Uses of Class
Packages that use Event
Prototypical realization of the "TabStaff+" design for
notating Tactie User Interfaces (TUIs) like the "Ableton Push",
as presented by L.Wilde and C.White on Tenor2024 in Zürich.
All fundamental entities for modeling music.
Composition project which translates polyphonic sequences of abstract
"hook signs" (="Haken" = "hkn") into scores for different instruments, like
Viola, Voice, electronic sound synthesis or abstract graphical movies; see
the project documentation (in German).
Top-level data structures, modelling different score formats, combining the
entities defined in lower level packages.
Generic and low level data types and transformation algorithms,
to be used by very different applications of the
framework.Umod main model class: Generic score model for
denotating time-based sequences of arbitrary events.
Uses of Event in
Fields in with type parameters of type EventModifier and TypeFieldDescriptionDlaute.event2baseDuration
Partial map from time line events to the base duration symbol, if present.Dlaute.event2dots
Partial map from time line events to a sequence of (one or two) duratin prolognation dots.Dlaute.event2endBeam
Time-line event is is keyset iff a beam group ends there.Dlaute.event2finger
Partial map of voice events to finger indication.Dlaute.event2idemDuration
Partial map from time line events to the "same duration as predecessor" symbol.Dlaute.event2prolongate
Voice event is in keyset iff symbol carries a "laissez vibrer" symbol.Dlaute.event2startBeam
Time-line event is is keyset iff a beam group starts there.Dlaute.event2stop
Total map of the voice events to the stop code (/grip code).Methods in with parameters of type EventModifier and TypeMethodDescription(package private) void
(Event e, int ypos) Draw the duration symbol of the event. -
Uses of Event in
Fields in with type parameters of type EventModifier and TypeFieldDescriptionFeldmanProjection_n.adjunctLabel
A free text which will be printed with the event when rendering it.FeldmanProjection_n.chordSize
The (optional) number of simultaneously played pitches.FeldmanProjection_n.event2endTp
End point of any event (sound or pause) is the start point of the subsequent event (pause or sound) in the same
The next event to start in the drawing process (may be wide in the future)FeldmanProjection_n.harmonics
Whether an event has an additionl "harmonic" modifier.FeldmanProjection_n.holds
Marks voice events as being a "hold", which is not more than an unaltered prolongation of the preceding event's duration.FeldmanVisual.iterators
Interpolated input curve, for every 1/4 time point one value.Generate_1.minValues
Interpolated input curve, for every 1/4 time point one value.FeldmanProjection_n.normalizedEvents
Events after collapsing "hold" events and repeated pauses, in temporal order.FeldmanVisual.openEvents
The events currently tsill running when the next measure is started.FeldmanProjection_n.pause
Marks voice events as being a pause.FeldmanProjection_n.pizzicato
Whether an event is marked as pizzicatoFeldmanProjection_n.ponticello
Whether an event is marked as "sul ponticello"FeldmanProjection_n.registerH
Whether an event is in the high register.FeldmanProjection_n.registerL
Whether an event is in the low register.FeldmanProjection_n.registerM
Whether an event is in the middle register.Methods in with parameters of type EventModifier and TypeMethodDescription(package private) void
(MidiInterpretation2.Agent a, Event event, int pitch) Fundamental aux method to generate one midi event for one key.(package private) PcSet
(MidiInterpretation2.Agent agent, Event event) Fundamental event generatsion, used by the three strategies with repetition ban.(package private) int
Inquire score data.(package private) BitSet
(MidiInterpretation2.Agent a, Event event) Inquire score and local data.(package private) int
(Event event) Inquire score data.protected int
Returns the top cooordinate where to draw a box for an event, or of the top line of the staff if no event given.Method parameters in with type arguments of type EventModifier and TypeMethodDescription(package private) void
Translate the input events (per whole notes) into the interpolated curves (per 1/5 note).void
(FeldmanProjection_n score, Collection<Event> evs) -
Uses of Event in
Fields in with type parameters of type EventModifier and TypeFieldDescription(package private) Map
<Event, Tabstaff.distance> Tabstaff.event2distance
