Class ElementTemplate
- All Implemented Interfaces:
(Parsers and access methods for the content are generated in TypedDOMGenerator
for the attributes in TypedAttrsGenerator
Nested Class Summary
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from class
ContainerTemplate.ContentModelRenderer, ContainerTemplate.ContentProperties
Field Summary
FieldsModifier and TypeFieldDescriptionKeys are the original dtd name.(package private) MetaType
(package private) DocumentTemplate
(package private) final DTD.Element
The original definition of this element.(package private) boolean
(package private) String
(package private) static final Format
(package private) static final Format
(package private) boolean
(package private) final boolean
DOCME(package private) static final MetaType
(package private) static final MetaType
(package private) final NamespaceName
(package private) @Opt GeneratedConstructor
Survey on all GeneratedConstructor-s:(package private) @Opt GeneratedConstructor
Survey on all GeneratedConstructor-s:(package private) @Opt GeneratedConstructor
Survey on all GeneratedConstructor-s:contains the field names of formattr_[xxx]
.(package private) @Opt GeneratedConstructor
Survey on all GeneratedConstructor-s:(package private) @Opt GeneratedConstructor
Survey on all GeneratedConstructor-s:Accumulator for the generated semi-parser code.(package private) @Opt GeneratedConstructor
Survey on all GeneratedConstructor-s:(package private) final int
DOCME(package private) final String
(package private) GeneratedField
Field in the generated code of the element which holds the tag of the element, das defined in the DTD.(package private) @Opt GeneratedConstructor
Survey on all GeneratedConstructor-s:Fields inherited from class
childIndex, children, decodeMethod, disambigConstructor, disambigConstructorSafe, dumpElementsMethod, dumpMethod, elementTemplate, encodeMethod, innerContainerPrefix, mandatoryDirector, numbering, optionalDirector, parentContainer, setMethod, typedConstructor, untypedConstructor, visitMethod
Fields inherited from class
actionMethod, decodeClosure, getDecodeClosure, getParseClosure, nodeClass, packageTemplate, parseClosure, parseSAX, parseSAXArguments, parseSAXAttributes, semiparseArguments, semiparseStatements, usingSemiparser
Fields inherited from class
formatClosure, msg
Constructor Summary
(PackageTemplate packageTemplate, DTD.Element element, NamespaceName nname, boolean isPublic) -
Method Summary
Modifier and TypeMethodDescription(package private) void
(String fieldname, MetaClass cls) ATTENTION @param fieldname is the original DTD name(package private) void
(MetaClass ainfo) (package private) void
(String fieldname) ATTENTION @param fieldname is a mangling result "attr_"+makeJavaName().(package private) void
Called from PackageTemplate.finish()protected void
Called byContainerTemplate.finish()
.protected GeneratedMethod
protected GeneratedMethod
protected GeneratedMethod
protected void
protected void
(package private) void
protected GeneratedConstructor
The "typed constructor" has the same signature as theset(...)
method, namely what corresponds correctly to the content model (notwithstanding null-checks and array length.)protected GeneratedConstructor
The "untyped constructor" requires a tdom object and is NORMALLY NOT visible to/callable by the programmer.protected GeneratedMethod
For TypedSequence, TypedChoice, TypedAlt.(package private) boolean
protected String
protected void
(TypedAttrsGenerator typedAttrsGenerator) Second part of initialization.boolean
(boolean java, boolean saxDom) (package private) void
(MetaType contentClass) protected void
(package private) void
(String idAttribute) Methods inherited from class
addAttrDescendStatement, addChild, addDecodeArgument, addDescendStatement, addDescendStatement, addVisitContentStatement, generateDecodeMethod, generateDecodeStatement, generateDumpElementsMethod, generateSetMethod, getNumber, internalSetDirectors, setNumbering, useSemiparser
Methods inherited from class
addGeneralizeParent, addLookaheadSAXStatement, addLookaheadSAXStatement, addLookaheadSemiparseStatement, addLookaheadSemiparseStatement, addParseSAXArgument, addParseSAXArgument, addParseSAXAttribute, addParseSAXStatement, addSemiparseArgument, addSemiparseArgument, addSemiparseStatement, generateActionMethod, generateDecodeClosure, generateHostMethod, generateMatchWithMethod, generateMatchWithMethod, generateParseClosure, generateSAXParser, generateSemiparser_includingAlt, getNodeClass, parseSAXArguments_asFormat
Methods inherited from class
error, error, expression, statement, statements, warning, warning
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface
Field Details
The original definition of this element. -
final int tagIndexDOCME -
final boolean isPublicDOCME -
GeneratedField tagNameFieldField in the generated code of the element which holds the tag of the element, das defined in the DTD. -
boolean hasAtts -
boolean isEmpty -
Survey on all GeneratedConstructor-s:
The constructors in AbstractElementTemplate are nearly parameterless and only needed for the UPWARD chain from a particular model element class via abstract elements and package.Element to tdom.runtime.TypedElement. They use only the name parameter. (WHY? IS KNOWN STATIC !?!?!) Thus they throw nothing.
typedConstructor = new Element(NamespaceName) untypedConstructor = new Element(W3CDOM)
Further irrelevant GeneratedConstructor-s:
one in DTDTemplate ("new DTD(MsgRcv)")
two in DumperTemplate (ContentHandler plus LexicalHandler)Most GeneratedConstructor are built when TypedDOMGenerator visits the content models, and must be accessible when "finish" generates API documentation.
