All Classes and Interfaces

Common interface of all signal (time-dependent value) sources whose observable state is driven by a clock.
Piecewise defined (control-rate) function, mainly used for "envelopes" for forming acoustic note events Historically derived from the "AUDIAC PFGs" (Zander, Kümmel, 1982)
Common operations required for controlling different types of sequencers by a common controller, eg.
Common interface of all signal (time-dependent value) sources.
Base class for signal sources of that choose dynamically from a fixed collection of inputs.
Represents accidentals, used for key indications and for pitches, when combined with white keys.
Applies some of the analyses described by David Cline "The Graph Music of Morton Feldman" (2016) to the tscore model.
cf Cline(2016) p.141
Analyse a FeldmanProjection_n score object for multi stops and three overlapping piano events.
Catalog of commonly used articulations in CWN.
Assigns to a qualified identifier an optional value.
This class is used to convert between 8,16,24,32,32+ bit signed/unsigned big/litle endian fixed/floating point byte buffers and float buffers.
This class is used to create AudioFloatInputStream from AudioInputStream and byte buffers.
Models the position in a measure, relative to the starting time of the measure (which is the timepoint of the barline at its beginning).
Utility class with static tools concerning operators of primitive type boolean.
Utility class with static tools concerning operators of primitive type byte.
Utility class with static tools concerning operators of primitive type double.
Utility class with static tools concerning operators of primitive type float.
Utility class with static tools concerning operators of primitive type int.
Utility class with static tools concerning operators of primitive type long.
Utility class with static tools concerning operators of object type.
Interface of a signal (time-dependent value) source of primitive type boolean whose observable state is driven by a clock.
Interface of aggregates of signal sources of primitive type boolean whose observable state is driven by a clock.
A component that forwards the value from an input signal source delayed by a single clock tick.
Aggregates of delay signal sources of primitive type boolean.
A component that forwards the value from a signal source delayed by a specified number of clock ticks.
Central class to realize control values which can come from different sources and flow to different consumers.
A sequencer column supplies the value of one column of a score, changing in time as defined by some "score" object.
A receptacle for a signal source than can be plugged at runtime, even if compiled.
Interface of a signal (time-dependent value) source of primitive type boolean.
Base class for signal sources of primitive type boolean that choose dynamically from a fixed collection of inputs.
Interface of aggregates of signal sources of primitive type boolean.
Interface of mutable aggregates of signal sources of primitive type boolean.
Common base class for signal (time-dependent value) sources of primitive type boolean whose output is the value of a variable that is updated only as driven by a clock.
Interface of components that use a buffer to accumulate and collect data.
Interface of a signal (time-dependent value) source of primitive type byte whose observable state is driven by a clock.
Interface of aggregates of signal sources of primitive type byte whose observable state is driven by a clock.
A component that forwards the value from an input signal source delayed by a single clock tick.
Aggregates of delay signal sources of primitive type byte.
Representation of fractions.
A component that forwards the value from a signal source delayed by a specified number of clock ticks.
Central class to realize control values which can come from different sources and flow to different consumers.
Sample and Hold takes a semple of the input signal whenever step() is invoked.
A sequencer column supplies the value of one column of a score, changing in time as defined by some "score" object.
A receptacle for a signal source than can be plugged at runtime, even if compiled.
Interface of a signal (time-dependent value) source of primitive type byte.
Base class for signal sources of primitive type byte that choose dynamically from a fixed collection of inputs.
Interface of aggregates of signal sources of primitive type byte.
Interface of mutable aggregates of signal sources of primitive type byte.
Common base class for signal (time-dependent value) sources of primitive type byte whose output is the value of a variable that is updated only as driven by a clock.
Subroutines and configuration data for the "grid" view of tabstaff, for static and animated SVG renderings.
Old implementation variant which generates SVG text by directly constructing Java String values.
New implementation variant which uses the SVG library JSVG.
The roles of a key in the grid, when assigned to MIDI note on/off event.
Realizes the clefs which indicate line-to-pitch reference point.
