Class MetricSplitterOptions


public class MetricSplitterOptions extends Model<MetricSplitterOptions>
Generated source for command line processing.
The parallel GUI class is GuiMetricSplitterOptions.
The normal way of operation is:
  1. Create a fresh instance by the only constructor MetricSplitterOptions().
  2. Analyse command line by invoking Model.parse(String[],MessageReceiver,String)
  3. Inquire whether a particular option X has been set on the commandline by invoking has_[X]().
  4. The arguments of each option are determined by a sequence of types: first a leading sequence, values for which appear exactly once, followed by a sequence which may be repeated. Both type sequences may be empty.
    Inquire value of the options n-th argument in the fixed, leading argument sequence by get_[X]_[n]().
  5. Inquire value of the options n-th argument in the k-th repetition group by get_[X]_[n](k).

If anything went wrong in parsing, errors have been sent to the MessageReceiver. Then further analysis methods can be applied (Model.getParsingProtocol(), Model.getMissingOptions(), Model.usage(), etc.)
For further details. please see the documentation of the methods inherited from the superclass Model and the option compiler's user documentation.

Here is the source text.


The documentation texts in the option definition file are multi-lingual. There are entries in the languages de and en.
As default language the English language has been chosen, because it is lingua franca of computer science.

The usage() method will show this screen:

 Parameters for the graphic representation
 --bracket_spans_whole_duration  boolean(=false)
 How long a bracket shall be painted in the on-board control graphics! 
 --hide_all_numerators  boolean(=false)
 Whether not to print the ":b" in "a:b"; duration factor is "b/a" 
 --hide_all_brackets  boolean(=false)
 Whether not to print the brackets 
 Metric Splitter explicit part of metric tree
 --first_fit_not_best_fit  boolean(=false)
 Search strategy for explicit alternatives. 
 --no_vanishing_bracket_on_complete_measure  boolean(=false)
 Never print a vanishing bracket over a complete measure, e.g. print two notes
     "1/4+1/12" instead of "1/3". 
 --syncope_2_3    boolean(=true)
 Whether to allow a syncope of length 3 appear at time "2". 
 --syncope_3_3    boolean(=true)
 Whether to allow a syncope of length 3 appear at time "3". 
 --syncope_longer_4  boolean(=false)
 Whether to allow a syncope of length 5 or longer to appear. 
 --max_level_syncope_2_sound  int(=2)
 How many ancestor levels my be crossed by a simple div-by-2 syncope for a 
     sounding event (minimum is 1 for any such syncopes to appear). 
 --max_level_syncope_2_pause  int(=0)
 How many ancestor levels my be crossed by a simple div-by-2 syncope for a 
     pause event (minimum is 1 for any such syncopes to appear). 
 --syncope_2_below_odd  boolean(=false)
 Whether the indirect ancestors of a (normal=binary) syncope may be divided 
 --hemiola        boolean(=true)
 Whether hemiolas will be generated 
 --merge_may_cross_bracket_limit  boolean(=false)
 Whether a transformation may cause a bracket to start without a note symbol. 
 --max_dots_negative  int(=3)
 Maximal allowed prologation dots for negative dottings. 
 --max_dots_positive  int(=5)
 Maximal allowed prologation dots for positive dottings. Is also used for 
     dot-writings in neutral contexts, like Free Sectionings. 
 --push_dots_down_not_up  boolean(=true)
 Whether the maximal number of dots shall go with the shorter nodes. E.g.  
     1/2+1/4... instead of 1/2...+1/32 
 --max_dots_for_pauses  int(=3)
 Restricts dots with pause symbols (is combined with the other restrictions!) 
 --max_childs_to_print  int(=3)
 Threshold for printing child nodes, when parent node is not e-writable. 
 Metric Splitter beam control parameters
 --beam_over_pause  (separans | transiens | perCaudulam)(=transiens)
 Whether a beamed structure is continued, even if rests/pauses occur in the 
 --beamlets_without_any_beam  boolean(=true)
 Whether beamlet may stand where conventionally flags would be used. 
 --remove_short_against_long  boolean(=false)
 Whether Whether to remove a beamlet on the other  side of a long beam 
 --short_against_short  (sinister | dexter | idem)(=idem)
 Which one to keep when to beamlets are on same stem on same height 
 --beamlets_without_same_side_beam  boolean(=true)
 Whether beamlets may stand on a side without any long beam, e.g. pointing to 
  a pause. 
 --mix_flags_and_beams  boolean(=false)
 Whether a beamed stem may additionally carry flags (instead of stemlets) 
 --genuine_beams_modifications  ( int(=0) int(=0) int(=0) int(=0) )*
 Rules to modify the genuine beams: increase or decrease the number of beams 
  connecting the nodes of the given level, when min or max conditions are met 
 LilyPond work-arounds
 --lilypond_suppress_compound_meter  boolean(=false)
 Lilypond cannot cope with all combinations of compound meter names and 
     rhythms. With this option set, only duration meter names are generated. 
 --lilypond_autobeam_off  boolean(=false)
 Lilypond autboeam mode cannot cope with all meters generated by metricSplit. 
     Setting this option to true switches lilypond autobeam mode off. 
 MetricSplit: Choose mode for automated extensions of metric tree
 --synthesis_mode  synthesis_mode(=divide)
 MetricSplit: Choose mode for automated extensions of metric tree
 MetricSplit: Automated extensions of metric tree by exact division
 --prefer_one_bracket_15_to_16  boolean(=false)
 overrides the general case parameters 
 --prefer_one_bracket_9_to_8  boolean(=false)
 overrides the general case parameters 
 --finer_division_down_not_up  boolean(=true)
 order of spontanuously generated brackets 
 --prefer_one_bracket  boolean(=false)
 do not stack brackets, but join them 
 --recursive_separation  boolean(=false)
 Separate disjoint prime factors by bi-furcation more than once 
 --binary_segments_overshoot  int(=2)
 How many power-of-two segments will be tested beyond the highest required 
 --memo_synthesized_divisions  boolean(=true)
 Whether synthesized new divisions shall be memorized for reuse, not only 
     rhythms verbatim. 
 MetricSplit: Approximation by bi-divisions:  NOT YET IMPLEMENTED!
 --distance_lower  int(=1) int(=128)
 maximal distance to higher approximation (Rational number) 
 --distance_upper  int(=1) int(=128)
 maximal distance to lower approximation (Rational number) 
 --divisor        int(=2)
 approximation by recursive divisions 
 --allow_coincidence  boolean(=false)
 Whether distances of null are allowed between approximation results of two 
     neighboured input data. Otherwise divisions must be repeated as long as 
 *             none:    Algorithm fails if division is not foreseen 
 *           divide:    New exact divisions are added to MTree (including 
 *      approximate:    Division is approximated by subsequent binary 
Created on 2024-09-03_21h40m48
by program bandm/metatools/option/compiler, version 2.1
command line =
java bandm/metatools/option/compiler MetricSplitterOptions.xml MetricSplitterOptions GuiMetricSplitterOptions /mnt/c/Users/post/Documents/sig//src
  • Field Details

