Class MeasureCollector<M extends MetrumIndication>
This class follows the "Collector" pattern: (1) An instance must be
constructed and parametrized; (2) this will deliver a parser which
can be applied directly to a parameter track, or built into some more
complex parser (e.g. together with Tempo
This parser stores the recognized information in internal maps.
(3) Call analyse(MessageReceiver,Iterable,Map,Vox)
to store all information in the public Collections supplied in the construction step (1).
Measures are defined according the notion of metrum, since this is ruling
the majority of CWN music.
The tscore realization of a measure is the segment between two adjacent
top level time points TpTop
Each such TpTop carries a number as its identifier, which normally is an
integral number, but can be a decimal fraction, see below.
Each measure is identified by the numeric label of the left, i.e.
the earlier
of its two limiting time points. Esp. in the generated output maps, they
are represented this way.
This interpetation requires that all top-level timepoints are
labeled with strictly increasing decimal numbers, integer or fractional.
This should be checked by the preceding time line parsing process.
Beyond this, the concrete numeric values have no meaning.
But it is recommended that these numbers have a distance of maximally 1.0,
In case of denotating some existing piece of music with tscore, the
numbers should be chosen to correspond to the traditional bar numbers.
In this context broken bar numbers become relevant:
Historically numbers for bars and measures in printed music can be re-used verbatim,
or qualified by appended letters, for repetition structures. The equivalent
in tscore is to use broken numbers.
________ _________ |1. | | 2. | | | :|| | | bar lines | | | :|| | | 103 104 105a 105b 106 107 conventional numbers 103 104 105 105.5 106 107 tscore numbersor even more fragmented
o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o quarter notes | | | :|| ||: | | bar lines | | | :|| ||: | | 103 104 105 106 107 conventional numbers 103 104 105 105.3 105.7 106 107 tscore numbersThe other situation is with up-beats ("Auftakte"), or other incomplete measures, which may be marked by giving them broken numbers as identifiers:
o o o o o o o o quarter notes CLEF: | | bar lines CLEF: | | 1 2 conventional numbers 0.5 1 2 tscore numbersBut there is no necessity to do so, the integrity of broken-ness has no further meaning (as it had in older implementations!)
Metrum, Complete and Incomplete Measures
This algorithm extracts the specification of the valid metrum
and of measure duration
from one dedicated parameter track of one dedicated voice.
(Identified by a parameter track name, given as parameter.)
It distributes the values to subsequent measures and stores the result
into different maps.
At every position in the score there is one(1) currently valid metrum.
The duration of each measure (ie. each segment between to top-level Tps, as
explained above) is identical to the length of this metrum,
iff there is no additional explicit duration indication at the beginning of the
Then this measure is a complete measure.
Iff there is an additional duration indication, then the measure is an
incomplete measure, its duration is the explicitly given duration,
and this must be shorter than the duration according to the metrum.
Several adjacent incomplete measures must sum up to the duration of
one complete measure, except at the very beginning or very end of a PART.
(The syntax for metrum indication are plugged into this class.)
The sketches above, demonstrating a sensible usage of broken bar numbers,
also show clearly where incomplete measures are required.
Specifications of durations must appear at the beginning of any incomplete measure.
Changes of the metrum may only appear at the end of a complete measure,
or at the end of a sequence of incomplete measures summing up to the metrum length.
Additionally, a specification of the metrum must stand at the beginning of the
very first measure of a PART, even when its incomplete.
All Timepoints which are not top-level Tps must not carry measure or
duration indication. This is currently not checked by this algorithm.
Completing an example like those from above:
0.5 1 2.0 2.3 2.5 3 4 3/4[2/4] [1/4] [1/4] [1/4] 6/8
An incomplete measure must carry an additional duration indication,
shorter than the current metrum.
An incomplete measure should start or end or start and end at a
non-integral measure number.
Metrum indications must only appear at the limit of complete
measures, or of incomplete measures summing up to a complete one.
Only exception: the very first time point must carry a Metrum indication,
independent of the completeness of the following measure.
