Class DTD.AttValue

All Implemented Interfaces:
Formattable, Cloneable
Enclosing class:

public static class DTD.AttValue extends DTD.DefaultDecl
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.
(This definition has been created by UMod from the source at SYSTEM "DTD.umod":66.1-3, see this pretty print.)
  • Field Details

    • fixed

      protected boolean fixed
      Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.
      (This definition has been created by UMod from the source at SYSTEM "DTD.umod":177.5-49, see this pretty print.)
      The type of this field is boolean(never null)
      It is set by every possible constructor.
      See Also:
    • value

      protected String value
      Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.
      (This definition has been created by UMod from the source at SYSTEM "DTD.umod":178.5-49, see this pretty print.)
      The type of this field is java.lang.String(never null)
      It is set by every possible constructor.
      See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • AttValue

      public AttValue(boolean fixed, String value)
      Constructor generated according to specification #0
      Constructor defined according to directive "C 0/..".
      fixed - is copied to field fixed
      value - is copied to field value
  • Method Details

    • doclone

      public DTD.AttValue doclone()
      Clones this object. Method never fails, since Cloneable is known to be implemented.
      doclone in class DTD.DefaultDecl
      a fresh copy.
    • getFormatHint

      public static String getFormatHint()
      Delivers the format specification from the umod source.
      The constant return value is ..
      $switch fixed{true:'#FIXED '}($java''(value))
      This can be used e.g. by format code interpreters which process objects of different origin.
    • format

      public Format format()
      Delivers a format object for pretty-printing, as specified in the umod source.
      Specified by:
      format in interface Formattable
      format in class DTD.DefaultDecl
      a format that represents this object in a pretty-printable way
    • initFrom

      public DTD.AttValue initFrom(Object o0)
      Copies values of all common fields from the argument. All fields of this class definition are copied, iff the argument is of this class. Then the superclass method is invoked with the same argument.
      initFrom in class DTD.DefaultDecl
    • get_fixed

      public boolean get_fixed()
      Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.
      (This definition has been created by UMod from the source at SYSTEM "DTD.umod":177.5-49, see this pretty print.)
      Generated getter method. @see #fixed
      The current field value of type boolean(never null)
    • set_fixed

      public boolean set_fixed(boolean val)
      Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.
      (This definition has been created by UMod from the source at SYSTEM "DTD.umod":177.5-49, see this pretty print.)
      Updates the (mutable) instance destructively.
      val - the new value of type boolean(never null)
      whether a change (w.r.t. ==) did actually happen.
      See Also:
    • get_value

      public String get_value()
      Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.
      (This definition has been created by UMod from the source at SYSTEM "DTD.umod":178.5-49, see this pretty print.)
      Generated getter method. @see #value
      The current field value of type java.lang.String(never null)
    • set_value

      public boolean set_value(String val)
      Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.
      (This definition has been created by UMod from the source at SYSTEM "DTD.umod":178.5-49, see this pretty print.)
      Updates the (mutable) instance destructively.
      val - the new value of type java.lang.String(never null)
      whether a change (w.r.t. ==) did actually happen.
      See Also:
    • get_fixed

      public static Pattern<DTD.AttValue> get_fixed(Pattern<? super Boolean> p)
      Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.
      More complex pattern methods are generated in the one ancillary class DTD.__Patterns.
    • get_value

      public static Pattern<DTD.AttValue> get_value(Pattern<? super String> p)
      Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.
      More complex pattern methods are generated in the one ancillary class DTD.__Patterns.