Class Visitor

All Implemented Interfaces:
Direct Known Subclasses:
Compiler.Phase, Compiler.Phase_enum, Compiler.Phase_pre_enum, Dumper, VisitorTemplate

@Generated(generator="", version="", timestamp="2025-03-02_11h55m06") @Undocumented public class Visitor extends BaseVisitor implements PCDataVisitor
Super class for all user defined visitor code.
  • Constructor Details

    • Visitor

      public Visitor()
  • Method Details

    • visit

      public void visit(TypedPCData pcdata)
      Description copied from class: BaseVisitor
      To be overridden. This default implementation does nothing.
      Specified by:
      visit in interface PCDataVisitor
      visit in class BaseVisitor
    • visit

      public void visit(Visitable<? super Visitor> visitable)
    • visit

      @Undocumented public void visit(Element_constant element)
      Can be overridden by the user to define particular semantic operations. Will be called whenever the default model instance traversal (as implemented by the methods in this class) reaches such an element.
      This default implementation descends into the element by calling visit(..) in turn for all selected attributes (see BaseVisitor.validating) .
    • visit

      @Undocumented public void visit(Element_bool element)
      Can be overridden by the user to define particular semantic operations. Will be called whenever the default model instance traversal (as implemented by the methods in this class) reaches such an element.
      This default implementation descends into the element by calling visit(..) in turn for all selected attributes (see BaseVisitor.validating) .
    • visit

      @Undocumented public void visit(Element_string element)
      Can be overridden by the user to define particular semantic operations. Will be called whenever the default model instance traversal (as implemented by the methods in this class) reaches such an element.
      This default implementation descends into the element by calling visit(..) in turn for all selected attributes (see BaseVisitor.validating) .
    • visit

      @Undocumented public void visit(Element_enumitem element)
      Can be overridden by the user to define particular semantic operations. Will be called whenever the default model instance traversal (as implemented by the methods in this class) reaches such an element.
      This default implementation descends into the element by calling visit(..) in turn for all selected attributes (see BaseVisitor.validating) and for all components in its contents according to the content model.
    • visit

      @Undocumented public void visit(Element_optarg element)
      Can be overridden by the user to define particular semantic operations. Will be called whenever the default model instance traversal (as implemented by the methods in this class) reaches such an element.
      This default implementation descends into the element by calling visit(..) in turn for all selected attributes (see BaseVisitor.validating) .
    • visit

      @Undocumented public void visit(Element_type element)
      Can be overridden by the user to define particular semantic operations. Will be called whenever the default model instance traversal (as implemented by the methods in this class) reaches such an element.
      This default implementation descends into the element by calling visit(..) in turn for all components in its contents according to the content model.
    • visit

      @Undocumented public void visit(Element_float element)
      Can be overridden by the user to define particular semantic operations. Will be called whenever the default model instance traversal (as implemented by the methods in this class) reaches such an element.
      This default implementation descends into the element by calling visit(..) in turn for all selected attributes (see BaseVisitor.validating) .
    • visit

      @Undocumented public void visit(Element_writable element)
      Can be overridden by the user to define particular semantic operations. Will be called whenever the default model instance traversal (as implemented by the methods in this class) reaches such an element.
      This default implementation descends into the element by calling visit(..) in turn .
    • visit

      @Undocumented public void visit(Element_dirOnly element)
      Can be overridden by the user to define particular semantic operations. Will be called whenever the default model instance traversal (as implemented by the methods in this class) reaches such an element.
      This default implementation descends into the element by calling visit(..) in turn .
    • visit

      @Undocumented public void visit(Element_not element)
      Can be overridden by the user to define particular semantic operations. Will be called whenever the default model instance traversal (as implemented by the methods in this class) reaches such an element.
      This default implementation descends into the element by calling visit(..) in turn for all components in its contents according to the content model.
    • visit

      @Undocumented public void visit(Element_and element)
      Can be overridden by the user to define particular semantic operations. Will be called whenever the default model instance traversal (as implemented by the methods in this class) reaches such an element.
      This default implementation descends into the element by calling visit(..) in turn for all components in its contents according to the content model.
    • visit

      @Undocumented public void visit(Element_text element)
      Can be overridden by the user to define particular semantic operations. Will be called whenever the default model instance traversal (as implemented by the methods in this class) reaches such an element.
      This default implementation descends into the element by calling visit(..) in turn for all selected attributes (see BaseVisitor.validating) and for all PCData in its contents.
    • visit

      @Undocumented public void visit(Element_enumeration element)
      Can be overridden by the user to define particular semantic operations. Will be called whenever the default model instance traversal (as implemented by the methods in this class) reaches such an element.
      This default implementation descends into the element by calling visit(..) in turn for all selected attributes (see BaseVisitor.validating) and for all components in its contents according to the content model.
    • visit

