BandM muSig API doc
Signal processing and music production, toolkit and products by BandM.
For an introduction and for overview please see also the user documentation
Created by bandm/metatools/tdom on 2025-01-13_23h09m32.
Prototypical realization of the "TabStaff+" design for
notating Tactie User Interfaces (TUIs) like the "Ableton Push",
as presented by L.Wilde and C.White on Tenor2024 in Zürich.
Code and additional resources for the jnlp/java-web-start demonstration of the
MetricSplit algorithm.
All fundamental entities for modeling music.
Composition project which translates polyphonic sequences of abstract
"hook signs" (="Haken" = "hkn") into scores for different instruments, like
Viola, Voice, electronic sound synthesis or abstract graphical movies; see
the project documentation (in German).
Top-level data structures, modelling different score formats, combining the
entities defined in lower level packages.
Generic and low level data types and transformation algorithms,
to be used by very different applications of the
framework.Umod main model class: Generic score model for
denotating time-based sequences of arbitrary events.