Meaning: Created from d2d definition module
lablog$expanded at
Created by bandm/metatools/tdom on 2025-03-02_12h00m53 from this source DTD.-
ClassesClassDescriptionCommon base class for all document classes in this tdom instance.Document with an
as its root (=topmost) element.Document with anElement_a_verbatimXml
as its root (=topmost) element.Document with anElement_entries
as its root (=topmost) element.Document with anElement_package
as its root (=topmost) element.Central class for all meta-information.Serializes the model instance into a sequence of SAX events.Common superclass for all Element classes in this tdom model.<!ELEMENT a:all (#PCDATA)* >
.<!ELEMENT a:alpha (#PCDATA)* >
.<!ELEMENT a:ascii_alpha (#PCDATA)* >
.<!ELEMENT a:ascii_lower (#PCDATA)* >
.<!ELEMENT a:ascii_upper (#PCDATA)* >
.<!ELEMENT a:border (#PCDATA)* >
.<!ELEMENT a:decimalDigit (#PCDATA)* >
.<!ELEMENT a:decimalPositive (#PCDATA)* >
.<!ELEMENT a:emph (#PCDATA | a:bold | a:ital | a:ulin | a:blink | a:strikeout | a:scaps | a:hh | a:larger | a:smaller | a:indexlo | a:indexhi | a:spanstyle | a:src | a:verbatimXml | a:nl | a:ldots | a:label | a:ref | a:pers | a:opus | a:persop | a:emph | a:xemph | a:xlang | a:treeInclude | a:link | a:cite | a:image)* >
.<!ELEMENT a:footnote (#PCDATA | a:kind | a:bold | a:ital | a:ulin | a:blink | a:strikeout | a:scaps | a:hh | a:larger | a:smaller | a:indexlo | a:indexhi | a:spanstyle | a:src | a:verbatimXml | a:nl | a:ldots | a:label | a:ref | a:pers | a:opus | a:persop | a:emph | a:xemph | a:xlang | a:treeInclude | a:link | a:cite | a:image | a:list | a:table | a:footnote | a:footnotemark | a:footnotetext | a:p)* >
.<!ELEMENT a:footnotemark EMPTY >
.<!ELEMENT a:footnotetext (#PCDATA | a:kind | a:bold | a:ital | a:ulin | a:blink | a:strikeout | a:scaps | a:hh | a:larger | a:smaller | a:indexlo | a:indexhi | a:spanstyle | a:src | a:verbatimXml | a:nl | a:ldots | a:label | a:ref | a:pers | a:opus | a:persop | a:emph | a:xemph | a:xlang | a:treeInclude | a:link | a:cite | a:image | a:list | a:table | a:footnote | a:footnotemark | a:footnotetext | a:p)* >
.<!ELEMENT a:ident (#PCDATA)* >
.<!ELEMENT a:identFirstChar (#PCDATA)* >
.<!ELEMENT a:identInnerChar (#PCDATA)* >
.<!ELEMENT a:image (a:image_file, (a:image_alt)?, (a:image_width)?, (a:image_height)?, (a:image_align)?, (a:image_showLabel)?) >
.<!ELEMENT a:image_align (#PCDATA)* >
.<!ELEMENT a:image_alt (#PCDATA)* >
.<!ELEMENT a:image_file (#PCDATA)* >
.<!ELEMENT a:image_height (#PCDATA)* >
.<!ELEMENT a:image_showLabel EMPTY >
.<!ELEMENT a:image_width (#PCDATA)* >
.<!ELEMENT a:key (#PCDATA)* >
.<!ELEMENT a:label (#PCDATA)* >
.<!ELEMENT a:ldots EMPTY >
.<!ELEMENT a:list ((a:listSymbol)?, (a:listStartnum | a:listContinues)?, (a:label)?, (a:listitem)+) >
.Realizes the content model(a:listStartnum | a:listContinues)?