A ClefUsage combines a clef form, the line number on which it is positioned, and possibly an additional octave displacement.
Interface of a signal (time-dependent value) source of a fixed object type whose observable state is driven by a clock.
Interface of aggregates of signal sources of a fixed object type whose observable state is driven by a clock.
A very simple color type, sufficient for merely informational text markup, etc.
Abstract interface for all entities that can be compiled to byte code that produces a signal value.
The interface to code generation for objects of operational classes of this package.
Interface of computational components whose observable state is changed atomically by a delegate object at specified events in time.
Source of information about constant-rate realtime sampling control flow.
Abstract base class of all event collections, which additionally carry some non-temporal ("meta") attributes.
(This definition has been created by UMod from the source at SYSTEM "tscore.umod":18.3-39.5, see this pretty print.)
Common service class for all conversions between technically encoded numbers and semantic representations by Java types.
Creates a simple lilypond output for one or more Score_cwn object/s.
Creates a simple midi file output, based on the javax.sound.midi runtime classes for one tscore "PART" component of one Score_cwn object.
Creates a simple musicXml output (according to "MusicXML 3.0 Partwise") for one tscore:Part component of one Score_cwn object/s.
This is the default sequencer for the basic type compilation result of CWN tscore scores.
This is the default sequencer for the basic type compilation result of CWN tscore scores.
Creates as output a basic sig sequencer data to be put into a CwnSequencerDouble, etc.
Creates as output a basic sig sequencer data to be put into a CwnSequencerDouble, etc.
Creates as output a basic sig sequencer data to be put into a CwnSequencerDouble, etc.
Creates as output a basic sig sequencer data to be put into a CwnSequencerFloat, etc.
Creates as output a basic sig sequencer data to be put into a CwnSequencerFloat, etc.
Creates as output a basic sig sequencer data to be put into a CwnSequencerFloat, etc.
A component that forwards the value from an input signal source delayed by a single clock tick.
Aggregates of delay signal sources of a fixed object type.
(Parts of this source text are inspired by "" by Matthias Pfisterer, Florian Bomers: )
Write one or two results of metric-split (= sequence of rational time points and events) to a graphic output.
Generates a tabulature-like rendering.
How to distribute the necessary shift among upper and lower stem.
Which of the two four-line systems shall be painted as lines and not realized by ledger lines.
When to apply shifts.
Parsing, model creation, XML encoding, and proof rendering of "Deutsche Lautentabulatur".
Generated source for command line processing.
Source generated from a command line options specification.
Analyses an input file for test data and generates output.
Interface for all structures which can be set in the "four modi" like usual for a dodecaphonic "Reihe", which are retrograde, invers and inverse retrograde.
The twelve forms of "double hooks"="DoppelHaken", based on Haken.
For musical purposes it is utmost convenient to support the "dotted notation", using "prolongation dots", short "dots".
Hinge from pull-based sig architecture into e.g.
Fills multi-channel buffers with a given number of data elements.
Interface of a signal (time-dependent value) source of primitive type double whose observable state is driven by a clock.
Interface of aggregates of signal sources of primitive type double whose observable state is driven by a clock.
A component that forwards the value from an input signal source delayed by a single clock tick.
Aggregates of delay signal sources of primitive type double.
Parameter function: piecewise defined (control-rate) function, for forming acoustic note events.
Two wave-table oscillators, the second with some detuning against the first's nominal frequency imposes a frequency modulation.
Realizes the components of a harmonic spectrum by relative amplitudes.
Output driver from the single-signal-pull sig world into the block-push java runtime system.
Output driver from the single-signal-pull sig world into the block-push java runtime system.
A component that forwards the value from a signal source delayed by a specified number of clock ticks.
Table for tuning factors indexed by some one-dimensional component of a pitch class.
Central class to realize control values which can come from different sources and flow to different consumers.
Sample and Hold takes a semple of the input signal whenever step() is invoked.
A sequencer is a complex object which presents passively to arbitrary many active readers a tuple of values, with a fixed and possibly heterogeneous type.
