Types for fundamental mathematical structures, plus libraries of respective
constants and operators.
ClassDescriptionGeneric implementation for
, when a generalInvertibleFunction.invert(R)
is given.A generic implementation which ..AbstractMultimap<A,B> Top level of the generic implementations ofMultimap
.AbstractPreimageMap<A,B> Generic implementation DOCMEArrayIndex<T>Sorted list of instances of T for indexed representation, realized internally by an array.ArraySortedEntryList<A,B> DOCMEImplementation of a sorted list by an underlying array.BinFunction<D1,D2, R> BisectionEntrySet<A,B> DOCMEBisectionMap<A,B> DOCMEBisectionSet<A>DOCMECharMap<V>Consumer<D,S> A parametrized action on a stateful class.Library of constants and combinators for classes implementingConsumer
.CoTuple<A,B, C, D> Class realizing a "tagged union" of two(2) to four(4) different cases.DynamicEnum<T>An enumeration type which comprises all items from a set of underlying enumeration types.Wrapper for one single data item added to the enumeration.The product of multiple DynamicEnum realized as one DynamicEnum of tuples.Models the four regular-expression operators which are frequently used in extended Backus–Naur forms.Wraps an enumeration class to get all the access methods to the enums values, as defined byIndex
Finite partial equivalence relations modulo equals, implemented as union-find trees.ForwardMultimap<A,B> Implementation which allows only one domain element per range elment, equivalent to a simple map.Function0<R>A function with zero arguments.Function2<D0,D1, R> GenMonoid<A,M> Monoid generated by a given set.GenSemigroup<A,M> Semigroup generated by a given set.HashIndex<T>An index where the look-up by number is accelerated by hashing.HashMultimap<A,B> An Implementation where both directions of look-up are realized by hashing.HashMultiset<A>Implementation for domains with no default order, whereTreeMultiset
is not applicable.HashPreimageMap<A,B> DOCMEImmutable map with heterogeneously typed entries.The class of map keys.Index<T>An index is a totally ordered finite collection, the generalization of an enum type.IndexCounter<T>DOCMEIndexMap<K,V> DOCMEIndexMultimap<A,B> Optimized Implementation using bit sets for both directions.IndexSet<T>Implements a set over an index type optimally, by using bit sets.InitConsumer<D,S> Subinterface which provides an initial state, on which the very first call toConsumer.consume(D, T)
can be executed.InitProducer<R,S> Subinterface which provides an initial state, on which the very first call toProducer.produce(S)
can be executed.Library of constants and combinators for classes implementingInitProducer
.Interval<B>Abstract type with realizes an interval of a value type by lower and upper bound.InvertibleFunction<D,R> One of three kinds a function can be invertible.Lattice<A>Realizing a mathematical lattice.Library of constants for classes implementingLattice
.LazyList<A>Implementation which may calculate its elements on demand.Library of constants and combinators for classes implementingLazyList
.MapMultimap<A,B> Generic implementation using maps of sets in both directions.Monoid<M>Extends a semigroup to a monoid by providing a neutral element.MonoidAction<M,S> Models the "operation" of a Monoid on some carrier set.Library of constants and combinators for classes implementingMonoid
.Multimap<A,B> A finite set of pairs.Library of constants and combinators for classes implementingMultimap
.Utility class for hash code generation for aggregates of Objects.Multiset<A>Structure similar to a set, but every element can be contained more than once.Library of constants and combinators for classes implementingMultiset
.Pair<L,R> Deprecated.Deprecated.PairSink<A,B> Deprecated.Predicate<D>Deprecated.PreimageMap<A,B> A map which allows fast access to pre-images of every element in the range.Immutable prime factor combinations as representation of Rationals, thus with positive or negative exponents.Producer<R,S> A value delivery from a stateful class.Rational numbers with unbounded precision.A cache for a given comparator, probably expensive to execute.DOCMERelation<D,R> Deprecated.better useBiPredicate
directly.RetractableFunction<D,R> One of three kinds a function can be invertible.RtArraySet<D>A set implementation for real-time application.RtArraySet2<D>A set implementation for real-time application.SectionableFunction<D,R> One of three kinds a function can be invertible.Semigroup<M>Models the behaviour of a mathematical semigroup, namely to calculate an element of the carrier type from two given elements.SetIndex<T>DOCMESink<A>SortedEntryList<A,B> A list of map entries, which has a second comparator for the keys of the contained entries.SortedList<A>A list which maintains all its elements in the order supplied by the given comparator.SortedMultimap<A,B> Multimap for both sides of which sorting orders / comparators are defined.Library of constants and combinators for special functions.Stateful<S,A> Calculation of a value based on a current inner state.Library of constants and combinators for classes implementingStateful
.TreeMultiset<A>Implementation for sorted domains, whereTreeMultiset
not applicable.Implementation of optimized prefix retrieval data structures.Trie.Automaton<K,V> Realizes alebraic operation on Tries.Trie.Functor<K extends Comparable<? super K>>Immutable data, each instance represents one cell (inner node or leaf) of the whole Trie.Implementation of a tuple with zero components.Tuple2<A0,A1> Implementation of a tuple with two components.Tuple2.ListBuilder<B,C> Tuple3<A0,A1, A2> Implementation of a tuple with three components.Tuple4<A0,A1, A2, A3> Implementation of a tuple with four components.Library of methods operating on the different tuple classes.A mathematical tuple, maybe with zero components.Tuploid1<A0>A mathematical tuple with at least one component.Tuploid2<A0,A1> A mathematical tuple with at least two components.Tuploid3<A0,A1, A2> A mathematical tuple with at least three components.Tuploid4<A0,A1, A2, A3> A mathematical tuple with at least four components.UnlazyList<A>Technically needed: The type of a lazy list which has already been forced to evaluate all elements.UnmodifiableMultimap<A,B> A wrapper to protect the contents of an instance of Multimap.Protects the contents of a multi set.