Uses of Annotation Interface
Packages that use Generated
CLI tool to construct the initial skeleton of files and folders required
for a user project with metatools and gnu make.
D2d allows to write valid XML documents directly in the creative flow of authoring,
with minimum typographic noise.
Umod main model class: This is the internal
model for the d2d text type definitions.
Parser for the d2d module definition language (.ddf), driven by xantlr and tdom.
Umod main model class: This is a model for the
results of d2d text parsing.
Utilities for postscript and pdf processing.
Meaning: Data model for documents conforming
to xhtml 1.0 strict.
Model for w3c XML DTDs, with preserved syntax.
Canonical model of a W3C DTD with evaluated semantics;
plus utility applications.
Utility functions for GUI user interaction, using MuLi internationalization.
Distribute applications made with metatools.
Meaning: Created from d2d definition module
lablog$expanded at
Abstract Syntax of LLJava, representing the byte code instructions, the
objects which contain byte code, and the attributes specific to byte code
Meaning: Source format for multi lingual
Meaning: Source format for the Option
compiler, for command line parsing, GUI input,
generation of documentation, etc.
Runtime library for generated option processing code: building blocks for
parsing and GUI.
Generates typed models of XML documents,
meta-tools TDOM user documentation.
Abstract syntax of the tpath language, realized as a umod model.
Type checking for tpath expressions.
Compiler for data models, from a concise mathematical oriented language into
umod model description languaga parser code, AUTOMATICALLY GENERATED
from "umod.g".
Closes the gaps left by
and extends it by n-ary functions.Ubiquitously needed auxiliary classes which need the
package.txsl = typed xslt 1.0 interpreter with "fragmented validation".
Packages with annotations of type Generated
Meaning: Source format for the Option
compiler, for command line parsing, GUI input,
generation of documentation, etc.
Umod main model class: This is the internal
model for the d2d text type definitions.
Umod main model class: This is a model for the
results of d2d text parsing.
Meaning: Source format for multi lingual
Meaning: Data model for documents conforming
to xhtml 1.0 strict.
Meaning: Created from d2d definition module
lablog$expanded at
Uses of Generated in
Classes in with annotations of type GeneratedModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Generated source for command line processing.class
Programmatically generated catalog of translations. -
Uses of Generated in
Classes in with annotations of type GeneratedModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Generated source for command line processing.class
Programmatically generated catalog of translations.class
Generated source of a graphical user interface (GUI) for command line processing.class
Multi-lingual translations catalog, generated from XML source.class
Generated source for command line processing.class
Programmatically generated catalog of translations.class
Generated source of a graphical user interface (GUI) for command line processing.class
Multi-lingual translations catalog, generated from XML source. -
Uses of Generated in
Classes in with annotations of type GeneratedModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Multi-lingual translations catalog, generated from XML source. -
Uses of Generated in
Classes in with annotations of type GeneratedModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
(Ancillary class for generating pretty-print format objects).class
Ancillary class providing Paisley compound patterns.class
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.class
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.class
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.class
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.class
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.class
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.class
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.class
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.class
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.class
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.class
Visitor generated by umod according to field selection #2.class
Umod main model class: This is the internal model for the d2d text type definitions.class
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.class
Is entered for each instantiated definition into the resolvedModule's result data.
