Class D2d


@Generated(generator="", version="", timestamp="2025-03-02_11h59m18") public class D2d extends Object
Umod main model class:
This is the internal model for the d2d text type definitions. Its instances are mostly defined by .ddf files. They contain regular expressions of elements, context free grammars of characters, parameters for the XML representation. More info may be attached in future, e.g. editor modes. There is a smaller umod model which represents the parsing results and realizes the run time stack etc., see rt
(This definition has been created by UMod from the source at SYSTEM "D2d.umod":1.1-296.5, see this pretty print.)

Generated on 2025-03-02_11h59m18
by program bandm model generator(, version 0.17
command line =
java --visitordebug true --xmlgen true --getterfunctions true --monolithic false --patterns true $(HOME)/metatools/src D2d.umod
Cf. the pretty-printed UMod source text.

  • Method Details

    • toFormat

      public static Format toFormat(Object e0)
      Yields a pretty-print format for arbitrary objects.
      e0 - the object to render.
    • toFormat

      public static Format toFormat(Object e0, Integer mode)
      Yields a pretty-print format for arbitrary objects.
      e0 - the object to render.
      mode - an integer mode selector read by the $switch$mode.. construct in format definitions. This allows small variants in the generated pretty-print.