Class TypedDocument<E extends TypedElement<E,X>,X extends TypedExtension>

Direct Known Subclasses:
Document, Document, Document, Document

public abstract class TypedDocument<E extends TypedElement<E,X>,X extends TypedExtension> extends TypedNode<X>
Fundamental base class for all Elements which can serve as a "document element" / "root element". One(1) immediate subclass of this class with the name "Document" will be generated in each tdom model. Then for every element declaration (e.g. "EL") which is declared as "public" by a PI in the underlying DTD, a subclass of this class is generated called "Document_EL". This class will provide the factory methods for converting sources into complete document instances and other global methods. Since these rely on the generated classes, they cannot be found here, but only in the generated code. They will look aprox. like ...
     Document_EL (Element_EL) {..}
         // = bottom-up explicit constructor
     Document_EL (SAXEventStream,TypedExtension) {..}
         // = for parsing a complete document from the sax input
     Document_EL (org.w3c.dom.Document, Extension) {..}
         // = for converting one complete DOM model into a tdom model
     ElementDictionary<Element> createDictionary() {..}
         // = for linking all id and idref attributes
(Reminder: "Element" is the name of the generated class serving as common base class of all element classes.)