S=shallow D=descending | live on C=Container/E=Element Template | | X=ContentModelException | | | S=AttributeSyntaxExc(iff approp) | | | M=AttributeMissingExc(iff approp) | | | AX=AttributeExc iff any Att present typedConstructor = new Ele/CP(C1,C2,C3) S C SM typedConstructorSafe = new Ele/CP(SV,C1,..) S E M untypedConstructor = new Element(w3cDom..) D C X AX new Seq(CntMap..) D C X AX parsingConstructor = new Element(CntMap..) S E X AX INTERNAL ONLY "C"-->FIXME CHECK disambigConstructor = new Ele/CP() S C M disambigConstructorSafe = new Ele(SF) S C M semiparsingConstructor = new E(SaxAtt,E..) S E X SM semiparsingConstructorConstructorShort = new E(E..) S E X M pcdataOnlyConstructor=new E(String) S E SM (built in TypedDOMGenerator !?) CntMap=ContentMap Ele/CP=Element or Choice or Sequence SV=SafeValues-flag SaxAtt = SAX.Attributes ADDITIONAL for the mixed content case there are pcdataEmptyConstructor=new E() = disambigConstructor pcdataEmptyConstructorSafe =new E(SV) = disambigConstructorSafe pcdataOnlyConstructor =new E(String) pcdataOnlyConstructorSafe =new E(SV, String)
The "..Safe" variants are generated ONLY if there are unsafe attributes.The constructors of the generated common "Document" superclass is trivial and invokes the constructors of the runtime class with the DTD class as only argument.
Some of the constructors in the generated "Document_[XY]" classes initiate parsing:S=shallow D=descending | | X=ContentModelException | | S=AttributeSyntaxExc(iff approp) | | M=AttributeMissingExc(iff approp) | | AX=AttributeExc iff any Att present typedConstructor = new Doc_[XY](Element) S untypedConstructor = new Doc_[XY](w3cDom..) D X AX saxConstructor = new Doc_[XY](SaxStr) D X AX (SaxStr=SAXEventStream) decodeConstructor = new Doc_[XY](JIS) D X AX (
The "ContentClass" classes generated for MIXED content get one constructor for each possible element type, and one for pcdata (=String), and one common with the altIndex as parameter.
(( Additionally there is a "FactoryConstructor" ??? DOCME ))Closely related to the constructors are the parse() and decode() methods and their signatures. MORE TO COME DOCME
Generating constructors: (ml 20170727) The DOM and SAX constructors and parsers are not used with fine granularity, so they can follow a global decision: Iff there is any one attribute contained in the DTD, they declare to throw TdomAttributeException.
typedConstructor, untypedConstructor and disambigConstructor are defined on the super class level, They do ALWAYS exist and are also used for Choice and Sequence.
The other constructors live only in this code file.
"untypedConstructor" has parameters: (DOM-element, ext, listener). It is PRIVATE, used by parse(DOM-element...) which is NOT VISIBLE in api doc, but has package scope. The user method for parsing DOM objects is finallyDTD.[FIXME]
"typedConstructor" has parameters: (complete content model copied from "set(..)" method).
It is public and presented to the user. It does not throwTdomContentException
, but possiblyTdomAttributeException
"semiparsingConstructor" has a optional SAX ATTRIBUTE LIST and a sequence of <pkg>/Element. It can throw content and attribute exceptions
"semiparsingConstructorShort" is a shortcut with no sax attribute list.
"parsingConstructor" has ContentMapping, Extension, Listener. It is INTERNAL ONLY and used by FIXME ASK BT
"disambigConstructor" is needed iff zero-length content is possible but not necessary, as in case of "MIXED" content. It treats the empty case explcitly. This is necessary because otherwise the empty signature would be ambigious between "typed" and "untyped" and rejected when compiling the applying code.
pcdataOnlyConstructor convenience constructor accepting one string. (Is built in TypedDOMGenerator) -
Survey on all GeneratedConstructor-s:
The constructors in AbstractElementTemplate are nearly parameterless and only needed for the UPWARD chain from a particular model element class via abstract elements and package.Element to tdom.runtime.TypedElement. They use only the name parameter. (WHY? IS KNOWN STATIC !?!?!) Thus they throw nothing.
typedConstructor = new Element(NamespaceName) untypedConstructor = new Element(W3CDOM)
Further irrelevant GeneratedConstructor-s:
one in DTDTemplate ("new DTD(MsgRcv)")
two in DumperTemplate (ContentHandler plus LexicalHandler)Most GeneratedConstructor are built when TypedDOMGenerator visits the content models, and must be accessible when "finish" generates API documentation.
