Class Translet.State<R>

Enclosing class:

public static class Translet.State<R> extends Object
Central data type for parser operation. Combines input situation, currently applied Translet.Parser, delivered Result, and the preceding state, thus forming a kind of parse tree in post order notation:
                                _______/ ----------- Parser(SEQU)
       ________________________/  ______/                 ^
     Parser                  Parser                       |
       ^                      ^                           |
       |                      |.parser                    |
   +------------+  .pre     +------------+   .pre    +------------+              
   | State      | <----     | State      |  <-----   | State      | 
   +------------+           +------------+           +------------+              
                                |.s |.pos
                                v   v
State objects are added (a) when input characters are consumed, (b) when functions are applied for further result generation, or (c) when a storage action must be memorized for later execution.

".s" is constant and always simply copied, to be accessible by the terminal symbol parsing functions; ".pos" is advancing and reflects the situation AFTER ".parser" has consumed.

Parsing is executed in a breadth-first search, so that finally different successful parsing trees can coexist. All STORING operations are not yet performed but done ex-parte-post, after one of these solutions has been selected.

  • Field Summary

    Modifier and Type
    (package private) final int
    FIXME ????
    (package private) final Translet.Parser<R>
    The translet parser which has consumed to produce this state.
    (package private) final int
    The position after parsing.
    (package private) final @Opt Translet.State<?>
    The preceding state.
    (package private) final R
    (package private) final String
    The input data on which all parsers operate.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Return whether parsing has reached the end of the input string.
    Returns the character input consumed DIRECTLY by the parser of this state, i.e.
    executeStoring(Event e,<> loc, MessageReceiver<SimpleMessage<>> msg)
    Step back through the chain of parser states and execute all store operation.
    initState(String s, int pos)
    Create an initial state with only the input data, no parser or result yet.
    Return the current rest of the input string.
    Deliver printable representation only of this state.
    <N, M extends N>
    succ(Translet.Parser<N> parser, int pos, M result)
    Return a new State, which is successor of "this", and in which "parser" has delivered "result" and consumed input up to "pos".
    <N, M extends N>
    succ(Translet.Parser<N> parser, M result)
    Return a new State, which is successor of "this", and in which "parser" has delivered "result", but no input has been consumed.
    Deliver printable representation of the whole chain of states ending here.

    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

    clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
  • Field Details

    • parser

      final Translet.Parser<R> parser
      The translet parser which has consumed to produce this state.
    • pre

      @Opt final @Opt Translet.State<?> pre
      The preceding state. Only == null for the very first state.
    • s

      final String s
      The input data on which all parsers operate.
    • pos

      final int pos
      The position after parsing.
    • depth

      final int depth
      FIXME ????
    • result

      @Opt final R result
    • p_atEnd

      public static final Predicate<Translet.State> p_atEnd
  • Method Details

    • initState

      public static Translet.State<Object> initState(String s, int pos)
      Create an initial state with only the input data, no parser or result yet.
    • succ

      public <N, M extends N> Translet.State<N> succ(Translet.Parser<N> parser, M result)
      Return a new State, which is successor of "this", and in which "parser" has delivered "result", but no input has been consumed.
    • succ

      public <N, M extends N> Translet.State<N> succ(Translet.Parser<N> parser, int pos, M result)
      Return a new State, which is successor of "this", and in which "parser" has delivered "result" and consumed input up to "pos".
    • executeStoring

      public void executeStoring(Event e,<> loc, MessageReceiver<SimpleMessage<>> msg)
      Step back through the chain of parser states and execute all store operation. This is delegated to Translet.Parser.executeStoring(Translet.State,Event,Location,MessageReceiver). Only the instances of some dedicated parser classes really execute storing.
      e - the event which is used as key for all the data maps
      loc - the location of the whole expression, used in all error messages generated by storing.
      msg - drain of error messages.
    • atEnd

      public boolean atEnd()
      Return whether parsing has reached the end of the input string.
    • consumed

      public String consumed()
      Returns the character input consumed DIRECTLY by the parser of this state, i.e. iff it is a terminal symbol. Both ".pos" and ".pre.pos" must be considered.
    • lookingAt

      public String lookingAt()
      Return the current rest of the input string.
    • simpleString

      public String simpleString()
      Deliver printable representation only of this state.
    • toString

      public String toString()
      Deliver printable representation of the whole chain of states ending here.
      toString in class Object