Class PatternDistributor


public class PatternDistributor extends Object
Looks for repettions of a pattern in a certain parameter track and distributes it event-wise to the successor events.

Usage: An instance is constructed. Then it is applied to a Vox object by calling process(Vox) before any further processing of the voice data. Afterwards the parameter texts in the Vox object are adjusted accordingly and can be processed as usual (by applying Translet parsers, etc.)

Distribution is event-wise, means it does not look at any timing, and operates BEFORE any parsing of the parameter text, i.e. as a RAW text level pre-processor. The definition of a repeated pattern is started by a dedicated symbol prepended to the normal parameter values. (This sign defaults to "$").
The parameter text of all subsequent events (upto pattern end) form the pattern.
The end of the pattern definition is the start of its usage, indicated by a certain start marker, which defaults to "IDEM".
The end of the usage may be anywhere. It is caused by any explicit parameter value (possibly starting a new pattern), or by a special marker, which defaults to "TERM".
The repetition can be resumed after a certain pause: By the start marker again, it will start from its beginning, or by a special marker (which defaults to "CONT") it will resume with the same phase as its preceding use had been terminated.
All these special markers (but not the patter definition lead in) must be the only contents of the event's parameter.

The patterns are collected and distributed in their textual representation, i.e. without and prior to any analysis.

The behaviour can be depicted by the following state machine:

    start---> [INIT]
                 | "$xxx"
      ----->  [COLLECTING] <--------
      ^^        |  |         ________ ) "$xxx"
      ||        |  |"IDEM"                             
      ||        |  |                               
      ||"$yyy"  |  V      (starting from 0) <----
      ||____    |[USING]_________________________) "IDEM"  
      |         |  |     <------------            
      |         |  |                  |   
      |   "TERM"|  |                  |   
      |         |  |"TERM"/"zzz"      |
      |"$yyy"   V  V                  | "CONT"/"IDEM"
      ------- [SUSPENDED] ------------/            

  • Field Details

    • msg

      The drain of error messages
    • paramName

      protected final String paramName
      Name of the parameter track to process.
    • startDef

      protected final String startDef
      String constant starting the definition/recording of a pattern
    • startDef_length

      protected final int startDef_length
      Holds the string length of startDef, for conenience.
    • startUse

      protected final String startUse
      String constant starting the use of the pattern, when parsed in the parameter track.
    • endUse

      protected final String endUse
      String constant ending the use of the pattern, when parsed in the parameter track.
    • resumeUse

      protected final String resumeUse
      String constant ending the use of the pattern, when parsed in the parameter track.
    • default_startDef

      public static final String default_startDef
      Default for startDef
      See Also:
    • default_startUse

      public static final String default_startUse
      Default for startUse
      See Also:
    • default_endUse

      public static final String default_endUse
      Default for endUse
      See Also:
    • default_resumeUse

      public static final String default_resumeUse
      Default for resumeUse
      See Also:
    • pattern

      Store for the parameter values which make up the pattern.
    • patternphase

      protected int patternphase
      Current counter for re-playing the pattern.
    • phase

      protected PatternDistributor.Phase phase
      State of the state machine, modelling recording and playback.
  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • copyFromPattern

      protected void copyFromPattern(Event ev)
      Copy the parameter value back into the voice from the current pattern position.
    • copyIntoPattern

      protected void copyIntoPattern(Event ev)
      Record the parameter value back fromt the voice into the pattern.
    • adjust

      protected void adjust(Event ev)
      Remove the "start pattern definition" prefix startDef from the parameter source text. (This includes adjustment of the location.) This is destructive: The event object will be altered. FIXME ginge auch NUR auf "pattern" !?!?!
    • exclusiveCheck

      void exclusiveCheck(Location<XMLDocumentIdentifier> location, String paramName, String keyword, String input)
      Raises an error iff the keyword is not the only contents of the parameter source text.
    • startUsing

      protected void startUsing(Event ev, String ptext, Location<XMLDocumentIdentifier> loc, String keyword, boolean reset)
      Start with the given event the re-play of the pattern.
      ev - the current event
      ptext - the input value for this parameter (for error messageing only)
      loc - the location of the parameters input text (for error messageing only)
      keyword - the keyword found in the source text (for error messageing only)
      reset - whether to start with the beginning of the pattern, not to resume it.
    • process

      public void process(Vox v)
      Service access point: Process this voice and replace the pattern keywords in its parameter track (with the name given when creating this instance) by pattern expansion.