Uses of Class
Packages that use Pattern
Umod main model class: This is the internal
model for the d2d text type definitions.
Umod main model class: This is a model for the
results of d2d text parsing.
Model for w3c XML DTDs, with preserved syntax.
Canonical model of a W3C DTD with evaluated semantics;
plus utility applications.
Text layout and pretty printing,
see the user documentation.
Abstract Syntax of LLJava, representing the byte code instructions, the
objects which contain byte code, and the attributes specific to byte code
Messages and positions in documents,
see the user documentation.
A modular implementation of pattern matching on arbitrary objects.
Abstract syntax of the tpath language, realized as a umod model.
Ubiquitously needed auxiliary classes which need the
Uses of Pattern in
Methods in that return PatternModifier and TypeMethodDescription__Patterns.cast_AdditionalDocs
(Pattern<? super AdditionalDocs> p) __Patterns.cast_CharBinary
(Pattern<? super CharBinary> p) __Patterns.cast_CharCut
(Pattern<? super CharCut> p) __Patterns.cast_CharExpr
(Pattern<? super CharExpr> p) __Patterns.cast_CharJoin
(Pattern<? super CharJoin> p) __Patterns.cast_CharMinus
(Pattern<? super CharMinus> p) __Patterns.cast_CharRange
(Pattern<? super CharRange> p) __Patterns.cast_CharSetConst
(Pattern<? super CharSetConst> p) __Patterns.cast_CharsRegExp
(Pattern<? super CharsRegExp> p) __Patterns.cast_Definition
(Pattern<? super Definition> p) __Patterns.cast_DefInstance
(Pattern<? super DefInstance> p) __Patterns.cast_Empty
(Pattern<? super Empty> p) __Patterns.cast_Enumeration
(Pattern<? super Enumeration> p) __Patterns.cast_Expr0
(Pattern<? super Expr0> p) __Patterns.cast_Expression
(Pattern<? super Expression> p) __Patterns.cast_Greedy
(Pattern<? super Greedy> p) __Patterns.cast_GrMult
(Pattern<? super GrMult> p) __Patterns.cast_GrUnary
(Pattern<? super GrUnary> p) __Patterns.cast_ImportItem
(Pattern<? super ImportItem> p) __Patterns.cast_Insertion
(Pattern<? super Insertion> p) __Patterns.cast_LocString
(Pattern<? super LocString> p) __Patterns.cast_Module
(Pattern<? super Module> p) __Patterns.cast_NamespaceDecl
(Pattern<? super NamespaceDecl> p) __Patterns.cast_ParseParticle
(Pattern<? super ParseParticle> p) __Patterns.cast_Pcdata
(Pattern<? super Pcdata> p) __Patterns.cast_Reference
(Pattern<? super Reference> p) __Patterns.cast_ResolvedModule
(Pattern<? super ResolvedModule> p) __Patterns.cast_SourceItem
(Pattern<? super SourceItem> p) __Patterns.cast_StringConst
(Pattern<? super StringConst> p) __Patterns.cast_Subst
(Pattern<? super Subst> p) __Patterns.cast_TagsRegExp
(Pattern<? super TagsRegExp> p) __Patterns.cast_XRegExp
(Pattern<? super XRegExp> p) static Pattern
<ImportItem> ImportItem.get_absolutePath
(Pattern<? super String> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<Expression> Expression.get_canProduceEpsilon
(Pattern<? super Boolean> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<ParseParticle> ParseParticle.get_collector
(Pattern<? super CharsRegExp> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<SourceItem> SourceItem.get_context
(Pattern<? super SourceItem> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<CharsRegExp> CharsRegExp.get_dataContentModel
(Pattern<? super Expression> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.Module.get_defaultElNs
(Pattern<? super NamespaceName> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<Definition> Definition.get_definedAsLocal
(Pattern<? super Boolean> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.Module.get_definitions
(Pattern<? super CheckedMap_RD<String, Definition>> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<ResolvedModule> ResolvedModule.get_defInstances
(Pattern<? super CheckedMap_RD<Definition, DefInstance>> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<SourceItem> SourceItem.get_docu
(Pattern<? super CheckedMap_RD<String, CheckedList<LocString>>> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<Definition> Definition.get_editpragmas
(Pattern<? super String> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<NamespaceDecl> NamespaceDecl.get_elementonlydefault
(Pattern<? super Boolean> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<Expression> Expression.get_firsts
(Pattern<? super CheckedMap_RD<String, Expression>> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<ImportItem> ImportItem.get_globalSubsts
(Pattern<? super CheckedMap_RD<String, Expression>> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<ParseParticle> Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<DefInstance> DefInstance.get_importKeys
(Pattern<? super CheckedSet<String>> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.Module.get_imports
(Pattern<? super CheckedMap_RD<String, ImportItem>> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<NamespaceDecl> NamespaceDecl.get_isdefault
(Pattern<? super Boolean> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<CharsRegExp> CharsRegExp.get_isDistributed
(Pattern<? super Boolean> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<Definition> Definition.get_isgeneric
(Pattern<? super Boolean> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<ImportItem> ImportItem.get_isgeneric
(Pattern<? super Boolean> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.Reference.get_isImplicit
(Pattern<? super Boolean> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.Module.get_isLocal
(Pattern<? super Boolean> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<Definition> Definition.get_ispublic
(Pattern<? super Boolean> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.GrUnary.get_istight
(Pattern<? super Boolean> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.Seq.get_istight
(Pattern<? super Boolean> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<Enumeration> Enumeration.get_itemDocu
(Pattern<? super CheckedMap_RD<Integer, CheckedMap_RD<String, CheckedList<LocString>>>> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<Enumeration> Enumeration.get_items
(Pattern<? super CheckedMap_RD<String, Integer>> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<CharBinary> CharBinary.get_left
(Pattern<? super Expression> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<CharsRegExp> CharsRegExp.get_linearContentModel
(Pattern<? super Expression> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.LocString.get_loc
(Pattern<? super Location<XMLDocumentIdentifier>> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<TagsRegExp> TagsRegExp.get_localdefs
(Pattern<? super CheckedMap_RD<String, Definition>> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<ImportItem> ImportItem.get_localSubsts
(Pattern<? super CheckedMap_RD<String, CheckedMap_RD<String, Expression>>> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.Expr0.get_location
(Pattern<? super Location<XMLDocumentIdentifier>> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<SourceItem> SourceItem.get_location
(Pattern<? super Location<XMLDocumentIdentifier>> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.XRegExp.get_manglingRule
(Pattern<? super Object> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.Module.get_modules
(Pattern<? super CheckedMap_RD<String, Module>> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.Subst.get_mul
(Pattern<? super Expression> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<SourceItem> Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.Module.get_namespaces
(Pattern<? super CheckedList<NamespaceDecl>> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.Perm.get_obligates
(Pattern<? super CheckedSet<Expression>> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.GrMult.get_on
(Pattern<? super CheckedList<Expression>> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.GrUnary.get_on
(Pattern<? super Expression> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.Insertion.get_on
(Pattern<? super Expression> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<ParseParticle> ParseParticle.get_on
(Pattern<? super Expression> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.Subst.get_on
(Pattern<? super Expression> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<Definition> Definition.get_postproc
(Pattern<? super String> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<NamespaceDecl> NamespaceDecl.get_prefix
(Pattern<? super String> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<DefInstance> DefInstance.get_raw
(Pattern<? super Definition> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<ResolvedModule> Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<ResolvedModule> ResolvedModule.get_rawModules
(Pattern<? super CheckedMap_RD<String, Module>> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<Enumeration> Enumeration.get_repr
(Pattern<? super CheckedMap_RD<Integer, String>> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<DefInstance> DefInstance.get_representingKey
(Pattern<? super String> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.Reference.get_resolved
(Pattern<? super Definition> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<Enumeration> Enumeration.get_reverse
(Pattern<? super CheckedMap_RD<Integer, CheckedSet<String>>> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<CharBinary> CharBinary.get_right
(Pattern<? super Expression> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<Enumeration> Enumeration.get_sourceOrder
(Pattern<? super CheckedList<String>> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.Reference.get_sourceText
(Pattern<? super String> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<CharsRegExp> CharsRegExp.get_storeAsData
(Pattern<? super Boolean> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.Insertion.get_synthetic
(Pattern<? super Boolean> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<ImportItem> ImportItem.get_targetURN
(Pattern<? super String> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<AdditionalDocs> AdditionalDocs.get_text
(Pattern<? super CheckedMap_RD<String, CheckedMap_RD<String, CheckedMap_RD<String, CheckedList<LocString>>>>> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<NamespaceDecl> Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<CharSetConst> Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<StringConst> Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.XRegExp.get_value
