Class Options.Descriptions

Enclosing class:

@Generated(generator="", version="", timestamp="2025-01-22_20h49m15") public class Options.Descriptions extends CatalogByString
Programmatically generated catalog of translations.

Usage: Invoke the only constructor. Then follow the documentation of the super class.

Initial contents:

--destinationfile system directory which is the root of the class file hierarchy
--sourcefilesource file containing the model declaration
--versiongive version information
-0source file containing the model declaration
-Vgive version information
-dfile system directory which is the root of the class file hierarchy
Generated code realizing the multi lingual translations of all command line option descriptions.
Generated on 2025-01-22_20h49m14
by program bandm/metatools/option/compiler, version
command line =
java bandm/metatools/option/compiler options.xml Options $(HOME)/metatools/src
  • Constructor Details

    • Descriptions

      public Descriptions()