Interface Identifiable

All Known Implementing Classes:
Element_a, Element_abbr, Element_acronym, Element_address, Element_area, Element_b, Element_base, Element_bdo, Element_big, Element_blockquote, Element_body, Element_br, Element_button, Element_caption, Element_cite, Element_code, Element_col, Element_colgroup, Element_dd, Element_del, Element_dfn, Element_div, Element_dl, Element_dt, Element_em, Element_fieldset, Element_form, Element_h1, Element_h2, Element_h3, Element_h4, Element_h5, Element_h6, Element_head, Element_hr, Element_html, Element_i, Element_img, Element_input, Element_ins, Element_kbd, Element_label, Element_legend, Element_li, Element_link, Element_map, Element_meta, Element_noscript, Element_object, Element_ol, Element_optgroup, Element_option, Element_p, Element_param, Element_pre, Element_q, Element_samp, Element_script, Element_select, Element_small, Element_span, Element_strong, Element_style, Element_sub, Element_sup, Element_table, Element_tbody, Element_td, Element_textarea, Element_tfoot, Element_th, Element_thead, Element_title, Element_tr, Element_tt, Element_ul, Element_var

public interface Identifiable
Indicates the presence of an ID attribute.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Returns the current value of the attribute of ID type.
    Returns the only attribute of ID type.
  • Method Details

    • getId

      String getId()
      Returns the current value of the attribute of ID type.
      the current value of the attribute of ID type, or null, if this is not set.
    • getIdAttribute

      IdAttribute getIdAttribute()
      Returns the only attribute of ID type.
      the only attribute of ID type.