(Pattern<? super Expression> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<TagsRegExp> TagsRegExp.get_verbatim_input
(Pattern<? super Boolean> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<Expression> Expression.get_weakfirsts
(Pattern<? super CheckedMap_RD<String, Expression>> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.XRegExp.get_xattributes
(Pattern<? super CheckedMap_RD<Definition, Boolean>> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<Enumeration> Enumeration.get_xml_emptystructs
(Pattern<? super Boolean> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<Definition> Definition.get_xml_kind
(Pattern<? super XmlKind> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<Enumeration> Enumeration.get_xml_representation
(Pattern<? super EnumRep> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<Definition> Definition.get_xml_src_tag
(Pattern<? super String> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<Definition> Definition.get_xml_tag
(Pattern<? super NamespaceName> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<Definition> Definition.get_xml_trimmed
(Pattern<? super Boolean> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<Definition> Definition.get_xml_value
(Pattern<? super String> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<AdditionalDocs> __Patterns.term_AdditionalDocs
(Pattern<Object> superpattern, Pattern<? super CheckedMap_RD<String, CheckedMap_RD<String, CheckedMap_RD<String, CheckedList<LocString>>>>> p_text) static Pattern
<CharBinary> __Patterns.term_CharBinary
(Pattern<? super CharExpr> superpattern, Pattern<? super Expression> p_left, Pattern<? super Expression> p_right) __Patterns.term_CharCut
(Pattern<? super CharBinary> superpattern) __Patterns.term_CharExpr
(Pattern<? super Expression> superpattern) __Patterns.term_CharJoin
(Pattern<? super CharBinary> superpattern) __Patterns.term_CharMinus
(Pattern<? super CharBinary> superpattern) __Patterns.term_CharRange
(Pattern<? super CharBinary> superpattern) static Pattern
<CharSetConst> __Patterns.term_CharSetConst
(Pattern<? super CharExpr> superpattern, Pattern<? super CharSet> p_value) static Pattern
<CharsRegExp> __Patterns.term_CharsRegExp
(Pattern<? super XRegExp> superpattern, Pattern<? super Boolean> p_isDistributed, Pattern<? super Boolean> p_storeAsData, Pattern<? super Expression> p_linearContentModel, Pattern<? super Expression> p_dataContentModel) static Pattern
<Definition> __Patterns.term_Definition
(Pattern<? super SourceItem> superpattern, Pattern<? super Boolean> p_isgeneric, Pattern<? super Boolean> p_ispublic, Pattern<? super Boolean> p_definedAsLocal, Pattern<? super String> p_postproc, Pattern<? super XmlKind> p_xml_kind, Pattern<? super String> p_xml_src_tag, Pattern<? super NamespaceName> p_xml_tag, Pattern<? super String> p_xml_value, Pattern<? super Boolean> p_xml_trimmed, Pattern<? super String> p_editpragmas) static Pattern
<DefInstance> __Patterns.term_DefInstance
(Pattern<Object> superpattern, Pattern<? super Definition> p_raw, Pattern<? super String> p_representingKey, Pattern<? super CheckedSet<String>> p_importKeys) __Patterns.term_Empty
(Pattern<? super Expression> superpattern) static Pattern
<Enumeration> __Patterns.term_Enumeration
(Pattern<? super Definition> superpattern, Pattern<? super CheckedList<String>> p_sourceOrder, Pattern<? super CheckedMap_RD<String, Integer>> p_items, Pattern<? super CheckedMap_RD<Integer, CheckedSet<String>>> p_reverse, Pattern<? super CheckedMap_RD<Integer, String>> p_repr, Pattern<? super EnumRep> p_xml_representation, Pattern<? super Boolean> p_xml_emptystructs, Pattern<? super CheckedMap_RD<Integer, CheckedMap_RD<String, CheckedList<LocString>>>> p_itemDocu) __Patterns.term_Expr0
(Pattern<Object> superpattern, Pattern<? super Location<XMLDocumentIdentifier>> p_location) static Pattern
<Expression> __Patterns.term_Expression
(Pattern<? super Expr0> superpattern, Pattern<? super Boolean> p_canProduceEpsilon, Pattern<? super CheckedMap_RD<String, Expression>> p_firsts, Pattern<? super CheckedMap_RD<String, Expression>> p_weakfirsts) __Patterns.term_Greedy
(Pattern<? super GrUnary> superpattern) __Patterns.term_GrMult
(Pattern<? super Expression> superpattern, Pattern<? super CheckedList<Expression>> p_on) __Patterns.term_GrUnary
(Pattern<? super Expression> superpattern, Pattern<? super Expression> p_on, Pattern<? super Boolean> p_istight) static Pattern
<ImportItem> __Patterns.term_ImportItem
(Pattern<? super SourceItem> superpattern, Pattern<? super String> p_targetURN, Pattern<? super String> p_absolutePath, Pattern<? super Boolean> p_isgeneric, Pattern<? super CheckedMap_RD<String, CheckedMap_RD<String, Expression>>> p_localSubsts, Pattern<? super CheckedMap_RD<String, Expression>> p_globalSubsts) __Patterns.term_Insertion
(Pattern<? super Expression> superpattern, Pattern<? super Expression> p_on, Pattern<? super Boolean> p_synthetic) __Patterns.term_LocString
(Pattern<Object> superpattern, Pattern<? super String> p_text, Pattern<? super Location<XMLDocumentIdentifier>> p_loc) __Patterns.term_Module
(Pattern<? super SourceItem> superpattern, Pattern<? super CheckedMap_RD<String, Module>> p_modules, Pattern<? super CheckedMap_RD<String, ImportItem>> p_imports, Pattern<? super CheckedMap_RD<String, Definition>> p_definitions, Pattern<? super NamespaceName> p_defaultElNs, Pattern<? super CheckedList<NamespaceDecl>> p_namespaces, Pattern<? super Boolean> p_isLocal) static Pattern
<NamespaceDecl> __Patterns.term_NamespaceDecl
(Pattern<Object> superpattern, Pattern<? super String> p_prefix, Pattern<? super String> p_uri, Pattern<? super Boolean> p_isdefault, Pattern<? super Boolean> p_elementonlydefault) __Patterns.term_None
(Pattern<? super Expression> superpattern) static Pattern
<ParseParticle> __Patterns.term_ParseParticle
(Pattern<? super Expression> superpattern, Pattern<? super String> p_ident, Pattern<? super Expression> p_on, Pattern<? super CharsRegExp> p_collector) __Patterns.term_Pcdata
(Pattern<? super Expression> superpattern) __Patterns.term_Perm
(Pattern<? super GrMult> superpattern, Pattern<? super CheckedSet<Expression>> p_obligates) __Patterns.term_Reference
(Pattern<? super Expression> superpattern, Pattern<? super String> p_sourceText, Pattern<? super Boolean> p_isImplicit, Pattern<? super Definition> p_resolved) static Pattern
<ResolvedModule> __Patterns.term_ResolvedModule
(Pattern<? super Module> superpattern, Pattern<? super Module> p_raw, Pattern<? super CheckedMap_RD<Definition, DefInstance>> p_defInstances, Pattern<? super CheckedMap_RD<String, Module>> p_rawModules) static Pattern
<SourceItem> __Patterns.term_SourceItem
(Pattern<Object> superpattern, Pattern<? super SourceItem> p_context, Pattern<? super String> p_name, Pattern<? super Location<XMLDocumentIdentifier>> p_location, Pattern<? super CheckedMap_RD<String, CheckedList<LocString>>> p_docu) static Pattern
<StringConst> __Patterns.term_StringConst
(Pattern<? super Expression> superpattern, Pattern<? super String> p_value) __Patterns.term_Subst
(Pattern<? super Expression> superpattern, Pattern<? super Expression> p_on, Pattern<? super Reference> p_div, Pattern<? super Expression> p_mul) static Pattern
<TagsRegExp> __Patterns.term_TagsRegExp
(Pattern<? super XRegExp> superpattern, Pattern<? super Boolean> p_verbatim_input, Pattern<? super CheckedMap_RD<String, Definition>> p_localdefs) __Patterns.term_XRegExp
(Pattern<? super Definition> superpattern, Pattern<? super Expression> p_value, Pattern<? super CheckedMap_RD<Definition, Boolean>> p_xattributes, Pattern<? super Object> p_manglingRule) Methods in with parameters of type PatternModifier and TypeMethodDescription__Patterns.cast_AdditionalDocs
(Pattern<? super AdditionalDocs> p) __Patterns.cast_CharBinary
(Pattern<? super CharBinary> p) __Patterns.cast_CharCut
(Pattern<? super CharCut> p) __Patterns.cast_CharExpr
(Pattern<? super CharExpr> p) __Patterns.cast_CharJoin
(Pattern<? super CharJoin> p) __Patterns.cast_CharMinus
(Pattern<? super CharMinus> p) __Patterns.cast_CharRange
(Pattern<? super CharRange> p) __Patterns.cast_CharSetConst
(Pattern<? super CharSetConst> p) __Patterns.cast_CharsRegExp
(Pattern<? super CharsRegExp> p) __Patterns.cast_Definition
(Pattern<? super Definition> p) __Patterns.cast_DefInstance
(Pattern<? super DefInstance> p) __Patterns.cast_Empty
(Pattern<? super Empty> p) __Patterns.cast_Enumeration
(Pattern<? super Enumeration> p) __Patterns.cast_Expr0
(Pattern<? super Expr0> p) __Patterns.cast_Expression
(Pattern<? super Expression> p) __Patterns.cast_Greedy
(Pattern<? super Greedy> p) __Patterns.cast_GrMult
(Pattern<? super GrMult> p) __Patterns.cast_GrUnary
(Pattern<? super GrUnary> p) __Patterns.cast_ImportItem
(Pattern<? super ImportItem> p) __Patterns.cast_Insertion
(Pattern<? super Insertion> p) __Patterns.cast_LocString
(Pattern<? super LocString> p) __Patterns.cast_Module
(Pattern<? super Module> p) __Patterns.cast_NamespaceDecl
(Pattern<? super NamespaceDecl> p) __Patterns.cast_ParseParticle
(Pattern<? super ParseParticle> p) __Patterns.cast_Pcdata
(Pattern<? super Pcdata> p) __Patterns.cast_Reference
(Pattern<? super Reference> p) __Patterns.cast_ResolvedModule
(Pattern<? super ResolvedModule> p) __Patterns.cast_SourceItem
(Pattern<? super SourceItem> p) __Patterns.cast_StringConst
(Pattern<? super StringConst> p) __Patterns.cast_Subst
(Pattern<? super Subst> p) __Patterns.cast_TagsRegExp
(Pattern<? super TagsRegExp> p) __Patterns.cast_XRegExp
(Pattern<? super XRegExp> p) static Pattern
<ImportItem> ImportItem.get_absolutePath
(Pattern<? super String> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<Expression> Expression.get_canProduceEpsilon
(Pattern<? super Boolean> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<ParseParticle> ParseParticle.get_collector
(Pattern<? super CharsRegExp> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<SourceItem> SourceItem.get_context
(Pattern<? super SourceItem> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<CharsRegExp> CharsRegExp.get_dataContentModel