(This definition has been created by UMod from the source at SYSTEM "D2d.umod":280.3-285.29, see this pretty print.)class
Visitor generated by umod according to field selection #0.class
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.class
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.class
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.class
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.class
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.class
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.class
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.class
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.class
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.class
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.class
Visitor generated by umod according to field selection #0.class
(Ancillary class as basis for all visitors).class
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.class
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.class
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.class
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.class
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.class
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.class
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.class
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.class
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.class
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.class
Visitor generated by umod according to field selection #2.class
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.class
Visitor generated by umod according to field selection #0.class
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.class
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.class
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.class
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.class
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.class
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING. -
Uses of Generated in
Classes in with annotations of type Generated -
Uses of Generated in
Classes in with annotations of type GeneratedModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
(Ancillary class for generating pretty-print format objects).class
Ancillary class providing Paisley compound patterns.class
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.class
Visitor generated by umod according to field selection #0.class
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.class
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.class
(Ancillary class as basis for all visitors).class
Visitor generated by umod according to field selection #0.class
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.class
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.class
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.class
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.class
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.class
Umod main model class: This is a model for the results of d2d text parsing.class
Visitor generated by umod according to field selection #0.class
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.class
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.class
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.class
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.class
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.class
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.class
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING. -
Uses of Generated in
Classes in with annotations of type GeneratedModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Generated source for command line processing.class
Programmatically generated catalog of translations. -
Uses of Generated in
Classes in with annotations of type GeneratedModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Common base class for all document classes in this tdom instance.class
Document with anElement_body
as its root (=topmost) element.class
Document with anElement_html
as its root (=topmost) class
Central class for all meta-information.class
Serializes the model instance into a sequence of SAX events.class
Common superclass for all Element classes in this tdom model.class
<!ELEMENT button (#PCDATA | p | h1 | h2 | h3 | h4 | h5 | h6 | div | ul | ol | dl | pre | hr | blockquote | address | table | br | span | bdo | map | object | img | tt | i | b | big | small | em | strong | dfn | code | q | samp | kbd | var | cite | abbr | acronym | sub | sup | noscript | ins | del | script)* >
<!ELEMENT colgroup (col)* >
<!ELEMENT dd (#PCDATA | p | h1 | h2 | h3 | h4 | h5 | h6 | div | ul | ol | dl | pre | hr | blockquote | address | fieldset | table | form | a | br | span | bdo | map | object | img | tt | i | b | big | small | em | strong | dfn | code | q | samp | kbd | var | cite | abbr | acronym | sub | sup | input | select | textarea | label | button | noscript | ins | del | script)* >
<!ELEMENT del (#PCDATA | p | h1 | h2 | h3 | h4 | h5 | h6 | div | ul | ol | dl | pre | hr | blockquote | address | fieldset | table | form | a | br | span | bdo | map | object | img | tt | i | b | big | small | em | strong | dfn | code | q | samp | kbd | var | cite | abbr | acronym | sub | sup | input | select | textarea | label | button | noscript | ins | del | script)* >
<!ELEMENT div (#PCDATA | p | h1 | h2 | h3 | h4 | h5 | h6 | div | ul | ol | dl | pre | hr | blockquote | address | fieldset | table | form | a | br | span | bdo | map | object | img | tt | i | b | big | small | em | strong | dfn | code | q | samp | kbd | var | cite | abbr | acronym | sub | sup | input | select | textarea | label | button | noscript | ins | del | script)* >
<!ELEMENT fieldset (#PCDATA | legend | p | h1 | h2 | h3 | h4 | h5 | h6 | div | ul | ol | dl | pre | hr | blockquote | address | fieldset | table | form | a | br | span | bdo | map | object | img | tt | i | b | big | small | em | strong | dfn | code | q | samp | kbd | var | cite | abbr | acronym | sub | sup | input | select | textarea | label | button | noscript | ins | del | script)* >
<!ELEMENT ins (#PCDATA | p | h1 | h2 | h3 | h4 | h5 | h6 | div | ul | ol | dl | pre | hr | blockquote | address | fieldset | table | form | a | br | span | bdo | map | object | img | tt | i | b | big | small | em | strong | dfn | code | q | samp | kbd | var | cite | abbr | acronym | sub | sup | input | select | textarea | label | button | noscript | ins | del | script)* >
<!ELEMENT li (#PCDATA | p | h1 | h2 | h3 | h4 | h5 | h6 | div | ul | ol | dl | pre | hr | blockquote | address | fieldset | table | form | a | br | span | bdo | map | object | img | tt | i | b | big | small | em | strong | dfn | code | q | samp | kbd | var | cite | abbr | acronym | sub | sup | input | select | textarea | label | button | noscript | ins | del | script)* >