Storage for events in the configuration voice.(package private) Map
<Event, Tabstaff.distance> TabstaffAccordic.event2distance
Total map from cooked events to duration.Tabstaff.event2endpos
Total map from all events except pauses or holds.TabstaffAccordic.event2endpos
Total map from cooked events.Tabstaff.event2finger
Partial map from all events except pauses or holds.TabstaffAccordic.event2finger
Total map from cooked events.(package private) Map
<Event, FunctionalKey> Tabstaff.event2functionalKey
Storage for events in the configuration voice.(package private) Map
<Event, FunctionalKey> TabstaffAccordic.event2functionalKey
(package private) Map
<Event, Tabstaff.Hand> Tabstaff.event2hand
Total map from all events except holds.Tabstaff.event2hasAttack
Total map from all events except pauses or holds.TabstaffAccordic.event2hasAttack
Total map from cooked events.(package private) Map
<Event, Tabstaff.layoutTransition> Tabstaff.event2layoutTransition
Storage for events in the configuration voice.(package private) Map
<Event, Tabstaff.layoutTransition> TabstaffAccordic.event2layoutTransition
(package private) Map
<Event, Tabstaff.orientation> Tabstaff.event2orientation
Storage for events in the configuration voice.(package private) Map
<Event, Tabstaff.orientation> TabstaffAccordic.event2orientation
(package private) Map
<Event, Tabstaff.SubArea> Tabstaff.event2staffControl
Total map from all events in the notation voice.TabstaffAccordic.event2start
Total map from cooked events.(package private) Map
<Event, Tabstaff.subset> Tabstaff.event2subset
Storage for events in the configuration voice.(package private) Map
<Event, Tabstaff.subset> TabstaffAccordic.event2subset
Total map from all events except pauses or holds.TabstaffAccordic.event2x
Total map from cooked events.Tabstaff.event2y
Total map from all events except pauses or holds.TabstaffAccordic.event2y
Total map from cooked events.DisplayTablature.eventsLeft
Unification of all events of the left hand, per time point.DisplayTablature.eventsRight
Unification of all events of the right hand, per time point.Tabstaff.holds
All "hold" events "-
All "pause" events "%
All events played by the left hand, sorted by time points.TablatureGraphics.sumRightHand
All events played by the left hand, sorted by time points.Methods in with parameters of type EventModifier and TypeMethodDescription(package private) void
(Event e, Writer w) Generate the graphic representation of one particular event from the score.(package private) void
(Graphics2D gr, Event e) Generate the graphic representation of one particular event from the score.Method parameters in with type arguments of type EventModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionprotected static boolean
(Map<Tp, Set<Event>> map) void
(Graphics2D gr, int width, MSplitter.Result splitResultRight, Map<Tp, Set<Event>> eventsRight, MSplitter.Result splitResultLeft, Map<Tp, Set<Event>> eventsLeft) Print both hand rhythms and (numeric) note heads, with collision avoidance.protected MSplitter.Result
(Map<Tp, Set<Event>> map) Calculate the metric split result for one set of events, which contains all events in one hand in the first measure. -
Uses of Event in
Fields in with type parameters of type EventModifier and TypeFieldDescriptionMKinds.be_data
Intermediate output of parsing.MetrumSpecs.durations
protected final Map
<Event, OctaveRegister> RunningOctaveCollector.explicitOcts
Intermediate store between parsing and reification: explicit changes of octave.RunningOctaveCollector.jumps
Intermediate store between parsing and reification: explicit additional octave jump.MeasureCollector.metra
Intermediate output of parsing.MetrumSpecs.mtrees
protected Map
<Event, MetrumSpecs.Name> MetrumSpecs.names
Intermediate store between parsing and reification: pitches by
Methods in with parameters of type EventModifier and TypeMethodDescription(package private) void
(MessageReceiver<SimpleMessage<XMLDocumentIdentifier>> msg, Event e, BigDecimal barnum) (package private) void
(MessageReceiver<SimpleMessage<XMLDocumentIdentifier>> msg, Event e, BigDecimal barnum) (package private) void
(MessageReceiver<SimpleMessage<XMLDocumentIdentifier>> msg, Event e, MetrumSpecs.Name name, MTreeSpec mtree) Method parameters in with type arguments of type EventModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(MessageReceiver<SimpleMessage<XMLDocumentIdentifier>> msg, Iterable<Event> evs, Map<Event, PitchAndOctave<OctaveRegister, P>> result) Steps through the sequence of events "evs" and combines the already parsed pitch and the (partial) "explicit octave" and "jump" information into the combined data type, taking the "shortest notational distance" as a default.void