S=shallow D=descending | live on C=Container/E=Element Template | | X=ContentModelException | | | S=AttributeSyntaxExc(iff approp) | | | M=AttributeMissingExc(iff approp) | | | AX=AttributeExc iff any Att present typedConstructor = new Ele/CP(C1,C2,C3) S C SM typedConstructorSafe = new Ele/CP(SV,C1,..) S E M untypedConstructor = new Element(w3cDom..) D C X AX new Seq(CntMap..) D C X AX parsingConstructor = new Element(CntMap..) S E X AX INTERNAL ONLY "C"-->FIXME CHECK disambigConstructor = new Ele/CP() S C M disambigConstructorSafe = new Ele(SF) S C M semiparsingConstructor = new E(SaxAtt,E..) S E X SM semiparsingConstructorConstructorShort = new E(E..) S E X M pcdataOnlyConstructor=new E(String) S E SM (built in TypedDOMGenerator !?) CntMap=ContentMap Ele/CP=Element or Choice or Sequence SV=SafeValues-flag SaxAtt = SAX.Attributes ADDITIONAL for the mixed content case there are pcdataEmptyConstructor=new E() = disambigConstructor pcdataEmptyConstructorSafe =new E(SV) = disambigConstructorSafe pcdataOnlyConstructor =new E(String) pcdataOnlyConstructorSafe =new E(SV, String)
The "..Safe" variants are generated ONLY if there are unsafe attributes.The constructors of the generated common "Document" superclass is trivial and invokes the constructors of the runtime class with the DTD class as only argument.
Some of the constructors in the generated "Document_[XY]" classes initiate parsing:S=shallow D=descending | | X=ContentModelException | | S=AttributeSyntaxExc(iff approp) | | M=AttributeMissingExc(iff approp) | | AX=AttributeExc iff any Att present typedConstructor = new Doc_[XY](Element) S untypedConstructor = new Doc_[XY](w3cDom..) D X AX saxConstructor = new Doc_[XY](SaxStr) D X AX (SaxStr=SAXEventStream) decodeConstructor = new Doc_[XY](JIS) D X AX (
The "ContentClass" classes generated for MIXED content get one constructor for each possible element type, and one for pcdata (=String), and one common with the altIndex as parameter.
(( Additionally there is a "FactoryConstructor" ??? DOCME ))Closely related to the constructors are the parse() and decode() methods and their signatures. MORE TO COME DOCME
Generating constructors: (ml 20170727) The DOM and SAX constructors and parsers are not used with fine granularity, so they can follow a global decision: Iff there is any one attribute contained in the DTD, they declare to throw TdomAttributeException.
typedConstructor, untypedConstructor and disambigConstructor are defined on the super class level, They do ALWAYS exist and are also used for Choice and Sequence.
The other constructors live only in this code file.
"untypedConstructor" has parameters: (DOM-element, ext, listener). It is PRIVATE, used by parse(DOM-element...) which is NOT VISIBLE in api doc, but has package scope. The user method for parsing DOM objects is finallyDTD.[FIXME]
"typedConstructor" has parameters: (complete content model copied from "set(..)" method).
It is public and presented to the user. It does not throwTdomContentException
, but possiblyTdomAttributeException
"semiparsingConstructor" has a optional SAX ATTRIBUTE LIST and a sequence of <pkg>/Element. It can throw content and attribute exceptions
"semiparsingConstructorShort" is a shortcut with no sax attribute list.
"parsingConstructor" has ContentMapping, Extension, Listener. It is INTERNAL ONLY and used by FIXME ASK BT
"disambigConstructor" is needed iff zero-length content is possible but not necessary, as in case of "MIXED" content. It treats the empty case explcitly. This is necessary because otherwise the empty signature would be ambigious between "typed" and "untyped" and rejected when compiling the applying code.
pcdataOnlyConstructor convenience constructor accepting one string. (Is built in TypedDOMGenerator) -
Survey on all GeneratedConstructor-s:
The constructors in AbstractElementTemplate are nearly parameterless and only needed for the UPWARD chain from a particular model element class via abstract elements and package.Element to tdom.runtime.TypedElement. They use only the name parameter. (WHY? IS KNOWN STATIC !?!?!) Thus they throw nothing.
typedConstructor = new Element(NamespaceName) untypedConstructor = new Element(W3CDOM)
Further irrelevant GeneratedConstructor-s:
one in DTDTemplate ("new DTD(MsgRcv)")
two in DumperTemplate (ContentHandler plus LexicalHandler)Most GeneratedConstructor are built when TypedDOMGenerator visits the content models, and must be accessible when "finish" generates API documentation.
