Class Score_hkn_sig_v00
A first version of a haken score for realization with "sig" sound synthesis.
Output is a physical score with the parameters:
data 0 1 2 3 dur env dst eventNum:int dt:float env:float dist:int vibrato:int | | | | | for debugging purpose | | | | | | | vibrato symbolically 0=none, 2=full | | distortion symbolically 0=none, 2=full | increment for volume, percent per msec | constitutes a very sharp, a sharp and a very smooth envelope duration of sub-events in msec The four generated parameters are env, dist, reverb, and the overall duration.
Usage: create a new instance with an already raw-parsed TimeScape; then call update(...) with the 4 selected voices.
method takes filenames and voice names from the command line parameters.
SIG SCHALTUNG FEHLT:+---------------------------------+ | sequencer | +---------------------------------+ perc/msec | | |{0,1,2} | | V | | +--------+ | | | map | | V +--------+ | +-----+ | V f0 // modulation amp / frequ | | map | | +-------+ | +-----+ | | sinus | | | | +-------+ | | V V | | +-----------+ | | | f1+($1*$2)| | | +-----------+ | | | | | V f0 V | +-------+ +----------+ | | sinus | |igr 0..100| | +-------+ +----------+ Vq V | +-------+ | |distort| | +-------+ | | V V +----------+ | $1*$2 | +----------+ | V
Nested Class Summary
Nested ClassesModifier and TypeClassDescriptionstatic class
Data to control the sig-adlib synthesizer.Nested classes/interfaces inherited from class
Score_hkn.Expansion, Score_hkn.Parameters
Field Summary
FieldsModifier and TypeFieldDescriptionstatic final float[][][]
Durations for segments, indexed by [RelWert-Duration] [RelWert-Envelope]:static final float[][][]
Envelopes for segments, indexed by [RelWert-Duration] [RelWert-Envelope]: measured in "percent per msec"final int
Maximal index intopauseLength
.final float[]
Length of pauses p0 to p3.Fields inherited from class
allMedium, barnum2tp, event2doppelHaken, event2forceOverlap_end, event2forceOverlap_start, event2haken, event2noOverlap_end, event2noOverlap_start, event2pause, event2relwert, eventCanOverlapAtStart, modifiers, msg, msgr, name, noPauseSelected, noVoiceSelected, parameters, parser, rat2tp, tp2barnum, tp2rat, tsPart
Constructor Summary
(String name, Part ts, MessageReceiver<SimpleMessage<XMLDocumentIdentifier>> msg, @Opt Score_hkn.Parameters parameters) Only constructor. -
Method Summary
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionstatic Map
<String, Score_hkn_sig_v00> fromTimeScape
(TimeScape ts, String topName, MessageReceiver<SimpleMessage<XMLDocumentIdentifier>> msg, @Opt Score_hkn.Parameters parameters) FIXME DOCstatic void
Main method, translates input file in HKN-vox format to sig physical synthesis data plus an additional listing file (arg[1]+".txt")void
(DataOutput out, PrintWriter txt, @Opt Vox vpause, @Opt Vox vdur, @Opt Vox venv, @Opt Vox vdist, @Opt Vox vvib) Translate the score and write the data into a binary and into a text file.Methods inherited from class
findVoice, getPauseIndexByIndex, getRelWertFolge, getRelWertFolge_first, update
Field Details
public static final float[][][] durationsDurations for segments, indexed by [RelWert-Duration] [RelWert-Envelope]: -
public static final float[][][] incrementsEnvelopes for segments, indexed by [RelWert-Duration] [RelWert-Envelope]: measured in "percent per msec" -
public final float[] pauseLengthLength of pauses p0 to p3. -
public final int maxPauseMaximal index intopauseLength
Constructor Details
public Score_hkn_sig_v00(String name, Part ts, MessageReceiver<SimpleMessage<XMLDocumentIdentifier>> msg, @Opt @Opt Score_hkn.Parameters parameters) Only constructor.- Parameters:
- of the score, also used to derive output file namests
- the raw parsed tscore input data.msg
- the drain of all messages.parameters
- controll parsing, if left out, derfaults to "newScore_hkn.Parameters
Method Details
public static Map<String,Score_hkn_sig_v00> fromTimeScape(TimeScape ts, String topName, MessageReceiver<SimpleMessage<XMLDocumentIdentifier>> msg, @Opt @Opt Score_hkn.Parameters parameters) FIXME DOC -
public void update(DataOutput out, PrintWriter txt, @Opt @Opt Vox vpause, @Opt @Opt Vox vdur, @Opt @Opt Vox venv, @Opt @Opt Vox vdist, @Opt @Opt Vox vvib) Translate the score and write the data into a binary and into a text file.- Parameters:
- binary file to write out.txt
- text file to write out.vpause
- K-voice for additional articulation pausesvdur
- K-voice for durationvenv
- K-voice for smotheness/sharpness of envelopevdist
- -voice for sund distortionvvib
- K-voice for vibrato
Main method, translates input file in HKN-vox format to sig physical synthesis data plus an additional listing file (arg[1]+".txt")- Parameters:
[0] input file name
[1] basic score name (also determines the output files)
[2] "subtitle" ("-" stands for "none", currently not used)
[3] name of pause voice ("-" stands for "none") NOT IMPLEMENTED CURRENTLY FIXME
[4] name of H-Voice for "duration"
[5] name of H-Voice for "envelope"
[6] name of H-Voice for "distortion"
[7] name of H-Voice for "vibrato"