Class Options.Descriptions

Enclosing class:

public class Options.Descriptions extends CatalogByString
Programmatically generated catalog of translations.

Usage: Invoke the only constructor. Then follow the documentation of the super class.

Initial contents:

$ENUM traceflagKontrolliert das individuelle Ein-/ausschalten verschiedener Trace-Ausgaben.Switch on/off different trace outputs individually.
$ENUM traceflag elementReducingTrace the reduce step of a collected result element, ie. the call of the tdom semi-parser.
$ENUM traceflag exceptionStackTracesPrint the java stack trace in case of exceptions.
$ENUM traceflag extendedInfoPrint additional information with most messages.
$ENUM traceflag globalValuesTrace calculation of all global values (parameters and variables).
$ENUM traceflag justWarningsSuppress all log messages. Print errors and warnings. (Overrides "silent")
$ENUM traceflag resourceFindingTrace the resolution of URLs/URIs/file names and the access to resource objets.
$ENUM traceflag showSourceDisplay source text as soon as parsed, and as additional information.
$ENUM traceflag silentSuppress all log messages, even warnings. Print only errors.
$ENUM traceflag templateCallTrace parameter set up and code executon start for template calls and applies.
$ENUM traceflag templateDirsDump the template directories as soon they are filled.
$ENUM traceflag templateResolutionTrace finding of templates. Includes xsl:for-each application.
$ENUM traceflag testDecisionsTrace the deciding expressions in xsl:if and xsl:choose expressions.
$ENUM traceflag tpathEvalTrace evaluation of all tpath expressions.
$ENUM traceflag tpathFunctionsTrace calls, parameters and results of functions called from tpath expressions.
$ENUM traceflag tpathTypesPrint the results of type checking tpath expressions.
$ENUM traceflag varAssignmentTrace assignments to variables.
$ENUM traceflag verbatimTextDumps all verbatim inserted XML fragments.
--diagnoseObjectsa sequence of object names to restrict logging messages to certain causing objects in the source files. Given as a mere string, or with an opening brace "{" as a NamespaceName.
--diagnoseSourcesa sequence of location filters to restrict logging messages to certain areas in the source files.
--filesRootcommon root for input and output file positions, is prepended to each input file before pattern matching application.
--inputFilesfile position of the xml sources to transform
--linewidthnumber of columns for the generated xml output
--pedanticwhether to follow specification even when it appears hardly sensible
--reportFilesa sequence of file names where to write diagnosis information from the analyses of the xslt sources, in their sequential order in --transformations
--sourceDtdfile position of the dtd source text of the transformations's source format; used for tpath type check only.
--sourceRootsnamespace names of possible toplevel source elements, in '{...}...' pseudo format; used for tpath type check only.
--strictCheckwhether to type check unreachable code
--stylesheetParamsparameters parsed to the xslt code and declared there on top-level
--stylesheetParamsFileone file containing parameters parsed to the xslt code and declared there on top-level
--totalizedTranslationwhether to always create a result document, even with errors
--tpathFunctionsname of an accessible subclass of, defining tpath functions. Defaults to tpath+xslt pre-defined functions.
--traceflagsSequence of flags, activates the different debug tracing outputs separately.
--transformationsall transformations: input file name pattern, followed by a sequence of (a) an xslt source file (b) a tdom package name (or '#text') and (c) an output file pattern.
Generated code realizing the multi lingual translations of all command line option descriptions.
Created on 2024-03-03_16h33m41
by program bandm/metatools/option/compiler, version 2.1
command line =
bandm/metatools/option/compiler Options.xml Options GuiOptions $(HOME)/metatools/src
  • Constructor Details

    • Descriptions

      public Descriptions()