(MessageReceiver<SimpleMessage<XMLDocumentIdentifier>> msg, Iterable<Event> evs, Map<Event, PitchAndOctave<OctaveRegister, P>> result) Steps through the sequence of events "evs" and combines the already parsed pitch and the (partial) "explicit octave" and "jump" information into the combined data type, taking the "shortest notational distance" as a default. -
Uses of Event in
Fields in with type parameters of type EventModifier and TypeFieldDescription(package private) final Map
<Event, DoppelHaken> Score_hkn.event2doppelHaken
Semantic attribute of events.Score_hkn.event2forceOverlap_end
Semantic attribute of events.Score_hkn.event2forceOverlap_start
Semantic attribute of events.Score_hkn.event2haken
Semantic attribute of events.Score_hkn.event2noOverlap_end
Semantic attribute of events.Score_hkn.event2noOverlap_start
Semantic attribute of events.Score_hkn.event2pause
Semantic attribute of events.Score_hkn.event2relwert
Semantic attribute of events.Score_hkn.eventCanOverlapAtStart
Holds all events which start with the same RelWert as their predecssor ends.Methods in with parameters of type EventModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionprotected void
(List<RelWert> result, int length, @Opt Event doppelhaken, boolean forceOverlap, boolean mayOverlap) Expand the last recognizedDoppelHaken
to a sequence of single "O/M/U"RelWert
events, Fills the time from its start up to "currentPos", because the next haken/event (or the end of input) is reached in the K-voice (=symbolic input voice).protected void
(List<RelWert> result, int length, @Opt Event haken, boolean forceOverlap) protected RelWertFolge
(Event ev) Get Relwert, Haken or DoppelHaken standing with the given event.Score_hkn.getRelWertFolge_first
(Event ev) Get the first RelWert of the entry with the given event.Method parameters in with type arguments of type EventModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionprotected void
(String role, Vox inputVoice, List<RelWert> expanded, List<Tp> tps, Map<Event, RelWert> event2relwert, Map<Event, Haken> event2haken, Map<Event, DoppelHaken> event2doppelHaken) Append a dedicated lilypond voice to the score, which presents a graphic symbol of the underlying K-event. -
Uses of Event in
Fields in declared as EventModifier and TypeFieldDescription(package private) final Event
Haiku score event = syllable which leads to this instance.Fields in with type parameters of type EventModifier and TypeFieldDescriptionFormplan_fuge.cpEinsatz
Whether the theme starting at this event is numbered counterpoint material.GraphartScharen.event2alpha
Maps some events to the transparent value (called "alpha")GraphartScharen.event2alpha_ipol
Maps some events to the interpolation mode to apply to the transparency.(package private) final Map
<Event, Artikulation> Score_cwn.event2artikulation
Artikulation parsed from the param track calledScore_cwn.paramname_articulation
Maps events of sounding voices to a clef change, from param track .(package private) final Map
<Event, Color_rgb_8> GraphartScharen.event2color
(package private) final Map
<Event, Color_rgb_8> MovingForms.event2color
Maps some events to the interpolation mode to apply to the color.GraphartScharen.event2dist
In case that an event carries the "end fade" operator "!".MaWiCM.event2endFadeTime
Derived map, maps text event to its related end fade event.MaWiCM.event2endFadeTime
Derived map, maps text event to its related end fade event.Formplan_fuge.event2endtp
Maps events to their end time point.MovingForms.event2form
The category string corresponding to the syllable text.(package private) final Map
<Event, FunctionalKey> Score_cwn.event2key
Maps events of sounding voices to a key change, from param track .GraphartScharen.event2len
Additional text to be printed below the rendering of a note.GraphartScharen.event2num
Ornamentation parsed from the param track calledScore_cwn.paramname_articulation
Maps voice events to one nominal pitch.GraphartScharen.event2pos_ipol
Maps some events to the interpolation mode to apply to the position.MwHaiku.event2register
Values of the param track namedMwHaiku.paramname_register
The text for each tscore event.MovingForms.event2size
Maps some events to the interpolation mode to apply to the size.Score_cwn.event2staffUsage
