Class DMBatch


public class DMBatch extends Object
Analyses an input file for test data and generates output. The first column defines the type of input.
  // this is a comment, followed by  an MTree specification, stored as number 7
  M 7   4*(1/4) 
  // here a sequence of durations:
  D 1   1/3  2/7 
  // here comes a sequence of time points:
  //  (there is only one common set of register numbers for durations and tps!):
  R 2   1/3  4/7 
  // pause and sound sequence
  P 0   S 
  // Option settings, register 0(zero) is reserved for default
  O 1  --max_dots_negative 1 

  // Here the first test application, combining options, metric tree, rhythm and sound info:
  // This will generate a "new voice" in the ".ly" file, and 
  // a file included in ".pngs.tex" named "._0_7_3_0.png"
  // "number zero" are the default options = no options altered
  S 0 7 3 0
  // The following example case has additionally a comment text in the tex and ly file:
  S 1 7 3 0  this is an example with non-default options

  // The following application has additionally a tempo curve and goes to ".1_7_3_0_A.png":
  T 1 7 3 0 A0 60 1.0 1/2 120 2.0 
FIXME alle stimmen in EINE score, aber metrum-angabe je voice getrennt!