<!ELEMENT object (#PCDATA | param | p | h1 | h2 | h3 | h4 | h5 | h6 | div | ul | ol | dl | pre | hr | blockquote | address | fieldset | table | form | a | br | span | bdo | map | object | img | tt | i | b | big | small | em | strong | dfn | code | q | samp | kbd | var | cite | abbr | acronym | sub | sup | input | select | textarea | label | button | noscript | ins | del | script)* >
<!ELEMENT ol (li)+ >
<!ELEMENT optgroup (option)+ >
<!ELEMENT option (#PCDATA)* >
<!ELEMENT script (#PCDATA)* >
<!ELEMENT style (#PCDATA)* >
<!ELEMENT tbody (tr)+ >
<!ELEMENT td (#PCDATA | p | h1 | h2 | h3 | h4 | h5 | h6 | div | ul | ol | dl | pre | hr | blockquote | address | fieldset | table | form | a | br | span | bdo | map | object | img | tt | i | b | big | small | em | strong | dfn | code | q | samp | kbd | var | cite | abbr | acronym | sub | sup | input | select | textarea | label | button | noscript | ins | del | script)* >
<!ELEMENT textarea (#PCDATA)* >
<!ELEMENT tfoot (tr)+ >
<!ELEMENT th (#PCDATA | p | h1 | h2 | h3 | h4 | h5 | h6 | div | ul | ol | dl | pre | hr | blockquote | address | fieldset | table | form | a | br | span | bdo | map | object | img | tt | i | b | big | small | em | strong | dfn | code | q | samp | kbd | var | cite | abbr | acronym | sub | sup | input | select | textarea | label | button | noscript | ins | del | script)* >
<!ELEMENT thead (tr)+ >
<!ELEMENT title (#PCDATA)* >
<!ELEMENT ul (li)+ >
Super class for all user defined visitor class
Copy-and-edit "boilerplate" source for user defined visitor code. -
Uses of Generated in
Classes in with annotations of type GeneratedModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Umod main model class: Model for w3c xml dtds, written in umod, cf.static class
(Ancillary class for generating pretty-print format objects).static class
Ancillary class providing Paisley compound patterns.static class
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.static class
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.static class
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.static class
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.static class
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.static class
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.static class
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.static class
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.static class
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.static class
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.static class
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.static class
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.static class
Visitor generated by umod according to field selection #0.static class
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.static class
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.static class
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.static class
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.static class
Visitor generated by umod according to field selection #0.static class
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.static class
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.static class
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.static class
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.static class
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.static class
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.static class
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.static class
(Ancillary class as basis for all visitors).static class
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.static class
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.static class
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.static class
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.static class
Visitor generated by umod according to field selection #0.static class
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.static class
Visitor generated by umod according to field selection #0.static class
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.static class
Visitor generated by umod according to field selection #0.static class
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING. -
Uses of Generated in
Classes in with annotations of type GeneratedModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Umod main model class: Evaluated/semantic version of a DTD.static class
(Ancillary class for generating pretty-print format objects).static class
Ancillary class providing Paisley compound patterns.static class
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.static class
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.static class
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.static class
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.static class
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.static class
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.static class
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.static class
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.static class
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.static class
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.static class
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.static class
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.static class
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.static class
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.static class
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.static class
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.static class
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.static class
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.static class
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.static class
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.static class
(Ancillary class as basis for all visitors).static class
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.static class
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.static class
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.static class
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.static class
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.static class
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.static class
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.static class
Visitor generated by umod according to field selection #0.static class
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.static class
Visitor generated by umod according to field selection #0.static class
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.static class
Visitor generated by umod according to field selection #0.class
Generated source of a graphical user interface (GUI) for command line processing.class
Generated source for command line processing.class
Programmatically generated catalog of translations. -
Uses of Generated in
Classes in with annotations of type GeneratedModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Multi-lingual translations catalog, generated from XML source. -
