Class MfMain

All Implemented Interfaces:
ImageObserver, MenuContainer, Serializable, Accessible, RootPaneContainer, WindowConstants

public class MfMain extends DocumentedDistribution2<MfOptions,MfGui>
Main program (callable by clicking a jar file and by commandline) for processing tscore to svg/smil sources.
SVG auxiliaries and the conversion of top-level time points are in the abstract class SvgSource, which must be extended by the specific conversion classes. (Currently MovingForms, GraphartScharen, MaWiRic, MaWiCM.)
The call graph is:

  MfMain.main() -..->  MfMain.executeBatchOperation()
                       |   |    | 
                       v   |    |
    Util.parseTimeScape()  |    |
                           |    |
                           |    |
          [=calculate Tps] |    v  [=prepare coords, aux funcs & textframe]
      SvgSource.  update() |   .convertToSvg()
        /\           ^     |       |
         T           |     v       v
   MovingForms/..   .update()     .convertData()

"update()" is a standard naming for converting the raw data into the semantic model.
See Also:
  • Field Details

    • debugLevel

      protected int debugLevel
      Local register whether to print debug information. 0 = most silent, 100 = most verbose.
    • default_output_ending

      public static final String default_output_ending
      String appended to the name of the input file to cnstruct the name of the output file, if none is given explicitly.
      See Also:
  • Method Details

    • completeGuiPopulation

      protected void completeGuiPopulation()
      Call-back method to be overridden whenever the subclass wants to add further items after the gui has been constructed and populated. This class does not make use of this mechanism.
      Specified by:
      completeGuiPopulation in class DocumentedDistribution2<MfOptions,MfGui>
    • addUserMenuItems

      protected void addUserMenuItems()
      Call-back method to be overridden whenever the subclass wants to add further items to the main menu bar. Is called after menu-component "[0] = file" is created, but the right-most ("language" and "help") are not yet existing. This class does not make use of this mechanism.
      Specified by:
      addUserMenuItems in class DocumentedDistribution2<MfOptions,MfGui>
    • addUserPagesToTabbedPane

      protected void addUserPagesToTabbedPane()
      Call-back method to be overridden whenever the subclass wants to add further tabbed panes to the main windows tabbed stack. Must in turn call the service access point DocumentedDistribution2.addMuli_jTabbedPane(Component, String), with "String" being the key for MuLi Translation. This class does not make use of this mechanism.
      Specified by:
      addUserPagesToTabbedPane in class DocumentedDistribution2<MfOptions,MfGui>
    • findSvgGeneratorByReflection

      @Opt protected @Opt SvgSource findSvgGeneratorByReflection(String format, Part part, Location<XMLDocumentIdentifier> loc)
      Auxiliary routine to find by its name and then instantiate the class to process the tscore "PART" data.
      format - the name of the class
      part - the tscore data to process
      loc - the location of the "FORMAT" statement, for error messaging.
    • executeBatchOperation

      protected void executeBatchOperation()
      Reads source file, builds raw model, and delegates semantic interpretation and output generation to a fresh instance of a class, the name of which is indicated in the "FORMAT" statement of the "PART" source. This class must extend SvgSource and realizes the syntactic and semantic interpretation. (Current prototypes are MaWiCM, MaWiRic, MovingForms, GraphartScharen.
      Specified by:
      executeBatchOperation in class DocumentedDistribution2<MfOptions,MfGui>
    • main

      public static void main(String[] args)