S=shallow D=descending | live on C=Container/E=Element Template | | X=ContentModelException | | | S=AttributeSyntaxExc(iff approp) | | | M=AttributeMissingExc(iff approp) | | | AX=AttributeExc iff any Att present typedConstructor = new Ele/CP(C1,C2,C3) S C SM typedConstructorSafe = new Ele/CP(SV,C1,..) S E M untypedConstructor = new Element(w3cDom..) D C X AX new Seq(CntMap..) D C X AX parsingConstructor = new Element(CntMap..) S E X AX INTERNAL ONLY "C"-->FIXME CHECK disambigConstructor = new Ele/CP() S C M disambigConstructorSafe = new Ele(SF) S C M semiparsingConstructor = new E(SaxAtt,E..) S E X SM semiparsingConstructorConstructorShort = new E(E..) S E X M pcdataOnlyConstructor=new E(String) S E SM (built in TypedDOMGenerator !?) CntMap=ContentMap Ele/CP=Element or Choice or Sequence SV=SafeValues-flag SaxAtt = SAX.Attributes ADDITIONAL for the mixed content case there are pcdataEmptyConstructor=new E() = disambigConstructor pcdataEmptyConstructorSafe =new E(SV) = disambigConstructorSafe pcdataOnlyConstructor =new E(String) pcdataOnlyConstructorSafe =new E(SV, String)
The "..Safe" variants are generated ONLY if there are unsafe attributes.The constructors of the generated common "Document" superclass is trivial and invokes the constructors of the runtime class with the DTD class as only argument.
Some of the constructors in the generated "Document_[XY]" classes initiate parsing:S=shallow D=descending | | X=ContentModelException | | S=AttributeSyntaxExc(iff approp) | | M=AttributeMissingExc(iff approp) | | AX=AttributeExc iff any Att present typedConstructor = new Doc_[XY](Element) S untypedConstructor = new Doc_[XY](w3cDom..) D X AX saxConstructor = new Doc_[XY](SaxStr) D X AX (SaxStr=SAXEventStream) decodeConstructor = new Doc_[XY](JIS) D X AX (
The "ContentClass" classes generated for MIXED content get one constructor for each possible element type, and one for pcdata (=String), and one common with the altIndex as parameter.
(( Additionally there is a "FactoryConstructor" ??? DOCME ))Closely related to the constructors are the parse() and decode() methods and their signatures. MORE TO COME DOCME
Generating constructors: (ml 20170727) The DOM and SAX constructors and parsers are not used with fine granularity, so they can follow a global decision: Iff there is any one attribute contained in the DTD, they declare to throw TdomAttributeException.
typedConstructor, untypedConstructor and disambigConstructor are defined on the super class level, They do ALWAYS exist and are also used for Choice and Sequence.
The other constructors live only in this code file.
"untypedConstructor" has parameters: (DOM-element, ext, listener). It is PRIVATE, used by parse(DOM-element...) which is NOT VISIBLE in api doc, but has package scope. The user method for parsing DOM objects is finallyDTD.[FIXME]
"typedConstructor" has parameters: (complete content model copied from "set(..)" method).
It is public and presented to the user. It does not throwTdomContentException
, but possiblyTdomAttributeException
"semiparsingConstructor" has a optional SAX ATTRIBUTE LIST and a sequence of <pkg>/Element. It can throw content and attribute exceptions
"semiparsingConstructorShort" is a shortcut with no sax attribute list.
"parsingConstructor" has ContentMapping, Extension, Listener. It is INTERNAL ONLY and used by FIXME ASK BT
"disambigConstructor" is needed iff zero-length content is possible but not necessary, as in case of "MIXED" content. It treats the empty case explcitly. This is necessary because otherwise the empty signature would be ambigious between "typed" and "untyped" and rejected when compiling the applying code.
pcdataOnlyConstructor convenience constructor accepting one string. (Is built in TypedDOMGenerator) -
Survey on all GeneratedConstructor-s:
The constructors in AbstractElementTemplate are nearly parameterless and only needed for the UPWARD chain from a particular model element class via abstract elements and package.Element to tdom.runtime.TypedElement. They use only the name parameter. (WHY? IS KNOWN STATIC !?!?!) Thus they throw nothing.
typedConstructor = new Element(NamespaceName) untypedConstructor = new Element(W3CDOM)
Further irrelevant GeneratedConstructor-s:
one in DTDTemplate ("new DTD(MsgRcv)")
two in DumperTemplate (ContentHandler plus LexicalHandler)Most GeneratedConstructor are built when TypedDOMGenerator visits the content models, and must be accessible when "finish" generates API documentation.
