Class Score_hkn_sig_v00


public class Score_hkn_sig_v00 extends Score_hkn
A first version of a haken score for realization with "sig" sound synthesis. Output is a physical score with the parameters:
               data 0        1           2            3
    dur        env           dst                      eventNum:int
    dt:float   env:float     dist:int    vibrato:int  |
    |          |             |           |            for debugging purpose
    |          |             |           |  
    |          |             |           vibrato symbolically 0=none, 2=full
    |          |             distortion symbolically 0=none, 2=full
    |          increment for volume, percent per msec
    |           constitutes a very sharp, a sharp and a very smooth envelope
    duration of sub-events in msec
    The four generated parameters are env, dist, reverb, and the overall duration.
Usage: create a new instance with an already raw-parsed TimeScape; then call update(...) with the 4 selected voices.
The main(String[]) method takes filenames and voice names from the command line parameters.
             |        sequencer                |
                  perc/msec |     |    |{0,1,2}   
                            |     |    V   
                            |     |  +--------+
                            |     |  | map    |
                            |     V  +--------+
                            |  +-----+ |   V f0  // modulation amp / frequ  
                            |  | map | |  +-------+
                            |  +-----+ |  | sinus |       
                            |     |    |  +-------+
                            |     |    V   V
                            |     |  +-----------+
                            |     |  | f1+($1*$2)|
                            |     |  +-----------+
                            |     |       |
                            |     |       V f0
                            V     |   +-------+
                    +----------+  |   | sinus |
                    |igr 0..100|  |   +-------+
                    +----------+  Vq    V
                           |     +-------+
                           |     |distort|         
                           |     +-------+
                           |      |
                           V      V     
                         |  $1*$2   |         
  • Field Details

    • durations

      public static final float[][][] durations
      Durations for segments, indexed by [RelWert-Duration] [RelWert-Envelope]:
    • increments

      public static final float[][][] increments
      Envelopes for segments, indexed by [RelWert-Duration] [RelWert-Envelope]: measured in "percent per msec"
    • pauseLength

      public final float[] pauseLength
      Length of pauses p0 to p3.
    • maxPause

      public final int maxPause
      Maximal index into pauseLength.
  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • fromTimeScape

    • update

      public void update(DataOutput out, PrintWriter txt, @Opt @Opt Vox vpause, @Opt @Opt Vox vdur, @Opt @Opt Vox venv, @Opt @Opt Vox vdist, @Opt @Opt Vox vvib)
      Translate the score and write the data into a binary and into a text file.
      out - binary file to write out.
      txt - text file to write out.
      vpause - K-voice for additional articulation pauses
      vdur - K-voice for duration
      venv - K-voice for smotheness/sharpness of envelope
      vdist - -voice for sund distortion
      vvib - K-voice for vibrato
    • main

      public static void main(String[] args)
      Main method, translates input file in HKN-vox format to sig physical synthesis data plus an additional listing file (arg[1]+".txt")
      args -
      [0] input file name
      [1] basic score name (also determines the output files)
      [2] "subtitle" ("-" stands for "none", currently not used)
      [3] name of pause voice ("-" stands for "none") NOT IMPLEMENTED CURRENTLY FIXME
      [4] name of H-Voice for "duration"
      [5] name of H-Voice for "envelope"
      [6] name of H-Voice for "distortion"
      [7] name of H-Voice for "vibrato"