Class FeldmanProjection_n
This class realizes a score model of Morton Feldman's "Projection 1" to "5".
Copyright of the original score data is with (c) Edition Peters 1951,
for the supported "Neoscore" back-end.
Nested Class Summary
Nested ClassesModifier and TypeClassDescription(package private) static enum
Types of voices which allow different sets of graphical addenda to the events: "simplex" allows nothing. -
Field Summary
FieldsModifier and TypeFieldDescriptionA free text which will be printed with the event when rendering it.The (optional) number of simultaneously played pitches.End point of any event (sound or pause) is the start point of the subsequent event (pause or sound) in the same voice.protected TpTop
The very first time point object of the score.Whether an event has an additionl "harmonic" modifier.Marks voice events as being a "hold", which is not more than an unaltered prolongation of the preceding event's duration.protected TpTop
The very last time point object of the score.The rational time value of the very last top level tscore time point.(package private) int
Determined by the constanttimelessTag_measuresPerPage
by the maximum ofpageVoice
.static final Modifiers
Modifiers controlling the parsing process.(package private) final SimpleMessage.Sender
<XMLDocumentIdentifier> Only for conveniently construction messages and sending them tomsgr
(package private) final MessageCounter
Monitors all error messages.(package private) final MessageReceiver
<SimpleMessage<XMLDocumentIdentifier>> The drain for all messags.Events after collapsing "hold" events and repeated pauses, in temporal order.Maps bar numbers / measure numbers to tscore top-level time points.protected final Translet.Parser
<?> Parser for events in the piano.protected final Translet.Parser
<?> Parser for the register.protected final Translet.Parser
<?> Parser for events of the string instruments, with modifiers and no multistops.protected final Translet.Parser
<?> Parser for events of the string instruments with multi-stops and no modifiers.Measure numbers when a new page starts.Voice for the "new page starts here" indication of the copied historic original.static final Translet.Parser
<Integer> Parser for measure numbers.protected final Part
The score data as parsed by tscore.Marks voice events as being a pause.Whether an event is marked as pizzicatoWhether an event is marked as "sul ponticello"Inverse oftp2rat
.Whether an event is in the high register.Whether an event is in the low register.Whether an event is in the middle register.static final String
The name of the author of the piece, as printed in the footerstatic final String
The text (= a calendaric datum) which marks the end of the scorestatic final String
Graphical gaps between staffs.static final String
Name printed on the first pagestatic final String
Given as a timeless value iff it is a constant.static final String
The name of the piece, as printed in the footerstatic final String
Marks "second voices" needed by tscore to model overlapping events in piano voices.static final String
Name printed on the subsequent pagesstatic final String
Makrs the lower staff of the two in the same piano staff.Maps all tscore time points to rational numbers which correspond to the musical time relative to the start of the very first event.Inverse ofnumericName2tpTop
.Central translation from measure numbers (1-based) to rational time stamps (0-based)static final String
Reserved name in the tscore input for a voice which indicates the page turning points.protected static Map
<Vox, FeldmanProjection_n.addenda> Evident. -
Constructor Summary
(Part part, MessageReceiver<SimpleMessage<XMLDocumentIdentifier>> msgr) Construct data for one particularPart
of a tscore TimeScape. -
Method Summary
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionprotected void
Generate a Python source file with the main data for to import it into Neoscore.static @Opt FeldmanProjection_n
(File inputfile, MessageReceiver<SimpleMessage<XMLDocumentIdentifier>> msg) static @Opt FeldmanProjection_n
(InputStream inputstream, String sourceIndication, MessageReceiver<SimpleMessage<XMLDocumentIdentifier>> msg) protected void
Read the optional addenda specification of the given voice.static void
Stand-alone application, translates input file "arg[0]" into neoScore python data with extension ".data".protected final Translet.Parser
<?> p_event
(Translet.Parser<?> parser) Generic parser for pauses and "hold" events.void
Translate untyped tscore data into semantically sensible data, indexed by events.void
protected void
First step of interpreting syntactic to semantic contents: Parse the TpTop text to bar numbers, constructing an ordered sequence of TpTops:void
(Vox voice) Normalize all events, sort them by start point, and memorize their duration.