S=shallow D=descending | live on C=Container/E=Element Template | | X=ContentModelException | | | S=AttributeSyntaxExc(iff approp) | | | M=AttributeMissingExc(iff approp) | | | AX=AttributeExc iff any Att present typedConstructor = new Ele/CP(C1,C2,C3) S C SM typedConstructorSafe = new Ele/CP(SV,C1,..) S E M untypedConstructor = new Element(w3cDom..) D C X AX new Seq(CntMap..) D C X AX parsingConstructor = new Element(CntMap..) S E X AX INTERNAL ONLY "C"-->FIXME CHECK disambigConstructor = new Ele/CP() S C M disambigConstructorSafe = new Ele(SF) S C M semiparsingConstructor = new E(SaxAtt,E..) S E X SM semiparsingConstructorConstructorShort = new E(E..) S E X M pcdataOnlyConstructor=new E(String) S E SM (built in TypedDOMGenerator !?) CntMap=ContentMap Ele/CP=Element or Choice or Sequence SV=SafeValues-flag SaxAtt = SAX.Attributes ADDITIONAL for the mixed content case there are pcdataEmptyConstructor=new E() = disambigConstructor pcdataEmptyConstructorSafe =new E(SV) = disambigConstructorSafe pcdataOnlyConstructor =new E(String) pcdataOnlyConstructorSafe =new E(SV, String)
The "..Safe" variants are generated ONLY if there are unsafe attributes.The constructors of the generated common "Document" superclass is trivial and invokes the constructors of the runtime class with the DTD class as only argument.
Some of the constructors in the generated "Document_[XY]" classes initiate parsing:S=shallow D=descending | | X=ContentModelException | | S=AttributeSyntaxExc(iff approp) | | M=AttributeMissingExc(iff approp) | | AX=AttributeExc iff any Att present typedConstructor = new Doc_[XY](Element) S untypedConstructor = new Doc_[XY](w3cDom..) D X AX saxConstructor = new Doc_[XY](SaxStr) D X AX (SaxStr=SAXEventStream) decodeConstructor = new Doc_[XY](JIS) D X AX (
The "ContentClass" classes generated for MIXED content get one constructor for each possible element type, and one for pcdata (=String), and one common with the altIndex as parameter.
(( Additionally there is a "FactoryConstructor" ??? DOCME ))Closely related to the constructors are the parse() and decode() methods and their signatures. MORE TO COME DOCME
Generating constructors: (ml 20170727) The DOM and SAX constructors and parsers are not used with fine granularity, so they can follow a global decision: Iff there is any one attribute contained in the DTD, they declare to throw TdomAttributeException.
typedConstructor, untypedConstructor and disambigConstructor are defined on the super class level, They do ALWAYS exist and are also used for Choice and Sequence.
The other constructors live only in this code file.
"untypedConstructor" has parameters: (DOM-element, ext, listener). It is PRIVATE, used by parse(DOM-element...) which is NOT VISIBLE in api doc, but has package scope. The user method for parsing DOM objects is finallyDTD.[FIXME]
"typedConstructor" has parameters: (complete content model copied from "set(..)" method).
It is public and presented to the user. It does not throwTdomContentException
, but possiblyTdomAttributeException
"semiparsingConstructor" has a optional SAX ATTRIBUTE LIST and a sequence of <pkg>/Element. It can throw content and attribute exceptions
"semiparsingConstructorShort" is a shortcut with no sax attribute list.
"parsingConstructor" has ContentMapping, Extension, Listener. It is INTERNAL ONLY and used by FIXME ASK BT
"disambigConstructor" is needed iff zero-length content is possible but not necessary, as in case of "MIXED" content. It treats the empty case explcitly. This is necessary because otherwise the empty signature would be ambigious between "typed" and "untyped" and rejected when compiling the applying code.
pcdataOnlyConstructor convenience constructor accepting one string. (Is built in TypedDOMGenerator) -
Survey on all GeneratedConstructor-s:
The constructors in AbstractElementTemplate are nearly parameterless and only needed for the UPWARD chain from a particular model element class via abstract elements and package.Element to tdom.runtime.TypedElement. They use only the name parameter. (WHY? IS KNOWN STATIC !?!?!) Thus they throw nothing.
typedConstructor = new Element(NamespaceName) untypedConstructor = new Element(W3CDOM)
Further irrelevant GeneratedConstructor-s:
one in DTDTemplate ("new DTD(MsgRcv)")
two in DumperTemplate (ContentHandler plus LexicalHandler)Most GeneratedConstructor are built when TypedDOMGenerator visits the content models, and must be accessible when "finish" generates API documentation.
S=shallow D=descending | live on C=Container/E=Element Template | | X=ContentModelException | | | S=AttributeSyntaxExc(iff approp) | | | M=AttributeMissingExc(iff approp) | | | AX=AttributeExc iff any Att present typedConstructor = new Ele/CP(C1,C2,C3) S C SM typedConstructorSafe = new Ele/CP(SV,C1,..) S E M untypedConstructor = new Element(w3cDom..) D C X AX new Seq(CntMap..) D C X AX parsingConstructor = new Element(CntMap..) S E X AX INTERNAL ONLY "C"-->FIXME CHECK disambigConstructor = new Ele/CP() S C M disambigConstructorSafe = new Ele(SF) S C M semiparsingConstructor = new E(SaxAtt,E..) S E X SM semiparsingConstructorConstructorShort = new E(E..) S E X M pcdataOnlyConstructor=new E(String) S E SM (built in TypedDOMGenerator !?) CntMap=ContentMap Ele/CP=Element or Choice or Sequence SV=SafeValues-flag SaxAtt = SAX.Attributes ADDITIONAL for the mixed content case there are pcdataEmptyConstructor=new E() = disambigConstructor pcdataEmptyConstructorSafe =new E(SV) = disambigConstructorSafe pcdataOnlyConstructor =new E(String) pcdataOnlyConstructorSafe =new E(SV, String)
The "..Safe" variants are generated ONLY if there are unsafe attributes.The constructors of the generated common "Document" superclass is trivial and invokes the constructors of the runtime class with the DTD class as only argument.
