Package eu.bandm.tscore.base

package eu.bandm.tscore.base
Generic and low level data types and transformation algorithms, to be used by very different applications of the tscore framework.

The basic processing pipeline is as follows:
  1. The lexer TScoreLexer translates some text input into a token stream.
  2. This is fed into a hand-written, recursive descent parser in RawParser. This creates an instance of the umod model from eu.bandm.tscore.model Here the items one level below the mere event structure are still unparsed.
  3. Therefore, in a second step specialized, dedicated parsers must be called for further translation, depending on the concrete score format.
    The parsers must be derived from Translet.Parser. Their output data in most cases will be encoded in instances of classes derived from Entity.

The functionality is not at all restricted to conventional music notation. Nevertheless this realm is supported by further packages built upon this basic framework:

See also the user documentation