Field Details
Marks "second voices" needed by tscore to model overlapping events in piano voices.- See Also:
Makrs the lower staff of the two in the same piano staff.- See Also:
Name printed on the subsequent pages- See Also:
Name printed on the first page- See Also:
Given as a timeless value iff it is a constant. If number of measures per page is constant, usepageVoice
instead.- See Also:
Graphical gaps between staffs. Given in Rational multiples of the event height. Differing from the original, only one distance is supported.- See Also:
The text (= a calendaric datum) which marks the end of the score- See Also:
The name of the piece, as printed in the footer- See Also:
The name of the author of the piece, as printed in the footer- See Also:
The drain for all messags. -
Monitors all error messages. -
Only for conveniently construction messages and sending them tomsgr
The score data as parsed by tscore. -
Modifiers controlling the parsing process. -
Evident. -
Parser for measure numbers. -
Maps bar numbers / measure numbers to tscore top-level time points. -
Inverse ofnumericName2tpTop
. -
Maps all tscore time points to rational numbers which correspond to the musical time relative to the start of the very first event. One measure is assumed to have the lenght 1/1 = 4/4 . -
The very first time point object of the score. (Must be a toplevel time point due to the syntax of the general tscore format.) -
The very last time point object of the score. This must not carry an event but mark the end-time of the very last event in any voice. (Must be a toplevel time point due to the syntax of the general tscore format.) -
The rational time value of the very last top level tscore time point. Seetp2rat
. -
Inverse oftp2rat
. -
Events after collapsing "hold" events and repeated pauses, in temporal order. -
End point of any event (sound or pause) is the start point of the subsequent event (pause or sound) in the same voice. -
Reserved name in the tscore input for a voice which indicates the page turning points. If number of measures per page is constant, usetimelessTag_measuresPerPage
instead.- See Also:
Voice for the "new page starts here" indication of the copied historic original. If number of measures per page is constant, usetimelessTag_measuresPerPage
instead. -
Central translation from measure numbers (1-based) to rational time stamps (0-based) -
Marks voice events as being a pause. -
Marks voice events as being a "hold", which is not more than an unaltered prolongation of the preceding event's duration. -
Whether an event is in the high register. -
Whether an event is in the middle register. -
Whether an event is in the low register. -
Whether an event has an additionl "harmonic" modifier. (Ths must not be mixed up with "harmonic staves": all events in there are harmonics and do not carry such a modifier.) -
Whether an event is marked as pizzicato -
Whether an event is marked as "sul ponticello" -
The (optional) number of simultaneously played pitches. -
A free text which will be printed with the event when rendering it. -
Parser for the register. -
Parser for events of the string instruments, with modifiers and no multistops. -
Parser for events of the string instruments with multi-stops and no modifiers. -
Parser for events in the piano. -
Measure numbers when a new page starts. Contains "numeric names" of measure bars, ie. it is 1-based. The first page is also contained herein, i.e. the data always starts with "1" -
int maxMeasuresPerPageDetermined by the constanttimelessTag_measuresPerPage
by the maximum ofpageVoice
. Needed for graphic x-allocation.
Constructor Details
Construct data for one particularPart
of a tscore TimeScape. In the score source text this is marked by "PART
Method Details
Generic parser for pauses and "hold" events. -
public void update()Translate untyped tscore data into semantically sensible data, indexed by events. -
Read the optional addenda specification of the given voice. -
protected void update_topTps()First step of interpreting syntactic to semantic contents: Parse the TpTop text to bar numbers, constructing an ordered sequence of TpTops: -
public void update_pageStarts() -
Normalize all events, sort them by start point, and memorize their duration. Include sounds but also normalized (=maximal) pauses in the normalized event list. GLO OUTnormalizedEvents
Generate a Python source file with the main data for to import it into Neoscore. Currently only the core event data. Missing esp. export of list of voice names "nomenVisibile.longum" and "nomenVisibile.breve". -
@Opt public static @Opt FeldmanProjection_n fromStream(InputStream inputstream, String sourceIndication, MessageReceiver<SimpleMessage<XMLDocumentIdentifier>> msg) -
@Opt public static @Opt FeldmanProjection_n fromFile(File inputfile, MessageReceiver<SimpleMessage<XMLDocumentIdentifier>> msg) -
Stand-alone application, translates input file "arg[0]" into neoScore python data with extension ".data".