Some of the constructors in the generated "Document_[XY]" classes initiate parsing:S=shallow D=descending | | X=ContentModelException | | S=AttributeSyntaxExc(iff approp) | | M=AttributeMissingExc(iff approp) | | AX=AttributeExc iff any Att present typedConstructor = new Doc_[XY](Element) S untypedConstructor = new Doc_[XY](w3cDom..) D X AX saxConstructor = new Doc_[XY](SaxStr) D X AX (SaxStr=SAXEventStream) decodeConstructor = new Doc_[XY](JIS) D X AX (
The "ContentClass" classes generated for MIXED content get one constructor for each possible element type, and one for pcdata (=String), and one common with the altIndex as parameter.
(( Additionally there is a "FactoryConstructor" ??? DOCME ))Closely related to the constructors are the parse() and decode() methods and their signatures. MORE TO COME DOCME
Generating constructors: (ml 20170727) The DOM and SAX constructors and parsers are not used with fine granularity, so they can follow a global decision: Iff there is any one attribute contained in the DTD, they declare to throw TdomAttributeException.
typedConstructor, untypedConstructor and disambigConstructor are defined on the super class level, They do ALWAYS exist and are also used for Choice and Sequence.
The other constructors live only in this code file.
"untypedConstructor" has parameters: (DOM-element, ext, listener). It is PRIVATE, used by parse(DOM-element...) which is NOT VISIBLE in api doc, but has package scope. The user method for parsing DOM objects is finallyDTD.[FIXME]
"typedConstructor" has parameters: (complete content model copied from "set(..)" method).
It is public and presented to the user. It does not throwTdomContentException
, but possiblyTdomAttributeException
"semiparsingConstructor" has a optional SAX ATTRIBUTE LIST and a sequence of <pkg>/Element. It can throw content and attribute exceptions
"semiparsingConstructorShort" is a shortcut with no sax attribute list.
"parsingConstructor" has ContentMapping, Extension, Listener. It is INTERNAL ONLY and used by FIXME ASK BT
"disambigConstructor" is needed iff zero-length content is possible but not necessary, as in case of "MIXED" content. It treats the empty case explcitly. This is necessary because otherwise the empty signature would be ambigious between "typed" and "untyped" and rejected when compiling the applying code.
pcdataOnlyConstructor convenience constructor accepting one string. (Is built in TypedDOMGenerator) -
Survey on all GeneratedConstructor-s:
The constructors in AbstractElementTemplate are nearly parameterless and only needed for the UPWARD chain from a particular model element class via abstract elements and package.Element to tdom.runtime.TypedElement. They use only the name parameter. (WHY? IS KNOWN STATIC !?!?!) Thus they throw nothing.
typedConstructor = new Element(NamespaceName) untypedConstructor = new Element(W3CDOM)
Further irrelevant GeneratedConstructor-s:
one in DTDTemplate ("new DTD(MsgRcv)")
two in DumperTemplate (ContentHandler plus LexicalHandler)Most GeneratedConstructor are built when TypedDOMGenerator visits the content models, and must be accessible when "finish" generates API documentation.
S=shallow D=descending | live on C=Container/E=Element Template | | X=ContentModelException | | | S=AttributeSyntaxExc(iff approp) | | | M=AttributeMissingExc(iff approp) | | | AX=AttributeExc iff any Att present typedConstructor = new Ele/CP(C1,C2,C3) S C SM typedConstructorSafe = new Ele/CP(SV,C1,..) S E M untypedConstructor = new Element(w3cDom..) D C X AX new Seq(CntMap..) D C X AX parsingConstructor = new Element(CntMap..) S E X AX INTERNAL ONLY "C"-->FIXME CHECK disambigConstructor = new Ele/CP() S C M disambigConstructorSafe = new Ele(SF) S C M semiparsingConstructor = new E(SaxAtt,E..) S E X SM semiparsingConstructorConstructorShort = new E(E..) S E X M pcdataOnlyConstructor=new E(String) S E SM (built in TypedDOMGenerator !?) CntMap=ContentMap Ele/CP=Element or Choice or Sequence SV=SafeValues-flag SaxAtt = SAX.Attributes ADDITIONAL for the mixed content case there are pcdataEmptyConstructor=new E() = disambigConstructor pcdataEmptyConstructorSafe =new E(SV) = disambigConstructorSafe pcdataOnlyConstructor =new E(String) pcdataOnlyConstructorSafe =new E(SV, String)
The "..Safe" variants are generated ONLY if there are unsafe attributes.The constructors of the generated common "Document" superclass is trivial and invokes the constructors of the runtime class with the DTD class as only argument.
