h2 | h3 | h4 | h5 | h6 | div | ul | ol | dl | pre | hr | blockquote | address | fieldset | table | form | a | br | span | bdo | map | object | img | tt | i | b | big | small | em | strong | dfn | code | q | samp | kbd | var | cite | abbr | acronym | sub | sup | input | select | textarea | label | button | noscript | ins | del | script)*
.Meaning: Enabling condition whether both
arguments have the same numric value.
Realizes the content model
(constant | optarg)
which is the 1st choice clause in the enclosing content model, realized
by Element_testequal
.Realizes te content model
which is the 1st alternative in the enclosing choice, realized by
.Realizes te content model
which is the 2nd alternative in the enclosing choice, realized by
.Realizes the content model
(constant | optarg)
which is the 2nd choice clause in the enclosing content model, realized
by Element_testequal
.Realizes te content model
which is the 1st alternative in the enclosing choice, realized by
.Realizes te content model
which is the 2nd alternative in the enclosing choice, realized by
.Realizes the content model
(constant | optarg)
which is the 1st choice clause in the enclosing content model, realized
by Element_testgreater
.Realizes te content model
which is the 1st alternative in the enclosing choice, realized by
.Realizes te content model
which is the 2nd alternative in the enclosing choice, realized by
.Realizes the content model
(constant | optarg)
which is the 2nd choice clause in the enclosing content model, realized
by Element_testgreater
.Realizes te content model
which is the 1st alternative in the enclosing choice, realized by
.Realizes te content model
which is the 2nd alternative in the enclosing choice, realized by
.Meaning: Translation into one particular
Meaning: One translation into one particular
Meaning: Language of this translation.
(#PCDATA | p | h1 | h2 | h3 | h4 | h5 | h6 | div | ul | ol | dl | pre | hr | blockquote | address | fieldset | table | form | a | br | span | bdo | map | object | img | tt | i | b | big | small | em | strong | dfn | code | q | samp | kbd | var | cite | abbr | acronym | sub | sup | input | select | textarea | label | button | noscript | ins | del | script)*
.Realizes the content model
(th | td)+
which is the 1st choice clause in the enclosing content model, realized
by Element_tr
.Realizes te content model
which is the 1st alternative in the enclosing choice, realized by
.Realizes te content model
which is the 2nd alternative in the enclosing choice, realized by
.Meaning: List of multi-lingual translations.
Meaning: Sequence of the types of all
arguments of a particular option .
Realizes te content model
which is the 1st alternative in the enclosing choice, realized by
.Realizes te content model
which is the 2nd alternative in the enclosing choice, realized by
.Realizes te content model
which is the 3rd alternative in the enclosing choice, realized by
.Realizes te content model
which is the 4th alternative in the enclosing choice, realized by
.Realizes te content model
which is the 5th alternative in the enclosing choice, realized by
.Realizes te content model
which is the 6th alternative in the enclosing choice, realized by
.Realizes te content model
which is the 7th alternative in the enclosing choice, realized by
.Realizes te content model
which is the 8th alternative in the enclosing choice, realized by
.Meaning: Describes one uri value argument in
an option's list of argument types.
Meaning: Default value in case the option is
missing completely.
Realizes the content model
(dirOnly | notDir)?
which is the 1st choice clause in the enclosing content model, realized
by Element_uri
.Realizes te content model
which is the 1st alternative in the enclosing choice, realized by
.Realizes te content model
which is the 2nd alternative in the enclosing choice, realized by
.Meaning: One single default value.
.Meaning: The file or directory must be
Common wrapper class for the contents of all Elements with a content
model of "
Behaves as a simplified version of its superclass.
only." Behaves as a simplified version of its superclass.
Common wrapper class for the contents of all Elements with a content
model of "
Behaves as a simplified version of its superclass.
only." Behaves as a simplified version of its superclass.
Common wrapper class for the contents of all Elements with a content
model of "
Behaves as a simplified version of its superclass.
only." Behaves as a simplified version of its superclass.
Common wrapper class for the contents of all Elements with a content
model of "
Behaves as a simplified version of its superclass.
only." Behaves as a simplified version of its superclass.
Realizes a map from String values to Elements.
Maintains for one given
an index from element names into
s.Contains basic information for one particular element and the methods
for generating the different constructors, parsers and top-level inquiry methods.
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.
CHECK: Uses direct and inherited aggregation in parallel ? (=inherited and overwritten
Classifies DTD entities wrt
by attempts
to parse their content against different start
symbols using a TunedDTDParser
.Models the different roles (/syntactic positions) and combinations thereof,
the expansion text of a "parameter entity" can be compatible with.
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.
Base class for all generated classes which realize an Attribute with an
"enumeration type", like
Indicates that a generated attribute has a generated enumeration as its value.
Wraps an enumeration class to get all the access methods to the enums values, as
defined by
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.
Library of constants and combinators for classes implementing
.Container annotation for
annotations.Indicates that a class may depend on the values of OS-level environment
Finite partial equivalence relations modulo equals, implemented as
union-find trees.
Trivial implementation of
which throws
away all events.Realizes the run-time implementation for the semantic actions inserted
by xantlr
into any generated parser.
Sends all caught exceptions to an
that is an error listener of the built-in Java XML infrastructure.Sends all caught exceptions which occur when invoking the
callbacks of a ContentHandler to a SAX
.Translates a simple table representation into control data
for maven and gnu make.
Indicates that an explicit
or failed ASSERT
operation has been encountered during processing.Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.
instead.Function for constructing binary AST nodes for operators.
Collection of methods for easy programmatic creation of a umod model description.
A convenience wrapper for the different combinations of boolean attributes
of visitor definitions.
Static methods checking the absence/presence of files, to be used
by an application level user interface.