A sequencer column supplies the value of one column of a score, changing in time as defined by some "score" object.
A receptacle for a signal source than can be plugged at runtime, even if compiled.
Interface of a signal (time-dependent value) source of primitive type double.
Base class for signal sources of primitive type double that choose dynamically from a fixed collection of inputs.
Interface of aggregates of signal sources of primitive type double.
Interface of mutable aggregates of signal sources of primitive type double.
Common base class for signal (time-dependent value) sources of primitive type double whose output is the value of a variable that is updated only as driven by a clock.
Oscillator which plays a wave table always in an infinite cycle with changing frequency.
A signal source whose value can be set asynchronously.
Visitor generated by umod according to field selection #0.
Class for debugging purpose which prints unparsed tscore event sequences.
Durations in the "calendaric" scale, meaning hours, minutes, seconds and decimal fractions of seconds.
Encodes the mere fact that the implementing type is some kind of duration information.
<!ELEMENT columna (duratio, (sonum)+) >.
<!ELEMENT duratio EMPTY >.
<!ELEMENT sonum EMPTY >.
<!ELEMENT tabulatura (columna)* >.
Base class for all things which are in a certain multi-lingual catalog, and have a common parser for their symbolic appearance in scores, and which form a common semantic domain.
Contains collection of basic score entities used as parameter values, indexed and documented in a multi lingual way.
Interface of a signal source with enum values at construction time but ordinal int values at runtime and whose observable state is driven by a clock.
Interface of a signal source with enum values at construction time but ordinal int values at runtime.
Umod main model class: Small language to map the outputs channels of a tscore/sig sequencer onto modifications of a collection of Envelope envelope generators.
(Ancillary class for generating pretty-print format objects).
The code expression describes how the values read from some sources are translated in updates on the segments of the targets (=fin/inc/dt/mode Envelope runtime data arrays).
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.
(Ancillary class as basis for all visitors).
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.
Visitor generated by umod according to field selection #0.
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.
Converts an EnvelopeModifier expression plus context to a sigadlib2 Process
Interpreter to apply an EnvelopeModifier expression to the runtime storage of a {Double,Float}Envelope generator.
Representation of pitch classes or interval classes in the Euler net.
Representation of pitch classes or interval classes in the Euler net, extended by octaves.
Central means for modelling music: Per each combination of voice and time point, at most one event is possible.
(This definition has been created by UMod from the source at SYSTEM "tscore.umod":202.3-224.5, see this pretty print.)
Looks for start/end of pattern repetition and constructs the representing Event ->Event relation.
Collections of one or more Events, representing a musical notion.
(This definition has been created by UMod from the source at SYSTEM "tscore.umod":227.3-257.5, see this pretty print.)
This class realizes a score model of Morton Feldman's "Projection 1" to "5".
Types of voices which allow different sets of graphical addenda to the events: "simplex" allows nothing.
Interactive application to visual and acoustic realization of "Projections 1-5" by Morton Feldman, and small own studies.
Creates a sequence of pages which come close to the original graphic notation of Morton Feldman.
Create the list of all possible "twelve tone fields" which use only a particular set of intervals, and each of these intervals appears at least once.
Create the list of all possible "twelve tone fields" which use only a particular set of intervals, and each of these intervals appears at least once.
Find and select (interactively or autmatically) from all sound and midi input and output connections on the currently active Java Runtime Environment.
Hinge from pull-based sig architecture into e.g.
Fills multi-channel buffers with a given number of data elements.
Interface of a signal (time-dependent value) source of primitive type float whose observable state is driven by a clock.
Interface of aggregates of signal sources of primitive type float whose observable state is driven by a clock.
A component that forwards the value from an input signal source delayed by a single clock tick.
Aggregates of delay signal sources of primitive type float.
Parameter function: piecewise defined (control-rate) function, for forming acoustic note events.
Two wave-table oscillators, the second with some detuning against the first's nominal frequency imposes a frequency modulation.
Realizes the components of a harmonic spectrum by relative amplitudes.
Output driver from the single-signal-pull sig world into the block-push java runtime system.