    • has_bracket_spans_whole_duration

      protected boolean has_bracket_spans_whole_duration
    • value_bracket_spans_whole_duration_0

      protected boolean value_bracket_spans_whole_duration_0
    • active_bracket_spans_whole_duration

      protected boolean active_bracket_spans_whole_duration
    • has_hide_all_numerators

      protected boolean has_hide_all_numerators
    • value_hide_all_numerators_0

      protected boolean value_hide_all_numerators_0
    • has_hide_all_brackets

      protected boolean has_hide_all_brackets
    • value_hide_all_brackets_0

      protected boolean value_hide_all_brackets_0
    • has_first_fit_not_best_fit

      protected boolean has_first_fit_not_best_fit
    • value_first_fit_not_best_fit_0

      protected boolean value_first_fit_not_best_fit_0
    • has_no_vanishing_bracket_on_complete_measure

      protected boolean has_no_vanishing_bracket_on_complete_measure
    • value_no_vanishing_bracket_on_complete_measure_0

      protected boolean value_no_vanishing_bracket_on_complete_measure_0
    • has_syncope_2_3

      protected boolean has_syncope_2_3
    • value_syncope_2_3_0

      protected boolean value_syncope_2_3_0
    • has_syncope_3_3

      protected boolean has_syncope_3_3
    • value_syncope_3_3_0

      protected boolean value_syncope_3_3_0
    • has_syncope_longer_4

      protected boolean has_syncope_longer_4
    • value_syncope_longer_4_0

      protected boolean value_syncope_longer_4_0
    • has_max_level_syncope_2_sound

      protected boolean has_max_level_syncope_2_sound
    • value_max_level_syncope_2_sound_0

      protected int value_max_level_syncope_2_sound_0
    • has_max_level_syncope_2_pause

      protected boolean has_max_level_syncope_2_pause
    • value_max_level_syncope_2_pause_0

      protected int value_max_level_syncope_2_pause_0
    • has_syncope_2_below_odd

      protected boolean has_syncope_2_below_odd
    • value_syncope_2_below_odd_0

      protected boolean value_syncope_2_below_odd_0
    • has_hemiola

      protected boolean has_hemiola
    • value_hemiola_0

      protected boolean value_hemiola_0
    • has_merge_may_cross_bracket_limit

      protected boolean has_merge_may_cross_bracket_limit
    • value_merge_may_cross_bracket_limit_0

      protected boolean value_merge_may_cross_bracket_limit_0
    • has_max_dots_negative

      protected boolean has_max_dots_negative
    • value_max_dots_negative_0

      protected int value_max_dots_negative_0
    • has_max_dots_positive

      protected boolean has_max_dots_positive
    • value_max_dots_positive_0

      protected int value_max_dots_positive_0
    • has_push_dots_down_not_up

      protected boolean has_push_dots_down_not_up
    • value_push_dots_down_not_up_0

      protected boolean value_push_dots_down_not_up_0
    • has_max_dots_for_pauses

      protected boolean has_max_dots_for_pauses
    • value_max_dots_for_pauses_0

      protected int value_max_dots_for_pauses_0
    • has_max_childs_to_print

      protected boolean has_max_childs_to_print
    • value_max_childs_to_print_0

      protected int value_max_childs_to_print_0
    • has_beam_over_pause

      protected boolean has_beam_over_pause
    • value_beam_over_pause_0

      protected MetricSplitterOptions.beam_over_pause value_beam_over_pause_0
    • has_beamlets_without_any_beam

      protected boolean has_beamlets_without_any_beam
    • value_beamlets_without_any_beam_0

      protected boolean value_beamlets_without_any_beam_0
    • has_remove_short_against_long

      protected boolean has_remove_short_against_long
    • value_remove_short_against_long_0