Static methods checking the absence/presence of files, to be used
by an application level user interface.
Subclass which uses a File for input.
Static methods for file name analysis and manipulation.
Creates a javax swing JTree object which represents
the structure of a given sub-tree in a file system.
Applies visitor style pattern to file system trees.
Abstract base class for patterns that match only a subset of the
target type.
Sets up constants in each
, which cache
structural properties of the syntax for later parsing.Utility class to deliver flag icons for a particular language.
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.
which suppresses all top-level elementes
which are not from the xslt namespace.A post processor which applied to a parsed result element eliminates this completely from
the output result.
(1) Base class for all kinds of format objects and (2) their factory class.
Placeholder for data annotations.
Prints contained sub-formats always horizontally adjacent.
Prints its sub-formats vertically aligned one beneath the other.
Prints all sub-formats directly adjacent, even if they are multi-line.
Prints all sub-formats in the same line as long as possible, and starts a new
line for every sub-format which would (probably) exceeded the page width.
Variable identified by an index number, resolved by un-named arguments
by counting their positions.
Arranges all sub-formats with leading asterisks, like a javadoc comment.
The base class for all formats which combine (= "contain") sub-formats.
Realizes a map of bindings for a collection of
and Format.FreeVariable
s.Needed eg for case distinctions, when one alternative shall produce nothing.
Central Visitor for formatted printing.
Variable identified by a alphanumeric name which can be
bound explicitly.
Prints all sub-formats in the same horizional line if this is possible within
the page width, otherwise it prints all sub-formats in one vertical line.
Printed literally to the output.
Printed literally to the output, but not included in width calculation.
Base class for Visitor and Rewriter.
Prints a format discarding all formatting.
This format prints the "parens" format, if it is (directly or indirectly)
contained in a Prior Format with a higher priority 'level" (numerically larger
priority code).
General purpose Rewriter
Causes horizontal space (of variable width) when in the middle of a line,
or one single blank line (independent of its width) when in vertical stack.
Realizes one(1) line of a table, and prints sub-formats starting in the column
indicated by the value of their
.Common base class for
and Format.BoundVariable
General purpose Visitor
Implementations have the capability to represent objects in a
human-readable, pretty-printable way.
Implementations have the capability to produce pretty-printing
format objects.
Service switch for bootstrapping,
The metajava code which generates Java sources needs the TDom model
as a carrier for the formatting rules.
A proxy provider that delegates creation of format objects to some
other provider.
A map-like store for formats with serialized resource backing store and
on-demand computation.
Collection of static factory and transformation methods for Formats.
This class contains only static factories for pretty-printable
representations of collections.
Container for fundamental static Format patterns, used by the
metajava source code generators.
A proxy provider that adds convenience methods for producing
format objects.
Implementor offers to be converted to a
instead.Implementation which allows only one domain element per range elment,
equivalent to a simple map.
A function with zero arguments.
A function with three arguments.
A function with four arguments.
A function with five arguments.
A function with six arguments.
A function with seven arguments.
A function with eight arguments.
Infra-Structure for defining xpath functions, built-in as well as extensions.
Library of constants and combinators for classes implementing
.Realizes the collection of overloaded signatures for one single
xpath function name (NamespaceName).
Indicates that the source file containing the annotated entity has been
generated automatically.
etc.Base class for different compilers which generate format-generating java
realizing the code generation for the common constructs
of the
format description language.
A swing frame for driving a parameter input pane (currently used for
and NOT YET for a GUI created by the option compiler.Monoid generated by a given set.
Semigroup generated by a given set.
Provides static methods for geometrical calculations
Loads a zip archive from a (http) URL and unzips the files into the local file system.
This interface represents a graph or a family of graphs.
Utility class.
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.
Base class for GUI code generated by
.A wrapper class which prints a string in a very tiny font, for putting it on a "JButton".
Generated source of a graphical user interface (GUI) for command line processing.
Generated source of a graphical user interface (GUI) for command line processing.
An index where the look-up by number is accelerated by hashing.
An Implementation where both directions of look-up are realized by hashing.
Implementation for domains with no default order,
is not applicable.DOCME
Immutable map with heterogeneously typed entries.
The class of map keys.
Indicates that the annotated element should not be visible in the API doc to the
using programmer.
A runtime class for
Filter for streams of
s, which additionally
compies the memoized information across discarded token.Signals the case that one(1) particular ID string value is related to two(2) different
Collects some references and creates an interactive HTML documentation.
Consumes input from an Inputstream and stores it in
key/value pairs, as long as no empty line is found.
Implements an Attribute of "
" type, which holds as its
value a single id value.Indicates the presence of an ID attribute.
Common superclass of several exceptions related to unconsistent usage of id values.
Implements an Attribute of "
" type, which holds as its
value a single id value.Implements an Attribute of "
" type, which holds as its
value a list of id values.Is thrown when a feature or variant is not yet implemented but foreseen.
Indicates that an anttribute has been declared as
.Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.
Creates a two-diemnsional clickable visualisation of a rooted directed graph.
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.
Is thrown at a point in the control flow which can never be reached,
according to the intended semantics and conditions.
Auxiliary class for
, which expands entities by
inserting their expansion text directly into the delivered character stream.An index is a totally ordered finite collection, the
generalization of an enum type.
Optimized Implementation using bit sets for both directions.
Implements a set over an index type optimally, by using bit sets.
Fundamental configuration data and static methods used ubiquituously.
Subinterface which provides an initial state, on which the very first call to
Consumer.consume(D, T)
can be executed.Subinterface which provides an initial state, on which the very first call to
can be executed.Library of constants and combinators for classes implementing
.Utitlity class which transforms an xhtml model:
It replaces the references to external js/css files
by their contents.
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.
