Class MetrumSpecs


public class MetrumSpecs extends Object
Combines the data structures and evaluation rules for the metric specs in a "main/metric voice" (normally called "M") and local alternatives for a particular (sounding) voice.
The rules are complicated because they reflect the historic rules of CWN.
Basically: The M-voice gives in its main track the "name" of a metrum, which is CURRENTLY an arbitrary Rational value, possibly followed by a modifing character. At its FIRST appearance (in measure number order) this must be mapped to a MTreeSpec. This gives the meaning of this name, up to any re-definition (in measure number order).
ATTENTION only "mtrees" for the local voices is altered. All other information is cached based on bar numbers.

(This class combines the old deprecated "MeasureCollector" and "MTreeCollector".