Package eu.bandm.tscore.base
Class RawParser
Recursive-descent parser for the raw level of tscore.
Consumes tokens from an antlr lexer.
Generates a
Roughly the accepted syntax can be described by the following mere symbolic rules
(for details see the
user documentation):
timeScape ::= conform? timeless* voxParams* part* EOF conform ::= "CONFORM" qident FIXME CONFORM RAUS USE "conforma =" instaeD ! qident ::= ident ("." ident)* timeless ::= ident "=" qident_or_stringconst FIXME ANDERS voxParams ::= VOX_and_name conform?, timeless* VOX_and_name ::= "VOX" ident part ::= "PARS" ident_or_stringconst conform? timeless* voxParams* accolade* accolade ::= "T" timeline NL vox* vox ::= VOX_and_name NL (paramIdent token* NL) --- a maximal score can thus look like: --- CONFORM xxxx a=xxx b=xxx VOX A CONFORM xxxx a=xxx b=xxx PARS A CONFORM xxx a=xxx b=xxx VOX A CONFORM xxxx a=xxx b=xxx T 1 2 3 VOX A x x x xThe implementation is as recursive decent parser, LL(1), explicity inquiring the type of the next Token. This is delivered by a
This parser only collects text fragments and assigns them to top time points, timeless parameter settings and parameters of events, which are related to timepoints and voices. No kind of semantical evaluation happens here, but by subsequent interpretation steps.
Nested Class Summary
Nested ClassesModifier and TypeClassDescriptionprotected class
Maps one level of input column numbers either to null, for non-parenthesis entry, or to another instance of this class, for parenthesized sub-expressions, with the opening paranthesis in this column. -
Field Summary
FieldsModifier and TypeFieldDescriptionprotected XMLDocumentIdentifier
Identifier of the last parsed token.static final String
static final String
Reserved word.static final String
static final String
protected Modifiers
Configuration object controlling this parsing process (and some routines inUtil
.protected MessageReceiver
<SimpleMessage<XMLDocumentIdentifier>> Drain of all error and warning messages when parsing.protected Token
Token currently analysed.static final Object[]
Auxiliary: Empty argument list for message call.Input to the parsing process. -
Constructor Summary
Constructors -
Method Summary
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionprotected boolean
Parser function (=test, consume and return) for
accolade ::= T timeline NL vox*
This is the central parsing function which creates time points, events, voices and registers all these in the part under constrction.
Top time points may use more than one (>1) source line, iff allowed bymodifiers
(int firstFragmentColumn, boolean breakAtParentheses) Parser function (=test, consume and return) for unparsed, raw token sequence in time lines and parameter lines.conform()
Parser function (=test, consume and return) for
"conform ::= CONFORM qident"protected void
Fill local variablenextToken
by pulling fromtokenStream
.Concatenate source text of time point values which use more than one (>1) lines of input.foldInto
(SortedMap<Integer, RawParser.PosList> target, SortedMap<Integer, List<Token>> data, boolean isTopLevel) Folds a sequence of input tokens in the main parameter line of a voice into a sub-tree ofRawParser.PosList
, controled by opening and closing parentheses.protected @Opt XMLDocumentIdentifier
(Token token) Extract the document id from the given token, which is delivered by the tscore lexerTScoreLexer
.protected Location
<XMLDocumentIdentifier> getLocation
(Token token) Get location information in the same way as foreseen for the xantlr/tdom parsing pipeline, which is ...Parse (=test, consume and return)TokenType.CHARSTRING
.(package private) boolean
(String token) Whether the token text is a reserved word.protected boolean
Allow everything as top time point which is not contained in the string constants which make up the sub-dividers.protected boolean
Tests whether type ofnextToken
is the given.protected boolean
Tests whether the reserved word given is innextToken
.protected void
Generates an error message with given text and arguments, referring to the next location.protected void
(String m, Object... args) Generates a warning message with given text and arguments, referring to the next location.protected void
(SortedMap<Integer, Tp> col2tp, String sign, Map<Integer, String> sources, Map<Integer, List<Token>> unpacked) Step through T-line source fragments and create TpSubs which divide the interval between already recognized, higher time point levels.protected Location
<XMLDocumentIdentifier> Return the location ofnextToken
(antlr.TokenStream tokenStream, Modifiers modifiers, MessageReceiver<SimpleMessage<XMLDocumentIdentifier>> msg) Deprecated.parse
(Supplier<Token> tokenStream, Modifiers modifiers, MessageReceiver<SimpleMessage<XMLDocumentIdentifier>> msg) Top-level parser for
timeScape ::= conform? timeless* voxParams* part* EOF
.protected boolean
Parser function (=test, consume and return) for
pars ::= PARS ident_or_stringconst conform timeless* voiceparams accolade*
Parse (=test, consume and return) dotted-separated list of idents.protected void
(Modifiers.Reaction react, Location<XMLDocumentIdentifier> loc, String txt) Generates maybe a message with the given text and arguments, referring to the explicitly given location, either as error or as warning, depending on "react".protected void