Generated source for command line processing.
Store a reference to an object that may be created at runtime or
serialized as a resource.
Marks interactive tests.
Pointed intervals of integers.
Abstract type with realizes an interval of a value type by lower and upper bound.
Qualitative location relationships between two intervals.
One of three kinds a function can be invertible.
Library of constants and combinators for classes implementing
.Library of combinators for classes implementing
.An iterator which allows arbitrary deep look-ahead for an underlying iterator.
Visitor which performs the method
for the first element of an Iterable; afterwards the methodIterators.Pairwise.pairwise(Object,Object)
for each pair of adjacent elements, and at last the method Iterators.Pairwise.last(Object)
.Visitor which performs the method
for triples of adjacent elements of an Iterable.Collect only those run-time classes which are reachable
from one or more main classes, to create a compact binary distribution.
Generated source for command line processing.
Contains parsing rules for selected definitions which appear
ubiquituously in Java-like computer languages.
Container for fundamental static Format patterns, used by the
metajava source code generators.
Class which filters interactive, future, and currently-under-development
Generated source for command line processing.
Realizing a mathematical lattice.
Library of constants for classes implementing
.Base class for layout algorithms which try to place visual representations
of graph nodes automatically into a grid of rows and columns.
A grid layouter which tries a most compact arrangements of nodes,
ruled by generations.
Wrapper class for a pattern that is to be created on demand.
Implementation which may calculate its elements on demand.
Library of constants and combinators for classes implementing
.Lexical analyzer that maps code point sources to token sources.
Container class for static audiliary routines.
Library of combinators for classes implementing
.Used for creating a collection of formats from a collection
of things, writing an expression in a pure functional style.
Library of constants and combinators for classes implementing
.A store for format literals.
Umod main model class: Abstract Syntax of
(Ancillary class for generating pretty-print format objects).
Ancillary class providing Paisley compound patterns.
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.
Common superclass for all machine word types.
Syntactic expression defining an
method.Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.
Syntactic expression specifying an annotation.
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.
Abstract base class of the various kinds of values
annotation element–value pairs.
Abstract object for dynamic creation of fresh ad-hoc
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.
Syntactic expression denoting an array access.
An array of annotation values.
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.
Syntactic expression denoting an array type.
Abstract base class of nodes that can carry bytecode
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.
A sequential container for statements.
Syntactic expression denoting a
literal.Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.
Syntactic expression denoting a
case.Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.
Syntactic expression denoting a
literal.Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.
Definition of a class.
A class literal.
Syntactic expression denoting a class literal.
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.
Syntactic expression referring to a class.
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.
Syntactic expression denoting a class type.
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.
Specification of a code interval as the scope of a
variable or
exception handler.
Syntactic expression defining the body of a method
by code.
Specification of a code point as a jump target.
Symbolic constants for the JVM branch conditions,
all represented
uniformly in LLJava by the
instruction.A primitive constant or
literal.Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.
Abstract base class of constant pool entries.
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.
Syntactic expression defining the body of a method
by an annotation default value.
Syntactic expression specifying a dimension of an
array type.
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.
Syntactic expression denoting a
literal.Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.
Syntactic expression denoting a dynamic value.
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.
An enum constant.
Specification of an exception handler table entry.
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.
Name given in source code.
Definition of a field.
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.
Syntactic expression denoting a field reference.
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.
Syntactic expression denoting a
literal.Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.
Syntactic expression denoting a labeled code
interval by name.
Syntactic expression denoting a labeled code point
by name.
Symbolic constants for the bytecode behaviors for
method handles.
Syntactic expression denoting an exception handler
for a
instruction.Simple identifier for packages, classes, fields,
parameters, etc.
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.
Synthethic name, not given in source code.
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.
Syntactic expression denoting the full extent of an
defined inline.
Syntactic expression denoting the entry point of a
defined inline.
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.
Abstract base class of all instructions.
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.
Syntactic expression denoting an
literal.Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.
Syntactic expression denoting a variant of the
instruction family.Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.
A label statement.
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.
Syntactic expression denoting a primitive or
literal.Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.
Abstract base class of representations of everything
that can
be loaded onto the operand stack using the
instruction.Abstract base class of representations of everything
that can
be loaded onto the operand stack.
Definition of a local variable.
Definition of a local class.
Syntactic expression denoting a
literal.Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.
Specification of a lower
(This definition has been created by UMod from the source at SYSTEM "LLJava.umod":322.1-325.16, see this pretty print.)
(@{code super}) type bound.
(This definition has been created by UMod from the source at SYSTEM "LLJava.umod":322.1-325.16, see this pretty print.)
(@{code super}) type bound.
(Ancillary class as basis for all visitors).
Abstract base class of fields and methods.
Syntactic expression denoting the name of a field or
with dynamic owner.
Abstract base class for field and method names.
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.
Abstract base class of field and method references.
Syntactic expression denoting the name of a field or
with static owner.
Definition of a method.
Specification of the body of a method.
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.
Syntactic expression denoting a method handle.
Abstract base class of instructions that may be
reified as
method handle targets.
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.
Syntactic expression denoting a method reference.
Syntactic expression denoting a formal parameter for
a method
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.
Syntactic expression denoting a method type.
Abstract base class of nodes that can carry
annotations and modifiers.
Symbolic constants for all bit flags used to denote
access permissions
to and properties of classes, fields and methods.
Abstract base class of syntactic expressions
modifiers or annotations.
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.
Visitor generated by umod according to field selection #0.
Local name for parameters, local variables or
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.
A nested annotation.
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.
Topmost class for everything in a classfile which is
possibly related to
some source text.
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.
Syntactic expression denoting a
value.Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.
Specification of a formal parameter of a method.
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.
Syntactic expression denoting a primitive type.
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.