      @Undocumented public void visit(Element_rep element)
      Can be overridden by the user to define particular semantic operations. Will be called whenever the default model instance traversal (as implemented by the methods in this class) reaches such an element.
      This default implementation descends into the element by calling visit(..) in turn for all selected attributes (see BaseVisitor.validating) and for all components in its contents according to the content model.
    • visit

      @Undocumented public void visit(Element_testequal element)
      Can be overridden by the user to define particular semantic operations. Will be called whenever the default model instance traversal (as implemented by the methods in this class) reaches such an element.
      This default implementation descends into the element by calling visit(..) in turn for all components in its contents according to the content model.
    • visit

      @Undocumented public void visit(Element_simpletypes element)
      Can be overridden by the user to define particular semantic operations. Will be called whenever the default model instance traversal (as implemented by the methods in this class) reaches such an element.
      This default implementation descends into the element by calling visit(..) in turn for all components in its contents according to the content model.
    • visit

      @Undocumented public void visit(Element_testgreater element)
      Can be overridden by the user to define particular semantic operations. Will be called whenever the default model instance traversal (as implemented by the methods in this class) reaches such an element.
      This default implementation descends into the element by calling visit(..) in turn for all components in its contents according to the content model.
    • visit

      @Undocumented public void visit(Element_or element)
      Can be overridden by the user to define particular semantic operations. Will be called whenever the default model instance traversal (as implemented by the methods in this class) reaches such an element.
      This default implementation descends into the element by calling visit(..) in turn for all components in its contents according to the content model.
    • visit

      @Undocumented public void visit(Element_rat element)
      Can be overridden by the user to define particular semantic operations. Will be called whenever the default model instance traversal (as implemented by the methods in this class) reaches such an element.
      This default implementation descends into the element by calling visit(..) in turn for all selected attributes (see BaseVisitor.validating) .
    • visit

      @Undocumented public void visit(Element_isMeta element)
      Can be overridden by the user to define particular semantic operations. Will be called whenever the default model instance traversal (as implemented by the methods in this class) reaches such an element.
      This default implementation descends into the element by calling visit(..) in turn .
    • visit

      @Undocumented public void visit(Element_enumSetContains element)
      Can be overridden by the user to define particular semantic operations. Will be called whenever the default model instance traversal (as implemented by the methods in this class) reaches such an element.
      This default implementation descends into the element by calling visit(..) in turn for all selected attributes (see BaseVisitor.validating) .
    • visit

      @Undocumented public void visit(Element_uri element)
      Can be overridden by the user to define particular semantic operations. Will be called whenever the default model instance traversal (as implemented by the methods in this class) reaches such an element.
      This default implementation descends into the element by calling visit(..) in turn for all selected attributes (see BaseVisitor.validating) and for all components in its contents according to the content model.
    • visit

      @Undocumented public void visit(Element_int element)
      Can be overridden by the user to define particular semantic operations. Will be called whenever the default model instance traversal (as implemented by the methods in this class) reaches such an element.
      This default implementation descends into the element by calling visit(..) in turn for all selected attributes (see BaseVisitor.validating) .
    • visit

      @Undocumented public void visit(Element_enum element)
      Can be overridden by the user to define particular semantic operations. Will be called whenever the default model instance traversal (as implemented by the methods in this class) reaches such an element.
      This default implementation descends into the element by calling visit(..) in turn for all selected attributes (see BaseVisitor.validating) .
    • visit

      @Undocumented public void visit(Element_enumset element)
      Can be overridden by the user to define particular semantic operations. Will be called whenever the default model instance traversal (as implemented by the methods in this class) reaches such an element.
      This default implementation descends into the element by calling visit(..) in turn for all selected attributes (see BaseVisitor.validating) .
    • visit

      @Undocumented public void visit(Element_condition element)
      Can be overridden by the user to define particular semantic operations. Will be called whenever the default model instance traversal (as implemented by the methods in this class) reaches such an element.
      This default implementation descends into the element by calling visit(..) in turn for all components in its contents according to the content model.
    • visit

      @Undocumented public void visit(Element_defaults element)
      Can be overridden by the user to define particular semantic operations. Will be called whenever the default model instance traversal (as implemented by the methods in this class) reaches such an element.
      This default implementation descends into the element by calling visit(..) in turn for all components in its contents according to the content model.
    • visit

      @Undocumented public void visit(Element_v element)
      Can be overridden by the user to define particular semantic operations. Will be called whenever the default model instance traversal (as implemented by the methods in this class) reaches such an element.
      This default implementation descends into the element by calling visit(..) in turn for all PCData in its contents.
    • visit

