Class Clef

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class Clef extends Entity<Clef>
Realizes the clefs which indicate line-to-pitch reference point. These are currently (in English and German name) the "c", "f" and "g" clefs. Each one is related to some absolute pitch (white key, namely "c'", "klein-f"/"f-small" and "g'".
Later further keys NOT indicating pitch ("percussionkeys") may be added !?!?
The instantiation/positioning of a Clef is modelled by a ClefUsage.
  • Field Details

    • catalog

      public static final EntityCatalog<Clef> catalog
      The catalog holding the three standard clefs for f,c and g.
    • reference

      public final FunctionalPitch reference
      The pitch which is indicated by placement of the graphical hot spot of the key symbol.
    • f

      public static final Clef f
      The f clef, indicating "klein-f".
    • c

      public static final Clef c
      The c clef, indicating "c-1".
    • g

      public static final Clef g
      The g clef, indicating "g-1".
  • Constructor Details