Qualified identifier for packages, classes, fields
Syntactic expression denoting a reference type.
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.
Method return type.
Specification of the result of a function.
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.
Syntactic expression specifying the return type of a
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.
Syntactic expression specifying a modifier.
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.
Syntactic expression denoting an anonymous variable
slot reference.
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.
Abstract base class of all statements.
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.
Abstract base class of representations of everything
that can
be both loaded onto and stored off the operand stack.
Symbolic constants for the ways the JVM may invoke a
all represented uniformly in LLJava by the
instruction.Syntactic expression denoting a
literal.Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.
Syntactic expression denoting a
reference.Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.
Specification of a type parameter value.
Specification of a type bound.
Syntactic expression denoting a type.
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.
Specification of a formal type parameter of a class
or method.
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.
Specification of an upper
(This definition has been created by UMod from the source at SYSTEM "LLJava.umod":314.1-320.16, see this pretty print.)
(@{code extends}) type bound.
(This definition has been created by UMod from the source at SYSTEM "LLJava.umod":314.1-320.16, see this pretty print.)
(@{code extends}) type bound.
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.
Syntactic expression denoting a local variable
Visitor generated by umod according to field selection #0.
Method return type
.Syntactic expression specifying a function as void.
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.
Syntactic expression denoting a wildcard type.
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.
Hand-written Ramus-based lexer for LLJava.
Immutable LLJava tokens.
Enumeration of LLJava token types.
Anything wich delivers a
asked for it by calling Locatable.getLocation()
A reference to document parts.
The third sub-class, representing regions with gaps, or even in
different documents.
A secondary code point source that tracks location information.
Facility to translate
s.A secondary Reader that tracks location information.
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.
Abstract base class for token processors that filter out certain
Abstract base class for secondary token sources that feed on other
token sources.
A supplier of tokens with internal lookahead buffer.
An algorithm for finding all loops in a method code array.
D2d comand line tool, by static method
.Command line tool for checking and excuting one single xslt transformations
from file to file, internally: a w3c model into a tdom model.
COPIED from d2d2/base/MainGui, which is a modified copy from book2.
Resolves all relative hrefs in Element_a, Element_area and Element_link
against one given prefix.
Requires "Map" operations and strictness of the left side.
Requires "Map" operations and strictness of the right side.
Generic implementation using maps of sets in both directions.
Used for creating a collection of formats from a collection
of map entries, writing an expression in a pure functional style.
Implements a map by delegation to some peer object from a
predefined java runtime class.
putting null as a value (not a key) must also be prevented on the folloing chain:
CheckedMap -> entrySet() -> CheckedMapEntrySet -> iterator() ->
CheckedMapEntryIterator -> next() -> CheckedMapEntry
Visitor generated by umod according to field selection #0.
(Ancillary class as basis for all visitors).
(Ancillary class as basis for all visitors).
Visitor generated by umod according to field selection #0.
Basic scanner for d2d text recognition, working on and returning
objects.Categories of the character data immediately follwoing an open tag.
Non-overlapping Categories of the recognized tokens.
Any memString is either one pointer (i.e.
The data storage underlying every
Abstract base class of the metatools message architecture.
Fundamental enum type for categorization of all
objects.A sub-class of
which lets the drain's receive method
run asynchronouously in a separate thread.Executes some code (given explicitly as argument) and sends
the first exception caught to its message drain.
Counts all received messages, per kind, in total, and per
Auxiliary class which concretizes
in so far
it calculates a set of enum values for every message it receives, and then
calls the PrimitiveMessageDemux.receive(Enum,Message)
method for all these.Trivial instantiation of
which propagates each
message to all receivers in the map, as it has been constructed
by PrimitiveMessageDemux.setReceiver(Enum,MessageReceiver)
which sorts messages by their kind.Pop-up dialog mapping for displaying messages of certain
.Does nothing with every message it receives.
Wraps any kind of message to send it as an exception.
Interprets the
values as arguments to string
formatting and calls String.format(String,Object...)
.A filter which propagates only those messages the
of which is currently in the selection.A filter which sends messages only to its sink if their
level value is equal to or below a given threshold.
A filter which propagates only those messages which lie in certain
areas of locations.
A message receiver which receives a message of one type,
and propagates the result of applying a function to this message, which
may be of different type.
Simply passes every message it receives to a single target.
Prints textual representations of all received messages to an
output stream.
Specialization of
with addtional features.Everything which can receive a message.
Multi-lingual translations catalog, generated from XML source.
Common local superclass for different phases of processing; provides
methods to send to a
and the Trace
control.Storage for a sequence of
s with dynamic sorting, graphic
interfaces and propagation facilities.Common superclass for the two kinds of message storage,
.Storage for a sequence of
s in order of their arrival.A filter which strips off all exceptions, or at least the stack traces,
for a slimmer appearance of print-outs.
Can accept messages from many different parallel threads.
Re-sends the message received sequentially to a multitude of
current drains.
The identical message object is sent to all receivers, so in most use cases it should be treated read-only by subsequent processing in the drains.
The identical message object is sent to all receivers, so in most use cases it should be treated read-only by subsequent processing in the drains.
"Throws" each message it receives after wrapping it into a
.Translates the text of the message and all embedded sub-structures.
Supertype of all entities that can appear in an
import static
statement.Supertype of all class members that can appear in an
import static
statement.The common base class of all models generated by the
the option compiler,
as implemented in
.Thrown if option appears more than once.
Thrown if the type of an argument menas to end a repetition group.
Thrown if argument is needed, but end of line reached.
Thrown if end of line reached when new positional option could start.
Thrown if "skip to next option" error recovery reaches end of input.
Thrown if option name / abbrev is unknown.
Thrown if argument is of wrong type.
An adapter which escapes blanks contained in an opt arg by a backslash.