which is the 1st choice clause in the enclosing content model, realized byElement_a_list
.Realizes te content modela:listStartnum
which is the 1st alternative in the enclosing choice, realized byElement_a_list.Choice_1
.Realizes te content modela:listContinues
which is the 2nd alternative in the enclosing choice, realized byElement_a_list.Choice_1
.<!ELEMENT a:listContinues (#PCDATA)* >
.<!ELEMENT a:listitem (#PCDATA | a:bold | a:ital | a:ulin | a:blink | a:strikeout | a:scaps | a:hh | a:larger | a:smaller | a:indexlo | a:indexhi | a:spanstyle | a:src | a:verbatimXml | a:nl | a:ldots | a:label | a:ref | a:pers | a:opus | a:persop | a:emph | a:xemph | a:xlang | a:treeInclude | a:link | a:cite | a:image | a:list | a:table | a:footnote | a:footnotemark | a:footnotetext | a:p)* >
.<!ELEMENT a:listStartnum (#PCDATA)* >
.<!ELEMENT a:listSymbol (#PCDATA)* >
.<!ELEMENT a:loc (#PCDATA)* >
.<!ELEMENT a:locus (#PCDATA)* >
.<!ELEMENT a:mode (#PCDATA)* >
.<!ELEMENT a:opus (#PCDATA)* >
.<!ELEMENT a:p (#PCDATA | a:kind | a:bold | a:ital | a:ulin | a:blink | a:strikeout | a:scaps | a:hh | a:larger | a:smaller | a:indexlo | a:indexhi | a:spanstyle | a:src | a:verbatimXml | a:nl | a:ldots | a:label | a:ref | a:pers | a:opus | a:persop | a:emph | a:xemph | a:xlang | a:treeInclude | a:link | a:cite | a:image | a:list | a:table | a:footnote | a:footnotemark | a:footnotetext)* >
.<!ELEMENT a:path (#PCDATA)* >
.<!ELEMENT a:pers (#PCDATA)* >
.<!ELEMENT a:pkind (#PCDATA)* >
.<!ELEMENT a:popus (#PCDATA)* >
.<!ELEMENT a:ppers (#PCDATA)* >
.<!ELEMENT a:ref (#PCDATA)* >
.<!ELEMENT a:refdate (#PCDATA)* >
.<!ELEMENT a:src (#PCDATA | a:hh)* >
.<!ELEMENT a:SRC (#PCDATA | a:label | a:treeInclude)* >
.<!ELEMENT a:td (#PCDATA | a:tdCls | a:bold | a:ital | a:ulin | a:blink | a:strikeout | a:scaps | a:hh | a:larger | a:smaller | a:indexlo | a:indexhi | a:spanstyle | a:src | a:verbatimXml | a:nl | a:ldots | a:label | a:ref | a:pers | a:opus | a:persop | a:emph | a:xemph | a:xlang | a:treeInclude | a:link | a:cite | a:image | a:list | a:table | a:footnote | a:footnotemark | a:footnotetext | a:p)* >
.<!ELEMENT a:tdCls (#PCDATA)* >
.<!ELEMENT a:text (#PCDATA | a:bold | a:ital | a:ulin | a:blink | a:strikeout | a:scaps | a:hh | a:larger | a:smaller | a:indexlo | a:indexhi | a:spanstyle | a:src | a:verbatimXml | a:nl | a:ldots | a:label | a:ref | a:pers | a:opus | a:persop | a:emph | a:xemph | a:xlang | a:treeInclude | a:cite | a:image)* >
.<!ELEMENT a:th (#PCDATA | a:bold | a:ital | a:ulin | a:blink | a:strikeout | a:scaps | a:hh | a:larger | a:smaller | a:indexlo | a:indexhi | a:spanstyle | a:src | a:verbatimXml | a:nl | a:ldots | a:label | a:ref | a:pers | a:opus | a:persop | a:emph | a:xemph | a:xlang | a:treeInclude | a:link | a:cite | a:image | a:list | a:table | a:footnote | a:footnotemark | a:footnotetext | a:p)* >
.Realizes the content model((a:td)* | (a:th)*)
which is the 1st choice clause in the enclosing content model, realized byElement_a_tr
.Realizes te content model(a:td)*
which is the 1st alternative in the enclosing choice, realized byElement_a_tr.Choice_1
.Realizes te content model(a:th)*
which is the 2nd alternative in the enclosing choice, realized byElement_a_tr.Choice_1
.<!ELEMENT a:url (#PCDATA)* >
.<!ELEMENT a:verbatimXml (#PCDATA)* >
.<!ELEMENT a:whitespace (#PCDATA)* >
.<!ELEMENT a:xemph (#PCDATA | a:bold | a:ital | a:ulin | a:blink | a:strikeout | a:scaps | a:hh | a:larger | a:smaller | a:indexlo | a:indexhi | a:spanstyle | a:src | a:verbatimXml | a:nl | a:ldots | a:label | a:ref | a:pers | a:opus | a:persop | a:emph | a:xemph | a:xlang | a:treeInclude | a:link | a:cite | a:image)* >
