Class MidiInstrument


public class MidiInstrument extends Object
Description of one particular instrument, its midi realization and the three register ranges, as referred to by the Feldman notation.
  • Field Details

    • lowDynamic

      public static final int lowDynamic
      Used as the normal dynamic.
      See Also:
    • lowerDynamic

      public static final int lowerDynamic
      An even lower dynami, currently used to symbolize the harmonics..
      See Also:
    • lowLimit

      final int[] lowLimit
      The lower limits (inclusive) of the three registers ("loe", "middle", "high"), as midi key numbers.
    • highLimit

      final int[] highLimit
      The upper limits (inclusive) of the three registers ("loe", "middle", "high"), as midi key numbers.
    • name

      final String name
      evident, used for diagnosis output only.
    • program

      final int program
      General Midi program number.
    • velocity

      final int velocity
      Midi velocity for all events.
    • std_flute

      public static final MidiInstrument std_flute
    • std_trumpet

      public static final MidiInstrument std_trumpet
    • std_violin

      public static final MidiInstrument std_violin
    • std_violin_pizz

      public static final MidiInstrument std_violin_pizz
    • std_violin_harmonic

      public static final MidiInstrument std_violin_harmonic
    • std_violoncello

      public static final MidiInstrument std_violoncello
    • std_violoncello_pizz

      public static final MidiInstrument std_violoncello_pizz
    • std_violoncello_harmonic

      public static final MidiInstrument std_violoncello_harmonic
    • std_piano_integrated

      public static final MidiInstrument std_piano_integrated
      Keeps itself to the range of the other instruments
    • std_piano_wide

      public static final MidiInstrument std_piano_wide
      Has a genuine wide piano range, in contrast to all other instruments.
  • Constructor Details

    • MidiInstrument

      public MidiInstrument(String name, int program, int velocity, int lolo, int lohi, int midlo, int midhi, int hilo, int hihi)
      Sets all parameters explicitly
      name - , see name.
      program - , see program.
      velocity - , see velocity.
      lolo - , lower limit of the low register
      lohi - , upper limit of the low register
      midlo - , lower limit of the middle register
      midhi - , upper limit of the middle register
      hilo - , lower limit of the upper register
      hihi - , upper limit of the upper register
    • MidiInstrument

      public MidiInstrument(String name, int program, int velocity, MidiInstrument proto)
      Sets some parameters explicitly but copies the register definitions from the prototype.
      name - , see name.
      program - , see program.
      velocity - , see velocity.
      proto - for all three register limis.