An adapter which encloses empty string values or string values containing double
double quotes or blanks in double quotes, The contained double quotes are escaped
by backslashes.
Adapter for different shell behaviour when passing options by command line.
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.
Resolves module names to
objects.Extends a semigroup to a monoid by providing a neutral element.
Models the "operation" of a Monoid on some carrier set.
Library of constants and combinators for classes implementing
represents a multi-lingual identifier or text.A class representing the result of calls to
and sim.Needed for the contents of the option arguments JPanel.
A finite set of pairs.
Requires "Multimap" operations and strictness of the left side.
Requires "Multimap" operations and strictness of the right side.
Library of constants and combinators for classes implementing
.Utility class for hash code generation for aggregates of Objects.
Structure similar to a set, but every element can be contained more than once.
Library of constants and combinators for classes implementing
.Abstract base class for patterns that delegate transformed targets
to a subpattern.
Holds the contents of one future result element, as long as it is incomplete
and the tdom element can not yet be constructed.
The static info, how often a MixedContentContainer must be evaluated.
on all contained character data.Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.
Converts name space related information: (a) prefix mapping commands into
pseudo-attributes, and (b) uri/localname sax events into qName sax events.
which propagates all SAX events
but changes "start prefix mapping" and the corresponding
"end prefix mapping" iff HOMONMYS (=re-uses of prefices) are detected.Models the special "equals()" behaviour of xml identifiers with namespace
prefix semantics.
Maintains a map from
to String
and reads different file formats.Invents new prefices for new NSUris and inserts the prefix mapping events.
Nondeterministic finite-state labeled automaton.
Auxiliary static methods for model navigation and inquiry.
Worker for updating the local attribute cache.
Expand all character set expressions from the d2d definition language to
an extensional representation as
.Replaces hard every referring identifier which is local to some
declared object by the normalized identifier, as valid on module level.
Visits all definitions and their defined expressions which are reachable
from given start points.
A secondary Reader that supplies one single newline at the
end of the file, if there is none.
Base class for all generated classes which realize an Attribute with an
" type.Implements an Attribute of "
" type, which holds as its
value a list of NMTOKEN tokens separated by blanks.Generated on 2025-02-13_07h33m30
by program bandm model generator(, version 0.17
command line =
by program bandm model generator(, version 0.17
command line =
java --getterfunctions true $(HOME)/metatools/src Node.umod
(Ancillary class for generating pretty-print format objects).
Decoder for umod's own XML serialisation.
Encoder for umod's own XML serialisation.
(Ancillary class as basis for all visitors).
Needs a
, currently only for DocumentClient.stringValue(Object)
.Common superclass for most Templates.
Class without instances, can be used as type parameter for locations
which do not define a document identifier.
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.
Utility class to get natural-language representation of numeric values.
Prints textual representations of all receiv1ed messages to an
output stream.
Indicates that the value
may appear.Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.
Generated source for command line processing.
Generated source for command line processing.
Generated source for command line processing.
Generated source for command line processing.
Generated source for command line processing.
Generated source for command line processing.
Generated source for command line processing.
This enum type indicates: Select very different
operation modes of this tool.
This enum type indicates: Switch on/off different
trace outputs individually.
Generated source of a graphical user interface (GUI) for command line processing.
Pipes every printed line (on its completion) into one "log" message sent to
the message
.Tdom central data model for a generated package.
Interface defining "Pair" operations, no strictness implied.
Requires "Pair" operations and strictness of the left side.
Requires "Pair" operations and strictness of the right side.
Processor for parameter substitution in character streams.
A named parameter object.
A parameter value, containing either a substitution text or an error.
Generated source for command line processing.
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.
Combinatorial nondeterministic parser building blocks.
Parser for tpath expressions, based on
bandm Lexic
and Ramus-runtime
.Abstract interface of immutable parser input states.
Immutable parser transition outputs.
Enumeration of local pragmatic modifiers of parsing behavior.
Hand-written Ramus parser for d2d definition files.
Distributes documentation text to definitions in the current module,
descending into local definitions when required.
is eventually to be called with args
and three additional inputs.Encoding of the target language parse automaton as states and relations.
Rewriter which gives object identity to element references in content models.
Derived from DTM.Singleton, for imposing object identity.
Abstract base class of all patterns.
Patterns for messages.
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.
Indicates that PCData can be visited.
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.
Decodes key/value pairs, as they occur in http connections, and stores
them to a map.
The class from which all post processing classes must be derived.
instead.Library of constants and combinators for classes implementing
.A map which allows fast access to pre-images of every element in the range.
Represent a submessage of a message or a negative result of a test.
Immutable prime factor combinations as representation of Rationals, thus with
positive or negative exponents.
Auxiliary class administrating an enumeration type and a map from
this type to optional
s.Static factory methods for creating patterns for primitive types
and basic objects.
Print writer which flushes the unerlying output stream after each print.
Prints only the n first characters and igores the rest.
Signals to a caller that the number of characters to print is reached.
A value delivery from a stateful class.
Tracks the progress of a hierarchical task.
Access point for project context information.
Abstract interface corresponding to a mutable field.
Container annotation for
annotations.Indicates that a class depends on Java-level system properties.
Base class for patterns that contain one subpattern of the same target type.
Rational numbers with unbounded precision.
A cache for a given comparator, probably expensive to execute.
Subclass which uses a Reader for input.
Constructive pairs of syntax and semantic interpretation.
Function for constructing binary AST nodes for operators.