      protected boolean value_remove_short_against_long_0
    • has_short_against_short

      protected boolean has_short_against_short
    • value_short_against_short_0

      protected MetricSplitterOptions.beamlet_direction value_short_against_short_0
    • has_beamlets_without_same_side_beam

      protected boolean has_beamlets_without_same_side_beam
    • value_beamlets_without_same_side_beam_0

      protected boolean value_beamlets_without_same_side_beam_0
    • has_mix_flags_and_beams

      protected boolean has_mix_flags_and_beams
    • value_mix_flags_and_beams_0

      protected boolean value_mix_flags_and_beams_0
    • has_genuine_beams_modifications

      protected boolean has_genuine_beams_modifications
    • repvalues_genuine_beams_modifications

      protected List<MetricSplitterOptions.Values_genuine_beams_modifications> repvalues_genuine_beams_modifications
    • serialize_genuine_beams_modifications

      public final Function<MetricSplitterOptions.Values_genuine_beams_modifications,String> serialize_genuine_beams_modifications
    • has_lilypond_suppress_compound_meter

      protected boolean has_lilypond_suppress_compound_meter
    • value_lilypond_suppress_compound_meter_0

      protected boolean value_lilypond_suppress_compound_meter_0
    • has_lilypond_autobeam_off

      protected boolean has_lilypond_autobeam_off
    • value_lilypond_autobeam_off_0

      protected boolean value_lilypond_autobeam_off_0
    • has_synthesis_mode

      protected boolean has_synthesis_mode
    • value_synthesis_mode_0

      protected MetricSplitterOptions.synthesis_mode value_synthesis_mode_0
    • has_prefer_one_bracket_15_to_16

      protected boolean has_prefer_one_bracket_15_to_16
    • value_prefer_one_bracket_15_to_16_0

      protected boolean value_prefer_one_bracket_15_to_16_0
    • active_prefer_one_bracket_15_to_16

      protected boolean active_prefer_one_bracket_15_to_16
    • has_prefer_one_bracket_9_to_8

      protected boolean has_prefer_one_bracket_9_to_8
    • value_prefer_one_bracket_9_to_8_0

      protected boolean value_prefer_one_bracket_9_to_8_0
    • active_prefer_one_bracket_9_to_8

      protected boolean active_prefer_one_bracket_9_to_8
    • has_finer_division_down_not_up

      protected boolean has_finer_division_down_not_up
    • value_finer_division_down_not_up_0

      protected boolean value_finer_division_down_not_up_0
    • active_finer_division_down_not_up

      protected boolean active_finer_division_down_not_up
    • has_prefer_one_bracket

      protected boolean has_prefer_one_bracket
    • value_prefer_one_bracket_0

      protected boolean value_prefer_one_bracket_0
    • active_prefer_one_bracket

      protected boolean active_prefer_one_bracket
    • has_recursive_separation

      protected boolean has_recursive_separation
    • value_recursive_separation_0

      protected boolean value_recursive_separation_0
    • active_recursive_separation

      protected boolean active_recursive_separation
    • has_binary_segments_overshoot

      protected boolean has_binary_segments_overshoot
    • value_binary_segments_overshoot_0

      protected int value_binary_segments_overshoot_0
    • active_binary_segments_overshoot

      protected boolean active_binary_segments_overshoot
    • has_memo_synthesized_divisions

      protected boolean has_memo_synthesized_divisions
    • value_memo_synthesized_divisions_0

      protected boolean value_memo_synthesized_divisions_0
    • active_memo_synthesized_divisions

      protected boolean active_memo_synthesized_divisions
    • has_distance_lower

      protected boolean has_distance_lower
    • value_distance_lower_0

      protected int value_distance_lower_0
    • value_distance_lower_1

      protected int value_distance_lower_1
    • active_distance_lower

      protected boolean active_distance_lower
    • has_distance_upper

      protected boolean has_distance_upper
    • value_distance_upper_0

      protected int value_distance_upper_0
    • value_distance_upper_1

      protected int value_distance_upper_1
    • active_distance_upper

      protected boolean active_distance_upper
    • has_divisor

      protected boolean has_divisor
    • value_divisor_0

      protected int value_divisor_0
    • active_divisor

      protected boolean active_divisor
    • has_allow_coincidence

      protected boolean has_allow_coincidence
    • value_allow_coincidence_0

      protected boolean value_allow_coincidence_0
    • active_allow_coincidence

      protected boolean active_allow_coincidence
  • Constructor Details

    • MetricSplitterOptions

      public MetricSplitterOptions()
  • Method Details

    • makeDefaultInstance

      public MetricSplitterOptions makeDefaultInstance()
      Description copied from class:
      Overriden by the generated code to make a constructor call of the actual Model (sub-)class.
      Specified by:
      makeDefaultInstance in class Model<MetricSplitterOptions>
    • checkActive

      protected void checkActive()
      Description copied from class:
      The generated code will evaluate all conditions to activate/deactive options in the GUI.
      Specified by:
      checkActive in class Model<MetricSplitterOptions>
    • has_bracket_spans_whole_duration

      @Deprecated public boolean has_bracket_spans_whole_duration()
      whether the option has been set on the command line. (The result is of no significance when using GUI input, and should neither be used in command line mode.) For details of this option see the method get_bracket_spans_whole_duration_0().
    • get_bracket_spans_whole_duration_0

      public boolean get_bracket_spans_whole_duration_0()
      Getter method for the only argument of option bracket_spans_whole_duration.
      This option indicates: How long a bracket shall be painted in the on-board control graphics!.