(Modifiers.Reaction react, Location<XMLDocumentIdentifier> loc, String txt, Object... args) Generates maybe a message with the given text, arguments and location, either as error or as warning, depending on "react".protected void
(Modifiers.Reaction react, String txt, Object... args) Generates maybe a message with the given text and arguments, referring to the next location, either as error or as warning, depending on "react".singleCheck
(Map<Integer, List<Token>> tokens) Check whether each collected fragment uses only one(1) input line, and return this only text as a (trivial) concatenation result.protected String
Strip quote symbols and un-quote contained doublequotes.protected Timeless
Parsesa = b = X anda = b = (c=d e=f 1 2 3) protected void
(List<Timeless> target) Parser code (=test, consume, store to target, and return flag) for one timeless item, whch can be a value or an assigment.Accept all tokens which are not whitespace or parantheses and concatenate their contents.(package private) boolean
Parse function (=test, consume and return) for
"vox ::= VOX ident token NL (paramIdent token* NL)"
Is called in the context of parsing an accolade, i.e.VOX_and_name
(Container container, boolean multiple) Parse function (=test, consume and return) for
VOX_and_name ::= VOX ident
Can be called (a) in context of meta values (in a score or in a part, before the first T-line) or (b) in an accolade after the T-line.protected boolean
Parser function (=test, consume and return) for
voxParams ::= VOX_and_name conform?, timeless*
Creates a new voice by callingVOX_and_name(Container,boolean)
, which stores this either to the timescape or to the part under construction.protected boolean
Parse (=test, consume and return) whitespace.protected boolean
Parse (=test, consume and return) whitespace.
Field Details
Reserved word. Currently there are only four words which cannot be used for voice or parameter names, etc.- See Also:
- See Also:
- See Also:
- See Also:
Drain of all error and warning messages when parsing. -
Configuration object controlling this parsing process (and some routines inUtil
. -
Identifier of the last parsed token. -
Input to the parsing process. -
Token currently analysed. -
Auxiliary: Empty argument list for message call.
Constructor Details
public RawParser()
Method Details
@Deprecated public TimeScape parse(antlr.TokenStream tokenStream, Modifiers modifiers, MessageReceiver<SimpleMessage<XMLDocumentIdentifier>> msg) Deprecated. -
public TimeScape parse(Supplier<Token> tokenStream, Modifiers modifiers, MessageReceiver<SimpleMessage<XMLDocumentIdentifier>> msg) Top-level parser for
timeScape ::= conform? timeless* voxParams* part* EOF
. Returns a time scape. This is a collection of some meta data ("conforms" and "timeless" for the whole score and for voices), followed by the "parts", which hold the real time points and events, each part independently. The meta data from the score level may later be distributed by the particular evaluation code, or ignored, or even explicitly rejected. -
Extract the document id from the given token, which is delivered by the tscore lexerTScoreLexer
.- See Also:
Get location information in the same way as foreseen for the xantlr/tdom parsing pipeline, which is ...generated parser code -> startElement() -> SAXEventGenerator -> SAXEventStream -> TDOM parse() locatorInterface <-------- <- getLocation
Return the location ofnextToken
. -
Generates an error message with given text and arguments, referring to the next location. -
Generates a warning message with given text and arguments, referring to the next location. -
Generates maybe a message with the given text and arguments, referring to the next location, either as error or as warning, depending on "react". This allows to choose between "silently allow", "warning", and "error". -
Generates maybe a message with the given text and arguments, referring to the explicitly given location, either as error or as warning, depending on "react". This allows to choose between "silently allow", "warning", and "error". -
protected void react(Modifiers.Reaction react, Location<XMLDocumentIdentifier> loc, String txt, Object... args) Generates maybe a message with the given text, arguments and location, either as error or as warning, depending on "react". This allows to choose between "silently allow", "warning", and "error". -
Whether the token text is a reserved word. Currently these are "PARS", "CONFORM", "VOX, "T". -
protected void consume()Fill local variablenextToken
by pulling fromtokenStream
. -
Tests whether the reserved word given is innextToken
. -
protected boolean ws_or_nl_or_comment()Parse (=test, consume and return) whitespace. -
protected boolean ws_or_comment()Parse (=test, consume and return) whitespace. -
Parse (=test, consume and return)TokenType.CHARSTRING
. Strips quote signs. -
Strip quote symbols and un-quote contained doublequotes. -
Parse (=test, consume and return) dotted-separated list of idents. Return null iff none could be parsed (then parser state stays unaltered) -
Parser function (=test, consume and return) for
"conform ::= CONFORM qident"- Returns:
- whether this syntax rule has been parsed.