      @Undocumented public void visit(Element_printout_title element)
      Can be overridden by the user to define particular semantic operations. Will be called whenever the default model instance traversal (as implemented by the methods in this class) reaches such an element.
      This default implementation descends into the element by calling visit(..) in turn for all components in its contents according to the content model.
    • visit

      @Undocumented public void visit(Element_optionlist element)
      Can be overridden by the user to define particular semantic operations. Will be called whenever the default model instance traversal (as implemented by the methods in this class) reaches such an element.
      This default implementation descends into the element by calling visit(..) in turn for all selected attributes (see BaseVisitor.validating) and for all components in its contents according to the content model.
    • visit

      @Undocumented public void visit(Element_comment element)
      Can be overridden by the user to define particular semantic operations. Will be called whenever the default model instance traversal (as implemented by the methods in this class) reaches such an element.
      This default implementation descends into the element by calling visit(..) in turn for all selected attributes (see BaseVisitor.validating) and for all components in its contents according to the content model.
    • visit

      @Undocumented public void visit(Element_noGui element)
      Can be overridden by the user to define particular semantic operations. Will be called whenever the default model instance traversal (as implemented by the methods in this class) reaches such an element.
      This default implementation descends into the element by calling visit(..) in turn .
    • visit

      @Undocumented public void visit(Element_notDir element)
      Can be overridden by the user to define particular semantic operations. Will be called whenever the default model instance traversal (as implemented by the methods in this class) reaches such an element.
      This default implementation descends into the element by calling visit(..) in turn .
    • visit

      @Undocumented public void visit(Element_desc element)
      Can be overridden by the user to define particular semantic operations. Will be called whenever the default model instance traversal (as implemented by the methods in this class) reaches such an element.
      This default implementation descends into the element by calling visit(..) in turn for all components in its contents according to the content model.
    • visit

      @Undocumented public void visit(Element_option element)
      Can be overridden by the user to define particular semantic operations. Will be called whenever the default model instance traversal (as implemented by the methods in this class) reaches such an element.
      This default implementation descends into the element by calling visit(..) in turn for all selected attributes (see BaseVisitor.validating) and for all components in its contents according to the content model.
    • visit

      @Undocumented public void visit(Element_optionlist.Attr_defaultSorting attr_defaultSorting)
      Can be overridden by the user. Is called whenever traversing of a model instance (as defined by the methods in this class) reaches such an Attribute.
      This default implementation does nothing.
    • visit

      @Undocumented public void visit(Element_optionlist.Attr_fragmentedLists attr_fragmentedLists)
      Can be overridden by the user. Is called whenever traversing of a model instance (as defined by the methods in this class) reaches such an Attribute.
      This default implementation does nothing.
    • visit

      @Undocumented public void visit(Element_optionlist.Attr_setterFunctions attr_setterFunctions)
      Can be overridden by the user. Is called whenever traversing of a model instance (as defined by the methods in this class) reaches such an Attribute.
      This default implementation does nothing.
    • visit

      @Undocumented public void visit(Element_optionlist.Choice_1 choice)
      Can be overridden by the user. Is called whenever traversing of a model instance (as defined by the methods in this class) reaches such a substructure.
      This default implementation calls that visit(..) method which is specific for the current value/alternative. It can explicitly be called by the user for this purpose.
    • visit

      Can be overridden by the user. Is called whenever traversing of a model instance (as defined by the methods in this class) reaches such a substructure.
      This default implementation descends into the contents.
    • visit

      Can be overridden by the user. Is called whenever traversing of a model instance (as defined by the methods in this class) reaches such a substructure.
      This default implementation descends into the contents.
    • visit

      Can be overridden by the user. Is called whenever traversing of a model instance (as defined by the methods in this class) reaches such a substructure.
      This default implementation descends into the contents.
    • visit

      @Undocumented public void visit(Element_text.Attr_lang attr_lang)
      Can be overridden by the user. Is called whenever traversing of a model instance (as defined by the methods in this class) reaches such an Attribute.
      This default implementation does nothing.
    • visit

      public void visit(Element.UnmixedContent content)
    • visit

      @Undocumented public void visit(Element_enumeration.Attr_name attr_name)
      Can be overridden by the user. Is called whenever traversing of a model instance (as defined by the methods in this class) reaches such an Attribute.
      This default implementation does nothing.
    • visit

      @Undocumented public void visit(Element_enumitem.Attr_value attr_value)
      Can be overridden by the user. Is called whenever traversing of a model instance (as defined by the methods in this class) reaches such an Attribute.
      This default implementation does nothing.
    • visit

      @Undocumented public void visit(Element_enumitem.Attr_compilable attr_compilable)
      Can be overridden by the user. Is called whenever traversing of a model instance (as defined by the methods in this class) reaches such an Attribute.
      This default implementation does nothing.
    • visit