Output driver from the single-signal-pull sig world into the block-push java runtime system.
A component that forwards the value from a signal source delayed by a specified number of clock ticks.
Table for tuning factors indexed by some one-dimensional component of a pitch class.
Central class to realize control values which can come from different sources and flow to different consumers.
Sample and Hold takes a semple of the input signal whenever step() is invoked.
A sequencer is a complex object which presents passively to arbitrary many active readers a tuple of values, with a fixed and possibly heterogeneous type.
A sequencer column supplies the value of one column of a score, changing in time as defined by some "score" object.
A receptacle for a signal source than can be plugged at runtime, even if compiled.
Interface of a signal (time-dependent value) source of primitive type float.
Base class for signal sources of primitive type float that choose dynamically from a fixed collection of inputs.
Interface of aggregates of signal sources of primitive type float.
Interface of mutable aggregates of signal sources of primitive type float.
Common base class for signal (time-dependent value) sources of primitive type float whose output is the value of a variable that is updated only as driven by a clock.
Oscillator which plays a wave table always in an infinite cycle with changing frequency.
A signal source whose value can be set asynchronously.
Auxiliary class, combining theme number ("I" to "IV") and theme form ("D" or "C").
The two basic genders of functional theory ("major" vs.
The distance of two pitches or pitch classes in functional music theory.
Indicates a tonal key (/"Tonart"/"diatonics") in tonal theory.
A pitch indication which combines standard octave register information and functional pitch classes modulo octave.
A pitch class mod octave which combines a "natural" note name [dt "Stammton"], given as an instance of WhiteKeyModOctave, with an alteration (normally in the range -2 to +2).
Generate a Feldman-type score according to the control value curves given in a tscore object.
Generate a FeldmanProjection_n score where dodecaphonic-like serieses are placed by multiplying them with themselves.
Renders graphical art according to a dynamic score, based on a project by DKR and ML from 1980, called "Graphart Scharen".
Collects sets of adjacent events from one single voice.
Kind of group commands, to be stored in GroupCollector.GroupEvent.
Generated source of a graphical user interface (GUI) for command line processing.
Generated source of a graphical user interface (GUI) for command line processing.
The four basic forms of hooks/Haken, based on RelWert.
A component that employs an array to create a buffer sink.
Hinge from pull-based sig architecture into e.g.
Fills multi-channel buffers with a given number of data elements.
Interface of a signal (time-dependent value) source of primitive type int whose observable state is driven by a clock.
Interface of aggregates of signal sources of primitive type int whose observable state is driven by a clock.
A component that forwards the value from an input signal source delayed by a single clock tick.
Aggregates of delay signal sources of primitive type int.
Representation of fractions.
Output driver from the single-signal-pull sig world into the block-push java runtime system.
Output driver from the single-signal-pull sig world into the block-push java runtime system.
A component that forwards the value from a signal source delayed by a specified number of clock ticks.
Central class to realize control values which can come from different sources and flow to different consumers.
Sample and Hold takes a semple of the input signal whenever step() is invoked.
A sequencer column supplies the value of one column of a score, changing in time as defined by some "score" object.
A receptacle for a signal source than can be plugged at runtime, even if compiled.
Interface of a signal (time-dependent value) source of primitive type int.
Base class for signal sources of primitive type int that choose dynamically from a fixed collection of inputs.
Interface of aggregates of signal sources of primitive type int.
Interface of mutable aggregates of signal sources of primitive type int.
Common base class for signal (time-dependent value) sources of primitive type int whose output is the value of a variable that is updated only as driven by a clock.
This exception is used when a file contains illegal or unexpected data.
This exception is used when a reader is used to read file of a format it doesn't unterstand or support.
Interface for all scalar types which can be "inverted" by exchanging "up" and "down", like musical intervals, etc.
Swing Control for displaying and manipulating the position of one or more AbstractSequencer, which shall play synchronuously.
Models the mapping of Functional Pitches to a standard Keyboard structure.
Constant keys used to indicate (synthetic) languages.
