Class LocationMap<D,E>

Type Parameters:
D - the document identifier type of the domain locations
E - the document identifier type of the range locations

public class LocationMap<D,E> extends Object
Facility to translate Locations. Is needed in case of re-arranging text fragments, and location info must be adjusted accordingly.

Eg. when fragents from a source text are concatenated into a StringBuilder, which is then subject to a lexical sanner, the scanner will produce error messages which must be re-mapped to the original context to become meaningful for the user.

All locations entered into this map must be of the "region" flavour (see Location). They must be entered pairwise, with identical lengths.

  • Field Details

    • leftlocs

      protected List<Location<D>> leftlocs
      Locations making up the translation's domain. List is in one-to-one-correspondance to rightlocs.
    • rightlocs

      protected List<Location<E>> rightlocs
      Locations making up the translation's range. List is in one-to-one-correspondance to leftlocs.
    • transparent

      protected boolean transparent
      Whether locatiosn not in the domain are delivered unmodified, as their own Translation. If not set, null is returned in this case.
    • mapLocations

      public final Function<Location<D>,Location<E>> mapLocations
      Total function, which translates null to null and maps every location according to the containing LocationMap.
  • Constructor Details

    • LocationMap

      public LocationMap()
      Construct a new instance.
  • Method Details

    • clear

      public void clear()
      Clear the map completely, in both directions.
    • put

      public void put(Location<D> left, Location<E> right)
      Establishes the mapping between both locations. left and right must be of "region" type and must have equal length.
      left - the region on the left side of the map
      right - the region on the right of the map
    • setTransparent

      public boolean setTransparent(boolean trans)
      Sets the transparent attribute and returns its old value. Id decides whether a location which is not in the domain is returned unmodified (as its own translation, in case transparent == true), or if null is returned otherwise. This is only sensible when type parameters D and E have the same value. Otherwise a type error will occur at runtime.
      trans - the new value for transparent behaviour.
      the old value for transparent behaviour.
    • resolve

      @Opt public @Opt Location<E> resolve(Location<D> loc)
      Performs the mapping from left to right, Can currently only deal with points and intervals, not with sets.
      loc - the Location to translate (from the left to the right side of the map.)
      the translated location, or null if not in domain.
    • resolveBackward

      @Opt public @Opt Location<D> resolveBackward(Location<E> loc)
      Performs the mapping from right to left, Can currently only deal with points and intervals, not with sets.
      loc - the Location to translate (from the right to the left side of the map.)
      the translated location, or null if not in domain.
    • doResolve

      @Opt protected <P, Q> @Opt Location<Q> doResolve(List<Location<P>> from, List<Location<Q>> to, Location<P> loc)
      Resolve a point or a region. If a point is not in a domain region return null (iff transparent not set) or the unmodified point.

      If only one end of a region is in a domain region, then return this end. If no end of a region is in a domain region, return null or the original, depending on transparent.

      Type Parameters:
      P - the document type of the input location.
      Q - the document type of the target location.
      from - the list of the input locations, must be in sync with the list of the output locations.
      to - the list of the output locations.
      loc - the Location to translate.
      the translated location, possibly null or the unchanged input.
    • resolvePoint

      @Opt protected static <P, Q> @Opt Location<Q> resolvePoint(List<Location<P>> from, List<Location<Q>> to, Location<P> loc)
      Translates a location point at offset p in domain region n to the point at the same offset in the range region n.
      Type Parameters:
      P - the document type of the input location.
      Q - the document type of the target location.
      from - the list of the input locations, must be in sync with the list of the output locations.
      to - the list of the output locations.
      loc - the Location to translate.
      the translated location, possibly null if the input location is not contained in a domain region.
    • dump

      public void dump(PrintStream p)
      Auxiliary debugging routine. Prints all pairs of regions to the given output.
      p - the drain of the outputs.