      The format of this option on the command line is
              --bracket_spans_whole_duration  boolean(=false)
    • has_hide_all_numerators

      @Deprecated public boolean has_hide_all_numerators()
      whether the option has been set on the command line. (The result is of no significance when using GUI input, and should neither be used in command line mode.) For details of this option see the method get_hide_all_numerators_0().
    • get_hide_all_numerators_0

      public boolean get_hide_all_numerators_0()
      Getter method for the only argument of option hide_all_numerators.
      This option indicates: Whether not to print the ":b" in "a:b"; duration factor is "b/a".

      The format of this option on the command line is
              --hide_all_numerators  boolean(=false)
    • has_hide_all_brackets

      @Deprecated public boolean has_hide_all_brackets()
      whether the option has been set on the command line. (The result is of no significance when using GUI input, and should neither be used in command line mode.) For details of this option see the method get_hide_all_brackets_0().
    • get_hide_all_brackets_0

      public boolean get_hide_all_brackets_0()
      Getter method for the only argument of option hide_all_brackets.
      This option indicates: Whether not to print the brackets.

      The format of this option on the command line is
              --hide_all_brackets  boolean(=false)
    • has_first_fit_not_best_fit

      @Deprecated public boolean has_first_fit_not_best_fit()
      whether the option has been set on the command line. (The result is of no significance when using GUI input, and should neither be used in command line mode.) For details of this option see the method get_first_fit_not_best_fit_0().
    • get_first_fit_not_best_fit_0

      public boolean get_first_fit_not_best_fit_0()
      Getter method for the only argument of option first_fit_not_best_fit.
      This option indicates: Search strategy for explicit alternatives.

      The format of this option on the command line is
              --first_fit_not_best_fit  boolean(=false)
    • has_no_vanishing_bracket_on_complete_measure

      @Deprecated public boolean has_no_vanishing_bracket_on_complete_measure()
      whether the option has been set on the command line. (The result is of no significance when using GUI input, and should neither be used in command line mode.) For details of this option see the method get_no_vanishing_bracket_on_complete_measure_0().
    • get_no_vanishing_bracket_on_complete_measure_0

      public boolean get_no_vanishing_bracket_on_complete_measure_0()
      Getter method for the only argument of option no_vanishing_bracket_on_complete_measure.
      This option indicates: Never print a vanishing bracket over a complete measure, e.g. print two notes "1/4+1/12" instead of "1/3".

      The format of this option on the command line is
              --no_vanishing_bracket_on_complete_measure  boolean(=false)
    • has_syncope_2_3

      @Deprecated public boolean has_syncope_2_3()
      whether the option has been set on the command line. (The result is of no significance when using GUI input, and should neither be used in command line mode.) For details of this option see the method get_syncope_2_3_0().
    • get_syncope_2_3_0

      public boolean get_syncope_2_3_0()
      Getter method for the only argument of option syncope_2_3.
      This option indicates: Whether to allow a syncope of length 3 appear at time "2".

      The format of this option on the command line is
              --syncope_2_3    boolean(=true)
    • has_syncope_3_3

      @Deprecated public boolean has_syncope_3_3()
      whether the option has been set on the command line. (The result is of no significance when using GUI input, and should neither be used in command line mode.) For details of this option see the method get_syncope_3_3_0().
    • get_syncope_3_3_0

      public boolean get_syncope_3_3_0()
      Getter method for the only argument of option syncope_3_3.
      This option indicates: Whether to allow a syncope of length 3 appear at time "3".

      The format of this option on the command line is
              --syncope_3_3    boolean(=true)
    • has_syncope_longer_4

      @Deprecated public boolean has_syncope_longer_4()
      whether the option has been set on the command line. (The result is of no significance when using GUI input, and should neither be used in command line mode.) For details of this option see the method get_syncope_longer_4_0().
    • get_syncope_longer_4_0

      public boolean get_syncope_longer_4_0()
      Getter method for the only argument of option syncope_longer_4.
      This option indicates: Whether to allow a syncope of length 5 or longer to appear.

      The format of this option on the command line is
              --syncope_longer_4  boolean(=false)
    • has_max_level_syncope_2_sound

      @Deprecated public boolean has_max_level_syncope_2_sound()
      whether the option has been set on the command line. (The result is of no significance when using GUI input, and should neither be used in command line mode.) For details of this option see the method get_max_level_syncope_2_sound_0().
    • get_max_level_syncope_2_sound_0

      public int get_max_level_syncope_2_sound_0()
      Getter method for the only argument of option max_level_syncope_2_sound.
      This option indicates: How many ancestor levels my be crossed by a simple div-by-2 syncope for a sounding event (minimum is 1 for any such syncopes to appear).

      The format of this option on the command line is
              --max_level_syncope_2_sound  int(=2)
    • has_max_level_syncope_2_pause

      @Deprecated public boolean has_max_level_syncope_2_pause()
      whether the option has been set on the command line. (The result is of no significance when using GUI input, and should neither be used in command line mode.) For details of this option see the method get_max_level_syncope_2_pause_0().
    • get_max_level_syncope_2_pause_0

      public int get_max_level_syncope_2_pause_0()
      Getter method for the only argument of option max_level_syncope_2_pause.
      This option indicates: How many ancestor levels my be crossed by a simple div-by-2 syncope for a pause event (minimum is 1 for any such syncopes to appear).