Explicit hint for printing, when multiple voices share one staff.MaWiRic.event2start
Result of parsing the switch-on events, indicate when a particular matrix position/ set of matrix positions appears.MaWiCM.event2startFade
In case that an event carries the "start fade" operator ">".MaWiCM.event2startFadeTime
Derived map, maps text event to its related start fade event.MaWiCM.event2startFadeTime
Derived map, maps text event to its related start fade event.MaWiRic.event2stopChar
Result of parsing the switch-off events, indicate when a particular character/ set of characters vanishes.Score_cwn.event2tempo
Maps events from the global "M" voice to a tempo indication.MaWiCM.event2text
Additional text to be printed above the rendering of a note.Score_cwn.event2verba
Maps events of a sounding voice to a lyric syllable.GraphartScharen.event2width
Whether a cautionary accidental is requested explicitly by the tscore source, in the param track calledScore_cwn.paramname_nota
Whether an accidental is requested explicitly by the tscore source, in the param track calledScore_cwn.paramname_nota
Whether the text of a tscore event ends with a "/
Whether the text of a tscore event ends with a "-
A time stretch factor assigned to the theme starting at this event.Formplan_fuge.freemat
Whether the theme starting at this event is free counterpoint material.SvgSource.ParamTranslate.getParamValue
Marks voice events as being a "hold", which is an unaltered prolongation of the preceding eventFormplan_fuge.incomplete
Whether the theme starting at the event is incomplete.(package private) final Map
<Event, List<MwHaiku.GenEvent>> MwHaiku.inEvent2soundEvent
Inverse ofMwHaiku.soundEvent2inEvent
Whether the theme starting at the event is an inverse.SvgSource.ParamTranslate.ipoltable
The event parameters "interpolation mode", if present.(package private) final Map
<Event, FunctionalKey> MlWorat.keys
The data from the dedicated voice holding the current tonal key.MwHaiku.origin
Maps the generated CWN event to the original Haiku score event.MwHaiku.origin
Maps the generated CWN event to the original Haiku score event.Formplan_fuge.pause
Marks voice events as being a pause.(package private) final Multimap
<Event, FunctionalPitchModOctave> MlWorat.pitchClasses
Maps all events of a new synthetic voice "~~syntheticSum" to all pitch classes appearing at this time point in any of the input voices (except the tonal key voice).(package private) final Multimap
<Event, Tuple2<FunctionalPitchModOctave, OctaveRegister>> MlWorat.pitches
Pitch classes as recognized by the parserMlWorat.parse_pitch
Gives the position of the character which lead to the CWN event in the original Haiku score event's sequence of categories.Formplan_fuge.prolongate
Whether the theme starting at the event runs in retrograde.Formplan_fuge.routingPlan
(package private) final Map
<MwHaiku.GenEvent, Event> MwHaiku.soundEvent2inEvent
Maps the sound event prototype to the original Haiku score event.protected Map
<Event, Formplan_fuge.ThForm> Formplan_fuge.thForm
Recognized theme forms, by the starting event.Methods in with parameters of type EventModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionprotected void
(Event e, int shift, float xfactor, Print_Plan_3d printer, int kind) Add one event to the Print_Plan_3d list of graphical representations.protected <T> boolean
Checks whether the very first event of a particular voice has a necessary parameter.protected void
Count up the number assigned to e by one.(package private) void
Send an error toMwHaiku.msg
with the event's locationprotected String
(Event ev, int exp) Return the name of the basic note duration, as stored inCwn_to_musicXml.typesByExponent_plus_3
, given by the exponent of 1/2.protected void
(@Opt PrintWriter txt, @Opt DataOutputStream dos, Event e, int trigger) Hook method to extend this class to produce additional columns in the sequencer data.protected void
(@Opt PrintWriter txt, @Opt DataOutputStream dos, Event e, int trigger) Write out additional file column entries (text and binary) and fill the additional arrays.protected void
(@Opt PrintWriter txt, @Opt DataOutputStream dos, Event e) Write out additional file column entries (text and binary) and fill the additional arrays.protected void
(@Opt PrintWriter txt, @Opt DataOutputStream dos, Event e, int trigger) Hook method to extend this class to produce additional columns in the sequencer data.protected void
