Class TwelveToneFunctionalRepresentation
A map from the integers 0 to 11 to some Functional Pitch classes
employed for representing twelve tone pitch classes in some abrbitrary
but consistent way, merely for notation.
Field Summary
FieldsModifier and TypeFieldDescriptionprotected final FunctionalPitchModOctave[]
The ways of writing for the pitch classes of the chromatic scale ascending from "c".static final TwelveToneFunctionalRepresentation
One variant which uses only single flat=b symbols.static final TwelveToneFunctionalRepresentation
One variant which uses only single sharp=cross symbols. -
Constructor Summary
ConstructorsConstructorDescriptionOnly constructor. -
Method Summary
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionprotected void
(FunctionalPitchModOctave[] pitches) Check validitdy of argument and stores it.represent
(int i) Return the representing pitch class for the i-th tone of the chromatic scale ascending from "c".Revrite a functional pitch class enharmonically, to fall into this representation list.Revrite a functional pitch enharmonically, to fall into this representation list.
Field Details
The ways of writing for the pitch classes of the chromatic scale ascending from "c". -
One variant which uses only single sharp=cross symbols. -
One variant which uses only single flat=b symbols.
Constructor Details
Only constructor. The argument must be a list of 12 values to represent the tones of the chromatic scale ascending from c.
Method Details
Check validitdy of argument and stores it. Ut must be a list of 12 values to represent the tones of the chromatic scale ascending from c. Only then cardinality is checked. -
Return the representing pitch class for the i-th tone of the chromatic scale ascending from "c". -
public PitchAndOctave<OctaveRegister,FunctionalPitchModOctave> rewrite(PitchAndOctave<OctaveRegister, FunctionalPitchModOctave> v) Revrite a functional pitch enharmonically, to fall into this representation list. -
Revrite a functional pitch class enharmonically, to fall into this representation list.