      @Undocumented public void visit(Element_comment.Attr_name attr_name)
      Can be overridden by the user. Is called whenever traversing of a model instance (as defined by the methods in this class) reaches such an Attribute.
      This default implementation does nothing.
    • visit

      @Undocumented public void visit(Element_option.Attr_name attr_name)
      Can be overridden by the user. Is called whenever traversing of a model instance (as defined by the methods in this class) reaches such an Attribute.
      This default implementation does nothing.
    • visit

      @Undocumented public void visit(Element_option.Attr_abbrev attr_abbrev)
      Can be overridden by the user. Is called whenever traversing of a model instance (as defined by the methods in this class) reaches such an Attribute.
      This default implementation does nothing.
    • visit

      @Undocumented public void visit(Element_option.Attr_required attr_required)
      Can be overridden by the user. Is called whenever traversing of a model instance (as defined by the methods in this class) reaches such an Attribute.
      This default implementation does nothing.
    • visit

      @Undocumented public void visit(Element_simpletypes.Choice_1 choice)
      Can be overridden by the user. Is called whenever traversing of a model instance (as defined by the methods in this class) reaches such a substructure.
      This default implementation calls that visit(..) method which is specific for the current value/alternative. It can explicitly be called by the user for this purpose.
    • visit

      Can be overridden by the user. Is called whenever traversing of a model instance (as defined by the methods in this class) reaches such a substructure.
      This default implementation descends into the contents.
    • visit

      Can be overridden by the user. Is called whenever traversing of a model instance (as defined by the methods in this class) reaches such a substructure.
      This default implementation descends into the contents.
    • visit

      Can be overridden by the user. Is called whenever traversing of a model instance (as defined by the methods in this class) reaches such a substructure.
      This default implementation descends into the contents.
    • visit

      Can be overridden by the user. Is called whenever traversing of a model instance (as defined by the methods in this class) reaches such a substructure.
      This default implementation descends into the contents.
    • visit

      Can be overridden by the user. Is called whenever traversing of a model instance (as defined by the methods in this class) reaches such a substructure.
      This default implementation descends into the contents.
    • visit

      Can be overridden by the user. Is called whenever traversing of a model instance (as defined by the methods in this class) reaches such a substructure.
      This default implementation descends into the contents.
    • visit

      Can be overridden by the user. Is called whenever traversing of a model instance (as defined by the methods in this class) reaches such a substructure.
      This default implementation descends into the contents.
    • visit

      Can be overridden by the user. Is called whenever traversing of a model instance (as defined by the methods in this class) reaches such a substructure.
      This default implementation descends into the contents.
    • visit

      @Undocumented public void visit(Element_type.Choice_1 choice)
      Can be overridden by the user. Is called whenever traversing of a model instance (as defined by the methods in this class) reaches such a substructure.
      This default implementation calls that visit(..) method which is specific for the current value/alternative. It can explicitly be called by the user for this purpose.
    • visit

      @Undocumented public void visit(Element_type.Choice_1_Alt_1 alt)
      Can be overridden by the user. Is called whenever traversing of a model instance (as defined by the methods in this class) reaches such a substructure.
      This default implementation descends into the contents.
    • visit

      @Undocumented public void visit(Element_type.Choice_1_Alt_2 alt)
      Can be overridden by the user. Is called whenever traversing of a model instance (as defined by the methods in this class) reaches such a substructure.
      This default implementation descends into the contents.
    • visit

      @Undocumented public void visit(Element_type.Choice_1_Alt_3 alt)
      Can be overridden by the user. Is called whenever traversing of a model instance (as defined by the methods in this class) reaches such a substructure.
      This default implementation descends into the contents.
    • visit

      @Undocumented public void visit(Element_type.Choice_1_Alt_4 alt)
      Can be overridden by the user. Is called whenever traversing of a model instance (as defined by the methods in this class) reaches such a substructure.
      This default implementation descends into the contents.
    • visit

      @Undocumented public void visit(Element_type.Choice_1_Alt_5 alt)
      Can be overridden by the user. Is called whenever traversing of a model instance (as defined by the methods in this class) reaches such a substructure.
      This default implementation descends into the contents.
    • visit

      @Undocumented public void visit(Element_type.Choice_1_Alt_6 alt)
      Can be overridden by the user. Is called whenever traversing of a model instance (as defined by the methods in this class) reaches such a substructure.
      This default implementation descends into the contents.
    • visit

      @Undocumented public void visit(Element_type.Choice_1_Alt_7 alt)
      Can be overridden by the user. Is called whenever traversing of a model instance (as defined by the methods in this class) reaches such a substructure.
      This default implementation descends into the contents.
    • visit

      @Undocumented public void visit(Element_type.Choice_1_Alt_8 alt)
      Can be overridden by the user. Is called whenever traversing of a model instance (as defined by the methods in this class) reaches such a substructure.
      This default implementation descends into the contents.
    • visit