.<!ELEMENT a:xlang (#PCDATA | a:bold | a:ital | a:ulin | a:blink | a:strikeout | a:scaps | a:hh | a:larger | a:smaller | a:indexlo | a:indexhi | a:spanstyle | a:src | a:verbatimXml | a:nl | a:ldots | a:label | a:ref | a:pers | a:opus | a:persop | a:emph | a:xemph | a:xlang | a:treeInclude | a:link | a:cite | a:image)* >
.<!ELEMENT author (#PCDATA)* >
.<!ELEMENT costs (#PCDATA)* >
.<!ELEMENT date (#PCDATA)* >
.<!ELEMENT desc (#PCDATA | a:kind | a:bold | a:ital | a:ulin | a:blink | a:strikeout | a:scaps | a:hh | a:larger | a:smaller | a:indexlo | a:indexhi | a:spanstyle | a:src | a:verbatimXml | a:nl | a:ldots | a:label | a:ref | a:pers | a:opus | a:persop | a:emph | a:xemph | a:xlang | a:treeInclude | a:link | a:cite | a:image | a:list | a:table | a:footnote | a:footnotemark | a:footnotetext | a:p | a:SRC)* >
.<!ELEMENT dez (#PCDATA)* >
.Realizes the content model(a:p | a:SRC)*
which is the 1st choice clause in the enclosing content model, realized byElement_docmat
.Realizes te content modela:p
which is the 1st alternative in the enclosing choice, realized byElement_docmat.Choice_1
.Realizes te content modela:SRC
which is the 2nd alternative in the enclosing choice, realized byElement_docmat.Choice_1
.Realizes the content model(issue | docmat | package)*
which is the 1st choice clause in the enclosing content model, realized byElement_entries
.Realizes te content modelissue
which is the 1st alternative in the enclosing choice, realized byElement_entries.Choice_1
.Realizes te content modeldocmat
which is the 2nd alternative in the enclosing choice, realized byElement_entries.Choice_1
.Realizes te content modelpackage
which is the 3rd alternative in the enclosing choice, realized byElement_entries.Choice_1
.<!ELEMENT ident (#PCDATA)* >
.Meaning: Central data object to represent one recognized issue.<!ELEMENT name (#PCDATA)* >
which is the 1st choice clause in the enclosing content model, realized byElement_note
.Realizes te content modelACCEPTED
which is the 1st alternative in the enclosing choice, realized byElement_note.Choice_1
.Realizes te content modelFIXED
which is the 2nd alternative in the enclosing choice, realized byElement_note.Choice_1
.Realizes te content modelCLOSED
which is the 3rd alternative in the enclosing choice, realized byElement_note.Choice_1
.Realizes te content modelWONTFIX
which is the 4th alternative in the enclosing choice, realized byElement_note.Choice_1
.Realizes te content modelWORKSFORME
which is the 5th alternative in the enclosing choice, realized byElement_note.Choice_1
.Realizes te content modelREOPENED
which is the 6th alternative in the enclosing choice, realized byElement_note.Choice_1
.Realizes the content model(a:p | a:SRC)*
which is the 2nd choice clause in the enclosing content model, realized byElement_note
.Realizes te content modela:p
which is the 1st alternative in the enclosing choice, realized byElement_note.Choice_2
.Realizes te content modela:SRC
which is the 2nd alternative in the enclosing choice, realized byElement_note.Choice_2
.Realizes the content model(issue | docmat)*
which is the 1st choice clause in the enclosing content model, realized byElement_package
.Realizes te content modelissue
which is the 1st alternative in the enclosing choice, realized byElement_package.Choice_1
.Realizes te content modeldocmat
which is the 2nd alternative in the enclosing choice, realized byElement_package.Choice_1
.<!ELEMENT prior (#PCDATA)* >
.<!ELEMENT reference (#PCDATA)* >
.Common wrapper class for the contents of all Elements with a content model of "(#PCDATA)
Behaves as a simplified version of its superclass.Super class for all user defined visitor code.Copy-and-edit "boilerplate" source for user defined visitor code.