Reduces a d2d definition text file ("ddf") given as a tdom
into an umod Module
and its
sub-structures (= contained sub-modules and definitions).Framework factories for procedural AST construction.
umod.g reserved words (like "TOPLEVEL") are excluded from being used as class identifiers ONLY by the umod.g lexer (via
umod.g reserved words (like "TOPLEVEL") are excluded from being used as class identifiers ONLY by the umod.g lexer (via
IDENT_UPPER options { testLiterals = true ; }
.Indicates that the creation of an AST node has been aborted
deliberately due to semantic errors in the input.
Abstract base of all AST node-constructor functional interfaces.
Functional interface for AST node constructors with one parsed argument.
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.
Static factory methods for creating patterns for runtime type
Realizes a visitor which is driven by the concrete contents of a
certain instance of a umod model.
The currently visited object is stored in
The currently visited object is stored in
the XXXDeprecated.
better use
directly.Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.
Auxiliary methods and auxiliary application for dealing with "resources" in the
Java sense = non-class files in a class-file tree.
Class for selecting from built-in resources.
Container annotation for
annotations.Indicates that a class may depend on resources at runtime.
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.
Convenience class for accessing all data which depends
on the target DTD and is required for xslt parsing and execution.
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.
One of three kinds a function can be invertible.
Generic, immutable, reverse single-linked lists.
Visitor generated by umod according to field selection #2.
Umod main model class: This is a model for the
results of d2d text parsing.
Generated on 2025-02-13_07h34m39
by program bandm model generator(, version 0.17
command line =
by program bandm model generator(, version 0.17
command line =
java --visitordebug false --xmlgen true --getterfunctions true --visitoroptimize false --monolithic true $(HOME)/metatools/src Rt.umod
(Ancillary class for generating pretty-print format objects).
Decoder for umod's own XML serialisation.
Encoder for umod's own XML serialisation.
Visitor generated by umod according to field selection #0.
(Ancillary class as basis for all visitors).
Visitor generated by umod according to field selection #0.
A set implementation for real-time application.
A set implementation for real-time application.
Solver for propositional formulas in conjunctive normal form.
Disjunction of literals.
Conjunction of clauses.
Optionally negated propositional variable.
De-Serializes a document given by a sequence of SAX calls
into a static
w3c dom
(in some local implementation, accessed via the JAXP architecture).Facade for conveniently creating sequences of SAX events, more likely
to be well-formed.
which dumps all sax events for debugging purpose.Runtime class for an xantlr generated parser which maps the
AST-representing events onto SAX events.
This class operates as a dynamic storage for SAX events.
Storage for re-ified SAX events supporting look-ahead.
Raised by calls which expect definitely a certain tag.
Catches all exxeptions which occur when the call-back methods are invoked
and sends them to some listener object.
Replaces all
SAX calls by an intercepting Locator
which re-maps location info according to the LocationMap
,Applies additional syntax checks before passing on the SAX messages.
Token processor to recognize context-dependent token types.
Abstract base class for patterns that delegate matching
dynamically to a number of alternative subpatterns.
One of three kinds a function can be invertible.
Base class for all generated classes which realize an Attribute with a type
which is defined as a disjunction of integer values, like
Represents a preference list of languages, to control translation
for a GUI, or sim.
Can subscribe for the change in a
.Models the behaviour of a mathematical semigroup, namely to calculate an element
of the carrier type from two given elements.
Is needed by xslt implementation to find the correct constructor.
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.
Maps an input file name to an output file name according to a
very simple pattern rule inspired by "patsubst" from "make".
Trivial implementation.
A minimal selection of message data which is useful in practice.
Passes all incoming messages to its drain, after applying the
given location map.
Log message with not more informative content than "I am still alive".
Most simple implementation of a
.Simple immutable token implementation.
Visitor generated by umod according to field selection #0.
Visitor generated by umod according to field selection #0.
Common superclass of all which send messages to one single drain.
A list of map entries, which has a second comparator for the keys of the contained
A list which maintains all its elements in the order supplied by the given comparator.
Multimap for both sides of which sorting orders / comparators are defined.
Organizes a collection of places where to look for resources (=input files).
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.
Library of constants and combinators for special functions.
A sequence of ascending non-overlapping, non-adjacent locations,
maintained seperately for each document id.
Embedded domain-specific language for matching of stack frames.
Prints the current stack state to a terminal, highlighting current
position and possible continuations, for error diagnosis in interactive
use cases.
Simply prints expressions, inserting parentheses by priority.
Single-use tool to find all sub-expressions of the current content model which
are allowed to enter as next input in the current parsing situation.
Is thrown to signal the end of the search for possible input tags in a
sequence state.
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.
Initial fill of the source file tree for a new application project
based on metatools and gnu make.
Select kind of folder skeleton.
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.
Immutable semantic parsing state for AST construction.
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.
Calculation of a value based on a current inner state.
Library of constants and combinators for classes implementing
.Collects and analyses references between elements, attlists and entities.
Utility class of static methods for frequently needed operations on
stream/reades/writers etc.
Converts all characters read to lower or to upper.
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.
Static factory methods for creating patterns for strings and
regular expressions.
Utility class for string manipulation.
Annotation applied to some "main" package, which must be compiled
by javac together in the same javac run with some "subpackages".
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.
Leaf node class of the parsing search-tree monad.
Shows the generated umod model as a swing tree.
Worker for transparently executing code which accesses
swing resources.
Makes a swing "tree" gui representation for a graph of Java objects.
A one-line display for messages to be included in a Swing based GUI.
Multi-line rendering for message text.
Collection of small static utility functions.
Distributes tool tip text to all sub-components.
Execute background process in a Swing context on a dedicated thread.
Signals the case that one(1) particular Element shall be identified by two(2)
different ID string values.
Calculates and paints an extended regex as graphic.
instead!Intended to be overwritten in anonymous subclasses.
Maps exprssion objects to graphic araes.
An instance of this must be plugged into a
for customized representation of references.Represents the result of a layout sub-process
as a TeX-like box model with three length values.
