
All fundamental entities for modeling music. The collection firstly follows Common Western Notation (CWN), and covers meter, rhythms, tempo, note symbols, pitches, articulation, intensity, etc. But also more modern and abstract concepts are realized, e.g. colors and dB.
Most data models are based on the concept of Entity. Therefore they define immediately a subclass fo Translet.Parser and most of them collect the discrete values in an instance of EntityCatalog (supporting multi-lingual naming).
  • Class
    Represents accidentals, used for key indications and for pitches, when combined with white keys.
    Catalog of commonly used articulations in CWN.
    Models the position in a measure, relative to the starting time of the measure (which is the timepoint of the barline at its beginning).
    Realizes the clefs which indicate line-to-pitch reference point.
    A ClefUsage combines a clef form, the line number on which it is positioned, and possibly an additional octave displacement.
    A very simple color type, sufficient for merely informational text markup, etc.
    Write one or two results of metric-split (= sequence of rational time points and events) to a graphic output.
    Dodekaid<T extends Dodekaid>
    Interface for all structures which can be set in the "four modi" like usual for a dodecaphonic "Reihe", which are retrograde, invers and inverse retrograde.
    Durations in the "calendaric" scale, meaning hours, minutes, seconds and decimal fractions of seconds.
    Encodes the mere fact that the implementing type is some kind of duration information.
    Representation of pitch classes or interval classes in the Euler net.
    Representation of pitch classes or interval classes in the Euler net, extended by octaves.
    The two basic genders of functional theory ("major" vs.
    The distance of two pitches or pitch classes in functional music theory.
    Indicates a tonal key (/"Tonart"/"diatonics") in tonal theory.
    A pitch indication which combines standard octave register information and functional pitch classes modulo octave.
    A pitch class mod octave which combines a "natural" note name [dt "Stammton"], given as an instance of WhiteKeyModOctave, with an alteration (normally in the range -2 to +2).
    Interface for all scalar types which can be "inverted" by exchanging "up" and "down", like musical intervals, etc.
    Models the mapping of Functional Pitches to a standard Keyboard structure.
    Constant keys used to indicate (synthetic) languages.
    Represents an "Initial Cover" of MTree nodes = a set of nodes which realizes a given rhythm.
    Parameter setting which is checked for consistency and thus safely usable as argument.
    Parameter setting which is checked for consistency and thus safely usable as argument.
    Thrown iff neither of both automated synthesis modes is active.
    Calculates the notational durations and start points of all measures in a given TimeScape.
    Lists all note values which may be used at a certain metric position in a bar.
    Consumes a prefix of a list of QualifiedRational by using a MSplitter, returns its result and additionally information about the rest sequence.
    Umod main model class: Several collections of configuration parameters.
    (Ancillary class for generating pretty-print format objects).
    (Ancillary class as basis for all visitors).
    Configuration parameters which describe the general and consistent behaviour of a metric tree in different contexts.
    The parameters when MCover works in "binary approximation mode", which divides only by two(2) until the approximation is better than the given thresholds.
    The parameters when MCover works in "auto-division mode", which inserts new alternative division child nodes nodes whenever necessary.
    The parameters for the post-processing of found covers.
    A set of these objects reflects the traditional modifications of the genuine beams, i.e.
    How beams are treated which span a pause.
    In which directions to set the beamlets whenever the complement relation is ambiguous and all of them stand against a beamlet on the other side, thus all could go in both.
    Encodes the fact that the implementing type is some kind of metrum information.
    Simple version of a name for a metrum, consisting of two integers only, arranged and interpreted as if a Rational number >0.
    Combines the data structures and evaluation rules for the metric specs in a "main/metric voice" (normally called "M") and local alternatives for a particular (sounding) voice.
    Catalog of mixed addenda to single notes, common in CWN.
    OFFENSICHTLICH NOCH NICHT FERTIG !?!? FIXME Wrapper for a top-level MetricTree plus a short-name for score construction plus possibly different back-end encodings.
    Delivers a notation for rhythms, interpreted in a particular metric structure and notation style.
    Parameter setting which is checked for consistency and thus safely usable as argument.
    Realize a strategy when a complex denominator of a proportion (of an event duration) requires the stacking of possibly more than one new essential brackets.
    Each instance has been created from a MTreeSpec by MTree.install(MTreeSpec,MTree.CheckedParameters).
    MTree_<M extends MTree_<M>>
    Abstract superclass for MTree and MTreeSpec.
    Parameter setting which is checked for consistency and thus safely usable as argument.
    Models a proportional bracket, spanning note heads, which is unavoidable due to the prime factors of the denominators of the duration values.
    Constructs different mappings into MTreeSpecs and provides the retrievel methods: map "names for meters" at a particular time point to an MTreeSpec.
    A specification for an MTree, as constructed by a user.
    The classical naming for pitch registers: Each such register has the width of one octave, and extends from a note called "c" upto, but excluding, the next higher note called "c" again.
    Abstract class for ornaments = shortcuts which replace one notated note with a certain sequence of played faster notes.
    Catalog of commonly used ornaments.
    Catalog of ornaments, special for "die Kunst der Fuge".
    Class reprenting the convetional usage of an ornaments = placing it at a notehead together with at most two additional accidentals, a lower and an upper one.
    CURRENTLY only used in BarRelativeRationalPosition !?!?! FIXME
    Abstract sets of pitch classes and pc intervals.
    Combines a micro clavir and a combo box with a list of named pcsets.
    A pitch indication which combines some octave register information and some pitch class modulo octave.
    Encodes the mere fact that the implementing type is some kind of pitch information.
    Abstract class for pitch information, modulo octave register, aka "pitch class".
    Realizes Rational X Bboolean.
    Wrapper class for generating random-based data structures frequently needed in algorithmic (music) composition.
    Implements the fundamental duration domain in CWN, namely durations expressed by rational numbers.
    Convenience class which allows to retrieve base value, effective value, dot count, dots as a text string, etc.
    Collects and distributes the octave information over a sequence of incomplete pitch information.
    A map which assigns to the "spelled" = "written" pitch classes in conventional CWN to an interpretation as coordinate in the Euler net.
    Realisation of one junction point between stem and beams.
    Tempo indication, relating a metric duration to a physical duration.
    A map from the integers 0 to 11 to some Functional Pitch classes employed for representing twelve tone pitch classes in some abrbitrary but consistent way, merely for notation.
    A specialization of PitchModOctave which represents only the "white keys" of the keyboard.