Class MaWiCM

public class MaWiCM extends SvgSource
Translation of tscore source according to "Mathias Wittekopf/Vorübergehende Zustände/Sätze 1,3,5,7,9 ("ClockMusic" or "Interlude"); see
The main example score is sig/examples/tscore/mawicm1.tscore.

Generates a dynamic SVG with a matrix of words in a rectangular grid, which are made visible and invisible again, all individually and controlled by the score.
Switch-on events are given by xpos, ypos, text.
Switch-off events are by ">" and "!", delimiting the fade out process.

    T                  0    5                6      7 
      VOX dass              'daß'1,1   >     -      ! 
makes "daß" appear at 5 seconds, start to fade at 5.5 seconds and be vanished at 7 seconds. (The event "-" is a "no-operation" / "just continue" type of event.)
The original has been constructed by MW, manually, by clicking, using "adobe image ready".
The original contains a final MOVEMENT of all numbers from "one" to "twelve" to the corresponding clock dial position. The intended syntax is "/" and "''y.y", but it is NOT YET IMPLEMENTED FIXME
Code generation scheme for each text event / word:
    [text opacity='0.0' x='..' y='..']TEXT
      [set attributeType='XML' attributeName='opacity'  to='1.0' begin='SWITCH_ON_TIME'/]
      [animate attributeType='XML' attributeName='opacity'  from='1.0' to='0.0' 
      [set attributeType='XML' attributeName='opacity'  to='1.0' begin='END_FADE_OUT_TIME'/]
  • Field Details

    • event2xpos

      final Map<Event,Integer> event2xpos
    • event2ypos

      final Map<Event,Integer> event2ypos
    • event2text

      final Map<Event,String> event2text
    • event2startFade

      final Map<Event,Object> event2startFade
      In case that an event carries the "start fade" operator ">".
    • event2endFade

      final Map<Event,Object> event2endFade
      In case that an event carries the "end fade" operator "!".
    • event2startFadeTime

      final Map<Event,Event> event2startFadeTime
      Derived map, maps text event to its related start fade event.
    • event2endFadeTime

      final Map<Event,Event> event2endFadeTime
      Derived map, maps text event to its related end fade event.
    • parse_start

      final Translet.Parser<?> parse_start
      Parses text and coordinates.
    • parse_startFade

      final Translet.Parser<?> parse_startFade
      Parses start fade symbol.
    • parse_all

      final Translet.Parser<?> parse_all
      Parses all combinations: text plus start fade, or start fade only, or end fade, or "nop".
  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • update

      public void update()
      Translate untyped tscore data into semantically sensible "MaWiCM" data. This method reads the event lists contained in TimeScape->voices->bySourceOrder and writes to all the local Map and Set output data declared locally.
      update in class SvgSource
    • convertData

      protected void convertData()
      Generate SVG file, using auxiliary functions and called by superclass SvgSource.
      Specified by:
      convertData in class SvgSource