Class Score_hkn_vox_v00


public class Score_hkn_vox_v00 extends Score_hkn
A first version of a haken score for realization by a solo vocalist. This is the production version for one single vocal output, singing just vowels and semi-vowels on one fixed pitch. With one K-voices per parameter "lightness" and "soundness".
Usage: create an Instance (with an already raw-parsed TimeScape) and call "update(... score.findVoice(..)..).
The main(String[]) method takes filenames and voice names from the command line parameters.
  • Field Details

    • rat_3_4

      protected static final Rational rat_3_4
    • sound_3_4

      protected static final QualifiedRational sound_3_4
    • rat_1_4

      protected static final Rational rat_1_4
    • sound_1_4

      protected static final QualifiedRational sound_1_4
    • lilypondGenerator

      protected final LilypondGenerator lilypondGenerator
      Auxiliary module for generating a LilyPond source text as output.
    • seq_height

      List<RelWert> seq_height
      The list of RelWert used for the "height" of the sung sound.
    • seq_vowelness

      List<RelWert> seq_vowelness
      The list of RelWert used for the "soundness" of the sung sound.
    • lilypond_constant_pitch

      public static final String lilypond_constant_pitch
      Constant used for the pitch height for all generated V-Events.
      See Also:
    • pauseGrades

      public final QualifiedRational[] pauseGrades
      List of the length of the pauses from p0=quarter note to p4=brevis.
    • maxPause

      public final int maxPause
      Highest valid index into pauseGrades.
    • accu_index_writeout

      int accu_index_writeout
      Index into the list of durations for the MetricConsumer write out method. Must be a class field, not a method variable, for mere technical (Java) reasons. ("external fields referred to from a inner class must be final", etc.)
    • lyricSquare

      public static final String[][] lyricSquare
      The character representation of the sounds to sing, indexed first by vowel-ness (U to O), then by brightness (U to O).
  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • fromTimeScape

    • getPauseByIndex

      @Opt protected @Opt QualifiedRational getPauseByIndex(List<Tp> tps, @Opt @Opt Vox vpause, int i)
      Get the duration of the pause to be insert before the event on the i-th K-time point.
      null if not pause is specified in the selected voice.
    • writeout

      protected void writeout(int max, List<Tp> tps, @Opt @Opt Vox vpause, boolean checkLastForPause)
      Generate the lilyPond commands for the sequence of K-Evenst.
      max - number of K-Events to process
      tps - all time points after expansion
      vpause - voice selected for the additional articulation pauses
      checkLastForPause - whether the last pause ????? FIXME
    • update

      public void update(String inputFileName, String scoreAndPartName, @Opt @Opt String subtitle, @Opt @Opt Vox v_pause, Vox v_soundness, Vox v_height)
      Convert the tscore data into a lilypond output. The input data is read from some global fields (Score_hkn.event2relwert, etc.) and from the voices given as explicit arguments. The result is stored internally in lilypondGenerator and can later be got from there, eg. by LilypondGenerator.writeToFile(String).
      inputFileName - only for a comment in the generated lilypond source
      scoreAndPartName - only for a comment in the generated lilypond source
      subtitle - used for the entry catgory "subtitle" in the header of the generated lilypond source. "-" stands for "none", (The category "title" will be filled by the name of the outputfile, "subsubtitle" will be a source file indication.)
      v_pause - voice selected for pause control
      v_soundness - voice selected for soundness
      v_height - voice selected for sound height
    • main

      public static void main(String[] args)
      Main method, translates input file in HKN-vox format to lilypond output file.
      args -
      [0] input file name
      [1] basic score name (also determines the output files)
      [2] used for the entry catgory "subtitle" in the header of the generated lilypond source. "-" stands for "none", (The category "title" will be filled by the name of the outputfile, "subsubtitle" will be a source file indication.)
      [3] pause voice. "-" stands for "none".
      [4..5] Names of the K-Voices to be used for "soundness" and "height"