Tool for generating one LilyPond source text file from a HKN K-score.
Interface of a signal (time-dependent value) source of primitive type long whose observable state is driven by a clock.
Interface of aggregates of signal sources of primitive type long whose observable state is driven by a clock.
A component that forwards the value from an input signal source delayed by a single clock tick.
Aggregates of delay signal sources of primitive type long.
Representation of fractions.
A component that forwards the value from a signal source delayed by a specified number of clock ticks.
Central class to realize control values which can come from different sources and flow to different consumers.
A sequencer column supplies the value of one column of a score, changing in time as defined by some "score" object.
A receptacle for a signal source than can be plugged at runtime, even if compiled.
Interface of a signal (time-dependent value) source of primitive type long.
Base class for signal sources of primitive type long that choose dynamically from a fixed collection of inputs.
Interface of aggregates of signal sources of primitive type long.
Interface of mutable aggregates of signal sources of primitive type long.
Common base class for signal (time-dependent value) sources of primitive type long whose output is the value of a variable that is updated only as driven by a clock.
Visitor generated by umod according to field selection #0.
(Ancillary class as basis for all visitors).
Translation of tscore source according to "Mathias Wittekopf/Vorübergehende Zustände/Sätze 1,3,5,7,9 ("ClockMusic" or "Interlude"); see
Translation of tscore source according to "Mathias Wittekopf/Vorübergehende Zustände/8.
Represents an "Initial Cover" of MTree nodes = a set of nodes which realizes a given rhythm.
Parameter setting which is checked for consistency and thus safely usable as argument.
Parameter setting which is checked for consistency and thus safely usable as argument.
Thrown iff neither of both automated synthesis modes is active.
Calculates the notational durations and start points of all measures in a given TimeScape.
List of String constants serving as keywords for widely used musical score meta data.
Lists all note values which may be used at a certain metric position in a bar.
Consumes a prefix of a list of QualifiedRational by using a MSplitter, returns its result and additionally information about the rest sequence.
Umod main model class: Several collections of configuration parameters.
(Ancillary class for generating pretty-print format objects).
(Ancillary class as basis for all visitors).
Configuration parameters which describe the general and consistent behaviour of a metric tree in different contexts.
The parameters when MCover works in "binary approximation mode", which divides only by two(2) until the approximation is better than the given thresholds.
The parameters when MCover works in "auto-division mode", which inserts new alternative division child nodes nodes whenever necessary.
The parameters for the post-processing of found covers.
A set of these objects reflects the traditional modifications of the genuine beams, i.e.
How beams are treated which span a pause.
In which directions to set the beamlets whenever the complement relation is ambiguous and all of them stand against a beamlet on the other side, thus all could go in both.
Generated source for command line processing.
Source generated from a command line options specification.
Source generated from a command line options specification.
Source generated from a command line options specification.
Encodes the fact that the implementing type is some kind of metrum information.
Simple version of a name for a metrum, consisting of two integers only, arranged and interpreted as if a Rational number >0.
Combines the data structures and evaluation rules for the metric specs in a "main/metric voice" (normally called "M") and local alternatives for a particular (sounding) voice.
Generated source of a graphical user interface (GUI) for command line processing.
Main program (callable by clicking a jar file and by commandline) for processing tscore to svg/smil sources.
Generated source for command line processing.
Source generated from a command line options specification.
Description of one particular instrument, its midi realization and the three register ranges, as referred to by the Feldman notation.
Translate a Feldman-Projection-n score model into a midi score for playing.
The possible methods for pitch selection
Catalog of mixed addenda to single notes, common in CWN.
OFFENSICHTLICH NOCH NICHT FERTIG !?!? FIXME Wrapper for a top-level MetricTree plus a short-name for score construction plus possibly different back-end encodings.
Generated source for command line processing.
Generate LaTeX survey graphics on pitch classes for all movements of Johann Sebastian Bach "Weihnachtsoratorium" BWV 248.
This class is a pointer to a binary array either in memory or on disk.
Wavetable oscillator for pre-loaded data.
