Class TablatureGraphics


public class TablatureGraphics extends Object
  • Field Details

    • msg

    • score

      final Tabstaff score
    • configuration

      final Tabstaff.Configuration configuration
    • sumRightHand

      final Map<Tp,Set<Event>> sumRightHand
      All events played by the left hand, sorted by time points. Since this data is needed for tablature-style notation, all events with no hands specified are put here or into sumLeftHand by default.
    • sumLeftHand

      final Map<Tp,Set<Event>> sumLeftHand
      All events played by the left hand, sorted by time points. Since this data is needed for tablature-style notation, all events with no hands specified are put here or into sumRightHand by default.
    • displayTablature

      @Opt @Opt DisplayTablature displayTablature
      Created when initializing the graphic conversion. Re-used for interactive graphics and file graphics.
    • splitResultLeft

      @Opt MSplitter.Result splitResultLeft
      Created when initializing the graphic conversion. Re-used for interactive graphics and file graphics.
    • splitResultRight

      @Opt MSplitter.Result splitResultRight
      Created when initializing the graphic conversion. Re-used for interactive graphics and file graphics.
    • initialAreaSelection

      @Opt Tabstaff.SubArea initialAreaSelection
      For drawing the staves use the very first clef event
    • MTREE_4_4

      public static final MTreeSpec MTREE_4_4
      PROVIS only metric currently supported.
    • mSplitter

      protected final MSplitter mSplitter
      PROVIS one and only metric splitter currently in use.
  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • prepareGraphics

      protected void prepareGraphics()
      Common calculations for print and interactive graphics.
    • sumUpHands_2

      public void sumUpHands_2()
      Merge all left- and right-hand events into one single set each. Note with unspecified hand are treated as RIGHT hand. This will be used to generate one voice each, with multiple "note heads". Pauses are ignored, unless there are ONLY pauses at this time point. A B C % % D E % ------------------------------------------- A Da Bd CE c %
    • mergeIsEmpty

      protected static boolean mergeIsEmpty(Map<Tp,Set<Event>> map)
    • splitOneHand

      @Opt protected MSplitter.Result splitOneHand(Map<Tp,Set<Event>> map)
      Calculate the metric split result for one set of events, which contains all events in one hand in the first measure.
    • showInteractiveGraphic

      public void showInteractiveGraphic()
      Generate a tablature graphic and show it in an interactive window.
    • writeToFile

      public void writeToFile(String filename)