Some of the constructors in the generated "Document_[XY]" classes initiate parsing:S=shallow D=descending | | X=ContentModelException | | S=AttributeSyntaxExc(iff approp) | | M=AttributeMissingExc(iff approp) | | AX=AttributeExc iff any Att present typedConstructor = new Doc_[XY](Element) S untypedConstructor = new Doc_[XY](w3cDom..) D X AX saxConstructor = new Doc_[XY](SaxStr) D X AX (SaxStr=SAXEventStream) decodeConstructor = new Doc_[XY](JIS) D X AX (
The "ContentClass" classes generated for MIXED content get one constructor for each possible element type, and one for pcdata (=String), and one common with the altIndex as parameter.
(( Additionally there is a "FactoryConstructor" ??? DOCME ))Closely related to the constructors are the parse() and decode() methods and their signatures. MORE TO COME DOCME
Generating constructors: (ml 20170727) The DOM and SAX constructors and parsers are not used with fine granularity, so they can follow a global decision: Iff there is any one attribute contained in the DTD, they declare to throw TdomAttributeException.
typedConstructor, untypedConstructor and disambigConstructor are defined on the super class level, They do ALWAYS exist and are also used for Choice and Sequence.
The other constructors live only in this code file.
"untypedConstructor" has parameters: (DOM-element, ext, listener). It is PRIVATE, used by parse(DOM-element...) which is NOT VISIBLE in api doc, but has package scope. The user method for parsing DOM objects is finallyDTD.[FIXME]
"typedConstructor" has parameters: (complete content model copied from "set(..)" method).
It is public and presented to the user. It does not throwTdomContentException
, but possiblyTdomAttributeException
"semiparsingConstructor" has a optional SAX ATTRIBUTE LIST and a sequence of <pkg>/Element. It can throw content and attribute exceptions
"semiparsingConstructorShort" is a shortcut with no sax attribute list.
"parsingConstructor" has ContentMapping, Extension, Listener. It is INTERNAL ONLY and used by FIXME ASK BT
"disambigConstructor" is needed iff zero-length content is possible but not necessary, as in case of "MIXED" content. It treats the empty case explcitly. This is necessary because otherwise the empty signature would be ambigious between "typed" and "untyped" and rejected when compiling the applying code.
pcdataOnlyConstructor convenience constructor accepting one string. (Is built in TypedDOMGenerator) -
Survey on all GeneratedConstructor-s:
The constructors in AbstractElementTemplate are nearly parameterless and only needed for the UPWARD chain from a particular model element class via abstract elements and package.Element to tdom.runtime.TypedElement. They use only the name parameter. (WHY? IS KNOWN STATIC !?!?!) Thus they throw nothing.
typedConstructor = new Element(NamespaceName) untypedConstructor = new Element(W3CDOM)
Further irrelevant GeneratedConstructor-s:
one in DTDTemplate ("new DTD(MsgRcv)")
two in DumperTemplate (ContentHandler plus LexicalHandler)Most GeneratedConstructor are built when TypedDOMGenerator visits the content models, and must be accessible when "finish" generates API documentation.
S=shallow D=descending | live on C=Container/E=Element Template | | X=ContentModelException | | | S=AttributeSyntaxExc(iff approp) | | | M=AttributeMissingExc(iff approp) | | | AX=AttributeExc iff any Att present typedConstructor = new Ele/CP(C1,C2,C3) S C SM typedConstructorSafe = new Ele/CP(SV,C1,..) S E M untypedConstructor = new Element(w3cDom..) D C X AX new Seq(CntMap..) D C X AX parsingConstructor = new Element(CntMap..) S E X AX INTERNAL ONLY "C"-->FIXME CHECK disambigConstructor = new Ele/CP() S C M disambigConstructorSafe = new Ele(SF) S C M semiparsingConstructor = new E(SaxAtt,E..) S E X SM semiparsingConstructorConstructorShort = new E(E..) S E X M pcdataOnlyConstructor=new E(String) S E SM (built in TypedDOMGenerator !?) CntMap=ContentMap Ele/CP=Element or Choice or Sequence SV=SafeValues-flag SaxAtt = SAX.Attributes ADDITIONAL for the mixed content case there are pcdataEmptyConstructor=new E() = disambigConstructor pcdataEmptyConstructorSafe =new E(SV) = disambigConstructorSafe pcdataOnlyConstructor =new E(String) pcdataOnlyConstructorSafe =new E(SV, String)
The "..Safe" variants are generated ONLY if there are unsafe attributes.The constructors of the generated common "Document" superclass is trivial and invokes the constructors of the runtime class with the DTD class as only argument.