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.
Runtime class for formatting visitors, thrown out of an expression
on the left side of a "?" operator, iff the right side shall be
taken instead.
Collection of static methods which realize the different d2d conversion tasks.
Keeps the results of extracting one particular xslt program.
Entry point for
, which supports command line options.Application to translate a
format description for elements of a tdom model into
format-generating code.
Signals that, when initializing a model instance,
the treatment of one particular attribute does not fulfill the definitions
for the currently parsed element, as defined by the DTD.
Signals that, when initializing or updating a model instance, it is tried to assign
a value to an attribute, which differs from that value which is declared
by the DTD.Signals that, when initializing a model instance,
the value assigned to one particular attribute does not match the syntax
defined by the DTD.
Intended to match tdom element constructor calls as arguments for
exception handler strategies.
Signals that, when initializing or updating a model instance,
the value assigned to one particular attribute does not match the syntax
defined by the DTD.
Signals that, when initializing a model instance,
an attempt is made to assign a value to an undefined attribute.
Signals that, when initializing a model instance,
a sequence of elements is not long enough w.r.t. the content
model defined for the currently parsed element.
Signals that, when initializing a model instance,
a sequence of elements or nodes does not match the content
model defined for the currently parsed element.
Signals that, when initializing a model instance,
a violation of the document type format occured, as it is defined by the DTD.
Glueing code for creating a
model from some textual representation.Signals that, when initializing a model instance,
something went wrong with the underlying XML stream.
Delivers SAX events and SAX error messages to multiple targets.
Stores and organizes template codes and retrieves the best fitting for a
given element.
Represents one single xslt source file, w/o further context info.
Caches xslt source files, e.g.
Stores error messages and (OPT) the result object of the parsing process.
Access to the current terminal info, as provided by the Operating system.
Base class with convenience methods for JUnit tests.
Base class with convenience methods for JUnit tests.
Parse a d2d text input into xml nodes.
Configuration object for the different ways of reacting to input errors.
Kind of the text to parse.
Realizes the parsing state on lower=character level.
Central class for incremental dialog with the user, with protocolling.
Parser for the header of a d2d text input file.
Marks tests which are not yet passed, but on the todo list.
Generate from a collection of lablog entries an interactive HTML
States of an Issue.
Abstract interface of lexical tokens.
Abstract base class for token processors that filter out certain
Syntactic fragment as building block for a token rule.
Singleton type indicating successful matching.
Abstract base class for secondary token sources that feed on other
token sources.
Associates a token type with a syntax fragment.
A set of token rules together with a precendence relation between
token types.
A specialized supplier of tokens.
Collection of diverse transformations, normalizations and
automated documentation on
s.Entry point for
, which supports command
line options.Generated source of a graphical user interface (GUI) for command line processing.
Generated source for command line processing.
Source generated from a command line options specification.
Source generated from a command line options specification.
This class imposes an order on the nodes of a graph.
Umod main model class: model author's documentation MISSING.
(Ancillary class for generating pretty-print format objects).
Ancillary class providing Paisley compound patterns.
Decoder for umod's own XML serialisation.
Encoder for umod's own XML serialisation.
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.
Visitor generated by umod according to field selection #0.
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.
(Ancillary class as basis for all visitors).
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.
Visitor generated by umod according to field selection #0.
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.
Visitor generated by umod according to field selection #0.
Maintains a cache for parsing and analyzing xpath/tpath expressions
in context of txsl.
Holds the results of parsing and analysis.
Statistic data on the sub-expressions of the top-level TPath.Union
This value is ONLY related to the current-node-(list)-context,
not to referred variables nor functions!
Control for showing/suppressing different kinds of trace messages.
Indicates that the implementor can process code point sequences
like an automaton.
A graphic object showing a traffic light in different phases.
The states of a
and of a
.Graphic indication of received messages.
Abstract base class for patterns that delegate transformed targets
to a subpattern.
Represents one complete xslt program, which processes any xml
input (for which a tpath interpreter exists), and delivers a bandm tdom result of a
given type (or just plain text, in case of non-xml mode).
Parameters to modify the execution of a
objects, ie top-level xslt source files for one
particular backend.Stores error messages and (OPT) the result object of the parsing process.
Multi-lingual translations catalog, generated from XML source.
Multi-lingual translations catalog, generated from XML source.
Multi-lingual translations catalog, generated from XML source.
Multi-lingual translations catalog, generated from XML source.
Implementation for sorted domains,
not applicable.Implementation of optimized prefix retrieval data structures.
Realizes alebraic operation on Tries.
Immutable data, each instance represents one cell (inner node or leaf) of
the whole Trie.
Runtime class which realizes the "
" construct, called from
generated, format generating code.Parser skeleton for explicit lexical decoding and recursive descent
("hand-coded") parsing of idiosyncratic grammars.
Auxiliary class which realizes a character set by the
characteristic predicate.
Auxiliary class which realizes a character set by a
.Parser skeleton which defines the most important character set constants
for XML parsing.
Parser implementation, optimized for treating the idiosyncratics
of the w3c xml dtd specification.
Implementation of a tuple with zero components.
Implementation of a tuple with two components.
Implementation of a tuple with three components.
Implementation of a tuple with four components.
Library of methods operating on the different tuple classes.
A mathematical tuple, maybe with zero components.
A mathematical tuple with at least one component.
A mathematical tuple with at least two components.
A mathematical tuple with at least three components.
A mathematical tuple with at least four components.
Generated on 2025-02-13_07h33m28
by program bandm model generator(, version 0.17
command line =
by program bandm model generator(, version 0.17
command line =
java --getterfunctions true $(HOME)/metatools/src Type.umod
(Ancillary class for generating pretty-print format objects).
