Class Visitor

All Implemented Interfaces:
Direct Known Subclasses:
CatalogFromFile.TranslationCollector, Dumper, VisitorTemplate

@Generated(generator="", version="", timestamp="2025-03-02_11h54m52") @Undocumented public class Visitor extends BaseVisitor implements PCDataVisitor
Super class for all user defined visitor code.
  • Constructor Details

    • Visitor

      public Visitor()
  • Method Details

    • visit

      public void visit(TypedPCData pcdata)
      Description copied from class: BaseVisitor
      To be overridden. This default implementation does nothing.
      Specified by:
      visit in interface PCDataVisitor
      visit in class BaseVisitor
    • visit

      public void visit(Visitable<? super Visitor> visitable)
    • visit

      @Undocumented public void visit(Element_entry element)
      Can be overridden by the user to define particular semantic operations. Will be called whenever the default model instance traversal (as implemented by the methods in this class) reaches such an element.
      This default implementation descends into the element by calling visit(..) in turn for all selected attributes (see BaseVisitor.validating) and for all components in its contents according to the content model.
    • visit

      @Undocumented public void visit(Element_translationfile element)
      Can be overridden by the user to define particular semantic operations. Will be called whenever the default model instance traversal (as implemented by the methods in this class) reaches such an element.
      This default implementation descends into the element by calling visit(..) in turn for all components in its contents according to the content model.
    • visit

      @Undocumented public void visit(Element_text element)
      Can be overridden by the user to define particular semantic operations. Will be called whenever the default model instance traversal (as implemented by the methods in this class) reaches such an element.
      This default implementation descends into the element by calling visit(..) in turn for all selected attributes (see BaseVisitor.validating) and for all PCData in its contents.
    • visit

      @Undocumented public void visit(Element_entry.Attr_key attr_key)
      Can be overridden by the user. Is called whenever traversing of a model instance (as defined by the methods in this class) reaches such an Attribute.
      This default implementation does nothing.
    • visit

      @Undocumented public void visit(Element_entry.Attr_lang attr_lang)
      Can be overridden by the user. Is called whenever traversing of a model instance (as defined by the methods in this class) reaches such an Attribute.
      This default implementation does nothing.
    • visit

      @Undocumented public void visit(Element_text.Attr_lang attr_lang)
      Can be overridden by the user. Is called whenever traversing of a model instance (as defined by the methods in this class) reaches such an Attribute.
      This default implementation does nothing.
    • visit

      public void visit(Element.UnmixedContent content)
    • visit

      @Undocumented public void visit(Document_translationfile document)
      Can be called to visit the complete model instance. (Is not intended to be overridden by the user.)
    • visit

      public void visit(Element element)
    • visit

      @Undocumented public void visit(Document document)
      Can be called to visit the complete model instance. (Is not intended to be overridden by the user.)