
Distribute applications made with metatools. Supports both command line execution and GUI interaction. Supports multi-lingual interactive user guidance. Supports download of DEnS (=documentation, examples and source text).
  • Classes
    Auxiliary class to open a particular URL in a window of the user's standard browser.
    Generate a digest number over a tree of files.
    DocumentedDistribution2<M extends Model<M>,G extends Gui>
    Top-Level programm for distribution of code (as binary), plus documentation, example(s) and sources.
    Auxiliary data class to define the main operation parameters by a particular instance of a particular application, realized as a subclass of DocumentedDistribution2.
    Complex multi-lingual dialog for installing "DEnS" = "Documentation, Examples and Sources" on the local machine.
    Loads a zip archive from a (http) URL and unzips the files into the local file system.
    Multi-lingual translations catalog, generated from XML source.