Uses of Generated in
Classes in with annotations of type GeneratedModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Multi-lingual translations catalog, generated from XML source. -
Uses of Generated in
Classes in with annotations of type GeneratedModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Common base class for all document classes in this tdom instance.class
Document with anElement_a_list
as its root (=topmost) element.class
Document with anElement_a_verbatimXml
as its root (=topmost) element.class
Document with anElement_entries
as its root (=topmost) element.class
Document with anElement_package
as its root (=topmost) class
Central class for all meta-information.class
Serializes the model instance into a sequence of SAX events.class
Common superclass for all Element classes in this tdom model.class
<!ELEMENT a:all (#PCDATA)* >
<!ELEMENT a:alpha (#PCDATA)* >
<!ELEMENT a:ascii_alpha (#PCDATA)* >
<!ELEMENT a:ascii_lower (#PCDATA)* >
<!ELEMENT a:ascii_upper (#PCDATA)* >
<!ELEMENT a:border (#PCDATA)* >
<!ELEMENT a:decimalDigit (#PCDATA)* >
<!ELEMENT a:decimalPositive (#PCDATA)* >
<!ELEMENT a:emph (#PCDATA | a:bold | a:ital | a:ulin | a:blink | a:strikeout | a:scaps | a:hh | a:larger | a:smaller | a:indexlo | a:indexhi | a:spanstyle | a:src | a:verbatimXml | a:nl | a:ldots | a:label | a:ref | a:pers | a:opus | a:persop | a:emph | a:xemph | a:xlang | a:treeInclude | a:link | a:cite | a:image)* >
<!ELEMENT a:footnote (#PCDATA | a:kind | a:bold | a:ital | a:ulin | a:blink | a:strikeout | a:scaps | a:hh | a:larger | a:smaller | a:indexlo | a:indexhi | a:spanstyle | a:src | a:verbatimXml | a:nl | a:ldots | a:label | a:ref | a:pers | a:opus | a:persop | a:emph | a:xemph | a:xlang | a:treeInclude | a:link | a:cite | a:image | a:list | a:table | a:footnote | a:footnotemark | a:footnotetext | a:p)* >
<!ELEMENT a:footnotemark EMPTY >
<!ELEMENT a:footnotetext (#PCDATA | a:kind | a:bold | a:ital | a:ulin | a:blink | a:strikeout | a:scaps | a:hh | a:larger | a:smaller | a:indexlo | a:indexhi | a:spanstyle | a:src | a:verbatimXml | a:nl | a:ldots | a:label | a:ref | a:pers | a:opus | a:persop | a:emph | a:xemph | a:xlang | a:treeInclude | a:link | a:cite | a:image | a:list | a:table | a:footnote | a:footnotemark | a:footnotetext | a:p)* >
<!ELEMENT a:ident (#PCDATA)* >
<!ELEMENT a:identFirstChar (#PCDATA)* >
<!ELEMENT a:identInnerChar (#PCDATA)* >
<!ELEMENT a:image (a:image_file, (a:image_alt)?, (a:image_width)?, (a:image_height)?, (a:image_align)?, (a:image_showLabel)?) >
<!ELEMENT a:image_align (#PCDATA)* >
<!ELEMENT a:image_alt (#PCDATA)* >
<!ELEMENT a:image_file (#PCDATA)* >
<!ELEMENT a:image_height (#PCDATA)* >
<!ELEMENT a:image_showLabel EMPTY >
<!ELEMENT a:image_width (#PCDATA)* >
<!ELEMENT a:key (#PCDATA)* >
<!ELEMENT a:label (#PCDATA)* >
<!ELEMENT a:ldots EMPTY >
<!ELEMENT a:list ((a:listSymbol)?, (a:listStartnum | a:listContinues)?, (a:label)?, (a:listitem)+) >
<!ELEMENT a:listContinues (#PCDATA)* >
<!ELEMENT a:listitem (#PCDATA | a:bold | a:ital | a:ulin | a:blink | a:strikeout | a:scaps | a:hh | a:larger | a:smaller | a:indexlo | a:indexhi | a:spanstyle | a:src | a:verbatimXml | a:nl | a:ldots | a:label | a:ref | a:pers | a:opus | a:persop | a:emph | a:xemph | a:xlang | a:treeInclude | a:link | a:cite | a:image | a:list | a:table | a:footnote | a:footnotemark | a:footnotetext | a:p)* >
<!ELEMENT a:listStartnum (#PCDATA)* >
<!ELEMENT a:listSymbol (#PCDATA)* >
<!ELEMENT a:loc (#PCDATA)* >
<!ELEMENT a:locus (#PCDATA)* >
<!ELEMENT a:mode (#PCDATA)* >
<!ELEMENT a:opus (#PCDATA)* >
<!ELEMENT a:p (#PCDATA | a:kind | a:bold | a:ital | a:ulin | a:blink | a:strikeout | a:scaps | a:hh | a:larger | a:smaller | a:indexlo | a:indexhi | a:spanstyle | a:src | a:verbatimXml | a:nl | a:ldots | a:label | a:ref | a:pers | a:opus | a:persop | a:emph | a:xemph | a:xlang | a:treeInclude | a:link | a:cite | a:image | a:list | a:table | a:footnote | a:footnotemark | a:footnotetext)* >
<!ELEMENT a:path (#PCDATA)* >
<!ELEMENT a:pers (#PCDATA)* >
<!ELEMENT a:pkind (#PCDATA)* >
<!ELEMENT a:popus (#PCDATA)* >
<!ELEMENT a:ppers (#PCDATA)* >
<!ELEMENT a:ref (#PCDATA)* >
<!ELEMENT a:refdate (#PCDATA)* >
<!ELEMENT a:src (#PCDATA | a:hh)* >
<!ELEMENT a:SRC (#PCDATA | a:label | a:treeInclude)* >
<!ELEMENT a:td (#PCDATA | a:tdCls | a:bold | a:ital | a:ulin | a:blink | a:strikeout | a:scaps | a:hh | a:larger | a:smaller | a:indexlo | a:indexhi | a:spanstyle | a:src | a:verbatimXml | a:nl | a:ldots | a:label | a:ref | a:pers | a:opus | a:persop | a:emph | a:xemph | a:xlang | a:treeInclude | a:link | a:cite | a:image | a:list | a:table | a:footnote | a:footnotemark | a:footnotetext | a:p)* >
<!ELEMENT a:tdCls (#PCDATA)* >
<!ELEMENT a:text (#PCDATA | a:bold | a:ital | a:ulin | a:blink | a:strikeout | a:scaps | a:hh | a:larger | a:smaller | a:indexlo | a:indexhi | a:spanstyle | a:src | a:verbatimXml | a:nl | a:ldots | a:label | a:ref | a:pers | a:opus | a:persop | a:emph | a:xemph | a:xlang | a:treeInclude | a:cite | a:image)* >
<!ELEMENT a:th (#PCDATA | a:bold | a:ital | a:ulin | a:blink | a:strikeout | a:scaps | a:hh | a:larger | a:smaller | a:indexlo | a:indexhi | a:spanstyle | a:src | a:verbatimXml | a:nl | a:ldots | a:label | a:ref | a:pers | a:opus | a:persop | a:emph | a:xemph | a:xlang | a:treeInclude | a:link | a:cite | a:image | a:list | a:table | a:footnote | a:footnotemark | a:footnotetext | a:p)* >
<!ELEMENT a:url (#PCDATA)* >
<!ELEMENT a:verbatimXml (#PCDATA)* >
<!ELEMENT a:whitespace (#PCDATA)* >
<!ELEMENT a:xemph (#PCDATA | a:bold | a:ital | a:ulin | a:blink | a:strikeout | a:scaps | a:hh | a:larger | a:smaller | a:indexlo | a:indexhi | a:spanstyle | a:src | a:verbatimXml | a:nl | a:ldots | a:label | a:ref | a:pers | a:opus | a:persop | a:emph | a:xemph | a:xlang | a:treeInclude | a:link | a:cite | a:image)* >
<!ELEMENT a:xlang (#PCDATA | a:bold | a:ital | a:ulin | a:blink | a:strikeout | a:scaps | a:hh | a:larger | a:smaller | a:indexlo | a:indexhi | a:spanstyle | a:src | a:verbatimXml | a:nl | a:ldots | a:label | a:ref | a:pers | a:opus | a:persop | a:emph | a:xemph | a:xlang | a:treeInclude | a:link | a:cite | a:image)* >
<!ELEMENT author (#PCDATA)* >
<!ELEMENT costs (#PCDATA)* >
<!ELEMENT date (#PCDATA)* >
<!ELEMENT desc (#PCDATA | a:kind | a:bold | a:ital | a:ulin | a:blink | a:strikeout | a:scaps | a:hh | a:larger | a:smaller | a:indexlo | a:indexhi | a:spanstyle | a:src | a:verbatimXml | a:nl | a:ldots | a:label | a:ref | a:pers | a:opus | a:persop | a:emph | a:xemph | a:xlang | a:treeInclude | a:link | a:cite | a:image | a:list | a:table | a:footnote | a:footnotemark | a:footnotetext | a:p | a:SRC)* >
<!ELEMENT dez (#PCDATA)* >
<!ELEMENT ident (#PCDATA)* >
Meaning: Central data object to represent one recognized issue.class
<!ELEMENT name (#PCDATA)* >
<!ELEMENT prior (#PCDATA)* >
<!ELEMENT reference (#PCDATA)* >
Super class for all user defined visitor class
Copy-and-edit "boilerplate" source for user defined visitor code. -
Uses of Generated in
