Class Iterators
Library of combinators for classes implementing
Nested Class Summary
Nested ClassesModifier and TypeClassDescriptionstatic class
static interface
(package private) static class
static class
An iterator which allows arbitrary deep look-ahead for an underlying iterator.static class
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.static interface
(package private) static class
static class
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version. -
Method Summary
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionstatic <E> Optional
<E> Deliver an arbitrarily selected value delivered by the given iterator, or an empty Optional if no such exists.static <E,
F> Iterator <F> Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.use#flatMap(Function,Iterator)
instead.static <A> Iterator
<A> cacheHasNext
(Iterator<A> i) static <A> Iterator
<A> Forgets a wildcard in the element type of a given iterator.static <A,
B> Iterator <B> comprehend
(Iterator<A> gen, Function<? super A, ? extends Iterator<B>> fun) Deprecated.use streams insteadstatic <A,
B> Iterator <B> comprehend
(Iterator<A> gen, Predicate<? super A> filter, Function<? super A, ? extends B> map) Deprecated.use streams insteadstatic <E> Iterator
<E> Returns an iterator consisting of the combined elements of two given iterators in order.static <E> Iterator
<E> Returns an iterator consisting of the given first element preceding the remaining elements of a given iterator.static <A> Iterator
<A> static <A> void
(Consumer<? super A> sink, Iterator<A> it) Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.static <E> Iterator
<E> empty()
Returns an iterator consisting of no elements.static <E> Iterator
<E> Returns an iterator consisting of the remaining elements of a given iterator that match the given predicate.static <A,
B> Iterator <A> filterWithConstraint
(BiPredicate<? super A, ? super B> rel, Iterator<A> things, Iterator<B> constraints) Returns an iterator consisting of the elements of another iterator that match a constraint from a parallel iterator.static <E> Optional
<E> Deliver the first value delivered by the given iterator, or an empty Optional if no such exists.static <E,
F> Iterator <F> static <E> Iterator
<E> Returns an iterator consisting of the combined elements of all iterators returned by a given iterator in order.static <T> void
(Iterator<T> it, @Opt Consumer<T> first, BiConsumer<T, T> pairwise, @Opt Consumer<T> last) Apply one given code to the first item delivered by the iterator, then the code to all pairs of adjacent items, and finally the code to the very last item.static <T> void
(Iterator<T> it, BiConsumer<T, T> pairwise) Apply the given code to all pairs of adjacent items delivered by the iterator, in their sequential order.static <T> void
(Iterator<T> it, TriConsumer<@Opt T, @Opt T, @Opt T> consumer) Apply the given code to all adjacent triples of items es delivered by the iterator.static <A> Iterators.LookaheadIterator
<A> static <A,
B> Iterator <B> Returns an iterator consisting of the results of applying the given function to the remaining elements of a given iterator.static <A> Iterator
<A> merge
(Comparator<? super A> order, boolean removeDuplicates, Iterator<? extends A> left, Iterator<? extends A> right) static <E> Iterator
<E> of
(E... things) Returns an iterator consisting of exactly the given elements.static <A> Iterators.PushbackIterator
<A> static <E> Iterator
<E> singleton
(E value) Returns an iterator consisting of exactly one given element.static <A> Iterator
<A> static <A> Iterator
<A> unmodifiableIterator
(Iterator<A> i)
Method Details
Forgets a wildcard in the element type of a given iterator.- Parameters:
- an iterator- Returns:
- the same iterator
Returns an iterator consisting of no elements.- Type Parameters:
- the type of elements returned by the returned iterator- Returns:
- an iterator that has no elements
Returns an iterator consisting of exactly one given element. The element is not removable.- Type Parameters:
- the type of elements returned by the returned iterator- Parameters:
- the single element of the returned iterator- Returns:
- an iterator that has exactly the given element
Returns an iterator consisting of exactly the given elements. Elements are not removable.- Type Parameters:
- the type of elements returned by the returned iterator- Parameters:
- the elements of the returned iterator- Returns:
- an iterator that has exactly the given elements
Returns an iterator consisting of the given first element preceding the remaining elements of a given iterator. The first element is not removable. Further removal requests are passed through to the underlying iterator.- Type Parameters:
- the type of elements returned by the returned iterator- Parameters:
- the first elementrest
- the iterator of the succeeding elements- Returns:
- an iterator that returns the first element followed by the
remaining elements of
- Throws:
- ifrest == null
Returns an iterator consisting of the combined elements of two given iterators in order. Removal requests are passed through to the underlying iterators.- Type Parameters:
- the type of elements returned by the returned iterator- Parameters:
- the first iterator to consult for elementssecond
- the second iterator to consult for elements- Returns:
- an iterator that returns all remaining elements of
, followed by all remaining elements ofsecond
- Throws:
- iffirst == null
orsecond == null
Returns an iterator consisting of the combined elements of all iterators returned by a given iterator in order. Removal requests are passed through to the underlying iterators.- Type Parameters:
- the type of elements returned by the returned iterator- Parameters:
- the iterators to be combined- Returns:
- the combined interator
- Throws:
- ifiterators == null
or one in the list is==null
@Deprecated(forRemoval=true) public static <E,F> Iterator<F> bind(Function<? super E, ? extends Iterator<? extends F>> fun, Iterator<E> things) Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.use#flatMap(Function,Iterator)
instead. -
@Undocumented public static <E,F> Iterator<F> flatMap(Function<? super E, ? extends Iterator<? extends F>> fun, Iterator<E> things) -
Returns an iterator consisting of the remaining elements of a given iterator that match the given predicate. Removal requests are passed through to the underlying iterator. -
Returns an iterator consisting of the results of applying the given function to the remaining elements of a given iterator. Removal requests are passed through to the underlying iterator. -
@Deprecated(since="0.0") public static <A,B> Iterator<B> comprehend(Iterator<A> gen, Predicate<? super A> filter, Function<? super A, ? extends B> map) Deprecated.use streams insteadFirst apply filter, than map, and collect results. -
@Deprecated(since="0.0") public static <A,B> Iterator<B> comprehend(Iterator<A> gen, Function<? super A, ? extends Iterator<B>> fun) Deprecated.use streams insteadApply function and collect results. -
@Undocumented public static <A> Iterators.LookaheadIterator<A> lookahead(Iterator<? extends A> things) -
@Undocumented public static <A> Iterators.PushbackIterator<A> pushback(Iterator<? extends A> things) -
@Undocumented public static <A> Iterator<A> merge(Comparator<? super A> order, boolean removeDuplicates, Iterator<? extends A> left, Iterator<? extends A> right) -
public static <A,B> Iterator<A> filterWithConstraint(BiPredicate<? super A, ? super B> rel, Iterator<A> things, Iterator<B> constraints) Returns an iterator consisting of the elements of another iterator that match a constraint from a parallel iterator.The elements of the given iterators
are consumed in parallel, one element at a time. If one or both of them run out of elements, so does the resulting iterator.The pairs of successive elements are filtered through the given matching relation
. If a pair is accepted, then the corresponding element (fromthings
) appears in the resulting iterator; the matched constraint is omitted. If a pair is not accepted, then it is omitted altogether.The resulting iterator does not support the operation
.- Parameters:
- the matching relation between elements and constraintsthings
- the iterator of elementsconstraints
- the iterator of constraints- Returns:
- an iterator that passes through elements that match their respective contstraint
@Undocumented @Deprecated(forRemoval=true) public static <A> void elementwise(Consumer<? super A> sink, Iterator<A> it) Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version. -
Apply the given code to all pairs of adjacent items delivered by the iterator, in their sequential order. -
public static <T> void forEachPair(Iterator<T> it, @Opt @Opt Consumer<T> first, BiConsumer<T, T> pairwise, @Opt @Opt Consumer<T> last) Apply one given code to the first item delivered by the iterator, then the code to all pairs of adjacent items, and finally the code to the very last item.- Parameters:
- code for the very first item. May be null for no activitiy.pairwise
- code for all adjaacent pairs, must not be null.last
- code for the very last item. May be null for no activitiy.
Apply the given code to all adjacent triples of items es delivered by the iterator. If the iterator is completely empty, no code is called. Otherwise the schema for binding the parameters of the code e.g. from a four element list is as follows:null null #0 null #0 #1 #0 #1 #2 #1 #2 #3 #2 #3 null #3 null null
Deliver the first value delivered by the given iterator, or an empty Optional if no such exists. -
Deliver an arbitrarily selected value delivered by the given iterator, or an empty Optional if no such exists.
forEachPair(java.util.Iterator<T>, java.util.function.BiConsumer<T, T>)