Class AttributeValueTemplate


public class AttributeValueTemplate extends Object
Parses an xslt "attribute value template" into an xpath expression with explicit string operations. So the follwing are equivalent xslt expressions (read [] for angle brackets):
   [x:y z="a{{bc{def(g)}" /]
   [x][xsl:attribute name="z" value="concat('a{bc', string(def(g))"][/x]
Iff syntax errors occur, error messages are sent and null is returned. If no escaping-curly-brace occurs, one single TPath.Literal is returned. Otherwise one(1) TPath.FunctionCall to "string()" or to "concat()", on multiple of these both.

Each instance is a one-usage-only parser.

  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • AttributeValueTemplate

      public AttributeValueTemplate()
  • Method Details

    • parse_tpath

      protected boolean parse_tpath()
      ATTENTION The "end element" semantic action at the end of the "braced expr" parsing method is fed into a sax event queue. The "enqueue()" function therein calls the "getlinenumber()" callback. This triggers a "get token = LT()", which causes the consumption on the character stream, which must be un-done, because after the xantlr lexer the hand-written code must consume the next chars without any loss.
    • flushBuffer

      protected void flushBuffer()
    • error

      protected void error(String s)
    • parse

      Accumulate constant character data in Stringbuilder konst or call a tpath parser. Both operate on the same CharBuffer and share its read pointer. The results of both cases are zipped into "result" and finally combined in a call to tpath »string-concat()«, iff necessary.
    • main

      public static void main(String[] args)