      The format of this option on the command line is
              --max_level_syncope_2_pause  int(=0)
    • has_syncope_2_below_odd

      @Deprecated public boolean has_syncope_2_below_odd()
      whether the option has been set on the command line. (The result is of no significance when using GUI input, and should neither be used in command line mode.) For details of this option see the method get_syncope_2_below_odd_0().
    • get_syncope_2_below_odd_0

      public boolean get_syncope_2_below_odd_0()
      Getter method for the only argument of option syncope_2_below_odd.
      This option indicates: Whether the indirect ancestors of a (normal=binary) syncope may be divided non-binary.

      The format of this option on the command line is
              --syncope_2_below_odd  boolean(=false)
    • has_hemiola

      @Deprecated public boolean has_hemiola()
      whether the option has been set on the command line. (The result is of no significance when using GUI input, and should neither be used in command line mode.) For details of this option see the method get_hemiola_0().
    • get_hemiola_0

      public boolean get_hemiola_0()
      Getter method for the only argument of option hemiola.
      This option indicates: Whether hemiolas will be generated.

      The format of this option on the command line is
              --hemiola        boolean(=true)
    • has_merge_may_cross_bracket_limit

      @Deprecated public boolean has_merge_may_cross_bracket_limit()
      whether the option has been set on the command line. (The result is of no significance when using GUI input, and should neither be used in command line mode.) For details of this option see the method get_merge_may_cross_bracket_limit_0().
    • get_merge_may_cross_bracket_limit_0

      public boolean get_merge_may_cross_bracket_limit_0()
      Getter method for the only argument of option merge_may_cross_bracket_limit.
      This option indicates: Whether a transformation may cause a bracket to start without a note symbol.

      The format of this option on the command line is
              --merge_may_cross_bracket_limit  boolean(=false)
    • has_max_dots_negative

      @Deprecated public boolean has_max_dots_negative()
      whether the option has been set on the command line. (The result is of no significance when using GUI input, and should neither be used in command line mode.) For details of this option see the method get_max_dots_negative_0().
    • get_max_dots_negative_0

      public int get_max_dots_negative_0()
      Getter method for the only argument of option max_dots_negative.
      This option indicates: Maximal allowed prologation dots for negative dottings.

      The format of this option on the command line is
              --max_dots_negative  int(=3)
    • has_max_dots_positive

      @Deprecated public boolean has_max_dots_positive()
      whether the option has been set on the command line. (The result is of no significance when using GUI input, and should neither be used in command line mode.) For details of this option see the method get_max_dots_positive_0().
    • get_max_dots_positive_0

      public int get_max_dots_positive_0()
      Getter method for the only argument of option max_dots_positive.
      This option indicates: Maximal allowed prologation dots for positive dottings. Is also used for dot-writings in neutral contexts, like Free Sectionings.

      The format of this option on the command line is
              --max_dots_positive  int(=5)
    • has_push_dots_down_not_up

      @Deprecated public boolean has_push_dots_down_not_up()
      whether the option has been set on the command line. (The result is of no significance when using GUI input, and should neither be used in command line mode.) For details of this option see the method get_push_dots_down_not_up_0().
    • get_push_dots_down_not_up_0

      public boolean get_push_dots_down_not_up_0()
      Getter method for the only argument of option push_dots_down_not_up.
      This option indicates: Whether the maximal number of dots shall go with the shorter nodes. E.g. 1/2+1/4... instead of 1/2...+1/32.

      The format of this option on the command line is
              --push_dots_down_not_up  boolean(=true)
    • has_max_dots_for_pauses

      @Deprecated public boolean has_max_dots_for_pauses()
      whether the option has been set on the command line. (The result is of no significance when using GUI input, and should neither be used in command line mode.) For details of this option see the method get_max_dots_for_pauses_0().
    • get_max_dots_for_pauses_0

      public int get_max_dots_for_pauses_0()
      Getter method for the only argument of option max_dots_for_pauses.
      This option indicates: Restricts dots with pause symbols (is combined with the other restrictions!).

      The format of this option on the command line is
              --max_dots_for_pauses  int(=3)
    • has_max_childs_to_print

      @Deprecated public boolean has_max_childs_to_print()
      whether the option has been set on the command line. (The result is of no significance when using GUI input, and should neither be used in command line mode.) For details of this option see the method get_max_childs_to_print_0().
    • get_max_childs_to_print_0

      public int get_max_childs_to_print_0()
      Getter method for the only argument of option max_childs_to_print.
      This option indicates: Threshold for printing child nodes, when parent node is not e-writable.

      The format of this option on the command line is
              --max_childs_to_print  int(=3)
    • has_beam_over_pause

      @Deprecated public boolean has_beam_over_pause()
      whether the option has been set on the command line. (The result is of no significance when using GUI input, and should neither be used in command line mode.) For details of this option see the method get_beam_over_pause_0().
    • get_beam_over_pause_0

      public MetricSplitterOptions.beam_over_pause get_beam_over_pause_0()
      Getter method for the only argument of option beam_over_pause.
      This option indicates: Whether a beamed structure is continued, even if rests/pauses occur in the middle.