(@Opt PrintWriter txt, @Opt DataOutputStream dos, Event e, int trigger) Write out additional file column entries (text and binary) and fill the additional arrays.protected void
(@Opt PrintWriter txt, @Opt DataOutputStream dos, Event e) Write out additional file column entries (text and binary) and fill the additional arrays.void
Can be overridden by the user to visit the very first element before the first pair is visited byIterators.Pairwise.pairwise(Object,Object)
Can be overridden by the user to visit the very last element after the last pair is visited byIterators.Pairwise.pairwise(Object,Object)
Must be overridden by the user to visit the define what to do with each pair of adjacent elements.void
Must be overridden by the user to visit the define what to do with each pair of adjacent elements.protected String
Deliver the target svg text of the form's position, in svg coordinates.protected String
(Event e) Deliver the target svg text of the form's size.protected double
protected double
Get the onset time of the event according to the calendearic time data in the score.void
(List<Format> formats, Event event) Generate a format for changing the clef, iff event carries such a command.void
(List<Format> formats, Event event, ClefUsage cu) Generate a format for changing the clef.protected void
Emit a lilypond diatonic key change, if the Event carries such a command.void
(List<Format> formats, Event event) Emit a lilypond diatonic key change, if the Event carries such a command.protected double
(Event e) Returns in a target text string the onset of the given event encoded in svg/smil time point values.(package private) boolean
(Event e, float msec_start, @Opt Event next_e, float next_msec_start, int trigger, PrintWriter txt, DataOutputStream dos) Write one event (sound or pause) to the array data and to the output files..(package private) boolean
(Event e, float msec_start, @Opt Event next_e, float next_msec_start, int trigger, PrintWriter txt, DataOutputStream dos) Write one event (sound or pause) to the array data and to the output files..Method parameters in with type arguments of type EventModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionprotected <T> boolean
Checks whether the very first event of a particular voice has a necessary parameter.protected void
Count up the number assigned to e by one.Score_cwn.normalizeEvents
(Vox voice, Predicate<Event> mergePauses, Predicate<Event> mergeSounds, List<Event> events, List<QualifiedRational> evStarts, List<Boolean> repeats) Step through the voice, remove "hold" symbols by the prolongating the preceding (sounding) event, merge adjacent "pause" events, and calculate the required sub-division of a quarter for the midi realization of all.Score_cwn.normalizeEvents
(Vox voice, Predicate<Event> mergePauses, Predicate<Event> mergeSounds, List<Event> events, List<QualifiedRational> evStarts, List<Boolean> repeats) Step through the voice, remove "hold" symbols by the prolongating the preceding (sounding) event, merge adjacent "pause" events, and calculate the required sub-division of a quarter for the midi realization of
(Vox voice, Predicate<Event> mergePauses, Predicate<Event> mergeSounds, List<Event> events, List<QualifiedRational> evStarts, List<Boolean> repeats) ExecuteScore_cwn.normalizeEvents(Vox,Predicate,Predicate,List,List,List)
, but return the lcm of all duration numerators in the form required for Midi "Parts per quarter".int
(Vox voice, Predicate<Event> mergePauses, Predicate<Event> mergeSounds, List<Event> events, List<QualifiedRational> evStarts, List<Boolean> repeats) ExecuteScore_cwn.normalizeEvents(Vox,Predicate,Predicate,List,List,List)
, but return the lcm of all duration numerators in the form required for Midi "Parts per quarter".void
(Iterator<Event> data, int channelNumber, Track track) Encode the sequence of events as given by "data" into the midi Track object given by "track".Constructors in with parameters of type EventModifierConstructorDescription(package private)
Evident.Constructor parameters in with type arguments of type EventModifierConstructorDescriptionParamTranslate
(Iterable<Event> it, @Opt Map<Event, String> ipoltable, boolean isTransform, String paramType, String paramName, String indent, Function<Event, String> getParamValue) ParamTranslate
(Iterable<Event> it, @Opt Map<Event, String> ipoltable, boolean isTransform, String paramType, String paramName, String indent, Function<Event, String> getParamValue) ParamTranslate