Classes in with annotations of type GeneratedModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Generated source for command line processing.class
Programmatically generated catalog of translations. -
Uses of Generated in
Classes in with annotations of type GeneratedModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Umod main model class: Abstract Syntax of LLJava.static class
(Ancillary class for generating pretty-print format objects).static class
Ancillary class providing Paisley compound patterns.static class
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.static class
Common superclass for all machine word types.static class
Syntactic expression defining anabstract
method.static class
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.static class
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.static class
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.static class
Syntactic expression specifying an annotation.static class
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.static class
Abstract base class of the various kinds of values of annotation element–value pairs.static class
Abstract object for dynamic creation of fresh ad-hoc identities.static class
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.static class
Syntactic expression denoting an array access.static class
An array of annotation values.static class
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.static class
Syntactic expression denoting an array type.static class
Abstract base class of nodes that can carry bytecode attributes.static class
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.static class
A sequential container for statements.static class
Syntactic expression denoting aboolean
literal.static class
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.static class
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.static class
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.static class
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.static class
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.static class
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.static class
Syntactic expression denoting aswitch
case.static class
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.static class
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.static class
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.static class
Syntactic expression denoting achar
literal.static class
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.static class
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.static class
Definition of a class.static class
A class literal.static class
Syntactic expression denoting a class literal.static class
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.static class
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.static class
Syntactic expression referring to a class.static class
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.static class
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.static class
Syntactic expression denoting a class type.static class
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.static class
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.static class
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.static class
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.static class
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.static class
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.static class
Specification of a code interval as the scope of a variable or exception handler.static class
Syntactic expression defining the body of a method by code.static class
Specification of a code point as a jump target.static class
A primitive constant orString
literal.static class
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.static class
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.static class
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.static class
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.static class
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.static class
Abstract base class of constant pool entries.static class
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.static class
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.static class
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.static class
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.static class
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.static class
Syntactic expression defining the body of a method by an annotation default value.static class
Syntactic expression specifying a dimension of an array type.static class
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.static class
Syntactic expression denoting adouble
literal.static class
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.static class
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.static class
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.static class
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.static class
Syntactic expression denoting a dynamic value.static class
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.static class
An enum constant.static class
Specification of an exception handler table entry.static class
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.static class
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.static class
Name given in source code.static class
Definition of a field.static class
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.static class
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.static class
Syntactic expression denoting a field reference.static class
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.static class
Syntactic expression denoting afloat
literal.static class
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.static class
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.static class
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.static class
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.static class
Syntactic expression denoting a labeled code interval by name.static class
Syntactic expression denoting a labeled code point by name.static class
Syntactic expression denoting an exception handler for atry
instruction.static class
Simple identifier for packages, classes, fields, methods, parameters, etc.static class
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.static class
Synthethic name, not given in source code.static class
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.static class
Syntactic expression denoting the full extent of an inteval defined inline.static class
Syntactic expression denoting the entry point of a block defined inline.static class
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.static class
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.static class
Abstract base class of all instructions.static class
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.static class
Syntactic expression denoting anint
literal.static class
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.static class