Decoder for umod's own XML serialisation.
Encoder for umod's own XML serialisation.
(Ancillary class as basis for all visitors).
Visitor generated by umod according to field selection #0.
ATTENTION: Typecheck itself NOT YET used, BUT collectAttributes.
Common base class for all attributes from some DTD.
Auxiliary class to signal in a type signature of a constructor that it is
called locally by another constructor which will handle attributes afterwards.
Auxiliary class to signal in a type signature that no
can be thrown.Is an extraction of all Attribute-related code, only for readability.
Base class for all model classes which represent a choice in a content model.
Realizes comments in a tdom model instance.
Fundamental base class for all Elements which can serve as a "document element"
/ "root element".
Top-level class for converting a DTD into a collection of Java sources.
Steps through the DTD and processes all PIs which have a tdom namespace declaration.
Functional type to make the call of
switchable.Collect the processing instructions for private/public classification of elements.
Common superclass for generated subclasses called "
", one
for each tdom generated model.Reflection information for a "synthetic" element in the generated code,
caused by a "
<?tdom abstract ..>
" directive in the underlying DTD.Reflection information for one particular Attribute definition from the DTD.
Container for all different kinds of reflection info objects.
Reflection information for one particular Element definition from the DTD.
Reflection information which indicates one(1) particular Java class,
which has been generated to implement one(1) particular concept.
Reflection information which indicates one(1) particular Java class,
generated to implement one(1) particular concept which carries a
Base class for all generated classes which model "mixed contents" or
"unmixed contents".
Implemented by all Element types which include PCDATA and other elements.
Implemented by all Element types which include PCDATA.
Content class in case that only PCData is contained, can be reused between models
and instances.
Common superclass for free floating, ubiquituous and syntactically unconstrained
model components, namels comments and processing instructions.
Gives access to the
(Comments and PIs)
which follow the open tag and precede the close tag of an Element,
or stand at the begin and end of a document.Base class for the generated "
" class.FIXME ????
Fundamental superclass for all classes which implement tdom components.
Listener interface which may be registered with the tdom generated parsing code
and will be called after each successful parsing step.
Represents a piece of contiguous PCData in a model instance.
Realizes "PIs" = Processing Instructions in a tdom model instance.
Common superclass for the first class and syntactically constrained model components,
namely Elements and PCData.
Delivers text to explain compound UMod types, with UMod source level type constructors,
javadoc-style links to the generated classes, and additional strictness comments.
Central class for relating umod type definitions to Java type constructs.
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.
Generates SAX events in name-space mode.
Adapter to use bandm xpath (and thus txsl) with internal d2d udom objects.
Generate a d2d definition module from a
umod model definition.
Pretty printer for UMod.
Collection of methods for generating visitor code.
Abstract base class for patterns that contain one subpattern.
Implements "CoPair" operations, not guaranteeing any strictness.
Implements "Pair" operations, but no strictness.
Indicates that the annotated element should have documentation, but has none.
A class with no information content.
Technically needed: The type of a lazy list which has already been forced
to evaluate all elements.
A wrapper to protect the contents of an instance of Multimap.
Protects the contents of a multi set.
A converter from metajava models to Java TDOM.
Visits a tdom Element or Document class in a uniform way, e.g.
Common superclass for user documentation, instantiated or uninstantiated.
Create Xhtml documentation of a
, as produced by
Create Xhtml documentation of an unresolved "raw"
.Analyse and manipulate the data compoments in run-time d2d parsing.
Collection of frequently used xhtml construction utilities,
plus frequently used HTTP response generation methods.
Small helper functions and data.
Class of pattern variables.
Umod main model class: Auxiliary data
structures for the verification and type checking.
(Ancillary class for generating pretty-print format objects).
Ancillary class providing Paisley compound patterns.
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.
(Ancillary class as basis for all visitors).
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.
Marks all generated classes which are reachable by the generated Visitor class.
Super class for all user defined visitor code.
Super class for all user defined visitor code.
Super class for all user defined visitor code.
Super class for all user defined visitor code.
Copy-and-edit "boilerplate" source for user defined visitor code.
Copy-and-edit "boilerplate" source for user defined visitor code.
Copy-and-edit "boilerplate" source for user defined visitor code.
Copy-and-edit "boilerplate" source for user defined visitor code.
Supplies escape codes for modifying the appearance of subsequent text
on a "VT-100" terminal, which is a widely used standard.
A Sax filter which recognizes character data as "ignorable white space",
according to a dtd, and feeds them into
ContentHandler.ignorableWhitespace(char[], int, int)
.Marks tests which are currently under debugging.
FlowLayout subclass that fully supports wrapping of components.
Skips all whitespace-only textnodes in xslt elements (except xsl:text).
Base class for all parsers generated by xantlr,
see user doc.
Xalan has a severe bug: surrogate code elements(= two consecutive 16bit words
= two adjacent Java chars) are encoded separately as character references, when
serializing to a utf8 stream.
Contains parsing rules for selected definitions from the
XML 1.0 specification.
Configures tag strings, attribute names and value stubs for
xml writers and readers.
Realizes a pair of identifiers ("system" and "public") as often
required to identify an XML document.
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.
Aux class for parsing and formatting numbers according to the
xsl:Element_number conversion parameters, see [XSLT 1.0:7.7.1].
Instantiates the generic d2d xslt module definition for some particular
target doctype.
Zero-overhead automaton that is identical to the behavior of its
own initial state.
(Ancillary class for generating pretty-print format objects).
(Ancillary class for generating pretty-print format objects).
Ancillary class providing Paisley compound patterns.
Ancillary class providing Paisley compound patterns.
Decoder for umod's own XML serialisation.
Encoder for umod's own XML serialisation.