Class MetricSplitterOptions.Descriptions

Enclosing class:

@Generated(generator="", version="", timestamp="2025-01-13_23h09m13") public class MetricSplitterOptions.Descriptions extends CatalogByString
Programmatically generated catalog of translations.

Usage: Invoke the only constructor. Then follow the documentation of the super class.

Initial contents:

$ENUM synthesis_mode approximateDivision is approximated by subsequent binary divisions.
$ENUM synthesis_mode divideNew exact divisions are added to MTree (including brackets)
$ENUM synthesis_mode noneAlgorithm fails if division is not foreseen
$ZWITEXT_0Parameter der graphischen DarstellungParameters for the graphic representation
$ZWITEXT_1Verschmelzende Transformationen: Punktierugen, Synkopen, etcMetric Splitter explicit part of metric tree
$ZWITEXT_2BalkensetzungMetric Splitter beam control parameters
$ZWITEXT_3LilyPond ParameterLilyPond work-arounds
$ZWITEXT_4Auswahl des Verfahrens zur Synthese neuer UnterteilungenMetricSplit: Choose mode for automated extensions of metric tree
$ZWITEXT_5Synthese neuer exakter UnterteilungenMetricSplit: Automated extensions of metric tree by exact division
$ZWITEXT_6MetricSplit: Annäherung durch feine binäre Teilungen NOCH NICHT ANGESCHLOSSEN!MetricSplit: Approximation by bi-divisions: NOT YET IMPLEMENTED!
--allow_coincidenceWhether distances of null are allowed between approximation results of two neighboured input data. Otherwise divisions must be repeated as long as necessary
--beam_over_pauseWhether a beamed structure is continued, even if rests/pauses occur in the middle
--beamlets_without_any_beamWhether beamlet may stand where conventionally flags would be used.
--beamlets_without_same_side_beamWhether beamlets may stand on a side without any long beam, e.g. pointing to a pause.
--binary_segments_overshootHow many power-of-two segments will be tested beyond the highest required factor.
--bracket_spans_whole_durationHow long a bracket shall be painted in the on-board control graphics!
--distance_lowermaximal distance to higher approximation (Rational number)
--distance_uppermaximal distance to lower approximation (Rational number)
--divisorapproximation by recursive divisions
--finer_division_down_not_uporder of spontanuously generated brackets
--first_fit_not_best_fitSearch strategy for explicit alternatives.
--genuine_beams_modificationsRules to modify the genuine beams: increase or decrease the number of beams connecting the nodes of the given level, when min or max conditions are met
--hemiolaWhether hemiolas will be generated
--hide_all_bracketsWhether not to print the brackets
--hide_all_numeratorsWhether not to print the ":b" in "a:b"; duration factor is "b/a"
--lilypond_autobeam_offLilypond autboeam mode cannot cope with all meters generated by metricSplit. Setting this option to true switches lilypond autobeam mode off.
--lilypond_suppress_compound_meterLilypond cannot cope with all combinations of compound meter names and rhythms. With this option set, only duration meter names are generated.
--max_childs_to_printThreshold for printing child nodes, when parent node is not e-writable.
--max_dots_for_pausesRestricts dots with pause symbols (is combined with the other restrictions!)
--max_dots_negativeMaximal allowed prologation dots for negative dottings.
--max_dots_positiveMaximal allowed prologation dots for positive dottings. Is also used for dot-writings in neutral contexts, like Free Sectionings.
--max_level_syncope_2_pauseHow many ancestor levels my be crossed by a simple div-by-2 syncope for a pause event (minimum is 1 for any such syncopes to appear).
--max_level_syncope_2_soundHow many ancestor levels my be crossed by a simple div-by-2 syncope for a sounding event (minimum is 1 for any such syncopes to appear).
--memo_synthesized_divisionsWhether synthesized new divisions shall be memorized for reuse, not only rhythms verbatim.
--merge_may_cross_bracket_limitWhether a transformation may cause a bracket to start without a note symbol.
--mix_flags_and_beamsWhether a beamed stem may additionally carry flags (instead of stemlets)
--no_vanishing_bracket_on_complete_measureNever print a vanishing bracket over a complete measure, e.g. print two notes "1/4+1/12" instead of "1/3".
--prefer_one_bracketdo not stack brackets, but join them
--prefer_one_bracket_15_to_16overrides the general case parameters
--prefer_one_bracket_9_to_8overrides the general case parameters
--push_dots_down_not_upWhether the maximal number of dots shall go with the shorter nodes. E.g. 1/2+1/4... instead of 1/2...+1/32
--recursive_separationSeparate disjoint prime factors by bi-furcation more than once
--remove_short_against_longWhether Whether to remove a beamlet on the other side of a long beam
--short_against_shortWhich one to keep when to beamlets are on same stem on same height
--syncope_2_3Whether to allow a syncope of length 3 appear at time "2".
--syncope_2_below_oddWhether the indirect ancestors of a (normal=binary) syncope may be divided non-binary.
--syncope_3_3Whether to allow a syncope of length 3 appear at time "3".
--syncope_longer_4Whether to allow a syncope of length 5 or longer to appear.
--synthesis_modeAuswahl des Verfahrens zur Synthese neuer UnterteilungenMetricSplit: Choose mode for automated extensions of metric tree
Generated code realizing the multi lingual translations of all command line option descriptions.
Generated on 2025-01-13_23h09m12
by program bandm/metatools/option/compiler, version
command line =
java bandm/metatools/option/compiler MetricSplitterOptions.xml MetricSplitterOptions GuiMetricSplitterOptions /mnt/c/Users/post/Documents/sig//src
  • Constructor Details

    • Descriptions

      public Descriptions()