ModelChannelMixer is used to process channel voice mix output before going to master output.
It can be used to:
Implement non-voice oriented instruments. Add insert effect to instruments; for example distortion effect.
Connection blocks are used to connect source variable to a destination variable.
This class is used to identify destinations in connection blocks, see ModelConnectionBlock.
ModelDirectedPlayer is the one who is directed by ModelDirector to play ModelPerformer objects.
A director chooses what performers should be played for each note on and note off events.
This class stores the identity of source and destinations in connection blocks, see ModelConnectionBlock.
The model instrument class.
Instrument comparator class.
This interface is used for oscillators.
This interface is used for audio streams from ModelOscillator.
A extended patch object that has isPercussion function.
This class is used to define how to synthesize audio in universal maner for both SF2 and DLS instruments.
This class is used to identify sources in connection blocks, see ModelConnectionBlock.
A standard indexed director who chooses performers by there keyfrom,keyto,velfrom,velto properties.
A standard transformer used in connection blocks.
Model transform interface.
This is a wavetable oscillator interface.
An instance of this class is used to parametrize the raw parsing process and the subsequent first transformations, as performed by RawParser and the methods in Util.
Encodes how the code will react to a specific input condition.
Simple example application of tscore and svg generation which maked geometrical shapes wander over a browser screen.
Delivers a notation for rhythms, interpreted in a particular metric structure and notation style.
Parameter setting which is checked for consistency and thus safely usable as argument.
Realize a strategy when a complex denominator of a proportion (of an event duration) requires the stacking of possibly more than one new essential brackets.
Each instance has been created from a MTreeSpec by MTree.install(MTreeSpec,MTree.CheckedParameters).
Abstract superclass for MTree and MTreeSpec.
Parameter setting which is checked for consistency and thus safely usable as argument.
Models a proportional bracket, spanning note heads, which is unavoidable due to the prime factors of the denominators of the duration values.
Constructs different mappings into MTreeSpecs and provides the retrievel methods: map "names for meters" at a particular time point to an MTreeSpec.
A specification for an MTree, as constructed by a user.
A component that forwards the value from a signal source delayed by a specified number of clock ticks.
Realizes the parsing of a "Haiku" score in MWs accordeon project.
Converts a (time-less) stream of Haiku syllables and phonems into a CWN score.
Signal processing network.
This class cannot be instantiated; the only value is null.
The classical naming for pitch registers: Each such register has the width of one octave, and extends from a note called "c" upto, but excluding, the next higher note called "c" again.
Abstract class for ornaments = shortcuts which replace one notated note with a certain sequence of played faster notes.
Catalog of commonly used ornaments.
Catalog of ornaments, special for "die Kunst der Fuge".
Class reprenting the convetional usage of an ornaments = placing it at a notehead together with at most two additional accidentals, a lower and an upper one.
Container for more than one timeless value, may represent a tuple, a binding, a sequence, a set, a bag, etc.
(This definition has been created by UMod from the source at SYSTEM "tscore.umod":281.3-285.6, see this pretty print.)
Part of a time scape = of a parsed source text file.
(This definition has been created by UMod from the source at SYSTEM "tscore.umod":50.3-65.7, see this pretty print.)
CURRENTLY only used in BarRelativeRationalPosition !?!?! FIXME
Looks for repettions of a pattern in a certain parameter track and distributes it event-wise to the successor events.
States of the state machine.
Abstract sets of pitch classes and pc intervals.
Combines a micro clavir and a combo box with a list of named pcsets.
A pitch indication which combines some octave register information and some pitch class modulo octave.
Encodes the mere fact that the implementing type is some kind of pitch information.
Abstract class for pitch information, modulo octave register, aka "pitch class".
Central class to realize control values which can come from different sources and flow to different consumers.
Interface of aggregates of signal sources of primitive type boolean.
Interface of aggregates of signal sources of primitive type byte.
Interface of aggregates of signal sources of primitive type double.
Interface of aggregates of signal sources of primitive type float.
Interface of aggregates of signal sources of primitive type int.
