Class Navigate


public final class Navigate extends Object
Auxiliary static methods for model navigation and inquiry.
  • Field Details

    • isPublicRegExp

      public static final Predicate<Definition> isPublicRegExp
      Returns whether a definition is of reg exp type (tags or chars) and has been defined as "public".
    • locnull

      public static final Location<XMLDocumentIdentifier> locnull
      A null value of the given type.
    • makeRef

      protected static final Function<String,Reference> makeRef
      Delivers an unresolved reference expression which contains the given name.
  • Method Details

    • PP

      public static final void PP(String text, Object... args)
      Shortcut formatting a String with arguemnts.
    • getModule

      public static Module getModule(SourceItem si)
      Find the module which contains a given definition, or the argument itself, if it is a module.
      the module a definition or import item is contained in, or the argument itself, in case it is a module itself.

      (Must be public for "../postproc".)

    • getTopmostModule

      public static Module getTopmostModule(SourceItem si)
      the top-most static (source text level) module, a definition or import item is contained in, or the argument itself, in case it is a top-level module itself.
    • getAllModules

      public static List<Module> getAllModules(SourceItem si)
      Delivers the ascending list of containing modules.
    • isLocalModule

      public static boolean isLocalModule(Module mod)
      whether the module has been defined in the prefix of a text document file as a local module.
    • qname

      public static String qname(SourceItem si)
      Return the qualified name which represents nesting of local definitions up to (and excluding) the module level.
    • expandModulePath

      public static String expandModulePath(ImportItem item)
      Deliver the absolute path name for a module which is given by a reference to a module name from some nested scope. "childs" and "siblings" of the referring module are considered first. If none is found, the name is considered to be absolute.

      the expanded module name = path from top level module to module. This is additionally stored in the field "absolutePath" of the argument.
    • findImplicit

      @Opt public static @Opt Reference findImplicit(TagsRegExp def)
      Find the reference marked as #implicit, iff it is the first in a sequence (possibly length 1) on the top of the content model of the given regexp. This version can only be applied to a Definition in a ResolvedModule.
    • findImplicit

      @Opt public static @Opt Reference findImplicit(TagsRegExp def, boolean instantiated)
      Find the reference marked as #implicit, iff it is the first in a sequence (possibly length 1) on the top of the content model of the given regexp.
      instantiated - if appleid to a Definition in a ResolvedModule.
    • findXRegExp

      @Opt public static @Opt XRegExp findXRegExp(Module mod, String name)
      Looks for a XRegExp with the given name.
    • isEmptyXRegExp

      public static boolean isEmptyXRegExp(Definition def)
      Returns whether a definition is of reg exp type (tags or chars) and has empty contents.
    • extractSuffix

      public static String extractSuffix(String s)
      The part after the last Chars.STRING_NAMING_LEVEL_SEPARATOR = ".", or the whole String if none is contained.
    • findInDefinitions

      @Opt public static @Opt Definition findInDefinitions(Module mod, String name)
      Look for a definition in a module, including local defs.
    • findInDefinitions

      @Opt public static @Opt Definition findInDefinitions(Module mod, String[] names)
      Look for a definition in a module, including local defs.
    • reJoin

      public static String reJoin(String[] names)
      Recompose a compound identifier by joining it with Chars.STRING_NAMING_LEVEL_SEPARATOR = ".",
      names - a non-empty array of identifiers (in the sense of the grammar).
    • split

      public static String[] split(String name)
      Decompose a compound identifier by splitting it with Chars.STRING_NAMING_LEVEL_SEPARATOR = ".",
      name - a non-empty string
      a non-empty array of identifiers (in the sense of the d2d definition grammar).
    • allXRegExp

      public static Set<XRegExp> allXRegExp(Module mod)
      Delivers all definitons in the given module which are of reg exp type.
    • hasPublicXRegExp

      public static boolean hasPublicXRegExp(Module mod)
      Delivers whehter a given (raw) module has at least one public XRegExp.
    • allPublicXRegExp

      public static Set<XRegExp> allPublicXRegExp(Module mod)
      Delivers all definitons in the given module which are of reg exp type and and have been defined as "public".
    • coResolve

      public static Reference coResolve(Definition def)
      Delivers a resolved reference expression which points to the given definition.
    • insertedExpression

      public static Expression insertedExpression(Insertion ins)
      Delivers the expression which is meant to be inserted by an insertion expression which contains only one single (resolved) reference expression. That returned expression is the value of the referred definition. All insertions in a ResolvedModule are of this type (synthetic).
    • resolveInsertion

      public static Expression resolveInsertion(Expression exp)
      Returns the argument if it is not an insertion, otherwise the XRegExp referred to by its only content, a resolved reference. All insertions in a ResolvedModule are of this type (synthetic).
    • singleReference

      @Opt public static @Opt Reference singleReference(Insertion ins)
      Returns the only reference which is the argument of the insertion, otherwise null.
    • docuTargetsOfAllUsedTags

      public static final SortedSet<String> docuTargetsOfAllUsedTags(ResultingStructure data)
      Collects the docu entry keys which appear in all defintions which appear in a given document parse result.
    • printUdom

      public static void printUdom(Udom u)
      Dump the internal text parsing result object for debugging.
    • printUdom

      public static void printUdom(PrintStream p, Udom u)
      Dump the internal text parsing result object for debugging.
    • collectAttributes

      public static void collectAttributes(XRegExp host, MessageReceiver<SimpleMessage<XMLDocumentIdentifier>> msg)
      Every XRegExp has a local cache with definitions which are realized as attributes. It caches additionally their optionality. This function updates this cache, if necessary.
      IllegalArgumentException - when an attribute is under a "*" or "+".