(Iterable<Event> it, @Opt Map<Event, String> ipoltable, boolean isTransform, String paramType, String paramName, String indent, Function<Event, String> getParamValue) Only constructur, sets up all parameters for the execution byIterators.Pairwise.process()
.Only constructur, sets up all parameters for the execution byIterators.Pairwise.process()
. -
Uses of Event in eu.bandm.tscore.base
Fields in eu.bandm.tscore.base declared as EventModifier and TypeFieldDescriptionUtil.VoicesVisitorSync.currentEvent
Fields in eu.bandm.tscore.base with type parameters of type EventModifier and TypeFieldDescription(package private) final Multimap
<Event, GroupCollector.GroupEvent> GroupCollector.groupEvents
Maps an event to all decoded group start, end, and singleton commands.Util.VoicesVisitorSync.ignoreEvent
The target of all storing
(package private) final Multimap
<Event, TendencyCollector<E>.TendencyCtrl> TendencyCollector.tendencyCtrls
Intermediate storage for the tendency information, by events.Methods in eu.bandm.tscore.base with type parameters of type EventModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionFilter on Events which visits only those which have an (explicit, source level) value for a given parameter name.Filter on Events which visits only those which appear as key in the given map.Util.voiceFilter
(Vox v, Iterable<E> it) AnIterables.FilterIterable
over any Event Iterable which visits only those events of a givenVox
.Methods in eu.bandm.tscore.base that return types with arguments of type EventMethods in eu.bandm.tscore.base with parameters of type EventModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
Print the time point of the event and all unparsed(=raw) parameter values, indexed by parameter name.protected void
(Event ev, Set<String> mentioned) Add the event to all event sets which are currently (when visiting event in source order) active in collecting, but not explicitly opened or closed at the current event.protected void
Remove the "start pattern definition" prefixPatternDistributor.startDef
from the parameter source text.protected void
(MessageReceiver<SimpleMessage<XMLDocumentIdentifier>> msg, Event ev, Set<String> mentioned, String s) Generate an error or only a warning whenever a group name appears more than once for the same event.protected void
The dotted event must be a simple one (no parenthesis), and the dots part must be part of the text of the main parameter.protected void
(Event ev) Copy the parameter value back into the voice from the current pattern position.protected void
(Event ev) Record the parameter value back fromt the voice into the pattern.protected void
(Event ev) void
(Translet.State<R> s, Event e, Location<XMLDocumentIdentifier> loc, MessageReceiver<SimpleMessage<XMLDocumentIdentifier>> msg) Execute the store operation represented by "this" parser.void
(Translet.State<R> s, Event e, Location<XMLDocumentIdentifier> loc, MessageReceiver<SimpleMessage<XMLDocumentIdentifier>> msg) void
(Event e, Location<XMLDocumentIdentifier> loc, MessageReceiver<SimpleMessage<XMLDocumentIdentifier>> msg) Step back through the chain of parser states and execute all store operation.void
(Translet.State<S> s, Event e, Location<XMLDocumentIdentifier> loc, MessageReceiver<SimpleMessage<XMLDocumentIdentifier>> msg) Execute the storing operation.void
(Translet.State<S> s, Event e, Location<XMLDocumentIdentifier> loc, MessageReceiver<SimpleMessage<XMLDocumentIdentifier>> msg) Execute the storing operation.void
(Translet.State<S> s, Event e, Location<XMLDocumentIdentifier> loc, MessageReceiver<SimpleMessage<XMLDocumentIdentifier>> msg) Execute the storing operation.Util.getParamText
(Event ev, String trackname, String separator, LocationMap<Object, XMLDocumentIdentifier> locs) Delivers the source text for a gvien parameter and a given event.static void
Stores the fact that two events are neighbours/adjacent into the Map.static <R> R
(MessageReceiver<SimpleMessage<XMLDocumentIdentifier>> msg, PrintStream displayStream, CatalogByString cat, List<String> prefs, LocationMap<Object, XMLDocumentIdentifier> locationMap, @Opt String paramName, @Opt String voiceName, Event storageKey, String data, Translet.Parser<R> parser, Modifiers modifiers) Central entry point for parsing one(1) text input for one(1) event and one(1) parameter name.protected void
Sets global output values and makes some syntax check.protected void
(List<Event> events, int indexRight, Event left, Event right, int dotcount, boolean leftIsDotted) Central function for adjusting the time structure according to a dotted rhythm.(package private) boolean