Some of the constructors in the generated "Document_[XY]" classes initiate parsing:S=shallow D=descending | | X=ContentModelException | | S=AttributeSyntaxExc(iff approp) | | M=AttributeMissingExc(iff approp) | | AX=AttributeExc iff any Att present typedConstructor = new Doc_[XY](Element) S untypedConstructor = new Doc_[XY](w3cDom..) D X AX saxConstructor = new Doc_[XY](SaxStr) D X AX (SaxStr=SAXEventStream) decodeConstructor = new Doc_[XY](JIS) D X AX (
The "ContentClass" classes generated for MIXED content get one constructor for each possible element type, and one for pcdata (=String), and one common with the altIndex as parameter.
(( Additionally there is a "FactoryConstructor" ??? DOCME ))Closely related to the constructors are the parse() and decode() methods and their signatures. MORE TO COME DOCME
Generating constructors: (ml 20170727) The DOM and SAX constructors and parsers are not used with fine granularity, so they can follow a global decision: Iff there is any one attribute contained in the DTD, they declare to throw TdomAttributeException.
typedConstructor, untypedConstructor and disambigConstructor are defined on the super class level, They do ALWAYS exist and are also used for Choice and Sequence.
The other constructors live only in this code file.
"untypedConstructor" has parameters: (DOM-element, ext, listener). It is PRIVATE, used by parse(DOM-element...) which is NOT VISIBLE in api doc, but has package scope. The user method for parsing DOM objects is finallyDTD.[FIXME]
"typedConstructor" has parameters: (complete content model copied from "set(..)" method).
It is public and presented to the user. It does not throwTdomContentException
, but possiblyTdomAttributeException
"semiparsingConstructor" has a optional SAX ATTRIBUTE LIST and a sequence of <pkg>/Element. It can throw content and attribute exceptions
"semiparsingConstructorShort" is a shortcut with no sax attribute list.
"parsingConstructor" has ContentMapping, Extension, Listener. It is INTERNAL ONLY and used by FIXME ASK BT
"disambigConstructor" is needed iff zero-length content is possible but not necessary, as in case of "MIXED" content. It treats the empty case explcitly. This is necessary because otherwise the empty signature would be ambigious between "typed" and "untyped" and rejected when compiling the applying code.
pcdataOnlyConstructor convenience constructor accepting one string. (Is built in TypedDOMGenerator) -
MetaType contentClass -
DocumentTemplate documentTemplate -
String idAttribute -
Accumulator for the generated semi-parser code. -
contains the field names of formattr_[xxx]
. Has been filled byTypedAttrsGenerator
in "processOneAttDef" by invokingaddRequiredAttribute(String)
. -
Keys are the original dtd name. This info is only needed for documentation text generation. Has been filled byTypedAttrsGenerator
in "processOneAttDef" by invokingaddAttribute(String,MetaClass)
Constructor Details
public ElementTemplate(PackageTemplate packageTemplate, DTD.Element element, NamespaceName nname, boolean isPublic)
Method Details
- Specified by:
in classContainerTemplate
- Specified by:
in interfaceToplevelTemplate
boolean get_allAttrsJavaSafe() -
public boolean restrictSafeFlags(boolean java, boolean saxDom) - Specified by:
in interfaceToplevelTemplate
protected void giveTypedConstructorSafe() -
public void init()- Overrides:
in classContainerTemplate
Second part of initialization. Is called from TypedDOMGenerator separately, because it needs "SelectedIntegersAttribute", which is set byTypedAttrsGenerator.prepareCommon(Dtd)
. -
public void finish()Called from PackageTemplate.finish()- Overrides:
in classContainerTemplate
- Specified by:
in interfaceToplevelTemplate
- Specified by:
in interfaceToplevelTemplate
- Specified by:
in interfaceToplevelTemplate
void addTagIndexField() -
Description copied from class:ContainerTemplate
For TypedSequence, TypedChoice, TypedAlt.- Overrides:
in classContainerTemplate
- Overrides:
in classContainerTemplate
Description copied from class:ContainerTemplate
The "typed constructor" has the same signature as theset(...)
method, namely what corresponds correctly to the content model (notwithstanding null-checks and array length.)- Overrides:
in classContainerTemplate
Description copied from class:ContainerTemplate
The "untyped constructor" requires a tdom object and is NORMALLY NOT visible to/callable by the programmer.- Overrides:
in classContainerTemplate
- Overrides:
in classContainerTemplate
protected void generateDeclComment()Called byContainerTemplate.finish()
.- Overrides:
in classContainerTemplate
- Overrides:
in classNodeTemplate
- Overrides:
in classContainerTemplate
public void analyzeContent() -
protected void generateParseSAXAction()- Overrides:
in classNodeTemplate
- Specified by:
in classContainerTemplate
- Overrides:
in classNodeTemplate
protected void generateSemiparseAction()- Overrides:
in classNodeTemplate
ATTENTION @param fieldname is a mangling result "attr_"+makeJavaName(). Currently called by TypedAttrsGenerator. -
ATTENTION @param fieldname is the original DTD name -