Parser code (=test, consume, store to target, and return flag) for one timeless item, whch can be a value or an assigment. FIXME STIMMT NICHT MERH:timeless ::= ident = token_or_list
token_or_list ::= "(" token_or_list* ")" | non_white_space
FIXME IMPLEMENT FIXME IMPLEMENT Zugriffsfunktionen ("asList" "asInt" "asString" etc.) in base/Util.CONFORM x a = b VOX c a = b VOX d a = b PARS a a = b PARS b a = b VOX c a = b T 17 18 VOX c x x x
"VOX" "PARS" and "T" stop accepting.- Parameters:
- where to store the parsed/constructed data
Parsesa = b = X anda = b = (c=d e=f 1 2 3) -
Accept all tokens which are not whitespace or parantheses and concatenate their contents. "+-"3 = value ist möglich !?!?!? "" = value ist möglich !?!?!? -
Parser function (=test, consume and return) for
voxParams ::= VOX_and_name conform?, timeless*
Creates a new voice by callingVOX_and_name(Container,boolean)
, which stores this either to the timescape or to the part under construction. Each voice name may only appear once in these declarations.- Returns:
- whether this syntax rule has been parsed.
Parser function (=test, consume and return) for
pars ::= PARS ident_or_stringconst conform timeless* voiceparams accolade*
- Parameters:
- where to store the constructed PARS data- Returns:
- whether this syntax rule has been parsed.
Parser function (=test, consume and return) for
accolade ::= T timeline NL vox*
This is the central parsing function which creates time points, events, voices and registers all these in the part under constrction.
Top time points may use more than one (>1) source line, iff allowed bymodifiers
. The possible characters for sub-divisions are given as string constants inmodifiers
. Each source fragment not contained therein is assumed a top-level time point source and stored for LATER parsing inPart.tlines
Enter resulting timeline map into "current_part" argument, in field ".tlines", and event data in the voice objects, entered also in "current_part".- Returns:
- whether this syntax rule has been parsed.
protected void makeLowerTps(SortedMap<Integer, Tp> col2tp, String sign, Map<Integer, String> sources, Map<Integer, List<Token>> unpacked) Step through T-line source fragments and create TpSubs which divide the interval between already recognized, higher time point levels.- Parameters:
- In and OUTPUT parameter where to store the new column definitions.sign
- the single string which (as only!) stands for division points of this level.sources
- the source fragment sequence, packed into one(1) string for each position=column.unpacked
- the original source token sequence, only needed to get location information for messages
Parse function (=test, consume and return) for
VOX_and_name ::= VOX ident
Can be called (a) in context of meta values (in a score or in a part, before the first T-line) or (b) in an accolade after the T-line. In (a) the voice is only carrier of timeless attributes, which later can be (possibly) distributed to voices with the same name in accolades. No voice name may be repeated.In (b) it is contained in a part and may be repeated, but not in the same accolade.
If the Vox object dos not yet exists: create it and store it to score or part.
- Returns:
- whether this syntax rule has been parsed.
Parse function (=test, consume and return) for
"vox ::= VOX ident token NL (paramIdent token* NL)"
Is called in the context of parsing an accolade, i.e. events under a T-line. Store resulting vox object to argument "part", and resulting events to the vox object (into several different collections in parallel). Generates new timepoints iff events start on columns not defined by the T-line.- Returns:
- whether this syntax rule has been parsed.
protected SortedMap<Integer,List<Token>> foldInto(SortedMap<Integer, RawParser.PosList> target, SortedMap<Integer, List<Token>> data, boolean isTopLevel) Folds a sequence of input tokens in the main parameter line of a voice into a sub-tree ofRawParser.PosList
, controled by opening and closing parentheses. As a first step, this is independent from the time points in the time line. Stores also the position of the closing parentheses of the level it is called for, seeRawParser.PosList
for details.- Parameters:
- the pre-constructed output
- input data, starting at this level
Allow everything as top time point which is not contained in the string constants which make up the sub-dividers. -
protected SortedMap<Integer,List<Token>> collectFragments(int firstFragmentColumn, boolean breakAtParentheses) Parser function (=test, consume and return) for unparsed, raw token sequence in time lines and parameter lines. Collects all contiguous non-white-space fragments ordered by increasing starting column, and (secondarily) by increasing line numbers; returns them in a SortedMap.
New fragment is started with whitespace, newline, etc.
Double quotes are used to escape whitespace and parentheses break behaviour; quote signs are stripped from result.
Stops whenever the offside given by firstFragmentColumn is undercut.
GLO IN nextToken, consume()- Parameters:
- whether parentheses are always a fragment on their own.- Returns:
- a map from the column numbers to the sequence of all tokens starting there (in line order of the lines considered)
Concatenate source text of time point values which use more than one (>1) lines of input. Cf. Util/getParamText() -
Check whether each collected fragment uses only one(1) input line, and return this only text as a (trivial) concatenation result.