Class Parser<D>

Type Parameters:
D - Document type identifier

public class Parser<D> extends Object
Parser for tpath expressions, based on bandm Lexic and Ramus-runtime. The syntax implemented here does differ slightly from the proposal in [XPath 1.0] and is as follows:
 abbreviatedStep ::= selfStep | parentStep  

 separator ::= slash | doubleSlash

 abbreviatedAxisSpecifier ::= @ | [emptyString]
 explicitAxisSpecifier ::= ("ancestor" | "ancestorOrSelf" | ...), "::"
 axisSpecifier ::= explicitAxisSpecifier | abbreviatedAxisSpecifier

 nodeTest ::= nameTest | testComment| testText | testNode | testPI |
              testNodeUri | testElement
 explicitStep ::= axisSpecifier, nodetest, predicate*
 step ::= explicitStep | abbreviatedStep   

 relativeStep ::= separator, step
 f_relativeLocationPath ::= step, relativeStep*
 relativeLocationPath ::= f_relativeLocationPath
 absoluteLocationPath ::= separator, f_relativeLocationPath
 locationPath ::= absoluteLocationPath | relativeLocationPath

 ( abbreviatedRelativeLocationPath and abbreviatedAbsoluteLocationPath 
   are already realized by allowing everywhere the separator "//".)