(Pattern<? super Expression> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.Module.get_defaultElNs
(Pattern<? super NamespaceName> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<Definition> Definition.get_definedAsLocal
(Pattern<? super Boolean> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.Module.get_definitions
(Pattern<? super CheckedMap_RD<String, Definition>> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<ResolvedModule> ResolvedModule.get_defInstances
(Pattern<? super CheckedMap_RD<Definition, DefInstance>> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<SourceItem> SourceItem.get_docu
(Pattern<? super CheckedMap_RD<String, CheckedList<LocString>>> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<Definition> Definition.get_editpragmas
(Pattern<? super String> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<NamespaceDecl> NamespaceDecl.get_elementonlydefault
(Pattern<? super Boolean> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<Expression> Expression.get_firsts
(Pattern<? super CheckedMap_RD<String, Expression>> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<ImportItem> ImportItem.get_globalSubsts
(Pattern<? super CheckedMap_RD<String, Expression>> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<ParseParticle> Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<DefInstance> DefInstance.get_importKeys
(Pattern<? super CheckedSet<String>> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.Module.get_imports
(Pattern<? super CheckedMap_RD<String, ImportItem>> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<NamespaceDecl> NamespaceDecl.get_isdefault
(Pattern<? super Boolean> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<CharsRegExp> CharsRegExp.get_isDistributed
(Pattern<? super Boolean> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<Definition> Definition.get_isgeneric
(Pattern<? super Boolean> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<ImportItem> ImportItem.get_isgeneric
(Pattern<? super Boolean> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.Reference.get_isImplicit
(Pattern<? super Boolean> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.Module.get_isLocal
(Pattern<? super Boolean> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<Definition> Definition.get_ispublic
(Pattern<? super Boolean> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.GrUnary.get_istight
(Pattern<? super Boolean> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.Seq.get_istight
(Pattern<? super Boolean> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<Enumeration> Enumeration.get_itemDocu
(Pattern<? super CheckedMap_RD<Integer, CheckedMap_RD<String, CheckedList<LocString>>>> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<Enumeration> Enumeration.get_items
(Pattern<? super CheckedMap_RD<String, Integer>> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<CharBinary> CharBinary.get_left
(Pattern<? super Expression> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<CharsRegExp> CharsRegExp.get_linearContentModel
(Pattern<? super Expression> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.LocString.get_loc
(Pattern<? super Location<XMLDocumentIdentifier>> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<TagsRegExp> TagsRegExp.get_localdefs
(Pattern<? super CheckedMap_RD<String, Definition>> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<ImportItem> ImportItem.get_localSubsts
(Pattern<? super CheckedMap_RD<String, CheckedMap_RD<String, Expression>>> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.Expr0.get_location
(Pattern<? super Location<XMLDocumentIdentifier>> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<SourceItem> SourceItem.get_location
(Pattern<? super Location<XMLDocumentIdentifier>> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.XRegExp.get_manglingRule
(Pattern<? super Object> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.Module.get_modules
(Pattern<? super CheckedMap_RD<String, Module>> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.Subst.get_mul
(Pattern<? super Expression> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<SourceItem> Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.Module.get_namespaces
(Pattern<? super CheckedList<NamespaceDecl>> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.Perm.get_obligates
(Pattern<? super CheckedSet<Expression>> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.GrMult.get_on
(Pattern<? super CheckedList<Expression>> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.GrUnary.get_on
(Pattern<? super Expression> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.Insertion.get_on
(Pattern<? super Expression> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<ParseParticle> ParseParticle.get_on
(Pattern<? super Expression> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.Subst.get_on
(Pattern<? super Expression> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<Definition> Definition.get_postproc
(Pattern<? super String> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<NamespaceDecl> NamespaceDecl.get_prefix
(Pattern<? super String> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<DefInstance> DefInstance.get_raw
(Pattern<? super Definition> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<ResolvedModule> Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<ResolvedModule> ResolvedModule.get_rawModules
(Pattern<? super CheckedMap_RD<String, Module>> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<Enumeration> Enumeration.get_repr
(Pattern<? super CheckedMap_RD<Integer, String>> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<DefInstance> DefInstance.get_representingKey
(Pattern<? super String> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.Reference.get_resolved
(Pattern<? super Definition> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<Enumeration> Enumeration.get_reverse
(Pattern<? super CheckedMap_RD<Integer, CheckedSet<String>>> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<CharBinary> CharBinary.get_right
(Pattern<? super Expression> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<Enumeration> Enumeration.get_sourceOrder
(Pattern<? super CheckedList<String>> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.Reference.get_sourceText
(Pattern<? super String> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<CharsRegExp> CharsRegExp.get_storeAsData
(Pattern<? super Boolean> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.Insertion.get_synthetic
(Pattern<? super Boolean> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<ImportItem> ImportItem.get_targetURN
(Pattern<? super String> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<AdditionalDocs> AdditionalDocs.get_text
(Pattern<? super CheckedMap_RD<String, CheckedMap_RD<String, CheckedMap_RD<String, CheckedList<LocString>>>>> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<NamespaceDecl> Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<CharSetConst> Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<StringConst> Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.XRegExp.get_value
(Pattern<? super Expression> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<TagsRegExp> TagsRegExp.get_verbatim_input
(Pattern<? super Boolean> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<Expression> Expression.get_weakfirsts
(Pattern<? super CheckedMap_RD<String, Expression>> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.XRegExp.get_xattributes
(Pattern<? super CheckedMap_RD<Definition, Boolean>> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<Enumeration> Enumeration.get_xml_emptystructs
(Pattern<? super Boolean> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<Definition> Definition.get_xml_kind
(Pattern<? super XmlKind> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<Enumeration> Enumeration.get_xml_representation
(Pattern<? super EnumRep> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<Definition> Definition.get_xml_src_tag
(Pattern<? super String> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<Definition> Definition.get_xml_tag
(Pattern<? super NamespaceName> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<Definition> Definition.get_xml_trimmed
(Pattern<? super Boolean> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<Definition> Definition.get_xml_value
(Pattern<? super String> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<AdditionalDocs> __Patterns.term_AdditionalDocs
(Pattern<Object> superpattern, Pattern<? super CheckedMap_RD<String, CheckedMap_RD<String, CheckedMap_RD<String, CheckedList<LocString>>>>> p_text) static Pattern
<CharBinary> __Patterns.term_CharBinary
(Pattern<? super CharExpr> superpattern, Pattern<? super Expression> p_left, Pattern<? super Expression> p_right) __Patterns.term_CharCut
(Pattern<? super CharBinary> superpattern) __Patterns.term_CharExpr
(Pattern<? super Expression> superpattern) __Patterns.term_CharJoin
(Pattern<? super CharBinary> superpattern) __Patterns.term_CharMinus
(Pattern<? super CharBinary> superpattern) __Patterns.term_CharRange
(Pattern<? super CharBinary> superpattern) static Pattern
<CharSetConst> __Patterns.term_CharSetConst
(Pattern<? super CharExpr> superpattern, Pattern<? super CharSet> p_value) static Pattern
<CharsRegExp> __Patterns.term_CharsRegExp
(Pattern<? super XRegExp> superpattern, Pattern<? super Boolean> p_isDistributed, Pattern<? super Boolean> p_storeAsData, Pattern<? super Expression> p_linearContentModel, Pattern<? super Expression> p_dataContentModel) static Pattern
<Definition> __Patterns.term_Definition
(Pattern<? super SourceItem> superpattern, Pattern<? super Boolean> p_isgeneric, Pattern<? super Boolean> p_ispublic, Pattern<? super Boolean> p_definedAsLocal, Pattern<? super String> p_postproc, Pattern<? super XmlKind> p_xml_kind, Pattern<? super String> p_xml_src_tag, Pattern<? super NamespaceName> p_xml_tag, Pattern<? super String> p_xml_value, Pattern<? super Boolean> p_xml_trimmed, Pattern<? super String> p_editpragmas) static Pattern
<DefInstance> __Patterns.term_DefInstance
(Pattern<Object> superpattern, Pattern<? super Definition> p_raw, Pattern<? super String> p_representingKey, Pattern<? super CheckedSet<String>> p_importKeys) __Patterns.term_Empty