      @Undocumented public void visit(Element_int.Attr_default attr_default)
      Can be overridden by the user. Is called whenever traversing of a model instance (as defined by the methods in this class) reaches such an Attribute.
      This default implementation does nothing.
    • visit

      @Undocumented public void visit(Element_int.Attr_format attr_format)
      Can be overridden by the user. Is called whenever traversing of a model instance (as defined by the methods in this class) reaches such an Attribute.
      This default implementation does nothing.
    • visit

      @Undocumented public void visit(Element_float.Attr_default attr_default)
      Can be overridden by the user. Is called whenever traversing of a model instance (as defined by the methods in this class) reaches such an Attribute.
      This default implementation does nothing.
    • visit

      @Undocumented public void visit(Element_rat.Attr_default attr_default)
      Can be overridden by the user. Is called whenever traversing of a model instance (as defined by the methods in this class) reaches such an Attribute.
      This default implementation does nothing.
    • visit

      @Undocumented public void visit(Element_bool.Attr_default attr_default)
      Can be overridden by the user. Is called whenever traversing of a model instance (as defined by the methods in this class) reaches such an Attribute.
      This default implementation does nothing.
    • visit

      @Undocumented public void visit(Element_string.Attr_default attr_default)
      Can be overridden by the user. Is called whenever traversing of a model instance (as defined by the methods in this class) reaches such an Attribute.
      This default implementation does nothing.
    • visit

      @Undocumented public void visit(Element_uri.Attr_default attr_default)
      Can be overridden by the user. Is called whenever traversing of a model instance (as defined by the methods in this class) reaches such an Attribute.
      This default implementation does nothing.
    • visit

      @Undocumented public void visit(Element_uri.Choice_1 choice)
      Can be overridden by the user. Is called whenever traversing of a model instance (as defined by the methods in this class) reaches such a substructure.
      This default implementation calls that visit(..) method which is specific for the current value/alternative. It can explicitly be called by the user for this purpose.
    • visit

      @Undocumented public void visit(Element_uri.Choice_1_Alt_1 alt)
      Can be overridden by the user. Is called whenever traversing of a model instance (as defined by the methods in this class) reaches such a substructure.
      This default implementation descends into the contents.
    • visit

      @Undocumented public void visit(Element_uri.Choice_1_Alt_2 alt)
      Can be overridden by the user. Is called whenever traversing of a model instance (as defined by the methods in this class) reaches such a substructure.
      This default implementation descends into the contents.
    • visit

      @Undocumented public void visit(Element_rep.Attr_kind attr_kind)
      Can be overridden by the user. Is called whenever traversing of a model instance (as defined by the methods in this class) reaches such an Attribute.
      This default implementation does nothing.
    • visit

      @Undocumented public void visit(Element_rep.Choice_1 choice)
      Can be overridden by the user. Is called whenever traversing of a model instance (as defined by the methods in this class) reaches such a substructure.
      This default implementation calls that visit(..) method which is specific for the current value/alternative. It can explicitly be called by the user for this purpose.
    • visit

      @Undocumented public void visit(Element_rep.Choice_1_Alt_1 alt)
      Can be overridden by the user. Is called whenever traversing of a model instance (as defined by the methods in this class) reaches such a substructure.
      This default implementation descends into the contents.
    • visit

      @Undocumented public void visit(Element_rep.Choice_1_Alt_2 alt)
      Can be overridden by the user. Is called whenever traversing of a model instance (as defined by the methods in this class) reaches such a substructure.
      This default implementation descends into the contents.
    • visit

      @Undocumented public void visit(Element_rep.Choice_1_Alt_3 alt)
      Can be overridden by the user. Is called whenever traversing of a model instance (as defined by the methods in this class) reaches such a substructure.
      This default implementation descends into the contents.
    • visit

      @Undocumented public void visit(Element_rep.Choice_1_Alt_4 alt)
      Can be overridden by the user. Is called whenever traversing of a model instance (as defined by the methods in this class) reaches such a substructure.
      This default implementation descends into the contents.
    • visit

      @Undocumented public void visit(Element_rep.Choice_1_Alt_5 alt)
      Can be overridden by the user. Is called whenever traversing of a model instance (as defined by the methods in this class) reaches such a substructure.
      This default implementation descends into the contents.
    • visit

      @Undocumented public void visit(Element_rep.Choice_1_Alt_6 alt)
      Can be overridden by the user. Is called whenever traversing of a model instance (as defined by the methods in this class) reaches such a substructure.
      This default implementation descends into the contents.
    • visit