      The format of this option on the command line is
              --beam_over_pause  (separans | transiens | perCaudulam)(=transiens)
    • has_beamlets_without_any_beam

      @Deprecated public boolean has_beamlets_without_any_beam()
      whether the option has been set on the command line. (The result is of no significance when using GUI input, and should neither be used in command line mode.) For details of this option see the method get_beamlets_without_any_beam_0().
    • get_beamlets_without_any_beam_0

      public boolean get_beamlets_without_any_beam_0()
      Getter method for the only argument of option beamlets_without_any_beam.
      This option indicates: Whether beamlet may stand where conventionally flags would be used.

      The format of this option on the command line is
              --beamlets_without_any_beam  boolean(=true)
    • has_remove_short_against_long

      @Deprecated public boolean has_remove_short_against_long()
      whether the option has been set on the command line. (The result is of no significance when using GUI input, and should neither be used in command line mode.) For details of this option see the method get_remove_short_against_long_0().
    • get_remove_short_against_long_0

      public boolean get_remove_short_against_long_0()
      Getter method for the only argument of option remove_short_against_long.
      This option indicates: Whether Whether to remove a beamlet on the other side of a long beam.

      The format of this option on the command line is
              --remove_short_against_long  boolean(=false)
    • has_short_against_short

      @Deprecated public boolean has_short_against_short()
      whether the option has been set on the command line. (The result is of no significance when using GUI input, and should neither be used in command line mode.) For details of this option see the method get_short_against_short_0().
    • get_short_against_short_0

      public MetricSplitterOptions.beamlet_direction get_short_against_short_0()
      Getter method for the only argument of option short_against_short.
      This option indicates: Which one to keep when to beamlets are on same stem on same height.

      The format of this option on the command line is
              --short_against_short  (sinister | dexter | idem)(=idem)
    • has_beamlets_without_same_side_beam

      @Deprecated public boolean has_beamlets_without_same_side_beam()
      whether the option has been set on the command line. (The result is of no significance when using GUI input, and should neither be used in command line mode.) For details of this option see the method get_beamlets_without_same_side_beam_0().
    • get_beamlets_without_same_side_beam_0

      public boolean get_beamlets_without_same_side_beam_0()
      Getter method for the only argument of option beamlets_without_same_side_beam.
      This option indicates: Whether beamlets may stand on a side without any long beam, e.g. pointing to a pause.

      The format of this option on the command line is
              --beamlets_without_same_side_beam  boolean(=true)
    • has_mix_flags_and_beams

      @Deprecated public boolean has_mix_flags_and_beams()
      whether the option has been set on the command line. (The result is of no significance when using GUI input, and should neither be used in command line mode.) For details of this option see the method get_mix_flags_and_beams_0().
    • get_mix_flags_and_beams_0

      public boolean get_mix_flags_and_beams_0()
      Getter method for the only argument of option mix_flags_and_beams.
      This option indicates: Whether a beamed stem may additionally carry flags (instead of stemlets).

      The format of this option on the command line is
              --mix_flags_and_beams  boolean(=false)
    • has_genuine_beams_modifications

      @Deprecated public boolean has_genuine_beams_modifications()
      whether the option has been set on the command line. (The result is of no significance when using GUI input, and should neither be used in command line mode.) For details of this option see the method get_genuine_beams_modifications().
    • get_genuine_beams_modifications

      public List<MetricSplitterOptions.Values_genuine_beams_modifications> get_genuine_beams_modifications()
      Getter method for all repetition groups of option genuine_beams_modifications.
      This option indicates: Rules to modify the genuine beams: increase or decrease the number of beams connecting the nodes of the given level, when min or max conditions are met.

      The format of this option on the command line is
              --genuine_beams_modifications  ( int(=0) int(=0) int(=0) int(=0) )*
    • get_genuine_beams_modifications_0

      public int get_genuine_beams_modifications_0(int index)
      Getter method for the 0th in a group of repeated arguments of option genuine_beams_modifications. For details of this option see the method get_genuine_beams_modifications().
      index - the index of the repetition group, zero based.
    • get_genuine_beams_modifications_1

      public int get_genuine_beams_modifications_1(int index)
      Getter method for the 1st in a group of repeated arguments of option genuine_beams_modifications. For details of this option see the method get_genuine_beams_modifications().
      index - the index of the repetition group, zero based.
    • get_genuine_beams_modifications_2

      public int get_genuine_beams_modifications_2(int index)
      Getter method for the 2nd in a group of repeated arguments of option genuine_beams_modifications. For details of this option see the method get_genuine_beams_modifications().
      index - the index of the repetition group, zero based.
    • get_genuine_beams_modifications_3

      public int get_genuine_beams_modifications_3(int index)
      Getter method for the 3rd in a group of repeated arguments of option genuine_beams_modifications. For details of this option see the method get_genuine_beams_modifications().
      index - the index of the repetition group, zero based.
    • has_lilypond_suppress_compound_meter

      @Deprecated public boolean has_lilypond_suppress_compound_meter()
      whether the option has been set on the command line. (The result is of no significance when using GUI input, and should neither be used in command line mode.) For details of this option see the method get_lilypond_suppress_compound_meter_0().
    • get_lilypond_suppress_compound_meter_0

      public boolean get_lilypond_suppress_compound_meter_0()
      Getter method for the only argument of option lilypond_suppress_compound_meter.
      This option indicates: Lilypond cannot cope with all combinations of compound meter names and rhythms. With this option set, only duration meter names are generated.

