Class Modifiers


public class Modifiers extends Object
An instance of this class is used to parametrize the raw parsing process and the subsequent first transformations, as performed by RawParser and the methods in Util. Most iportant are the specifications of the reactions to certain critical conditions in the input data. The possible values for these fields are defined by Modifiers.Reaction.
  • Field Details

    • formatWidth

      public int formatWidth
      Line width for formatted print outs.
    • quoteLeft

      public String quoteLeft
      Left quotation mark when printing character data, e.g. parser input.
    • quoteRight

      public String quoteRight
      Right quotation mark when printing character data, e.g. parser input.
    • verbose

      public boolean verbose
      Whether diagnosis information shall be more verbose.
    • veryVerbose

      public boolean veryVerbose
      Whether execution shall be verbose, for didactical purposes, also when everything runs fine.
    • tpDividers

      public List<String> tpDividers
      List of top-leve sub-division signs, which can appear between two "alpha-numeric" top-level time point designators.
    • multiLineTpAllowed

      public boolean multiLineTpAllowed
      Whether a time point indication (top time point, text based, or a subdivision) may span more than one(>1) source line.
    • tpCombinerString

      public String tpCombinerString
      The string to insert between the contents, when a time point (either top or subdivision) spans more than one(>1) source line.
    • beatNotBeaten

      public Modifiers.Reaction beatNotBeaten
      When an event appears few lines after a time line's beat column, but no event is exactly on this column, --- defaults to Modifiers.Reaction.reject.
    • beatNotBeaten_narrow

      public Modifiers.Reaction beatNotBeaten_narrow
      When an event appears exactly one column after a time line beat column, but no event is exactly on this column, --- defaults to Modifiers.Reaction.reject.
    • closingParenthesisBeyondRightTp

      public Modifiers.Reaction closingParenthesisBeyondRightTp
      When the closing parenthesis is found right of the right-most column in the ruling time-line, --- defaults to Modifiers.Reaction.warn.
    • repeatedParameterNames

      public Modifiers.Reaction repeatedParameterNames
      When a particular parameter name appears more than once in the same voice, defaults to Modifiers.Reaction.warn.
    • emptyParameterLine

      public Modifiers.Reaction emptyParameterLine
      When a parameter name is followed by a blank input line defaults to Modifiers.Reaction.warn.
    • eventOnRightmostTp

      public Modifiers.Reaction eventOnRightmostTp
      The possibility to write an event under the very last Tp of an accolade is only necessary when the Tps are STRICTLY increasing. (Then the last Tp cannot be duplicated at the beginning of the next line.)
      Otherwise, this option is not only unnecessary, but also makes that the injectivitiy (Tp*Vox)->>Event is no longer guaranteed.
      Defaults to Modifiers.Reaction.warn.
    • cutParamTextByEventColumns

      public boolean cutParamTextByEventColumns
      Whether to ignore the "continguous" rule and cut parameter text at the event columns, defaults to false, --- NOT YET USED and not yet clear how it can interact with double quotes and macro calls
    • nondetParameterValue

      public Modifiers.Reaction nondetParameterValue
      When more than one parse tree is found for a parameter value, defaults to Modifiers.Reaction.reject.
  • Constructor Details

    • Modifiers

      public Modifiers()
  • Method Details