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.static class
Syntactic expression denoting a variant of theinvoke
instruction family.static class
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.static class
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.static class
A label statement.static class
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.static class
Syntactic expression denoting a primitive orString
literal.static class
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.static class
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.static class
Abstract base class of representations of everything that can be loaded onto the operand stack using theldc
instruction.static class
Abstract base class of representations of everything that can be loaded onto the operand stack.static class
Definition of a local variable.static class
Definition of a local class.static class
Syntactic expression denoting along
literal.static class
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.static class
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.static class
Specification of a lower
(This definition has been created by UMod from the source at SYSTEM "LLJava.umod":322.1-325.16, see this pretty print.)
(@{code super}) type bound.static class
(Ancillary class as basis for all visitors).static class
Abstract base class of fields and methods.static class
Syntactic expression denoting the name of a field or method with dynamic owner.static class
Abstract base class for field and method names.static class
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.static class
Abstract base class of field and method references.static class
Syntactic expression denoting the name of a field or method with static owner.static class
Definition of a method.static class
Specification of the body of a method.static class
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.static class
Syntactic expression denoting a method handle.static class
Abstract base class of instructions that may be reified as method handle targets.static class
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.static class
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.static class
Syntactic expression denoting a method reference.static class
Syntactic expression denoting a formal parameter for a method reference.static class
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.static class
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.static class
Syntactic expression denoting a method type.static class
Abstract base class of nodes that can carry annotations and modifiers.static class
Abstract base class of syntactic expressions specifying modifiers or annotations.static class
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.static class
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.static class
Visitor generated by umod according to field selection #0.static class
Local name for parameters, local variables or labels.static class
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.static class
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.static class
A nested annotation.static class
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.static class
Topmost class for everything in a classfile which is possibly related to some source text.static class
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.static class
Syntactic expression denoting anull
value.static class
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.static class
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.static class
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.static class
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.static class
Specification of a formal parameter of a method.static class
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.static class
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.static class
Syntactic expression denoting a primitive type.static class
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.static class
Qualified identifier for packages, classes, fields or methods.static class
Syntactic expression denoting a reference type.static class
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.static class
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.static class
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.static class
Method return type.static class
Specification of the result of a function.static class
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.static class
Syntactic expression specifying the return type of a function.static class
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.static class
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.static class
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.static class
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.static class
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.static class
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.static class
Syntactic expression specifying a modifier.static class
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.static class
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.static class
Syntactic expression denoting an anonymous variable slot reference.static class
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.static class
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.static class
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.static class
Abstract base class of all statements.static class
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.static class
Abstract base class of representations of everything that can be both loaded onto and stored off the operand stack.static class
Syntactic expression denoting aString
literal.static class
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.static class
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.static class
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.static class
Syntactic expression denoting athis
reference.static class
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.static class
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.static class
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.static class
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.static class
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.static class
Specification of a type parameter value.static class
Specification of a type bound.static class
Syntactic expression denoting a type.static class
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.static class
Specification of a formal type parameter of a class or method.static class
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.static class
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.static class
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.static class
Specification of an upper
(This definition has been created by UMod from the source at SYSTEM "LLJava.umod":314.1-320.16, see this pretty print.)