(Pattern<? super Expression> superpattern) static Pattern
<Enumeration> __Patterns.term_Enumeration
(Pattern<? super Definition> superpattern, Pattern<? super CheckedList<String>> p_sourceOrder, Pattern<? super CheckedMap_RD<String, Integer>> p_items, Pattern<? super CheckedMap_RD<Integer, CheckedSet<String>>> p_reverse, Pattern<? super CheckedMap_RD<Integer, String>> p_repr, Pattern<? super EnumRep> p_xml_representation, Pattern<? super Boolean> p_xml_emptystructs, Pattern<? super CheckedMap_RD<Integer, CheckedMap_RD<String, CheckedList<LocString>>>> p_itemDocu) __Patterns.term_Expr0
(Pattern<Object> superpattern, Pattern<? super Location<XMLDocumentIdentifier>> p_location) static Pattern
<Expression> __Patterns.term_Expression
(Pattern<? super Expr0> superpattern, Pattern<? super Boolean> p_canProduceEpsilon, Pattern<? super CheckedMap_RD<String, Expression>> p_firsts, Pattern<? super CheckedMap_RD<String, Expression>> p_weakfirsts) __Patterns.term_Greedy
(Pattern<? super GrUnary> superpattern) __Patterns.term_GrMult
(Pattern<? super Expression> superpattern, Pattern<? super CheckedList<Expression>> p_on) __Patterns.term_GrUnary
(Pattern<? super Expression> superpattern, Pattern<? super Expression> p_on, Pattern<? super Boolean> p_istight) static Pattern
<ImportItem> __Patterns.term_ImportItem
(Pattern<? super SourceItem> superpattern, Pattern<? super String> p_targetURN, Pattern<? super String> p_absolutePath, Pattern<? super Boolean> p_isgeneric, Pattern<? super CheckedMap_RD<String, CheckedMap_RD<String, Expression>>> p_localSubsts, Pattern<? super CheckedMap_RD<String, Expression>> p_globalSubsts) __Patterns.term_Insertion
(Pattern<? super Expression> superpattern, Pattern<? super Expression> p_on, Pattern<? super Boolean> p_synthetic) __Patterns.term_LocString
(Pattern<Object> superpattern, Pattern<? super String> p_text, Pattern<? super Location<XMLDocumentIdentifier>> p_loc) __Patterns.term_Module
(Pattern<? super SourceItem> superpattern, Pattern<? super CheckedMap_RD<String, Module>> p_modules, Pattern<? super CheckedMap_RD<String, ImportItem>> p_imports, Pattern<? super CheckedMap_RD<String, Definition>> p_definitions, Pattern<? super NamespaceName> p_defaultElNs, Pattern<? super CheckedList<NamespaceDecl>> p_namespaces, Pattern<? super Boolean> p_isLocal) static Pattern
<NamespaceDecl> __Patterns.term_NamespaceDecl
(Pattern<Object> superpattern, Pattern<? super String> p_prefix, Pattern<? super String> p_uri, Pattern<? super Boolean> p_isdefault, Pattern<? super Boolean> p_elementonlydefault) __Patterns.term_None
(Pattern<? super Expression> superpattern) static Pattern
<ParseParticle> __Patterns.term_ParseParticle
(Pattern<? super Expression> superpattern, Pattern<? super String> p_ident, Pattern<? super Expression> p_on, Pattern<? super CharsRegExp> p_collector) __Patterns.term_Pcdata
(Pattern<? super Expression> superpattern) __Patterns.term_Perm
(Pattern<? super GrMult> superpattern, Pattern<? super CheckedSet<Expression>> p_obligates) __Patterns.term_Reference
(Pattern<? super Expression> superpattern, Pattern<? super String> p_sourceText, Pattern<? super Boolean> p_isImplicit, Pattern<? super Definition> p_resolved) static Pattern
<ResolvedModule> __Patterns.term_ResolvedModule
(Pattern<? super Module> superpattern, Pattern<? super Module> p_raw, Pattern<? super CheckedMap_RD<Definition, DefInstance>> p_defInstances, Pattern<? super CheckedMap_RD<String, Module>> p_rawModules) static Pattern
<SourceItem> __Patterns.term_SourceItem
(Pattern<Object> superpattern, Pattern<? super SourceItem> p_context, Pattern<? super String> p_name, Pattern<? super Location<XMLDocumentIdentifier>> p_location, Pattern<? super CheckedMap_RD<String, CheckedList<LocString>>> p_docu) static Pattern
<StringConst> __Patterns.term_StringConst
(Pattern<? super Expression> superpattern, Pattern<? super String> p_value) __Patterns.term_Subst
(Pattern<? super Expression> superpattern, Pattern<? super Expression> p_on, Pattern<? super Reference> p_div, Pattern<? super Expression> p_mul) static Pattern
<TagsRegExp> __Patterns.term_TagsRegExp
(Pattern<? super XRegExp> superpattern, Pattern<? super Boolean> p_verbatim_input, Pattern<? super CheckedMap_RD<String, Definition>> p_localdefs) __Patterns.term_XRegExp
(Pattern<? super Definition> superpattern, Pattern<? super Expression> p_value, Pattern<? super CheckedMap_RD<Definition, Boolean>> p_xattributes, Pattern<? super Object> p_manglingRule) -
Uses of Pattern in
Methods in that return PatternModifier and TypeMethodDescription__Patterns.cast_Binding
(Pattern<? super Binding> p) __Patterns.cast_FlattenContext
(Pattern<? super FlattenContext> p) __Patterns.cast_ImportContext
(Pattern<? super ImportContext> p) __Patterns.cast_PermutationGroup
(Pattern<? super PermutationGroup> p) __Patterns.cast_PermutationSubexpression
(Pattern<? super PermutationSubexpression> p) __Patterns.cast_ResultContainer
(Pattern<? super ResultContainer> p) __Patterns.cast_ResultingChars
(Pattern<? super ResultingChars> p) __Patterns.cast_ResultingStructure
(Pattern<? super ResultingStructure> p) __Patterns.cast_State
(Pattern<? super State> p) __Patterns.cast_State_perm
(Pattern<? super State_perm> p) __Patterns.cast_State_rep
(Pattern<? super State_rep> p) __Patterns.cast_State_sequ
(Pattern<? super State_sequ> p) __Patterns.cast_State_singleton
(Pattern<? super State_singleton> p) __Patterns.cast_SubstituteChars
(Pattern<? super SubstituteChars> p) static Pattern
<ResultingStructure> ResultingStructure.get_assoc
(Pattern<? super CheckedMultimap_RD<Definition, ResultingStructure>> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<ResultingChars> Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<State_perm> State_perm.get_consumed
(Pattern<? super CheckedSet<Expression>> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.Binding.get_context
(Pattern<? super ImportContext> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<State_singleton> State_singleton.get_def
(Pattern<? super Definition> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.Binding.get_definitionName
(Pattern<? super String> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<State_perm> State_perm.get_directory
(Pattern<? super PermutationGroup> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<SubstituteChars> SubstituteChars.get_endLocation
(Pattern<? super Location<String>> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.Binding.get_exp
(Pattern<? super Expression> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<ImportContext> ImportContext.get_importItem
(Pattern<? super ImportItem> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.State.get_inxslt
(Pattern<? super Boolean> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<ResultingChars> ResultingChars.get_isWhitespace
(Pattern<? super Boolean> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<ImportContext> Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<ImportContext> Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<FlattenContext> FlattenContext.get_localSubsts
(Pattern<? super Binding> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<ResultContainer> ResultContainer.get_location
(Pattern<? super Location<String>> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<ImportContext> ImportContext.get_moduleAddress
(Pattern<? super String> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<State_perm> State_perm.get_obligates
(Pattern<? super CheckedSet<Expression>> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<State_sequ> State_sequ.get_position
(Pattern<? super Integer> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.Binding.get_predec
(Pattern<? super Binding> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<FlattenContext> FlattenContext.get_predec
(Pattern<? super FlattenContext> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<ImportContext> ImportContext.get_predec
(Pattern<? super ImportContext> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.State.get_predec
(Pattern<? super State> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<ImportContext> ImportContext.get_rawModule
(Pattern<? super Module> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<State_singleton> Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.State.get_result
(Pattern<? super ResultContainer> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<PermutationGroup> Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.State.get_rule
(Pattern<? super Expression> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<ResultContainer> ResultContainer.get_sequ
(Pattern<? super CheckedList<Udom>> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<ImportContext> ImportContext.get_subs
(Pattern<? super CheckedMap_D<String, ImportContext>> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<PermutationGroup> PermutationGroup.get_subs
(Pattern<? super CheckedMap_RD<Expression, PermutationSubexpression>> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<ResultingStructure> ResultingStructure.get_tag
(Pattern<? super Definition> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.__Patterns.term_Binding
(Pattern<Object> superpattern, Pattern<? super Binding> p_predec, Pattern<? super String> p_id, Pattern<? super Expression> p_exp, Pattern<? super ImportContext> p_context, Pattern<? super String> p_definitionName, Pattern<? super Boolean> p_used) static Pattern
<FlattenContext> __Patterns.term_FlattenContext
(Pattern<Object> superpattern, Pattern<? super FlattenContext> p_predec, Pattern<? super Binding> p_localSubsts) static Pattern
<ImportContext> __Patterns.term_ImportContext
(Pattern<Object> superpattern, Pattern<? super ImportContext> p_predec, Pattern<? super ImportItem> p_importItem, Pattern<? super String> p_moduleAddress, Pattern<? super Module> p_rawModule, Pattern<? super String> p_key, Pattern<? super CheckedMap_D<String, ImportContext>> p_subs, Pattern<? super Integer> p_level) static Pattern
<PermutationGroup> __Patterns.term_PermutationGroup
(Pattern<? super Udom> superpattern, Pattern<? super Perm> p_rule, Pattern<? super CheckedMap_RD<Expression, PermutationSubexpression>> p_subs) static Pattern