      @Undocumented public void visit(Element_rep.Choice_1_Alt_7 alt)
      Can be overridden by the user. Is called whenever traversing of a model instance (as defined by the methods in this class) reaches such a substructure.
      This default implementation descends into the contents.
    • visit

      @Undocumented public void visit(Element_rep.Choice_1_Alt_8 alt)
      Can be overridden by the user. Is called whenever traversing of a model instance (as defined by the methods in this class) reaches such a substructure.
      This default implementation descends into the contents.
    • visit

      @Undocumented public void visit(Element_enum.Attr_name attr_name)
      Can be overridden by the user. Is called whenever traversing of a model instance (as defined by the methods in this class) reaches such an Attribute.
      This default implementation does nothing.
    • visit

      @Undocumented public void visit(Element_enum.Attr_default attr_default)
      Can be overridden by the user. Is called whenever traversing of a model instance (as defined by the methods in this class) reaches such an Attribute.
      This default implementation does nothing.
    • visit

      @Undocumented public void visit(Element_enumset.Attr_name attr_name)
      Can be overridden by the user. Is called whenever traversing of a model instance (as defined by the methods in this class) reaches such an Attribute.
      This default implementation does nothing.
    • visit

      @Undocumented public void visit(Element_enumset.Attr_default attr_default)
      Can be overridden by the user. Is called whenever traversing of a model instance (as defined by the methods in this class) reaches such an Attribute.
      This default implementation does nothing.
    • visit

      @Undocumented public void visit(Element_condition.Choice_1 choice)
      Can be overridden by the user. Is called whenever traversing of a model instance (as defined by the methods in this class) reaches such a substructure.
      This default implementation calls that visit(..) method which is specific for the current value/alternative. It can explicitly be called by the user for this purpose.
    • visit

      Can be overridden by the user. Is called whenever traversing of a model instance (as defined by the methods in this class) reaches such a substructure.
      This default implementation descends into the contents.
    • visit

      Can be overridden by the user. Is called whenever traversing of a model instance (as defined by the methods in this class) reaches such a substructure.
      This default implementation calls that visit(..) method which is specific for the current value/alternative. It can explicitly be called by the user for this purpose.
    • visit

      Can be overridden by the user. Is called whenever traversing of a model instance (as defined by the methods in this class) reaches such a substructure.
      This default implementation descends into the contents.
    • visit

      Can be overridden by the user. Is called whenever traversing of a model instance (as defined by the methods in this class) reaches such a substructure.
      This default implementation descends into the contents.
    • visit

      Can be overridden by the user. Is called whenever traversing of a model instance (as defined by the methods in this class) reaches such a substructure.
      This default implementation descends into the contents.
    • visit

      Can be overridden by the user. Is called whenever traversing of a model instance (as defined by the methods in this class) reaches such a substructure.
      This default implementation descends into the contents.
    • visit

      Can be overridden by the user. Is called whenever traversing of a model instance (as defined by the methods in this class) reaches such a substructure.
      This default implementation descends into the contents.
    • visit

      Can be overridden by the user. Is called whenever traversing of a model instance (as defined by the methods in this class) reaches such a substructure.
      This default implementation descends into the contents.
    • visit

      Can be overridden by the user. Is called whenever traversing of a model instance (as defined by the methods in this class) reaches such a substructure.
      This default implementation descends into the contents.
    • visit

      @Undocumented public void visit(Element_and.Choice_1 choice)
      Can be overridden by the user. Is called whenever traversing of a model instance (as defined by the methods in this class) reaches such a substructure.
      This default implementation calls that visit(..) method which is specific for the current value/alternative. It can explicitly be called by the user for this purpose.
    • visit

      @Undocumented public void visit(Element_and.Choice_1_Alt_1 alt)
      Can be overridden by the user. Is called whenever traversing of a model instance (as defined by the methods in this class) reaches such a substructure.
      This default implementation descends into the contents.
    • visit

      Can be overridden by the user. Is called whenever traversing of a model instance (as defined by the methods in this class) reaches such a substructure.
      This default implementation calls that visit(..) method which is specific for the current value/alternative. It can explicitly be called by the user for this purpose.
    • visit

      Can be overridden by the user. Is called whenever traversing of a model instance (as defined by the methods in this class) reaches such a substructure.
      This default implementation descends into the contents.
    • visit

      Can be overridden by the user. Is called whenever traversing of a model instance (as defined by the methods in this class) reaches such a substructure.
      This default implementation descends into the contents.
    • visit

      Can be overridden by the user. Is called whenever traversing of a model instance (as defined by the methods in this class) reaches such a substructure.
      This default implementation descends into the contents.
    • visit

      Can be overridden by the user. Is called whenever traversing of a model instance (as defined by the methods in this class) reaches such a substructure.
      This default implementation descends into the contents.
    • visit

