Class InterpolationKind

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class InterpolationKind extends Entity<InterpolationKind>
Cf. Android interpolation kinds. The symbolic names try to approximate the curves:
     -       /      _/       /-        _/-    v/    /^        v^         /^^
                              _____                  /\         /\         /\/\/\
           /         /     __/                      /          /          /
          /      ___/     /                   /    /          /          /
   ----  / _____/        /                   /    /          /          /      
                                           \/              \/  
  • Field Details

    • catalog

      public static final EntityCatalog<InterpolationKind> catalog
      Catalog of predefined interpolation kinds and their multi-lingual namings.
    • noInterpolation

      public static final InterpolationKind noInterpolation
      No interpolation = a constant function staying on one value.
    • linear

      public static final InterpolationKind linear
      Linear interpolation
    • exponential

      public static final InterpolationKind exponential
      Exponential interpolation = increasing steepness.
    • antiExponential

      public static final InterpolationKind antiExponential
      Negative exponential interpolation = decreasing steepness.
    • exponentialAntiExponential

      public static final InterpolationKind exponentialAntiExponential
      First half exponential, second half anti exponential
    • anticipating

      public static final InterpolationKind anticipating
      Small first part going in the wrong direction, than going to the target calue .
    • overshooting

      public static final InterpolationKind overshooting
      Short before end of the interval overshoot over the target and reach it from the wrong direction.
    • anticipatingOvershooting

      public static final InterpolationKind anticipatingOvershooting
      Combines anticipating and overshooting
    • bouncing

      public static final InterpolationKind bouncing
      After reaching the target swing around it in decreasing amplitudes.
  • Constructor Details