<PermutationSubexpression> __Patterns.term_PermutationSubexpression
(Pattern<? super ResultContainer> superpattern) static Pattern
<ResultContainer> __Patterns.term_ResultContainer
(Pattern<? super Udom> superpattern, Pattern<? super Location<String>> p_location, Pattern<? super CheckedList<Udom>> p_sequ) static Pattern
<ResultingChars> __Patterns.term_ResultingChars
(Pattern<? super Udom> superpattern, Pattern<? super MemString<String>> p_chars, Pattern<? super Boolean> p_isWhitespace) static Pattern
<ResultingStructure> __Patterns.term_ResultingStructure
(Pattern<? super ResultContainer> superpattern, Pattern<? super Definition> p_tag, Pattern<? super CheckedMultimap_RD<Definition, ResultingStructure>> p_assoc) __Patterns.term_State
(Pattern<Object> superpattern, Pattern<? super State> p_predec, Pattern<? super ResultContainer> p_result, Pattern<? super Expression> p_rule, Pattern<? super Boolean> p_inxslt) static Pattern
<State_perm> __Patterns.term_State_perm
(Pattern<? super State> superpattern, Pattern<? super PermutationGroup> p_directory, Pattern<? super CheckedSet<Expression>> p_obligates, Pattern<? super CheckedSet<Expression>> p_consumed) __Patterns.term_State_rep
(Pattern<? super State> superpattern) static Pattern
<State_sequ> __Patterns.term_State_sequ
(Pattern<? super State> superpattern, Pattern<? super Integer> p_position) static Pattern
<State_singleton> __Patterns.term_State_singleton
(Pattern<? super State> superpattern, Pattern<? super Reference> p_ref, Pattern<? super Definition> p_def) static Pattern
<SubstituteChars> __Patterns.term_SubstituteChars
(Pattern<? super ResultingChars> superpattern, Pattern<? super Location<String>> p_endLocation) Methods in with parameters of type PatternModifier and TypeMethodDescription__Patterns.cast_Binding
(Pattern<? super Binding> p) __Patterns.cast_FlattenContext
(Pattern<? super FlattenContext> p) __Patterns.cast_ImportContext
(Pattern<? super ImportContext> p) __Patterns.cast_PermutationGroup
(Pattern<? super PermutationGroup> p) __Patterns.cast_PermutationSubexpression
(Pattern<? super PermutationSubexpression> p) __Patterns.cast_ResultContainer
(Pattern<? super ResultContainer> p) __Patterns.cast_ResultingChars
(Pattern<? super ResultingChars> p) __Patterns.cast_ResultingStructure
(Pattern<? super ResultingStructure> p) __Patterns.cast_State
(Pattern<? super State> p) __Patterns.cast_State_perm
(Pattern<? super State_perm> p) __Patterns.cast_State_rep
(Pattern<? super State_rep> p) __Patterns.cast_State_sequ
(Pattern<? super State_sequ> p) __Patterns.cast_State_singleton
(Pattern<? super State_singleton> p) __Patterns.cast_SubstituteChars
(Pattern<? super SubstituteChars> p) static Pattern
<ResultingStructure> ResultingStructure.get_assoc
(Pattern<? super CheckedMultimap_RD<Definition, ResultingStructure>> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<ResultingChars> Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<State_perm> State_perm.get_consumed
(Pattern<? super CheckedSet<Expression>> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.Binding.get_context
(Pattern<? super ImportContext> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<State_singleton> State_singleton.get_def
(Pattern<? super Definition> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.Binding.get_definitionName
(Pattern<? super String> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<State_perm> State_perm.get_directory
(Pattern<? super PermutationGroup> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<SubstituteChars> SubstituteChars.get_endLocation
(Pattern<? super Location<String>> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.Binding.get_exp
(Pattern<? super Expression> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<ImportContext> ImportContext.get_importItem
(Pattern<? super ImportItem> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.State.get_inxslt
(Pattern<? super Boolean> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<ResultingChars> ResultingChars.get_isWhitespace
(Pattern<? super Boolean> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<ImportContext> Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<ImportContext> Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<FlattenContext> FlattenContext.get_localSubsts
(Pattern<? super Binding> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<ResultContainer> ResultContainer.get_location
(Pattern<? super Location<String>> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<ImportContext> ImportContext.get_moduleAddress
(Pattern<? super String> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<State_perm> State_perm.get_obligates
(Pattern<? super CheckedSet<Expression>> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<State_sequ> State_sequ.get_position
(Pattern<? super Integer> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.Binding.get_predec
(Pattern<? super Binding> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<FlattenContext> FlattenContext.get_predec
(Pattern<? super FlattenContext> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<ImportContext> ImportContext.get_predec
(Pattern<? super ImportContext> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.State.get_predec
(Pattern<? super State> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<ImportContext> ImportContext.get_rawModule
(Pattern<? super Module> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<State_singleton> Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.State.get_result
(Pattern<? super ResultContainer> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<PermutationGroup> Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.State.get_rule
(Pattern<? super Expression> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<ResultContainer> ResultContainer.get_sequ
(Pattern<? super CheckedList<Udom>> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<ImportContext> ImportContext.get_subs
(Pattern<? super CheckedMap_D<String, ImportContext>> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<PermutationGroup> PermutationGroup.get_subs
(Pattern<? super CheckedMap_RD<Expression, PermutationSubexpression>> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<ResultingStructure> ResultingStructure.get_tag
(Pattern<? super Definition> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.__Patterns.term_Binding
(Pattern<Object> superpattern, Pattern<? super Binding> p_predec, Pattern<? super String> p_id, Pattern<? super Expression> p_exp, Pattern<? super ImportContext> p_context, Pattern<? super String> p_definitionName, Pattern<? super Boolean> p_used) static Pattern
<FlattenContext> __Patterns.term_FlattenContext
(Pattern<Object> superpattern, Pattern<? super FlattenContext> p_predec, Pattern<? super Binding> p_localSubsts) static Pattern
<ImportContext> __Patterns.term_ImportContext
(Pattern<Object> superpattern, Pattern<? super ImportContext> p_predec, Pattern<? super ImportItem> p_importItem, Pattern<? super String> p_moduleAddress, Pattern<? super Module> p_rawModule, Pattern<? super String> p_key, Pattern<? super CheckedMap_D<String, ImportContext>> p_subs, Pattern<? super Integer> p_level) static Pattern
<PermutationGroup> __Patterns.term_PermutationGroup
(Pattern<? super Udom> superpattern, Pattern<? super Perm> p_rule, Pattern<? super CheckedMap_RD<Expression, PermutationSubexpression>> p_subs) static Pattern
<PermutationSubexpression> __Patterns.term_PermutationSubexpression
(Pattern<? super ResultContainer> superpattern) static Pattern
<ResultContainer> __Patterns.term_ResultContainer
(Pattern<? super Udom> superpattern, Pattern<? super Location<String>> p_location, Pattern<? super CheckedList<Udom>> p_sequ) static Pattern
<ResultingChars> __Patterns.term_ResultingChars
(Pattern<? super Udom> superpattern, Pattern<? super MemString<String>> p_chars, Pattern<? super Boolean> p_isWhitespace) static Pattern
<ResultingStructure> __Patterns.term_ResultingStructure
(Pattern<? super ResultContainer> superpattern, Pattern<? super Definition> p_tag, Pattern<? super CheckedMultimap_RD<Definition, ResultingStructure>> p_assoc) __Patterns.term_State
(Pattern<Object> superpattern, Pattern<? super State> p_predec, Pattern<? super ResultContainer> p_result, Pattern<? super Expression> p_rule, Pattern<? super Boolean> p_inxslt) static Pattern
<State_perm> __Patterns.term_State_perm
(Pattern<? super State> superpattern, Pattern<? super PermutationGroup> p_directory, Pattern<? super CheckedSet<Expression>> p_obligates, Pattern<? super CheckedSet<Expression>> p_consumed) __Patterns.term_State_rep
(Pattern<? super State> superpattern) static Pattern
<State_sequ> __Patterns.term_State_sequ
(Pattern<? super State> superpattern, Pattern<? super Integer> p_position) static Pattern
<State_singleton> __Patterns.term_State_singleton
(Pattern<? super State> superpattern, Pattern<? super Reference> p_ref, Pattern<? super Definition> p_def) static Pattern
<SubstituteChars> __Patterns.term_SubstituteChars
(Pattern<? super ResultingChars> superpattern, Pattern<? super Location<String>> p_endLocation) -
Uses of Pattern in
Methods in that return PatternModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionDTD.__Patterns.cast_Abbrev
(Pattern<? super DTD.Abbrev> p) DTD.__Patterns.cast_AttDef
(Pattern<? super DTD.AttDef> p) DTD.__Patterns.cast_Attlist
(Pattern<? super DTD.Attlist> p) DTD.__Patterns.cast_AttType
(Pattern<? super DTD.AttType> p) DTD.__Patterns.cast_AttTypeAbbrev
(Pattern<? super DTD.AttTypeAbbrev> p) DTD.__Patterns.cast_AttTypeConstant
(Pattern<? super DTD.AttTypeConstant> p) DTD.__Patterns.cast_AttValue
(Pattern<? super DTD.AttValue> p) DTD.__Patterns.cast_Choice
(Pattern<? super DTD.Choice> p) DTD.__Patterns.cast_Comment
(Pattern<? super DTD.Comment> p) DTD.__Patterns.cast_ContentModel
(Pattern<? super DTD.ContentModel> p) DTD.__Patterns.cast_ContentModelConstant
(Pattern<? super DTD.ContentModelConstant> p) DTD.__Patterns.cast_DefaultDecl
(Pattern<? super DTD.DefaultDecl> p) DTD.__Patterns.cast_DefaultDeclConstant
(Pattern<? super DTD.DefaultDeclConstant> p) DTD.__Patterns.cast_Element
(Pattern<? super DTD.Element> p) DTD.__Patterns.cast_Empty