      @Undocumented public void visit(Element_and.Choice_1_Alt_2 alt)
      Can be overridden by the user. Is called whenever traversing of a model instance (as defined by the methods in this class) reaches such a substructure.
      This default implementation descends into the contents.
    • visit

      @Undocumented public void visit(Element_and.Choice_1_Alt_3 alt)
      Can be overridden by the user. Is called whenever traversing of a model instance (as defined by the methods in this class) reaches such a substructure.
      This default implementation descends into the contents.
    • visit

      @Undocumented public void visit(Element_and.Choice_1_Alt_4 alt)
      Can be overridden by the user. Is called whenever traversing of a model instance (as defined by the methods in this class) reaches such a substructure.
      This default implementation descends into the contents.
    • visit

      @Undocumented public void visit(Element_or.Choice_1 choice)
      Can be overridden by the user. Is called whenever traversing of a model instance (as defined by the methods in this class) reaches such a substructure.
      This default implementation calls that visit(..) method which is specific for the current value/alternative. It can explicitly be called by the user for this purpose.
    • visit

      @Undocumented public void visit(Element_or.Choice_1_Alt_1 alt)
      Can be overridden by the user. Is called whenever traversing of a model instance (as defined by the methods in this class) reaches such a substructure.
      This default implementation descends into the contents.
    • visit

      Can be overridden by the user. Is called whenever traversing of a model instance (as defined by the methods in this class) reaches such a substructure.
      This default implementation calls that visit(..) method which is specific for the current value/alternative. It can explicitly be called by the user for this purpose.
    • visit

      Can be overridden by the user. Is called whenever traversing of a model instance (as defined by the methods in this class) reaches such a substructure.
      This default implementation descends into the contents.
    • visit

      Can be overridden by the user. Is called whenever traversing of a model instance (as defined by the methods in this class) reaches such a substructure.
      This default implementation descends into the contents.
    • visit

      Can be overridden by the user. Is called whenever traversing of a model instance (as defined by the methods in this class) reaches such a substructure.
      This default implementation descends into the contents.
    • visit

      Can be overridden by the user. Is called whenever traversing of a model instance (as defined by the methods in this class) reaches such a substructure.
      This default implementation descends into the contents.
    • visit

      @Undocumented public void visit(Element_or.Choice_1_Alt_2 alt)
      Can be overridden by the user. Is called whenever traversing of a model instance (as defined by the methods in this class) reaches such a substructure.
      This default implementation descends into the contents.
    • visit

      @Undocumented public void visit(Element_or.Choice_1_Alt_3 alt)
      Can be overridden by the user. Is called whenever traversing of a model instance (as defined by the methods in this class) reaches such a substructure.
      This default implementation descends into the contents.
    • visit

      @Undocumented public void visit(Element_or.Choice_1_Alt_4 alt)
      Can be overridden by the user. Is called whenever traversing of a model instance (as defined by the methods in this class) reaches such a substructure.
      This default implementation descends into the contents.
    • visit

      @Undocumented public void visit(Element_not.Choice_1 choice)
      Can be overridden by the user. Is called whenever traversing of a model instance (as defined by the methods in this class) reaches such a substructure.
      This default implementation calls that visit(..) method which is specific for the current value/alternative. It can explicitly be called by the user for this purpose.
    • visit

      @Undocumented public void visit(Element_not.Choice_1_Alt_1 alt)
      Can be overridden by the user. Is called whenever traversing of a model instance (as defined by the methods in this class) reaches such a substructure.
      This default implementation descends into the contents.
    • visit

      Can be overridden by the user. Is called whenever traversing of a model instance (as defined by the methods in this class) reaches such a substructure.
      This default implementation calls that visit(..) method which is specific for the current value/alternative. It can explicitly be called by the user for this purpose.
    • visit

      Can be overridden by the user. Is called whenever traversing of a model instance (as defined by the methods in this class) reaches such a substructure.
      This default implementation descends into the contents.
    • visit

      Can be overridden by the user. Is called whenever traversing of a model instance (as defined by the methods in this class) reaches such a substructure.
      This default implementation descends into the contents.
    • visit

      Can be overridden by the user. Is called whenever traversing of a model instance (as defined by the methods in this class) reaches such a substructure.
      This default implementation descends into the contents.
    • visit

      Can be overridden by the user. Is called whenever traversing of a model instance (as defined by the methods in this class) reaches such a substructure.
      This default implementation descends into the contents.
    • visit

      @Undocumented public void visit(Element_not.Choice_1_Alt_2 alt)
      Can be overridden by the user. Is called whenever traversing of a model instance (as defined by the methods in this class) reaches such a substructure.
      This default implementation descends into the contents.
    • visit