      The format of this option on the command line is
              --lilypond_suppress_compound_meter  boolean(=false)
    • has_lilypond_autobeam_off

      @Deprecated public boolean has_lilypond_autobeam_off()
      whether the option has been set on the command line. (The result is of no significance when using GUI input, and should neither be used in command line mode.) For details of this option see the method get_lilypond_autobeam_off_0().
    • get_lilypond_autobeam_off_0

      public boolean get_lilypond_autobeam_off_0()
      Getter method for the only argument of option lilypond_autobeam_off.
      This option indicates: Lilypond autboeam mode cannot cope with all meters generated by metricSplit. Setting this option to true switches lilypond autobeam mode off.

      The format of this option on the command line is
              --lilypond_autobeam_off  boolean(=false)
    • has_synthesis_mode

      @Deprecated public boolean has_synthesis_mode()
      whether the option has been set on the command line. (The result is of no significance when using GUI input, and should neither be used in command line mode.) For details of this option see the method get_synthesis_mode_0().
    • get_synthesis_mode_0

      public MetricSplitterOptions.synthesis_mode get_synthesis_mode_0()
      Getter method for the only argument of option synthesis_mode.
      This option indicates: MetricSplit: Choose mode for automated extensions of metric tree.

      The format of this option on the command line is
              --synthesis_mode  synthesis_mode(=divide)
    • has_prefer_one_bracket_15_to_16

      @Deprecated public boolean has_prefer_one_bracket_15_to_16()
      whether the option has been set on the command line. (The result is of no significance when using GUI input, and should neither be used in command line mode.) For details of this option see the method get_prefer_one_bracket_15_to_16_0().
    • get_prefer_one_bracket_15_to_16_0

      public boolean get_prefer_one_bracket_15_to_16_0()
      Getter method for the only argument of option prefer_one_bracket_15_to_16.
      This option indicates: overrides the general case parameters.

      The format of this option on the command line is
              --prefer_one_bracket_15_to_16  boolean(=false)
    • has_prefer_one_bracket_9_to_8

      @Deprecated public boolean has_prefer_one_bracket_9_to_8()
      whether the option has been set on the command line. (The result is of no significance when using GUI input, and should neither be used in command line mode.) For details of this option see the method get_prefer_one_bracket_9_to_8_0().
    • get_prefer_one_bracket_9_to_8_0

      public boolean get_prefer_one_bracket_9_to_8_0()
      Getter method for the only argument of option prefer_one_bracket_9_to_8.
      This option indicates: overrides the general case parameters.

      The format of this option on the command line is
              --prefer_one_bracket_9_to_8  boolean(=false)
    • has_finer_division_down_not_up

      @Deprecated public boolean has_finer_division_down_not_up()
      whether the option has been set on the command line. (The result is of no significance when using GUI input, and should neither be used in command line mode.) For details of this option see the method get_finer_division_down_not_up_0().
    • get_finer_division_down_not_up_0

      public boolean get_finer_division_down_not_up_0()
      Getter method for the only argument of option finer_division_down_not_up.
      This option indicates: order of spontanuously generated brackets.

      The format of this option on the command line is
              --finer_division_down_not_up  boolean(=true)
    • has_prefer_one_bracket

      @Deprecated public boolean has_prefer_one_bracket()
      whether the option has been set on the command line. (The result is of no significance when using GUI input, and should neither be used in command line mode.) For details of this option see the method get_prefer_one_bracket_0().
    • get_prefer_one_bracket_0

      public boolean get_prefer_one_bracket_0()
      Getter method for the only argument of option prefer_one_bracket.
      This option indicates: do not stack brackets, but join them.

      The format of this option on the command line is
              --prefer_one_bracket  boolean(=false)
    • has_recursive_separation

      @Deprecated public boolean has_recursive_separation()
      whether the option has been set on the command line. (The result is of no significance when using GUI input, and should neither be used in command line mode.) For details of this option see the method get_recursive_separation_0().
    • get_recursive_separation_0

      public boolean get_recursive_separation_0()
      Getter method for the only argument of option recursive_separation.
      This option indicates: Separate disjoint prime factors by bi-furcation more than once.

      The format of this option on the command line is
              --recursive_separation  boolean(=false)
    • has_binary_segments_overshoot

      @Deprecated public boolean has_binary_segments_overshoot()
      whether the option has been set on the command line. (The result is of no significance when using GUI input, and should neither be used in command line mode.) For details of this option see the method get_binary_segments_overshoot_0().
    • get_binary_segments_overshoot_0

      public int get_binary_segments_overshoot_0()
      Getter method for the only argument of option binary_segments_overshoot.
      This option indicates: How many power-of-two segments will be tested beyond the highest required factor.

      The format of this option on the command line is
              --binary_segments_overshoot  int(=2)
    • has_memo_synthesized_divisions

      @Deprecated public boolean has_memo_synthesized_divisions()
      whether the option has been set on the command line. (The result is of no significance when using GUI input, and should neither be used in command line mode.) For details of this option see the method get_memo_synthesized_divisions_0().
    • get_memo_synthesized_divisions_0

      public boolean get_memo_synthesized_divisions_0()
      Getter method for the only argument of option memo_synthesized_divisions.
      This option indicates: Whether synthesized new divisions shall be memorized for reuse, not only rhythms verbatim.