(Pattern<? super DTD.Empty> p) DTD.__Patterns.cast_Entity
(Pattern<? super DTD.Entity> p) DTD.__Patterns.cast_EntityContext
(Pattern<? super DTD.EntityContext> p) DTD.__Patterns.cast_EntityValue
(Pattern<? super DTD.EntityValue> p) DTD.__Patterns.cast_Enumerated
(Pattern<? super DTD.Enumerated> p) DTD.__Patterns.cast_MarkupDecl
(Pattern<? super DTD.MarkupDecl> p) DTD.__Patterns.cast_Mixed
(Pattern<? super DTD.Mixed> p) DTD.__Patterns.cast_NmToken
(Pattern<? super DTD.NmToken> p) DTD.__Patterns.cast_Notation
(Pattern<? super DTD.Notation> p) DTD.__Patterns.cast_Singleton
(Pattern<? super DTD.Singleton> p) DTD.__Patterns.cast_XmlDecl
(Pattern<? super DTD.XmlDecl> p) static Pattern
<DTD.Choice> DTD.Choice.get_alts
(Pattern<? super CheckedList<DTD.CP>> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<DTD.Attlist> DTD.Attlist.get_atts
(Pattern<? super CheckedList<DTD.AttDef>> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<DTD.Abbrev> Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<DTD.Element> DTD.Element.get_content
(Pattern<? super DTD.ContentModel> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<DTD.EntityValue> DTD.EntityValue.get_definition
(Pattern<? super String> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.DTD.Dtd.get_documentId
(Pattern<? super XMLDocumentIdentifier> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<DTD.Attlist> DTD.Attlist.get_element
(Pattern<? super String> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.DTD.Seq.get_elems
(Pattern<? super CheckedList<DTD.CP>> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<DTD.XmlDecl> DTD.XmlDecl.get_encoding
(Pattern<? super String> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.DTD.Dtd.get_entityUsage
(Pattern<? super CheckedMultimap_RD<String, String>> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<DTD.AttValue> Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<DTD.EntityValue> DTD.EntityValue.get_id
(Pattern<? super XMLDocumentIdentifier> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<DTD.Notation> DTD.Notation.get_id
(Pattern<? super XMLDocumentIdentifier> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<DTD.AttTypeAbbrev> Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<DTD.AttTypeConstant> Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<DTD.ContentModelConstant> Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<DTD.DefaultDeclConstant> Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<DTD.AttDef> DTD.AttDef.get_location
(Pattern<? super Location<XMLDocumentIdentifier>> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<DTD.MarkupDecl> DTD.MarkupDecl.get_location
(Pattern<? super Location<XMLDocumentIdentifier>> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<DTD.AttDef> DTD.AttDef.get_locations
(Pattern<? super List<Location<XMLDocumentIdentifier>>> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.DTD.Dtd.get_locations
(Pattern<? super List<Location<XMLDocumentIdentifier>>> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<DTD.MarkupDecl> DTD.MarkupDecl.get_locations
(Pattern<? super List<Location<XMLDocumentIdentifier>>> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.DTD.Dtd.get_markup
(Pattern<? super CheckedList<DTD.MarkupDecl>> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.DTD.CP.get_modifier
(Pattern<? super Integer> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<DTD.Abbrev> Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<DTD.AttDef> Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<DTD.Element> Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<DTD.Entity> Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<DTD.Notation> Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<DTD.Singleton> Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.DTD.Mixed.get_names
(Pattern<? super CheckedList<String>> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<DTD.Entity> DTD.Entity.get_parameter
(Pattern<? super Boolean> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<DTD.EntityValue> DTD.EntityValue.get_replacement
(Pattern<? super String> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.DTD.PI.get_target
(Pattern<? super String> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<DTD.Comment> Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<DTD.NmToken> Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<DTD.Enumerated> DTD.Enumerated.get_tokens
(Pattern<? super CheckedList<String>> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<DTD.AttDef> DTD.AttDef.get_type
(Pattern<? super DTD.AttType> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<DTD.AttDef> DTD.AttDef.get_value
(Pattern<? super DTD.DefaultDecl> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<DTD.AttValue> Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<DTD.Entity> DTD.Entity.get_value
(Pattern<? super DTD.EntityValue> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<DTD.XmlDecl> DTD.XmlDecl.get_version
(Pattern<? super String> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.DTD.Dtd.get_xmlDecl
(Pattern<? super DTD.XmlDecl> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<DTD.Abbrev> DTD.__Patterns.term_Abbrev
(Pattern<? super DTD.CP> superpattern, Pattern<? super String> p_name, Pattern<? super DTD.CP> p_body) DTD.__Patterns.term_Any
(Pattern<? super DTD.ContentModelConstant> superpattern) static Pattern
<DTD.AttDef> DTD.__Patterns.term_AttDef
(Pattern<Object> superpattern, Pattern<? super Location<XMLDocumentIdentifier>> p_location, Pattern<? super List<Location<XMLDocumentIdentifier>>> p_locations, Pattern<? super String> p_name, Pattern<? super DTD.AttType> p_type, Pattern<? super DTD.DefaultDecl> p_value) static Pattern
<DTD.Attlist> DTD.__Patterns.term_Attlist
(Pattern<? super DTD.MarkupDecl> superpattern, Pattern<? super String> p_element, Pattern<? super CheckedList<DTD.AttDef>> p_atts) static Pattern
<DTD.AttType> DTD.__Patterns.term_AttType
(Pattern<Object> superpattern) static Pattern
<DTD.AttTypeAbbrev> DTD.__Patterns.term_AttTypeAbbrev
(Pattern<? super DTD.AttType> superpattern, Pattern<? super String> p_label) static Pattern
<DTD.AttTypeConstant> DTD.__Patterns.term_AttTypeConstant
(Pattern<? super DTD.AttType> superpattern, Pattern<? super String> p_label) static Pattern
<DTD.AttValue> DTD.__Patterns.term_AttValue
(Pattern<? super DTD.DefaultDecl> superpattern, Pattern<? super Boolean> p_fixed, Pattern<? super String> p_value) static Pattern
<DTD.Choice> DTD.__Patterns.term_Choice
(Pattern<? super DTD.CP> superpattern, Pattern<? super CheckedList<DTD.CP>> p_alts) static Pattern
<DTD.Comment> DTD.__Patterns.term_Comment
(Pattern<? super DTD.MarkupDecl> superpattern, Pattern<? super String> p_text) static Pattern
<DTD.ContentModel> DTD.__Patterns.term_ContentModel
(Pattern<Object> superpattern) static Pattern
<DTD.ContentModelConstant> DTD.__Patterns.term_ContentModelConstant
(Pattern<? super DTD.ContentModel> superpattern, Pattern<? super String> p_label) DTD.__Patterns.term_CP
(Pattern<? super DTD.ContentModel> superpattern, Pattern<? super Integer> p_modifier) static Pattern
<DTD.DefaultDecl> DTD.__Patterns.term_DefaultDecl
(Pattern<Object> superpattern) static Pattern
<DTD.DefaultDeclConstant> DTD.__Patterns.term_DefaultDeclConstant
(Pattern<? super DTD.DefaultDecl> superpattern, Pattern<? super String> p_label) DTD.__Patterns.term_Dtd
(Pattern<Object> superpattern, Pattern<? super List<Location<XMLDocumentIdentifier>>> p_locations, Pattern<? super XMLDocumentIdentifier> p_documentId, Pattern<? super DTD.XmlDecl> p_xmlDecl, Pattern<? super CheckedList<DTD.MarkupDecl>> p_markup, Pattern<? super CheckedMultimap_RD<String, String>> p_entityUsage) static Pattern
<DTD.Element> DTD.__Patterns.term_Element
(Pattern<? super DTD.MarkupDecl> superpattern, Pattern<? super String> p_name, Pattern<? super DTD.ContentModel> p_content) DTD.__Patterns.term_Empty
(Pattern<? super DTD.ContentModelConstant> superpattern) static Pattern
<DTD.Entity> DTD.__Patterns.term_Entity
(Pattern<? super DTD.MarkupDecl> superpattern, Pattern<? super Boolean> p_parameter, Pattern<? super String> p_name, Pattern<? super DTD.EntityValue> p_value) static Pattern
<DTD.EntityContext> DTD.__Patterns.term_EntityContext
(Pattern<Object> superpattern) static Pattern
<DTD.EntityValue> DTD.__Patterns.term_EntityValue
(Pattern<Object> superpattern, Pattern<? super XMLDocumentIdentifier> p_id, Pattern<? super String> p_definition, Pattern<? super String> p_replacement) static Pattern
<DTD.Enumerated> DTD.__Patterns.term_Enumerated
(Pattern<? super DTD.AttType> superpattern, Pattern<? super CheckedList<String>> p_tokens) static Pattern
<DTD.MarkupDecl> DTD.__Patterns.term_MarkupDecl
(Pattern<Object> superpattern, Pattern<? super Location<XMLDocumentIdentifier>> p_location, Pattern<? super List<Location<XMLDocumentIdentifier>>> p_locations) DTD.__Patterns.term_Mixed
(Pattern<? super DTD.ContentModel> superpattern, Pattern<? super CheckedList<String>> p_names) static Pattern
<DTD.NmToken> DTD.__Patterns.term_NmToken
(Pattern<Object> superpattern, Pattern<? super String> p_text) static Pattern
<DTD.Notation> DTD.__Patterns.term_Notation
(Pattern<? super DTD.MarkupDecl> superpattern, Pattern<? super String> p_name, Pattern<? super XMLDocumentIdentifier> p_id) DTD.__Patterns.term_PI
(Pattern<? super DTD.MarkupDecl> superpattern, Pattern<? super String> p_target, Pattern<? super String> p_text) DTD.__Patterns.term_Seq
(Pattern<? super DTD.CP> superpattern, Pattern<? super CheckedList<DTD.CP>> p_elems) static Pattern
<DTD.Singleton> DTD.__Patterns.term_Singleton
(Pattern<? super DTD.CP> superpattern, Pattern<? super String> p_name) static Pattern
<DTD.XmlDecl> DTD.__Patterns.term_XmlDecl
(Pattern<? super DTD.MarkupDecl> superpattern, Pattern<? super String> p_version, Pattern<? super String> p_encoding) Methods in with parameters of type PatternModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionDTD.__Patterns.cast_Abbrev
(Pattern<? super DTD.Abbrev> p) DTD.__Patterns.cast_AttDef
(Pattern<? super DTD.AttDef> p) DTD.__Patterns.cast_Attlist
(Pattern<? super DTD.Attlist> p) DTD.__Patterns.cast_AttType
(Pattern<? super DTD.AttType> p) DTD.__Patterns.cast_AttTypeAbbrev
