Class FeldmanVisual
Creates a sequence of pages which come close to the original graphic notation of
Morton Feldman.
Use only once: construct a fresh instance for a score and call
After completion one (a) can get the images from pages
or (b) let them write to ".png" files by writeToFiles(,java.lang.String)
The dimensions are as follows
<---------- page width ------------------------------------> <---------- text width -------------------------------> leftMargin <---> <---> measureWidth rightMargin <--------><--------><--------><--------><--------> (0,0)*-----------------------------------------------------------+ | > topmargin | ^ | 0 [1]______ (<---Taktzahlen--->) [5] | | | 1 |________| > eventHeight ^ : (y grows downward!) | | | 2 |________| | : | | |textheight | 3 |________| | staffSkip | | | 4 ________:_________________V_: V > interStaffGap | 5 |________| _ ; : | | | 6 : |_| : : | | | 7 :__________: : | | | ... | .. | n*4.3 | | | n*4-2 | | | n*4-1 |_________| | | | n*4 | | | n*4+1 [author, page number etc.] | V +-----------------------------------------------------------+
Field Summary
FieldsModifier and TypeFieldDescriptionstatic final String
Repreents the "harmonic" modifier and the harmonic voice name.protected int
Calculated value, evidentprotected int
Calculated value: linewidth for draeing the boxes of the events.The next event to start in the drawing process (may be wide in the future)protected int
Calculated value which separates stavesevident(package private) int
See graphic at class level.The measure start just below or equal to the start of the event inevents
static final int
static final int
protected int
The vertical positions on which the measure numbers are printed.protected int
Calculated value, evident(package private) final SimpleMessage.Sender
<XMLDocumentIdentifier> (package private) final MessageReceiver
<SimpleMessage<XMLDocumentIdentifier>> protected int
How far the end of the voice name is separated from the first measure line.The events currently tsill running when the next measure is started.protected int
How far the box which overlaps a page break overlaps the measure bar.protected List
<BufferedImage> Result = list of the images prdouced byrender(int,int)
.(package private) int
See graphic at class level.The measure start just above or equal to the end of the event inevents
(package private) int
See graphic at class level.protected final FeldmanProjection_n
The score data which is rendered by this instance.protected final int
At which distance a measure number shall be displayed.protected final boolean
Whether the measure number shall be displayed with every first measure on a page.evidentevidentprotected int
Calculated value, from the lowest line of one staff to the lowest line of its neighbourCauses that this staff is linked to the preceding (upper neighbour) staff by one "accolade" (=bracket), forming a "piano staff".(package private) int
See graphic at class level.(package private) int
See graphic at class level.static final int
See graphic at class level.evident -
Constructor Summary
(FeldmanProjection_n score, MessageReceiver<SimpleMessage<XMLDocumentIdentifier>> msgr, @Opt Color backgroundColor) -
Method Summary
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionConstructs a top-level Swing object which presents all generated images, for immediate inspection.static void
Stand-alone application, translates input file "arg[0]" and shows a swing windows with a "tabbed pane" with all the rendered pages.protected void
Fill all the caches with the coordinates of the next event in the given voice.void
(int width, int height) Central Point of Service.void
(File dir, String stem) Write all generated images into files, in the ".png
" format.protected int
Returns the top cooordinate where to draw a box for an event, or of the top line of the staff if no event given.protected int
(int staff) Returns the upper (numerically lower) y-coordinate of the region of the biven staff.
Field Details
The score data which is rendered by this instance. -
evident -
evident -
evident -
Causes that this staff is linked to the preceding (upper neighbour) staff by one "accolade" (=bracket), forming a "piano staff". Is currently only used for "harmonic" voices: Both voices are started synchronuously, an accolade is drawn, and the name of the former is centralized, -
int textWidthSee graphic at class level. -
public static final int maxRightMargin- See Also:
int rightMarginSee graphic at class level. Is a certain percentage ofpageWidth
, limited bymaxRightMargin
. -
int pageWidthSee graphic at class level. -
public static final int maxLeftMargin- See Also:
int leftMarginSee graphic at class level. Is a certain percentage ofpageWidth
, limited bymaxLeftMargin
. -
int textHeightSee graphic at class level. -
public static final int topMarginSee graphic at class level.- See Also:
protected int MEASURE_BASELINEThe vertical positions on which the measure numbers are printed. -
protected int OVERLAPHow far the box which overlaps a page break overlaps the measure bar. -
protected int NAME_DISTANCEHow far the end of the voice name is separated from the first measure line. -
protected final int showMeasureNumber_everyAt which distance a measure number shall be displayed. Sensible values are 4, 5, 10, etc. Set to 10_000 (or sim.) for no display.- See Also:
protected final boolean showMeasureNumber_pageStartWhether the measure number shall be displayed with every first measure on a page.- See Also:
Repreents the "harmonic" modifier and the harmonic voice name. Is unicode U+25C7 = WHITE DIAMOND.- See Also:
protected int interStaffGapCalculated value which separates staves -
protected int measureWidthCalculated value, evident -
protected int eventHeightCalculated value, evident -
protected int staffSkipCalculated value, from the lowest line of one staff to the lowest line of its neighbour -
protected int eventLineWidthCalculated value: linewidth for draeing the boxes of the events. -
Result = list of the images prdouced byrender(int,int)
. -
evident -
The next event to start in the drawing process (may be wide in the future) -
The measure start just below or equal to the start of the event inevents
The measure start just above or equal to the end of the event inevents
The events currently tsill running when the next measure is started.
Constructor Details
public FeldmanVisual(FeldmanProjection_n score, MessageReceiver<SimpleMessage<XMLDocumentIdentifier>> msgr, @Opt @Opt Color backgroundColor)
Method Details
public void render(int width, int height) Central Point of Service.- Parameters:
- pixel width of the generated imageheight
- pixel height of the generated image
Fill all the caches with the coordinates of the next event in the given voice. -
Returns the top cooordinate where to draw a box for an event, or of the top line of the staff if no event given. ("Low" means "numerically low" = "graphically top" !) -
protected int yStaff(int staff) Returns the upper (numerically lower) y-coordinate of the region of the biven staff. -
Constructs a top-level Swing object which presents all generated images, for immediate inspection. -
Write all generated images into files, in the ".png
" format. The files will be "/ _000.png
", "/ _0010.png
", etc. Can be called afterrender(int,int)
. -
Stand-alone application, translates input file "arg[0]" and shows a swing windows with a "tabbed pane" with all the rendered pages.