Interface of aggregates of signal sources of primitive type long.
Prints a list of segments in a three-dimensional (3d) block diagram style, mostly for visualizing temporal distribution of themes/counterpoints in a multi-voice work of music.
Interface of computational processes that cause observable state changes at specified events in real or symbolic time.
Realizes Rational X Bboolean.
Wrapper class for generating random-based data structures frequently needed in algorithmic (music) composition.
Implements the fundamental duration domain in CWN, namely durations expressed by rational numbers.
Convenience class which allows to retrieve base value, effective value, dot count, dots as a text string, etc.
Recursive-descent parser for the raw level of tscore.
Source of information about realtime sampling control flow.
Interface of components that have two separable phases of state change.
The three relative values to make up the "haken"("hkn"/"hook") motif.
An interface shared by RelWert, Haken and Doppelhaken.
This exception is used when a RIFF file contains illegal or unexpected data.
This exception is used when a reader is used to read RIFF file of a format it doesn't unterstand or support.
Resource Interchange File Format (RIFF) stream decoder.
Resource Interchange File Format (RIFF) stream encoder.
Contains methods and classes for a midi message/event processing network.
A Receiver receives a {link MidiMessage} and a time stamp.
A Receiver receives a {link MidiMessage} and a time stamp.
Collects and distributes the octave information over a sequence of incomplete pitch information.
Sample and Hold takes a semple of the input signal whenever step() is invoked.
This class realizes a first simple example instantiation of a tscore TimeScape for representing "common western notation" / "CWN" musical scores.
This class represents the use of tscore models for ml's "hook project" ("HKN-Projekt").
A first version of a haken score for realization with "sig" sound synthesis.
Data to control the sig-adlib synthesizer.
A first version of a haken score for realization with svg geometric forms.
A first version of a haken score for realization by a viola solo.
A first version of a haken score for realization by a solo vocalist.
Parameters to control the expansion process.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
use the more abstract form (currently still in eu.bandm.sighkn.SequencerPanel, as used in eu.bandm.sighkn.TestMonodic)
Soundfont global region.
Soundfont instrument.
Soundfont instrument region.
Soundfont layer.
Soundfont layer region.
Soundfont modulator container.
Soundfont general region.
Soundfont sample storage.
A SoundFont 2.04 soundbank reader.
This class is used to connect the SF2SoundBank class to the SoundbankReader SPI interface.
A receptacle for a signal source than can be plugged at runtime, even if compiled.
Interface for cross-cutting observers of signal values in a network.
Interface of a signal (time-dependent value) source of a fixed object type.
Base class for signal sources of a fixed object type that choose dynamically from a fixed collection of inputs.
Interface of aggregates of signal sources of a fixed object type.
Interface of mutable aggregates of signal sources of a fixed object type.
Defines the data access methods needed to drive a sig network by a sequencer.
Introduced as an abbreviation, only to make the source of RawParser etc.
Visitor generated by umod according to field selection #0.
A map which assigns to the "spelled" = "written" pitch classes in conventional CWN to an interpretation as coordinate in the Euler net.
Realisation of one junction point between stem and beams.
Common base class for signal (time-dependent value) sources of a fixed object type whose output is the value of a variable that is updated only as driven by a clock.
Common base class for several tscore instantiations creating SVG output.
Tscore parsing and model creation of a subset of "TabStaff+", as presented by L.Wilde and C.White on Tenor2024 in Zürich.
TUI configuration parameter: distance of adjacent rows/columns: diatonic third, diatonic fourth, or half-tone.
Which hand is specified, if any.
TUI configuration parameter: direction of increasing pitches left to right or low to high.
TUI areas, divided into two, horizonally and vertically.
TUI configuration parameter: selected subset which is mapped to keys: either diatonics only or all chromatic steps.
Tscore parsing and model creation of a subset of "TabStaff+", as presented by L.Wilde and C.White on Tenor2024 in Zürich.
Represents a sequence of time points constructed by dividing the interval between two time points.
