Class Fields


public class Fields extends Object
Create the list of all possible "twelve tone fields" which use only a particular set of intervals, and each of these intervals appears at least once. A "twelve tone field" is a mapping from the twelve enharmonic pitch classes of "twelve tone theory" to octave registers.

Usage is like

   f = new Fields().allow(1).allow(5).resolve();

This provisorical implementation writes the found solutions in number form to stdout and as a musicXml score to a disk file.

Pitch classes and intervals are both represented symbollically by the numbers 0..11; pitches are represented by non-negative integers.

  • Nested Class Summary

    Nested Classes
    Modifier and Type
    protected class 
    Each Item represents one construction step of a field.
  • Field Summary

    Modifier and Type
    protected final SortedSet<Integer>
    The set of allowed intervals.
    protected final List<Fields.Item>
    All found fields after executing resolve().
    protected Fields.Item
    The start element of the fields' tree, representing a field with just one pitch =0.
  • Constructor Summary

  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    (package private) Fields
    allow(int i)
    Add a further interval to the set of allowed intervals.
    Return a given field as an item of integers which represent the pitch classes.
    Convert all solutions as stored in results as an XML score block, and combine these into one single score Element_score_partwise.
    protected void
    asMusicXML(Fields.Item item, int number, List<> music_results, List<> index_results)
    Encode one field as an ascending sequence of note heads in music XML.
    Convert one field into a sequence of pitches.
    Print all results found to "ps".
    Print the pitch classes of all its predecessors, followed by that of "i".
    static void
    main(String[] s)
    Test application, allowed intervals must be added in the source text, result is always written into "TESTOUT.xml"
    If the Item / field represented by the itme has already 12 / all pitch classes, then store it in results.
    Central service provider: Create a root note and prolongate it with 11 successors to complete fields.

    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

    clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
  • Field Details

    • allowedIntervals

      protected final SortedSet<Integer> allowedIntervals
      The set of allowed intervals. Set incrementally by allow(int) after constructing this instance.
    • results

      protected final List<Fields.Item> results
      All found fields after executing resolve().
    • root

      protected Fields.Item root
      The start element of the fields' tree, representing a field with just one pitch =0.
  • Constructor Details

    • Fields

      public Fields()
  • Method Details

    • allow

      Fields allow(int i)
      Add a further interval to the set of allowed intervals.
    • resolve

      public void resolve()
      Central service provider: Create a root note and prolongate it with 11 successors to complete fields.
    • prolongate

      public void prolongate(Fields.Item start)
      If the Item / field represented by the itme has already 12 / all pitch classes, then store it in results. Otherwise test each of the allowed intervals: Its adding to the top of "start" must deliver in a pitch class not yet present in "start". If so, create a new Item and call prolongate(Item) recursively.
    • dump

      public void dump(PrintStream ps)
      Print all results found to "ps".
    • dump

      public void dump(PrintStream ps, @Opt @Opt Fields.Item i)
      Print the pitch classes of all its predecessors, followed by that of "i".
    • asPitches

      Convert one field into a sequence of pitches. This is normally applied to fields contained in results.
      item - represents the field
      repr - TwelveToneFunctionalRepresentation maps twelve tone pitch classes into functional pitch classes, just to make them notatable in CWN. Assume that both the fields and the TwelveToneFunctionalRepresentation start with the index ==0.
    • asArray

      public int[] asArray(Fields.Item item)
      Return a given field as an item of integers which represent the pitch classes.
    • asMusicXML

      public asMusicXML()
      Convert all solutions as stored in results as an XML score block, and combine these into one single score Element_score_partwise. Therein each field/solution is contained in one dedicated staff/instrument/"part".
    • asMusicXML

      protected void asMusicXML(Fields.Item item, int number, List<> music_results, List<> index_results)
      Encode one field as an ascending sequence of note heads in music XML.
      item - the field to print
      number - the number which appears in the name of the "part"/voice/staff
      music_results - where to append the "Element_measure" which contains the notes
      index_results - where to index entry to this new staff
    • main

      public static void main(String[] s)
      Test application, allowed intervals must be added in the source text, result is always written into "TESTOUT.xml"

      FIXME umbauen auf cmd line paraemter "8te" ==> "fields_8te.xml" "fields_8te.text"

      FIXME zero solutions must not crash