Interface SortedMultimap<A,B>
- All Superinterfaces:
,B> Collection<Map.Entry<A,
,B>> Iterable<Map.Entry<A,
,B>> Multimap<A,
,B> SequencedCollection<Map.Entry<A,
,B>> SequencedSet<Map.Entry<A,
,B>> Set<Map.Entry<A,
,B>> SortedSet<Map.Entry<A,
Multimap for both sides of which sorting orders / comparators are defined.
Since Multimaps are (among others) sets of map-entries, these sets will be
also sorted sets.
Method Summary
Methods inherited from interface java.util.function.BiPredicate
and, negate, or, test
Methods inherited from interface java.util.Collection
parallelStream, removeIf, stream, toArray
Methods inherited from interface
add, contains, containsUnchecked, domain, image, imageAll, imageAllUnchecked, imageMap, imageUnchecked, preimage, preimageAll, preimageAllUnchecked, preimageMap, preimageUnchecked, range, remove, removeAllDomain, removeAllDomainUnchecked, removeAllRange, removeAllRangeUnchecked, removeDomain, removeDomainUnchecked, removeRange, removeRangeUnchecked, removeUnchecked, retainAllDomain, retainAllDomainUnchecked, retainAllRange, retainAllRangeUnchecked
Methods inherited from interface java.util.Set
add, addAll, clear, contains, containsAll, equals, hashCode, isEmpty, iterator, remove, removeAll, retainAll, size, toArray, toArray
Methods inherited from interface java.util.SortedSet
addFirst, addLast, comparator, first, getFirst, getLast, headSet, last, removeFirst, removeLast, reversed, spliterator, subSet, tailSet
Method Details
Comparator<? super A> domainComparator() -
Comparator<? super B> rangeComparator()