Nested Class Summary
Nested Classes -
Field Summary
FieldsModifier and TypeFieldDescription(package private) final SortedMap
<BigDecimal, Rational> Analysis result: All barnumbers/measure numbers to the valid duration.(package private) final SortedMap
<BigDecimal, Rational> Analysis result: Some barnumbers/measure numbers to explicit duration.(package private) final SortedMap
<BigDecimal, M> Analysis result: All barnumbers/measure numbers to the valid metric indication.(package private) final SortedMap
<BigDecimal, M> Analysis result: Some barnumbers/measure numbers to explicit metric indication.(package private) final SortedMap
<BigDecimal, Rational> Analysis result: All barnumbers/measure numbers to their starting time point.(package private) final SortedMap
<Rational, BigDecimal> Analysis result: All starting points to barnumbers/measure SortedMap
<BigDecimal, Rational> Return the explicitly and the inherited duration SortedMap
<BigDecimal, Rational> Return only the explicitly given duration SortedMap
<BigDecimal, M> Return the explicitly and the inherited metrum SortedMap
<BigDecimal, M> Return only the explicitly given metrum SortedMap
<BigDecimal, Rational> Return the start positions of all top level time points, measures in notational CWN durations.The string follwing each duration indication.(package private) Rational
Evidentstatic final Translet.Parser
<Rational> Parser for positive (non-null) Rational numbersm used as durations.Intermediate output of parsing.(package private) final String
EvidentIntermediate output of parsing.(package private) final Translet.Parser
<M> The parser for the metric specificaion.(package private) final String
The string preceding each duration indication. -
Constructor Summary
(Translet.Parser<M> metricParser, String openSign_duration, @Opt String closeSign_duration) Initial configuration of a Collector. -
Method Summary
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(M mt) Append a synthesized measure at the end of all measures.void
(MessageReceiver<SimpleMessage<XMLDocumentIdentifier>> msg, Iterable<TpTop> topTps, Map<TpTop, BigDecimal> tp2barnum, Vox vox) Is called after parsing, when all primary information is parsed and stored to internal maps, for distributing information, consistency checks and preparing the result collections.void
(PrintStream p) Print all collected information Collections to PrintStream.fromRational
(Rational when) Translate a a rational number relative to the start of the very first event into a bar number and an offset.parser()
Delivers the complete parser.Translate a bar number relative position into a rational number relative to the start of the very first event.
Field Details
The parser for the metric specificaion. Set once when constructing this. -
The string preceding each duration indication. Set once when constructing this. May not be empty. (The duration indication is always a Rational >0) -
The string follwing each duration indication. Set once when constructing this, and may be empty or omitted. -
Intermediate output of parsing. Maps events of the metric voice to a metric indication. -
Intermediate output of parsing. Maps events of the metric voice to an explicit duration. -
Analysis result: Some barnumbers/measure numbers to explicit metric indication. -
Analysis result: Some barnumbers/measure numbers to explicit duration. -
Analysis result: All barnumbers/measure numbers to the valid metric indication. -
Analysis result: All barnumbers/measure numbers to the valid duration. -
Analysis result: All barnumbers/measure numbers to their starting time point. -
Analysis result: All starting points to barnumbers/measure numbers. -
Return only the explicitly given metrum indications. -
Return only the explicitly given duration indications. -
Return the explicitly and the inherited metrum indications. -
Return the explicitly and the inherited duration indications. -
Return the start positions of all top level time points, measures in notational CWN durations. -
Rational currentLengthEvident -
Parser for positive (non-null) Rational numbersm used as durations. -
Evident- See Also:
Constructor Details
public MeasureCollector(Translet.Parser<M> metricParser, String openSign_duration, @Opt @Opt String closeSign_duration) Initial configuration of a Collector.- Parameters:
- the parser of the metric indication. (NB the parser of the duration is fixed to positive rational numbers.)openSign_duration
- the symbol which leads in a duration inputcloseSign_duration
- the symbol which endin a duration input, maybe null
Method Details
Append a synthesized measure at the end of all measures. Its top-Tp number is set to the number of currently contained measures. (ATTENTION FIXME THIS IS WRONG, must be "lastnumber+1" !!! )- Parameters:
- the metric tree specification of the new measure, mandatory. (only its LENGTH is used here!?!?!) If this value is DIFFERENT then the current last measure, this measure is entered into both "explicit" sets, for duration and meter.
Delivers the complete parser. This must be applied explicitly (in step (2) of the recipie above) to some input parameter track. -
public void analyse(MessageReceiver<SimpleMessage<XMLDocumentIdentifier>> msg, Iterable<TpTop> topTps, Map<TpTop, BigDecimal> tp2barnum, Vox vox) Is called after parsing, when all primary information is parsed and stored to internal maps, for distributing information, consistency checks and preparing the result collections.
FIXME further output: collect all processed tps on the fly !? optimization !?
GLO OUT _barnum2startpos, _barnum2duration, _barnum2duration_explicit, _barnum2metric, _barnum2metric_explicit !!!- Parameters:
- an Iterable for all top level time pointstp2barnum
- input parameter from parsing the tp sequencevox
- for diagnosis only
Print all collected information Collections to PrintStream. -
Translate a a rational number relative to the start of the very first event into a bar number and an offset. According to the parsed measure lenghts and bar numbers. -
Translate a bar number relative position into a rational number relative to the start of the very first event. According to the parsed measure lenghts and bar numbers.