Class __TREEGEN__

@Generated(generator="", version="", timestamp="2025-01-13_23h06m58") public class __TREEGEN__ extends SwingForester
  • Constructor Details

    • __TREEGEN__

      public __TREEGEN__()
  • Method Details

    • createNode

      protected TreeNode createNode(TreeNode parent, String label, Object source)
    • growBranch

      protected TreeNode growBranch(TreeNode parent, String label, Object source)
      Description copied from class:
      Generate representation for oen single object. Derived class must differentiated whether the type of the object shall be displayed as a subtree. In this case it will call return the result of one of SwingForester.growCollection(String,TreeNode,String,Collection), SwingForester.growMap(TreeNode,String,Map), or SwingForester.growMultimap(TreeNode,String,Multimap). Otherwise it simply returns null, and a graphic leaf node will be generated by the caller = SwingForester.grow( TreeNode, String,java.lang.Object)..
      Specified by:
      growBranch in class SwingForester
      parent - the tree node under which the new node will be placed
      label - the visible label text
      source - the object to display, often simply a boxed primitiv value.