Interface PostProcessor

All Known Implementing Classes:
Calendaric, Forget

public interface PostProcessor
The class from which all post processing classes must be derived.
  • Field Details


      static final String METHOD_NAME
      A method with this name must be provided by all post processing classes. The process(ResultingStructure) method of a certain postProc-class is called for all elements which are declared
          with ... postproc  <pathToPostProcClass>, ...
      Post processing is a functional transformation: ResultingStructure is passed as an argument, and the same (modified) structure or a newly created (with the same or a different tag) is returned as result. The calling code will integrate this result in the overall result structure. If null is returned, then the pre-processed element is totally dropped from the generated output.
      See Also:
  • Method Details

    • process

      Process the argument which is the result of a recent d2d text parsing. The same (modified) structure or a newly created (with the same or a different tag) is returned as result. The calling code will integrate this result in the overall result structure. If null is returned, then the pre-processed element is totally dropped from the generated output.
    • readString

      @Opt static @Opt String readString(ResultingStructure udom, String tag)
      Auxiliary function to read the current string content of a sub-udom with the given tag, in the given udom. ASSUME a flat structure of ONE hierarchy level and only ONE(1) non-blank char data (possibly preceded by some whitespace) ie.:
            ResultingStructure udom
            |         |            |
            ResultingStructure     |
            (t1)     tag          (t3)
            |         |            |
    • readInt

      static Integer readInt(ResultingStructure udom, String tag)
      Auxiliary function to read the given tag content as an integer value.
    • readLong

      static Long readLong(ResultingStructure udom, String tag)
      Auxiliary function to read the given tag content as a "long" value.
    • removeAll

      static void removeAll(ResultingStructure udom, Definition tag)
      Auxiliary function to remove all resulting sub-structures with the given tag.