(@{code extends}) type bound.static class
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.static class
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.static class
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.static class
Syntactic expression denoting a local variable reference.static class
Visitor generated by umod according to field selection #0.static class
Method return typevoid
.static class
Syntactic expression specifying a function as void.static class
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.static class
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.static class
Syntactic expression denoting a wildcard type.static class
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.class
Umod main model class: Auxiliary data structures for the verification and type checking.static class
(Ancillary class for generating pretty-print format objects).static class
Ancillary class providing Paisley compound patterns.static class
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.static class
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.static class
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.static class
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.static class
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.static class
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.static class
(Ancillary class as basis for all visitors).static class
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.static class
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.static class
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.static class
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.static class
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.static class
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.static class
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.static class
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.static class
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.static class
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING. -
Uses of Generated in
Classes in with annotations of type Generated -
Uses of Generated in
Classes in with annotations of type GeneratedModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Common base class for all document classes in this tdom instance.class
Meaning: List of multi-lingual class
Central class for all meta-information.class
Serializes the model instance into a sequence of SAX events.class
Common superclass for all Element classes in this tdom model.class
Meaning: All translations of one key into several languages.class
Meaning: Translation into one particular language.class
Meaning: List of multi-lingual translations.class
Super class for all user defined visitor class
Copy-and-edit "boilerplate" source for user defined visitor code. -
Uses of Generated in
Classes in with annotations of type GeneratedModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Common base class for all document classes in this tdom instance.class
Meaning: Sequence of a collection of command line options, to be compiled into GUI mask, online help method, parsing method, class
Central class for all meta-information.class
Serializes the model instance into a sequence of SAX events.class
Common superclass for all Element classes in this tdom model.class
Meaning: Conjuntive combination of two conditions for enabling an option.class
Meaning: Describes one boolean argument in an option's list of argument types.class
Meaning: Multi-Lingual text which separates groups of options and appears in a GUI screen mask, etc.class
Meaning: Enabling condition which "un-greys" the input fields of an option, if fulfilled.class
Meaning: Constant to test against some current option argument value, for forming an enabling condition.class
Meaning: gives the sequence of default values for a repetition group, is the option is completely omitted.class
Meaning: One description, in several languages.class
Meaning: Only directories are valid values.class
Meaning: Refers to an Enumeration as the type of the value of an option's argument.class
Meaning: An enumeration type which can be used for several parameters of several options.class
Meaning: One position in an enumeration type (represented by the enclosing context element).class
Meaning: Refers to an Enumeration as the base type for a set type for the value of an option's argument.class
Meaning: Boolean value whether an enumeration set contains a particular value.class
Meaning: Describes one floating point argument in an option's list of argument types.class
Meaning: Describes one integer argument in an option's list of argument types.class
Meaning: marks options which are not represented in a generated GUI mask, like "suppress splash window"
marks options which only affect the way of presentation, but not the payload execution, like "suppress splash window".class
Meaning: Negation of a condition for enabling an option.class
Meaning: Reference to some option's current argument value, to test it in an enabling condition.class
Meaning: Definition of one particular option as it appears on a command line, in the GUI, etc.class
Meaning: Sequence of a collection of command line options, to be compiled into GUI mask, online help method, parsing method, etc.class
Meaning: Disjuntive combination of two conditions for enabling an option.class
Meaning: The text to be printed as a header line in the "usage()" function.class
Meaning: Describes one rational number argument in an option's list of argument types.class
Meaning: Describes a sequence of value types in an option's list of argument types which can appear more than once.class
Meaning: Describes one string value argument in an option's list of argument types.class
Meaning: Enabling condition whether both arguments have the same numric value.class
Meaning: One translation into one particular language.class
Meaning: Sequence of the types of all arguments of a particular option .class
Meaning: Describes one uri value argument in an option's list of argument types.class
Meaning: One single default value.class
Meaning: The file or directory must be writable.class
Super class for all user defined visitor class
Copy-and-edit "boilerplate" source for user defined visitor code. -
Uses of Generated in
Classes in with annotations of type GeneratedModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Multi-lingual translations catalog, generated from XML source. -
Uses of Generated in
Classes in with annotations of type GeneratedModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Generated source for command line processing.class