Returns whether both events have their time point in the same time point division.protected void
protected void
(Event ev, String ptext, Location<XMLDocumentIdentifier> loc, String keyword, boolean reset) Start with the given event the re-play of the pattern.protected final boolean
Returns whether the Event is affected.static <T> boolean
(MessageReceiver<SimpleMessage<XMLDocumentIdentifier>> msg, Event firstEv, Vox v, Map<Event, T> map, String pname) Checks whether the very first event of a particular voice has a necessary parameter.Method parameters in eu.bandm.tscore.base with type arguments of type EventModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
Service access point, called from outside.static <D> Translet.Store_I
<D> Translet.INCSTORE
(Map<Event, List<D>> store, Translet.Parser<D> sub) Factory method for a store with a list of values per key.static void
Stores the fact that two events are neighbours/adjacent into the Map.static void
Stores the fact that two events are neighbours/adjacent into the Map.static void
Stores the fact that two events are neighbours/adjacent into the Map.static void
Stores the start point of one event as the end point of its predecessor.static void
Stores the start point of one event as the end point of its predecessor.static void
Stores the start point of one event as the end point of its predecessor, ignoring certain explicitly mentioned events.static void
Stores the start point of one event as the end point of its predecessor, ignoring certain explicitly mentioned events.static void
Stores the start point of one event as the end point of its predecessor, ignoring certain explicitly mentioned events.void
(MessageReceiver<SimpleMessage<XMLDocumentIdentifier>> msg, Map<Event, Event> origin, Iterable<Event> evs) void
(MessageReceiver<SimpleMessage<XMLDocumentIdentifier>> msg, Map<Event, Event> origin, Iterable<Event> evs) void
(MessageReceiver<SimpleMessage<XMLDocumentIdentifier>> msg, Map<Event, Event> origin, Iterable<Event> evs) void
(MessageReceiver<SimpleMessage<XMLDocumentIdentifier>> msg, Iterable<Event> evs, Multimap<String, EventSet> result) Analyses the collected parameter text, and creates EventSets accordingly.void
(MessageReceiver<SimpleMessage<XMLDocumentIdentifier>> msg, Iterable<Event> evs, Map<String, EventSet> tendencies, Map<EventSet, @Opt E> startValues, Map<EventSet, @Opt E> endValues, Map<EventSet, @Opt String> startTexts, Map<EventSet, @Opt String> endTexts, Map<Event, E> singleton_explicit, Map<Event, E> singleton_inherited, Map<Event, String> singleton_text) Analyses the parameter text of the events by visiting them in the given order.protected void
(List<Event> events, int indexRight, Event left, Event right, int dotcount, boolean leftIsDotted) Central function for adjusting the time structure according to a dotted rhythm.static <D> Translet.Store_M
<D> Translet.STORE
(Multimap<Event, ? super D> store, Translet.Parser<D> sub) Factory method for a store with multiple values per key.static <D> Translet.Store_1
<D> Translet.STORE
(Map<Event, ? super D> store, Translet.Parser<D> sub) Factory method for a store with single values per key.static <T> boolean
(MessageReceiver<SimpleMessage<XMLDocumentIdentifier>> msg, Event firstEv, Vox v, Map<Event, T> map, String pname) Checks whether the very first event of a particular voice has a necessary parameter.Constructor parameters in eu.bandm.tscore.base with type arguments of type EventModifierConstructorDescriptionOnly constructor.VoicesVisitorSync
(@Opt Predicate<Event> ignoreEvent, Vox... voices) -
Uses of Event in eu.bandm.tscore.model
Fields in eu.bandm.tscore.model with type parameters of type EventModifier and TypeFieldDescriptionprotected CheckedList
<Event> EventSet.constructionSequence
The sequential order in which the events have been added.
(This definition has been created by UMod from the source at SYSTEM "tscore.umod":241.5-242.5, see this pretty print.)
The type of this field isCheckedList
Its value defaults to an empty collection.protected CheckedSet
All events contained herein.
(This definition has been created by UMod from the source at SYSTEM "tscore.umod":232.5-233.5, see this pretty print.)
The type of this field isCheckedSet
Its value defaults to an empty collection.protected CheckedSet
All events related to this voice.
(This definition has been created by UMod from the source at SYSTEM "tscore.umod":78.7-79.7, see this pretty print.)