(This definition has been created by UMod from the source at SYSTEM "tscore.umod":102.3-123.5, see this pretty print.)
Tempo indication, relating a metric duration to a physical duration.
Processes a parameter track which contains tendencies spanning more than one Event.
String value for a time-less voice parameter.
(This definition has been created by UMod from the source at SYSTEM "tscore.umod":277.3-280.6, see this pretty print.)
Tree of String values for time-less voice parameters.
(This definition has been created by UMod from the source at SYSTEM "tscore.umod":265.3-270.5, see this pretty print.)
Top container which relates time points, voices and events.
Introduced as an abbreviation, only to make the source of RawParser etc.
Abstract super class of possible time points.
(This definition has been created by UMod from the source at SYSTEM "tscore.umod":139.3-154.5, see this pretty print.)
A time point corresponding to a division point between two time points on a higher level.
A time point corresponding to a text token in the "T" line of the input score.
Multi-lingual translations catalog, generated from XML source.
Base class for constructing user defined parsers by combinators; originally for the values contained in the different parameter tracks of a tscore voice.
Implements a greedy longest prefix match from a collection of strings.
Parser for a simple string constant which must appear verbatim, as is.
Parser for text input following a regular expression.
Realizes a protocol tree of alternatives to the parsing results.
Common superclass for Parsers which accept one of many alternatives and return a CoTuple (ORn and PRIORn).
Kinds of disjunctive parser combinators.
Common superclass for Parsers which accept one of many alternatives.
Format printer which puts maximally one ParserFormat to each screen column and memorizes this for later alignment of consumed char data.
Accepts a sequence "A,B,C", where only the middle parsing/processing result is stored as result in the Translet.State object, discarding the frame.
Accepts a sequence "A,B,..", where only the very first parsing/processing result is stored as result in the Translet.State object, discarding all the tail.
Common superclass for Parsers which accept one of many alternatives and return the upper limit of the different result classes (OR1 and PRIOR1).
Option parser, in greedy and non-deterministic variant, with or without default value.
Realizes disjunction which is nondeterministic and returns a CoTuple.
Realizes disjunction which is nondeterministic and returns an upper limit class.
Used to retrieve a Translet.Parser in a particular (human) language, to plug it into the tscore parsing process.
Base class for all parser classes, contains most of the working methods.
Specialized Format which refers to a Parser for alignment of char data.
Variant of Translet.ProductParser which accepts all permutations of sub-parsers.
Repetition parser which does not allow allow empty list as result.
Realizes disjunction which is priorized and returns a CoTuple.
Realizes disjunction which is priorized and returns an upper limit class.
Common superclass for Parsers which produce a product type as their result.
A placeholder which can be embedded into a parser construct, and later be assigned the complete parser as a whole, for recursive use.
Common superclass for Translet.StarParser and Translet.PlusParser.
Variant of Translet.ProductParser which accepts a certain sequence of sub-parsers.
Repetition parser which allows empty list as result.
Central data type for parser operation.
Common superclass of the storing oeprators.
Storing operator which only one(1) value per key.
Storing operator which can store multiple (>1) values per key, preserving the sequential order in the source.
Storing operator which can store multiple (>1) values per key.
Library of universal Translet parsers, and of auxiliary functions to be used in such parsers.
Filters the result of its sub-parser by an explicit Java-encoded boolean predicate.
Umod main model class: Generic score model for denotating time-based sequences of arbitrary events.
A map from the integers 0 to 11 to some Functional Pitch classes employed for representing twelve tone pitch classes in some abrbitrary but consistent way, merely for notation.
Collection of static utility methods.
Employed for the central map from a "naturally" ordered arithmetic type (like Rational, BigInteger, etc.) to Tp objects representing time points, allowing their time-respecting traversal.
Step through all time points and process the tuple of events from all voices which are currently "sounding".
A voice, the central means for organizing events.
A specialization of PitchModOctave which represents only the "white keys" of the keyboard.
(Ancillary class for generating pretty-print format objects).
Decoder for umod's own XML serialisation.
Encoder for umod's own XML serialisation.