Programmatically generated catalog of translations. -
Uses of Generated in
Classes in with annotations of type GeneratedModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Generated source for command line processing.class
Programmatically generated catalog of translations. -
Uses of Generated in
Classes in with annotations of type GeneratedModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Umod main model class: model author's documentation MISSING.static class
(Ancillary class for generating pretty-print format objects).static class
Ancillary class providing Paisley compound patterns.static class
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.static class
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.static class
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.static class
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.static class
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.static class
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.static class
Visitor generated by umod according to field selection #0.static class
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.static class
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.static class
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.static class
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.static class
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.static class
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.static class
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.static class
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.static class
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.static class
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.static class
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.static class
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.static class
(Ancillary class as basis for all visitors).static class
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.static class
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.static class
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.static class
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.static class
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.static class
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.static class
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.static class
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.static class
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.static class
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.static class
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.static class
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.static class
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.static class
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.static class
Visitor generated by umod according to field selection #0.static class
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.static class
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.static class
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.static class
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.static class
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.static class
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.static class
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.static class
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.static class
Generated by umod; model author's documentation MISSING.static class
Visitor generated by umod according to field selection #0. -
Uses of Generated in
Classes in with annotations of type GeneratedModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Generated on 2025-03-02_11h57m48
by program bandm model generator(, version 0.17
command line =
java --getterfunctions true $(HOME)/metatools/src Node.umod
static class
(Ancillary class for generating pretty-print format objects).static class
static class
static class
static class
static class
static class
static class
static class
static class
static class
static class
static class
static class
static class
static class
(Ancillary class as basis for all visitors).static class
static class
static class
static class
static class
static class
static class
static class
static class
Generated on 2025-03-02_11h57m46
by program bandm model generator(, version 0.17
command line =
java --getterfunctions true $(HOME)/metatools/src Type.umod
static class
(Ancillary class for generating pretty-print format objects).static class
static class
static class
(Ancillary class as basis for all visitors).static class
static class
static class
Visitor generated by umod according to field selection #0.static class
static class
static class
Uses of Generated in
Classes in with annotations of type GeneratedModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Generated source of a graphical user interface (GUI) for command line processing.class
Generated source for command line processing.class
Programmatically generated catalog of translations. -
Uses of Generated in
Classes in with annotations of type Generated -
Uses of Generated in
Classes in with annotations of type GeneratedModifier and TypeInterfaceDescriptioninterface
Uses of Generated in
Classes in with annotations of type GeneratedModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Generated source for command line processing.class
Programmatically generated catalog of translations.class
Generated source for command line processing.class
Programmatically generated catalog of translations.class
Generated source for command line processing.class
Programmatically generated catalog of translations.class
Generated source for command line processing.class
Programmatically generated catalog of translations.class
Uses of Generated in
Classes in with annotations of type GeneratedModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Generated source of a graphical user interface (GUI) for command line processing.class
Generated source for command line processing.class
Programmatically generated catalog of translations.class
Generated on 2025-03-02_11h58m43
by program bandm model generator(, version 0.17
command line =
java --visitordebug false --xmlgen true --getterfunctions true --visitoroptimize false --monolithic true $(HOME)/metatools/src Rt.umod
static class
(Ancillary class for generating pretty-print format objects).static class
static class
Visitor generated by umod according to field selection #0.static class
(Ancillary class as basis for all visitors).static class
static class
Visitor generated by umod according to field selection #0.static class
static class
static class