The type of this field isCheckedSet
Its value defaults to an empty collection.protected CheckedList
<Event> Vox.sortedBySource
All events related to this voice, in sequential order of the source text position, which in nearly all cases corresponds to temporal order.
(This definition has been created by UMod from the source at SYSTEM "tscore.umod":84.7-85.7, see this pretty print.)
The type of this field isCheckedList
Its value defaults to an empty collection.protected CheckedMap_RD
<Tp, Event> Vox.sortedByStart
All events related to this voice, sorted by their time point.
(This definition has been created by UMod from the source at SYSTEM "tscore.umod":81.7-82.7, see this pretty print.)
The type of this field isCheckedMap_RD
Its value defaults to an empty collection.Methods in eu.bandm.tscore.model that return EventModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionEvent.doclone()
Clones this object.__SAX_Parser.fill_Event
(Object res) Copies values of all common fields from the argument.__SAX_Parser.matchSAX_Event()
(Location<XMLDocumentIdentifier> loc, Tp when) Methods in eu.bandm.tscore.model that return types with arguments of type EventModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionEventSet.get_constructionSequence()
The sequential order in which the events have been added.
(This definition has been created by UMod from the source at SYSTEM "tscore.umod":241.5-242.5, see this pretty print.)
Generated getter method.EventSet.get_events()
All events contained herein.
(This definition has been created by UMod from the source at SYSTEM "tscore.umod":232.5-233.5, see this pretty print.)
Generated getter method.Vox.get_events()
All events related to this voice.
(This definition has been created by UMod from the source at SYSTEM "tscore.umod":78.7-79.7, see this pretty print.)
Generated getter method.Vox.get_sortedBySource()
All events related to this voice, in sequential order of the source text position, which in nearly all cases corresponds to temporal order.
(This definition has been created by UMod from the source at SYSTEM "tscore.umod":84.7-85.7, see this pretty print.)
Generated getter method.Vox.get_sortedByStart()
All events related to this voice, sorted by their time point.
(This definition has been created by UMod from the source at SYSTEM "tscore.umod":81.7-82.7, see this pretty print.)
Generated getter method.protected CheckedSet
<Event> __SAX_Parser.parse_11()
protected CheckedList
<Event> __SAX_Parser.parse_12()
protected CheckedSet
<Event> __SAX_Parser.parse_7()
protected CheckedMap_RD
<Tp, Event> __SAX_Parser.parse_8()
protected CheckedList
<Event> __SAX_Parser.parse_9()
Methods in eu.bandm.tscore.model with parameters of type EventModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionprotected void
protected void
protected void
protected void
protected void
protected void
protected void
protected void
(Event e0) void
(Event newobj) void
(Event element) void
(Event element) void
(Event element) void
(Event element) void
(Event element) void
(Event element) void
(Event element) void
(Event element) void
(Event newobj) protected void
protected void
protected void
(Event e0) void
(Tp key0, Event value) Convenience un-Currying method.protected Format
Method parameters in eu.bandm.tscore.model with type arguments of type EventModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionboolean
(CheckedList<Event> val) The sequential order in which the events have been added.
(This definition has been created by UMod from the source at SYSTEM "tscore.umod":241.5-242.5, see this pretty print.)
Updates the (mutable) instance destructively.boolean
(CheckedSet<Event> val) All events contained herein.
(This definition has been created by UMod from the source at SYSTEM "tscore.umod":232.5-233.5, see this pretty print.)
Updates the (mutable) instance destructively.boolean
(CheckedSet<Event> val) All events related to this voice.
(This definition has been created by UMod from the source at SYSTEM "tscore.umod":78.7-79.7, see this pretty print.)
Updates the (mutable) instance destructively.boolean
(CheckedList<Event> val) All events related to this voice, in sequential order of the source text position, which in nearly all cases corresponds to temporal order.
(This definition has been created by UMod from the source at SYSTEM "tscore.umod":84.7-85.7, see this pretty print.)
Updates the (mutable) instance destructively.boolean
(CheckedMap_RD<Tp, Event> val) All events related to this voice, sorted by their time point.
(This definition has been created by UMod from the source at SYSTEM "tscore.umod":81.7-82.7, see this pretty print.)
Updates the (mutable) instance destructively.