      @Undocumented public void visit(Element_not.Choice_1_Alt_3 alt)
      Can be overridden by the user. Is called whenever traversing of a model instance (as defined by the methods in this class) reaches such a substructure.
      This default implementation descends into the contents.
    • visit

      @Undocumented public void visit(Element_not.Choice_1_Alt_4 alt)
      Can be overridden by the user. Is called whenever traversing of a model instance (as defined by the methods in this class) reaches such a substructure.
      This default implementation descends into the contents.
    • visit

      @Undocumented public void visit(Element_testequal.Choice_1 choice)
      Can be overridden by the user. Is called whenever traversing of a model instance (as defined by the methods in this class) reaches such a substructure.
      This default implementation calls that visit(..) method which is specific for the current value/alternative. It can explicitly be called by the user for this purpose.
    • visit

      Can be overridden by the user. Is called whenever traversing of a model instance (as defined by the methods in this class) reaches such a substructure.
      This default implementation descends into the contents.
    • visit

      Can be overridden by the user. Is called whenever traversing of a model instance (as defined by the methods in this class) reaches such a substructure.
      This default implementation descends into the contents.
    • visit

      @Undocumented public void visit(Element_testequal.Choice_2 choice)
      Can be overridden by the user. Is called whenever traversing of a model instance (as defined by the methods in this class) reaches such a substructure.
      This default implementation calls that visit(..) method which is specific for the current value/alternative. It can explicitly be called by the user for this purpose.
    • visit

      Can be overridden by the user. Is called whenever traversing of a model instance (as defined by the methods in this class) reaches such a substructure.
      This default implementation descends into the contents.
    • visit

      Can be overridden by the user. Is called whenever traversing of a model instance (as defined by the methods in this class) reaches such a substructure.
      This default implementation descends into the contents.
    • visit

      @Undocumented public void visit(Element_testgreater.Choice_1 choice)
      Can be overridden by the user. Is called whenever traversing of a model instance (as defined by the methods in this class) reaches such a substructure.
      This default implementation calls that visit(..) method which is specific for the current value/alternative. It can explicitly be called by the user for this purpose.
    • visit

      Can be overridden by the user. Is called whenever traversing of a model instance (as defined by the methods in this class) reaches such a substructure.
      This default implementation descends into the contents.
    • visit

      Can be overridden by the user. Is called whenever traversing of a model instance (as defined by the methods in this class) reaches such a substructure.
      This default implementation descends into the contents.
    • visit

      @Undocumented public void visit(Element_testgreater.Choice_2 choice)
      Can be overridden by the user. Is called whenever traversing of a model instance (as defined by the methods in this class) reaches such a substructure.
      This default implementation calls that visit(..) method which is specific for the current value/alternative. It can explicitly be called by the user for this purpose.
    • visit

      Can be overridden by the user. Is called whenever traversing of a model instance (as defined by the methods in this class) reaches such a substructure.
      This default implementation descends into the contents.
    • visit

      Can be overridden by the user. Is called whenever traversing of a model instance (as defined by the methods in this class) reaches such a substructure.
      This default implementation descends into the contents.
    • visit

      @Undocumented public void visit(Element_constant.Attr_value attr_value)
      Can be overridden by the user. Is called whenever traversing of a model instance (as defined by the methods in this class) reaches such an Attribute.
      This default implementation does nothing.
    • visit

      @Undocumented public void visit(Element_optarg.Attr_option attr_option)
      Can be overridden by the user. Is called whenever traversing of a model instance (as defined by the methods in this class) reaches such an Attribute.
      This default implementation does nothing.
    • visit

      @Undocumented public void visit(Element_optarg.Attr_number attr_number)
      Can be overridden by the user. Is called whenever traversing of a model instance (as defined by the methods in this class) reaches such an Attribute.
      This default implementation does nothing.
    • visit

      @Undocumented public void visit(Element_enumSetContains.Attr_option attr_option)
      Can be overridden by the user. Is called whenever traversing of a model instance (as defined by the methods in this class) reaches such an Attribute.
      This default implementation does nothing.
    • visit

      @Undocumented public void visit(Element_enumSetContains.Attr_number attr_number)
      Can be overridden by the user. Is called whenever traversing of a model instance (as defined by the methods in this class) reaches such an Attribute.
      This default implementation does nothing.
    • visit

      @Undocumented public void visit(Element_enumSetContains.Attr_value attr_value)
      Can be overridden by the user. Is called whenever traversing of a model instance (as defined by the methods in this class) reaches such an Attribute.
      This default implementation does nothing.
    • visit

      @Undocumented public void visit(Document_optionlist document)
      Can be called to visit the complete model instance. (Is not intended to be overridden by the user.)
    • visit

      public void visit(Element element)
    • visit

      @Undocumented public void visit(Document document)
      Can be called to visit the complete model instance. (Is not intended to be overridden by the user.)