Class DottedNotationExpander
In a CWN tscore context, you want to write e.g.
T 1 2 VOX Alt c. d e. (f fis) g ..aExactly two(<=2) events are affected by dot notation: an event with trailing dots and its successor, or an event with leading dots and its predecessor. The cases are called "positive" and "negative" dotting; the involved events are called "dotted" and "shortened". If both of two neighbouring events carry a dot, then the dots must point outwards as in "
.a b.
The event with the dots will become longer.
The later of the involved events
must have a "floating" notation of its starting time,
i.e. must not be bound to a time point in the time line,
because this start time will be changed by the dotting.
T 1 2 3 4 5 VOX Alt a. b c .d e f. g h i // posit. negative invalid, because "g" is fixed to a point in the time line "T" // allowed, "event g" is NOT positioned at "Tp 4": FIXME CHECK vaild !??! VOX Ten e (f. g ) h i
In their concrete appearance, the dots must follow without intervening whitespace and may only appear in one single line (the first resp. last line), not broken to more than one line.
From the frontend lexer syntax, dots as input symbols are only allowed as part of the (otherwise unspecified) parameter text. Thus, only "events" and not parenthesized groups may be extended by dots. But the shortened event in the pair may be replaced by a parenthesized group, as in the example. This corresponds to normal practice in CWN.
For this behaviour, an instance of this class can be constructed and
applied to a voice (more precisely: to the list of events of this voice in source order),
after this voice has been built when the containing
has been parsed by
Util.parseTimeScape(File, Modifiers, MessageReceiver)
and before the start time information of the events of this
voice are calculated.
(E.g. by
Util.getRationalValue(Function, Map,Tp,MessageReceiver,Map)
--- see the source text of Score_cwn
as an example.)
The implementation here is somehow hacky: A text transformation is applied
to a sequence of events
which is still in source text sequential order of one monodic voice.
The dotted event and its shortened counterpart must lie in the same
time division and occupy the same duration.
(The latter is currently not yet checked !)
Then a new division is created, which divides their sum duration by four/eight/sixteen, etc.,
depending on the number of dots.
Then it distributes the interval in the requested proportion:
1+3, 1+7, 1+15, etc., for negative dotting,
iff the dots are leading in the second event,
or 3+1 , 7+1, 15+1 etc., for positive dotting,
iff the dots are trailing in the first event.
This transformation has to be called before any "duration per event" is calculated.
The dots characters are removed from the parameter values, and all further
processing can happen as if the proportions had been notated explicitly, e.g by
a.. b ==> a(-(- b))The following situations can occur:
ALLOWED: a .b a. b .a b. ERRORS: .a. a. b. a. .b ALLOWED a. (b. ) ( .b) .a ERRORS: a (.b ) ( a.) b
Field Summary
FieldsModifier and TypeFieldDescription(package private) final String
The terminal string representing the prolongation dot.(package private) final String
The name of the main parameter of the voice, corrsponding to the "VOX ..
" line and defining the time points of the events.(package private) final MessageReceiver
<SimpleMessage<XMLDocumentIdentifier>> Drain of all messages.(package private) boolean
Output register ofparseOne(Event)
: if dot combinations are legal.(package private) int
Output register ofparseOne(Event)
: dots to the right of the current event.(package private) int
Output register ofparseOne(Event)
: dots to the left of the current event.Temporary map for all time divisions affected by a dotting.Temporary map for all time points affected by a dotting. -
Constructor Summary
(MessageReceiver<SimpleMessage<XMLDocumentIdentifier>> msg, String dotString, String mainParamName) Public constructor, must be called before callingapply(List)
. -
Method Summary
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
Service access point, called from outside.protected void
The dotted event must be a simple one (no parenthesis), and the dots part must be part of the text of the main parameter.getTdivshifted
(TDivision tdiv) Return new, shifted divison, or null iff tdivision is NOT affected by shift.getTpsubshifted
(TpSub tpsub) Returns new, shifted TpSub, or null iff tdivision is NOT affected by shift.(package private) boolean
(Tp tp) Returns whether the time point is the very last in its containing division.protected void
Sets global output values and makes some syntax check.protected void
(List<Event> events, int indexRight, Event left, Event right, int dotcount, boolean leftIsDotted) Central function for adjusting the time structure according to a dotted rhythm.(package private) boolean
Returns whether both events have their time point in the same time point division.protected final boolean
Returns whether the Event is affected.
Field Details
Drain of all messages. -
The terminal string representing the prolongation dot. -
The name of the main parameter of the voice, corrsponding to the "VOX ..
" line and defining the time points of the events. -
int preDotsOutput register ofparseOne(Event)
: dots to the left of the current event. -
int postDotsOutput register ofparseOne(Event)
: dots to the right of the current event. -
boolean okOutput register ofparseOne(Event)
: if dot combinations are legal. -
Temporary map for all time points affected by a dotting. Valid during the processing of one particular dotter pair of neighbouring events. -
Temporary map for all time divisions affected by a dotting. Valid during the processing of one particular dotter pair of neighbouring events.
Constructor Details
public DottedNotationExpander(MessageReceiver<SimpleMessage<XMLDocumentIdentifier>> msg, String dotString, String mainParamName) Public constructor, must be called before callingapply(List)
.- Parameters:
- a String of length=1 which represents one single dot (normally = ".")mainParamName
- the paramter track name to which the modifications will be applied.
Method Details
Sets global output values and makes some syntax check. -
Returns whether both events have their time point in the same time point division. (This implies that the later Tp is "floating", i.e. not bound by a time line column.) -
Service access point, called from outside. Analyses the main parameter of all events, makes initial syntax and context checks (eg noa. .b
), and applies timepoint adjustment. -
Returns whether the time point is the very last in its containing division. (Thus the next currently known time point is the right limit of that division, and itself defined in a higher-level division or an top-level.) -
protected void replace(List<Event> events, int indexRight, Event left, Event right, int dotcount, boolean leftIsDotted) Central function for adjusting the time structure according to a dotted rhythm. The right event must lie on a event-defined (flexible) time-point in the same division level as the left event: either both are contained in a parentheses group, or the second lies on a text column not defined in its time line. The non-dotted partner of the pair may by a parentheses group. In all cases all events but the very first must be shifted to a new TDivision.a. b x a. (b c ) x a. (b (c. d) ) x //OR negative case a .b x (a a) .b x // ERROR, not the same TDivision: a. (b (.c d) ) x (a a.) b
Search process is as follows:tpSomewhere tpLeft tpRight --> tpNewRight | tpNewRight<---- | ------tDDiv------ | tp tp | --tDDiv--------------------------| tp tp tp | -----tDiv--- tX
ALL events at ALL tp's must be shifted, up to the first "tX" which lies totally to the right side of tpRight, thus is not affected by shifting. -
Returns whether the Event is affected. Since we follow the source text order, first false result signals that all ncessary Events habe been processed. -
Returns new, shifted TpSub, or null iff tdivision is NOT affected by shift. -
Return new, shifted divison, or null iff tdivision is NOT affected by shift. -
The dotted event must be a simple one (no parenthesis), and the dots part must be part of the text of the main parameter. So they can and must be removed there!