      The format of this option on the command line is
              --memo_synthesized_divisions  boolean(=true)
    • has_distance_lower

      @Deprecated public boolean has_distance_lower()
      whether the option has been set on the command line. (The result is of no significance when using GUI input, and should neither be used in command line mode.) For details of this option see the method get_distance_lower_0().
    • get_distance_lower_0

      public int get_distance_lower_0()
      Getter method for the 0th argument of option distance_lower.
      This option indicates: maximal distance to higher approximation (Rational number).

      The format of this option on the command line is
              --distance_lower  int(=1) int(=128)
      The other arguments of this option are accessed by the method(s) starting with get_distance_lower...
    • get_distance_lower_1

      public int get_distance_lower_1()
      Getter method for the 1st argument of option distance_lower. For details of this option see the method get_distance_lower_0().
    • has_distance_upper

      @Deprecated public boolean has_distance_upper()
      whether the option has been set on the command line. (The result is of no significance when using GUI input, and should neither be used in command line mode.) For details of this option see the method get_distance_upper_0().
    • get_distance_upper_0

      public int get_distance_upper_0()
      Getter method for the 0th argument of option distance_upper.
      This option indicates: maximal distance to lower approximation (Rational number).

      The format of this option on the command line is
              --distance_upper  int(=1) int(=128)
      The other arguments of this option are accessed by the method(s) starting with get_distance_upper...
    • get_distance_upper_1

      public int get_distance_upper_1()
      Getter method for the 1st argument of option distance_upper. For details of this option see the method get_distance_upper_0().
    • has_divisor

      @Deprecated public boolean has_divisor()
      whether the option has been set on the command line. (The result is of no significance when using GUI input, and should neither be used in command line mode.) For details of this option see the method get_divisor_0().
    • get_divisor_0

      public int get_divisor_0()
      Getter method for the only argument of option divisor.
      This option indicates: approximation by recursive divisions.

      The format of this option on the command line is
              --divisor        int(=2)
    • has_allow_coincidence

      @Deprecated public boolean has_allow_coincidence()
      whether the option has been set on the command line. (The result is of no significance when using GUI input, and should neither be used in command line mode.) For details of this option see the method get_allow_coincidence_0().
    • get_allow_coincidence_0

      public boolean get_allow_coincidence_0()
      Getter method for the only argument of option allow_coincidence.
      This option indicates: Whether distances of null are allowed between approximation results of two neighboured input data. Otherwise divisions must be repeated as long as necessary.

      The format of this option on the command line is
              --allow_coincidence  boolean(=false)
    • serialize

      public String serialize()
      Description copied from class:
      Called to generate a String representation of the model's state. Code is overridden by the compiled code.
      Specified by:
      serialize in class Model<MetricSplitterOptions>
    • usage

      public void usage(PrintStream pr)
      Print usage information in the default language.
      Specified by:
      usage in class Model<MetricSplitterOptions>
    • usage

      public void usage(PrintStream pr, String lang)
      Print usage information in the requested language. Falls back to default language, if that language is not supported.
      Specified by:
      usage in class Model<MetricSplitterOptions>
    • usage_de

      public void usage_de()
      Print usage information in the language 'de' on System.err.
    • usage_de

      public void usage_de(PrintStream pr)
      Print usage information in the language 'de'.
    • usage_en

      public void usage_en()
      Print usage information in the language 'en' on System.err.
    • usage_en

      public void usage_en(PrintStream pr)
      Print usage information in the language 'en'.
    • parseAbbrev

      protected void parseAbbrev(String select)
      Description copied from class:
      Callback, overridden by compiled code, which realizes a switch over all one character option names. The generated code calls the argument parsers and stores the resulting values to the model's fields.
      Specified by:
      parseAbbrev in class Model<MetricSplitterOptions>
      select - the one-character option name, as parsed by this code.
    • parseName

      protected void parseName(String select)
      Description copied from class:
      Callback, overridden by compiled code, which realizes a switch over all long option names. The generated code calls the argument parsers and stores the resulting values to the model's fields.
      Specified by:
      parseName in class Model<MetricSplitterOptions>
      select - the multi-character option name, as parsed by this code.
    • numberOfPositionals

      protected int numberOfPositionals()
      Description copied from class:
      The generated code will return the number of positional parameters.
      Specified by:
      numberOfPositionals in class Model<MetricSplitterOptions>
    • parsePositionals

      protected void parsePositionals()
      Description copied from class:
      Callback, overridden by compiled code, which calls one after the other the positional parameters. Each of them corresponds to an implicit option (with short names "-0", "-1", "-2", ...). These can also be defined explicitly, e.g. be given a long name, etc. Anyhow, they can be set explicitly by their short name. If one single positional option is given explicitly, the implicit parsing of the others is suppressed and this code will not be called.
      Specified by:
      parsePositionals in class Model<MetricSplitterOptions>
    • _finalCheck

      protected void _finalCheck()
      Description copied from class:
      Callback, overridden by compiled code.
      Specified by:
      _finalCheck in class Model<MetricSplitterOptions>
    • _getMissingOptions

      public String _getMissingOptions()
      Description copied from class:
      Is overridden in the generated code and concatenates the "longest names" of all otions marked as required, but not present in the parsed input. Length==0 iff none is missing. Cf "sourcedtd required='yes'" in tools/tdom_withOptions/Options.xml
      Specified by:
      _getMissingOptions in class Model<MetricSplitterOptions>
    • _getRedundantOptions

      public String _getRedundantOptions()
      Description copied from class:
      Callback, overridden by compiled code.
      Specified by:
      _getRedundantOptions in class Model<MetricSplitterOptions>