(Pattern<? super DTD.AttTypeAbbrev> p) DTD.__Patterns.cast_AttTypeConstant
(Pattern<? super DTD.AttTypeConstant> p) DTD.__Patterns.cast_AttValue
(Pattern<? super DTD.AttValue> p) DTD.__Patterns.cast_Choice
(Pattern<? super DTD.Choice> p) DTD.__Patterns.cast_Comment
(Pattern<? super DTD.Comment> p) DTD.__Patterns.cast_ContentModel
(Pattern<? super DTD.ContentModel> p) DTD.__Patterns.cast_ContentModelConstant
(Pattern<? super DTD.ContentModelConstant> p) DTD.__Patterns.cast_DefaultDecl
(Pattern<? super DTD.DefaultDecl> p) DTD.__Patterns.cast_DefaultDeclConstant
(Pattern<? super DTD.DefaultDeclConstant> p) DTD.__Patterns.cast_Element
(Pattern<? super DTD.Element> p) DTD.__Patterns.cast_Empty
(Pattern<? super DTD.Empty> p) DTD.__Patterns.cast_Entity
(Pattern<? super DTD.Entity> p) DTD.__Patterns.cast_EntityContext
(Pattern<? super DTD.EntityContext> p) DTD.__Patterns.cast_EntityValue
(Pattern<? super DTD.EntityValue> p) DTD.__Patterns.cast_Enumerated
(Pattern<? super DTD.Enumerated> p) DTD.__Patterns.cast_MarkupDecl
(Pattern<? super DTD.MarkupDecl> p) DTD.__Patterns.cast_Mixed
(Pattern<? super DTD.Mixed> p) DTD.__Patterns.cast_NmToken
(Pattern<? super DTD.NmToken> p) DTD.__Patterns.cast_Notation
(Pattern<? super DTD.Notation> p) DTD.__Patterns.cast_Singleton
(Pattern<? super DTD.Singleton> p) DTD.__Patterns.cast_XmlDecl
(Pattern<? super DTD.XmlDecl> p) static Pattern
<DTD.Choice> DTD.Choice.get_alts
(Pattern<? super CheckedList<DTD.CP>> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<DTD.Attlist> DTD.Attlist.get_atts
(Pattern<? super CheckedList<DTD.AttDef>> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<DTD.Abbrev> Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<DTD.Element> DTD.Element.get_content
(Pattern<? super DTD.ContentModel> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<DTD.EntityValue> DTD.EntityValue.get_definition
(Pattern<? super String> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.DTD.Dtd.get_documentId
(Pattern<? super XMLDocumentIdentifier> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<DTD.Attlist> DTD.Attlist.get_element
(Pattern<? super String> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.DTD.Seq.get_elems
(Pattern<? super CheckedList<DTD.CP>> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<DTD.XmlDecl> DTD.XmlDecl.get_encoding
(Pattern<? super String> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.DTD.Dtd.get_entityUsage
(Pattern<? super CheckedMultimap_RD<String, String>> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<DTD.AttValue> Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<DTD.EntityValue> DTD.EntityValue.get_id
(Pattern<? super XMLDocumentIdentifier> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<DTD.Notation> DTD.Notation.get_id
(Pattern<? super XMLDocumentIdentifier> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<DTD.AttTypeAbbrev> Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<DTD.AttTypeConstant> Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<DTD.ContentModelConstant> Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<DTD.DefaultDeclConstant> Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<DTD.AttDef> DTD.AttDef.get_location
(Pattern<? super Location<XMLDocumentIdentifier>> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<DTD.MarkupDecl> DTD.MarkupDecl.get_location
(Pattern<? super Location<XMLDocumentIdentifier>> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<DTD.AttDef> DTD.AttDef.get_locations
(Pattern<? super List<Location<XMLDocumentIdentifier>>> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.DTD.Dtd.get_locations
(Pattern<? super List<Location<XMLDocumentIdentifier>>> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<DTD.MarkupDecl> DTD.MarkupDecl.get_locations
(Pattern<? super List<Location<XMLDocumentIdentifier>>> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.DTD.Dtd.get_markup
(Pattern<? super CheckedList<DTD.MarkupDecl>> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.DTD.CP.get_modifier
(Pattern<? super Integer> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<DTD.Abbrev> Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<DTD.AttDef> Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<DTD.Element> Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<DTD.Entity> Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<DTD.Notation> Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<DTD.Singleton> Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.DTD.Mixed.get_names
(Pattern<? super CheckedList<String>> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<DTD.Entity> DTD.Entity.get_parameter
(Pattern<? super Boolean> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<DTD.EntityValue> DTD.EntityValue.get_replacement
(Pattern<? super String> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.DTD.PI.get_target
(Pattern<? super String> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<DTD.Comment> Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<DTD.NmToken> Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<DTD.Enumerated> DTD.Enumerated.get_tokens
(Pattern<? super CheckedList<String>> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<DTD.AttDef> DTD.AttDef.get_type
(Pattern<? super DTD.AttType> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<DTD.AttDef> DTD.AttDef.get_value
(Pattern<? super DTD.DefaultDecl> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<DTD.AttValue> Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<DTD.Entity> DTD.Entity.get_value
(Pattern<? super DTD.EntityValue> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<DTD.XmlDecl> DTD.XmlDecl.get_version
(Pattern<? super String> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.DTD.Dtd.get_xmlDecl
(Pattern<? super DTD.XmlDecl> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<DTD.Abbrev> DTD.__Patterns.term_Abbrev
(Pattern<? super DTD.CP> superpattern, Pattern<? super String> p_name, Pattern<? super DTD.CP> p_body) DTD.__Patterns.term_Any
(Pattern<? super DTD.ContentModelConstant> superpattern) static Pattern
<DTD.AttDef> DTD.__Patterns.term_AttDef
(Pattern<Object> superpattern, Pattern<? super Location<XMLDocumentIdentifier>> p_location, Pattern<? super List<Location<XMLDocumentIdentifier>>> p_locations, Pattern<? super String> p_name, Pattern<? super DTD.AttType> p_type, Pattern<? super DTD.DefaultDecl> p_value) static Pattern
<DTD.Attlist> DTD.__Patterns.term_Attlist
(Pattern<? super DTD.MarkupDecl> superpattern, Pattern<? super String> p_element, Pattern<? super CheckedList<DTD.AttDef>> p_atts) static Pattern
<DTD.AttType> DTD.__Patterns.term_AttType
(Pattern<Object> superpattern) static Pattern
<DTD.AttTypeAbbrev> DTD.__Patterns.term_AttTypeAbbrev
(Pattern<? super DTD.AttType> superpattern, Pattern<? super String> p_label) static Pattern
<DTD.AttTypeConstant> DTD.__Patterns.term_AttTypeConstant
(Pattern<? super DTD.AttType> superpattern, Pattern<? super String> p_label) static Pattern
<DTD.AttValue> DTD.__Patterns.term_AttValue
(Pattern<? super DTD.DefaultDecl> superpattern, Pattern<? super Boolean> p_fixed, Pattern<? super String> p_value) static Pattern
<DTD.Choice> DTD.__Patterns.term_Choice
(Pattern<? super DTD.CP> superpattern, Pattern<? super CheckedList<DTD.CP>> p_alts) static Pattern
<DTD.Comment> DTD.__Patterns.term_Comment
(Pattern<? super DTD.MarkupDecl> superpattern, Pattern<? super String> p_text) static Pattern
<DTD.ContentModel> DTD.__Patterns.term_ContentModel
(Pattern<Object> superpattern) static Pattern
<DTD.ContentModelConstant> DTD.__Patterns.term_ContentModelConstant
(Pattern<? super DTD.ContentModel> superpattern, Pattern<? super String> p_label) DTD.__Patterns.term_CP
(Pattern<? super DTD.ContentModel> superpattern, Pattern<? super Integer> p_modifier) static Pattern
<DTD.DefaultDecl> DTD.__Patterns.term_DefaultDecl
(Pattern<Object> superpattern) static Pattern
<DTD.DefaultDeclConstant> DTD.__Patterns.term_DefaultDeclConstant
(Pattern<? super DTD.DefaultDecl> superpattern, Pattern<? super String> p_label) DTD.__Patterns.term_Dtd
(Pattern<Object> superpattern, Pattern<? super List<Location<XMLDocumentIdentifier>>> p_locations, Pattern<? super XMLDocumentIdentifier> p_documentId, Pattern<? super DTD.XmlDecl> p_xmlDecl, Pattern<? super CheckedList<DTD.MarkupDecl>> p_markup, Pattern<? super CheckedMultimap_RD<String, String>> p_entityUsage) static Pattern
<DTD.Element> DTD.__Patterns.term_Element
(Pattern<? super DTD.MarkupDecl> superpattern, Pattern<? super String> p_name, Pattern<? super DTD.ContentModel> p_content) DTD.__Patterns.term_Empty
(Pattern<? super DTD.ContentModelConstant> superpattern) static Pattern
<DTD.Entity> DTD.__Patterns.term_Entity
(Pattern<? super DTD.MarkupDecl> superpattern, Pattern<? super Boolean> p_parameter, Pattern<? super String> p_name, Pattern<? super DTD.EntityValue> p_value) static Pattern
<DTD.EntityContext> DTD.__Patterns.term_EntityContext
(Pattern<Object> superpattern) static Pattern
<DTD.EntityValue> DTD.__Patterns.term_EntityValue
(Pattern<Object> superpattern, Pattern<? super XMLDocumentIdentifier> p_id, Pattern<? super String> p_definition, Pattern<? super String> p_replacement) static Pattern
<DTD.Enumerated> DTD.__Patterns.term_Enumerated
(Pattern<? super DTD.AttType> superpattern, Pattern<? super CheckedList<String>> p_tokens) static Pattern
<DTD.MarkupDecl> DTD.__Patterns.term_MarkupDecl
(Pattern<Object> superpattern, Pattern<? super Location<XMLDocumentIdentifier>> p_location, Pattern<? super List<Location<XMLDocumentIdentifier>>> p_locations) DTD.__Patterns.term_Mixed
(Pattern<? super DTD.ContentModel> superpattern, Pattern<? super CheckedList<String>> p_names) static Pattern
<DTD.NmToken> DTD.__Patterns.term_NmToken
(Pattern<Object> superpattern, Pattern<? super String> p_text) static Pattern
<DTD.Notation> DTD.__Patterns.term_Notation
(Pattern<? super DTD.MarkupDecl> superpattern, Pattern<? super String> p_name, Pattern<? super XMLDocumentIdentifier> p_id) DTD.__Patterns.term_PI
(Pattern<? super DTD.MarkupDecl> superpattern, Pattern<? super String> p_target, Pattern<? super String> p_text) DTD.__Patterns.term_Seq
(Pattern<? super DTD.CP> superpattern, Pattern<? super CheckedList<DTD.CP>> p_elems) static Pattern
<DTD.Singleton> DTD.__Patterns.term_Singleton
(Pattern<? super DTD.CP> superpattern, Pattern<? super String> p_name) static Pattern
<DTD.XmlDecl> DTD.__Patterns.term_XmlDecl
(Pattern<? super DTD.MarkupDecl> superpattern, Pattern<? super String> p_version, Pattern<? super String> p_encoding) -
Uses of Pattern in
Methods in that return PatternModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionDTM.__Patterns.cast_Attribute
(Pattern<? super DTM.Attribute> p) DTM.__Patterns.cast_AttributeDefault
(Pattern<? super DTM.AttributeDefault> p) DTM.__Patterns.cast_AttributeType
(Pattern<? super DTM.AttributeType> p) DTM.__Patterns.cast_AttributeValue
(Pattern<? super DTM.AttributeValue> p) DTM.__Patterns.cast_CData
(Pattern<? super DTM.CData> p) DTM.__Patterns.cast_Choice
(Pattern<? super DTM.Choice> p) DTM.__Patterns.cast_Content
(Pattern<? super DTM.Content> p) DTM.__Patterns.cast_Element
(Pattern<? super DTM.Element> p) DTM.__Patterns.cast_ElementRef
(Pattern<? super DTM.ElementRef> p) DTM.__Patterns.cast_Empty
(Pattern<? super DTM.Empty> p) DTM.__Patterns.cast_Entities
(Pattern<? super DTM.Entities> p) DTM.__Patterns.cast_Entity
(Pattern<? super DTM.Entity> p) DTM.__Patterns.cast_Enumerated
(Pattern<? super DTM.Enumerated> p) DTM.__Patterns.cast_IdRef
(Pattern<? super DTM.IdRef> p) DTM.__Patterns.cast_IdRefs
(Pattern<? super DTM.IdRefs> p) DTM.__Patterns.cast_Implied
(Pattern<? super DTM.Implied> p) DTM.__Patterns.cast_Mixed
(Pattern<? super DTM.Mixed> p) DTM.__Patterns.cast_Named
(Pattern<? super DTM.Named> p) DTM.__Patterns.cast_NMToken
(Pattern<? super DTM.NMToken> p) DTM.__Patterns.cast_NMTokens
(Pattern<? super DTM.NMTokens> p) DTM.__Patterns.cast_Notation
(Pattern<? super DTM.Notation> p) DTM.__Patterns.cast_ProcessingInstruction
(Pattern<? super DTM.ProcessingInstruction> p) DTM.__Patterns.cast_Required
(Pattern<? super DTM.Required> p) DTM.__Patterns.cast_Sequence
(Pattern<? super DTM.Sequence> p) DTM.__Patterns.cast_Singleton
(Pattern<? super DTM.Singleton> p) static Pattern
<DTM.Choice> DTM.Choice.get_alts
(Pattern<? super CheckedList<DTM.CP>> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<DTM.Element> DTM.Element.get_attrs
(Pattern<? super CheckedMap_RD<NamespaceName, DTM.Attribute>> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<DTM.ProcessingInstruction> Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<DTM.Element> DTM.Element.get_content
(Pattern<? super DTM.Content> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<DTM.Attribute> DTM.Attribute.get_def
(Pattern<? super DTM.AttributeDefault> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.DTM.Dtd.get_elems
(Pattern<? super CheckedMap_RD<NamespaceName, DTM.Element>> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.DTM.Mixed.get_elems
(Pattern<? super CheckedSet<DTM.ElementRef>> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<DTM.Sequence> DTM.Sequence.get_elems
(Pattern<? super CheckedList<DTM.CP>> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<DTM.AttributeValue> Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.DTM.Dtd.get_instructions
(Pattern<? super CheckedMap_RD<String, CheckedList<DTM.ProcessingInstruction>>> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.DTM.Named.get_location
(Pattern<? super Location<XMLDocumentIdentifier>> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.DTM.CP.get_modifier
(Pattern<? super EBNFModifier> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.DTM.Named.get_name
(Pattern<? super NamespaceName> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<DTM.Singleton> DTM.Singleton.get_ref
(Pattern<? super DTM.ElementRef> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<DTM.ElementRef> DTM.ElementRef.get_target
(Pattern<? super DTM.Element> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<DTM.ProcessingInstruction> DTM.ProcessingInstruction.get_target
(Pattern<? super String> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<DTM.Attribute> DTM.Attribute.get_type
(Pattern<? super DTM.AttributeType> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<DTM.AttributeValue> Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<DTM.Enumerated> DTM.Enumerated.get_values
(Pattern<? super CheckedSet<String>> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.DTM.__Patterns.term_Any
(Pattern<? super DTM.Content> superpattern) static Pattern
<DTM.Attribute> DTM.__Patterns.term_Attribute
(Pattern<? super DTM.Named> superpattern, Pattern<? super DTM.AttributeType> p_type, Pattern<? super DTM.AttributeDefault> p_def) static Pattern
<DTM.AttributeDefault> DTM.__Patterns.term_AttributeDefault
(Pattern<Object> superpattern) static Pattern
<DTM.AttributeType> DTM.__Patterns.term_AttributeType
(Pattern<Object> superpattern) static Pattern
<DTM.AttributeValue> DTM.__Patterns.term_AttributeValue
(Pattern<? super DTM.AttributeDefault> superpattern, Pattern<? super Boolean> p_fixed, Pattern<? super String> p_value) DTM.__Patterns.term_CData
(Pattern<? super DTM.AttributeType> superpattern) static Pattern
<DTM.Choice> DTM.__Patterns.term_Choice
(Pattern<? super DTM.CP> superpattern, Pattern<? super CheckedList<DTM.CP>> p_alts) static Pattern
<DTM.Content> DTM.__Patterns.term_Content
(Pattern<Object> superpattern) DTM.__Patterns.term_CP
(Pattern<? super DTM.Content> superpattern, Pattern<? super EBNFModifier> p_modifier) DTM.__Patterns.term_Dtd
(Pattern<Object> superpattern, Pattern<? super CheckedMap_RD<NamespaceName, DTM.Element>> p_elems, Pattern<? super CheckedMap_RD<String, CheckedList<DTM.ProcessingInstruction>>> p_instructions) static Pattern
<DTM.Element> DTM.__Patterns.term_Element
(Pattern<? super DTM.Named> superpattern, Pattern<? super CheckedMap_RD<NamespaceName, DTM.Attribute>> p_attrs, Pattern<? super DTM.Content> p_content) static Pattern
<DTM.ElementRef> DTM.__Patterns.term_ElementRef
(Pattern<Object> superpattern, Pattern<? super DTM.Element> p_target) DTM.__Patterns.term_Empty
(Pattern<? super DTM.Content> superpattern) static Pattern
<DTM.Entities> DTM.__Patterns.term_Entities
(Pattern<? super DTM.AttributeType> superpattern) static Pattern
<DTM.Entity> DTM.__Patterns.term_Entity
(Pattern<? super DTM.AttributeType> superpattern) static Pattern
<DTM.Enumerated> DTM.__Patterns.term_Enumerated
(Pattern<? super DTM.AttributeType> superpattern, Pattern<? super CheckedSet<String>> p_values) DTM.__Patterns.term_Id
(Pattern<? super DTM.AttributeType> superpattern) DTM.__Patterns.term_IdRef
(Pattern<? super DTM.AttributeType> superpattern) static Pattern
<DTM.IdRefs> DTM.__Patterns.term_IdRefs
(Pattern<? super DTM.AttributeType> superpattern) static Pattern
<DTM.Implied> DTM.__Patterns.term_Implied
(Pattern<? super DTM.AttributeDefault> superpattern) DTM.__Patterns.term_Mixed
(Pattern<? super DTM.Content> superpattern, Pattern<? super CheckedSet<DTM.ElementRef>> p_elems) DTM.__Patterns.term_Named
(Pattern<Object> superpattern, Pattern<? super Location<XMLDocumentIdentifier>> p_location, Pattern<? super NamespaceName> p_name) static Pattern
<DTM.NMToken> DTM.__Patterns.term_NMToken
(Pattern<? super DTM.AttributeType> superpattern) static Pattern
<DTM.NMTokens> DTM.__Patterns.term_NMTokens
(Pattern<? super DTM.AttributeType> superpattern) static Pattern
<DTM.Notation> DTM.__Patterns.term_Notation
(Pattern<? super DTM.AttributeType> superpattern) static Pattern
<DTM.ProcessingInstruction> DTM.__Patterns.term_ProcessingInstruction
(Pattern<Object> superpattern, Pattern<? super String> p_target, Pattern<? super String> p_body) static Pattern
<DTM.Required> DTM.__Patterns.term_Required
(Pattern<? super DTM.AttributeDefault> superpattern) static Pattern
<DTM.Sequence> DTM.__Patterns.term_Sequence
(Pattern<? super DTM.CP> superpattern, Pattern<? super CheckedList<DTM.CP>> p_elems) static Pattern
<DTM.Singleton> DTM.__Patterns.term_Singleton
(Pattern<? super DTM.CP> superpattern, Pattern<? super DTM.ElementRef> p_ref) Methods in with parameters of type PatternModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionDTM.__Patterns.cast_Attribute
(Pattern<? super DTM.Attribute> p) DTM.__Patterns.cast_AttributeDefault
(Pattern<? super DTM.AttributeDefault> p) DTM.__Patterns.cast_AttributeType
(Pattern<? super DTM.AttributeType> p) DTM.__Patterns.cast_AttributeValue
(Pattern<? super DTM.AttributeValue> p) DTM.__Patterns.cast_CData
(Pattern<? super DTM.CData> p) DTM.__Patterns.cast_Choice
(Pattern<? super DTM.Choice> p) DTM.__Patterns.cast_Content
(Pattern<? super DTM.Content> p) DTM.__Patterns.cast_Element
(Pattern<? super DTM.Element> p) DTM.__Patterns.cast_ElementRef
(Pattern<? super DTM.ElementRef> p) DTM.__Patterns.cast_Empty
(Pattern<? super DTM.Empty> p) DTM.__Patterns.cast_Entities
(Pattern<? super DTM.Entities> p) DTM.__Patterns.cast_Entity
(Pattern<? super DTM.Entity> p) DTM.__Patterns.cast_Enumerated
(Pattern<? super DTM.Enumerated> p) DTM.__Patterns.cast_IdRef
(Pattern<? super DTM.IdRef> p) DTM.__Patterns.cast_IdRefs
(Pattern<? super DTM.IdRefs> p) DTM.__Patterns.cast_Implied
(Pattern<? super DTM.Implied> p) DTM.__Patterns.cast_Mixed
(Pattern<? super DTM.Mixed> p) DTM.__Patterns.cast_Named
(Pattern<? super DTM.Named> p) DTM.__Patterns.cast_NMToken
(Pattern<? super DTM.NMToken> p) DTM.__Patterns.cast_NMTokens
(Pattern<? super DTM.NMTokens> p) DTM.__Patterns.cast_Notation
(Pattern<? super DTM.Notation> p) DTM.__Patterns.cast_ProcessingInstruction
(Pattern<? super DTM.ProcessingInstruction> p) DTM.__Patterns.cast_Required
(Pattern<? super DTM.Required> p) DTM.__Patterns.cast_Sequence
(Pattern<? super DTM.Sequence> p) DTM.__Patterns.cast_Singleton
(Pattern<? super DTM.Singleton> p) static Pattern
<DTM.Choice> DTM.Choice.get_alts
(Pattern<? super CheckedList<DTM.CP>> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<DTM.Element> DTM.Element.get_attrs
(Pattern<? super CheckedMap_RD<NamespaceName, DTM.Attribute>> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<DTM.ProcessingInstruction> Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<DTM.Element> DTM.Element.get_content
(Pattern<? super DTM.Content> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<DTM.Attribute> DTM.Attribute.get_def
(Pattern<? super DTM.AttributeDefault> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.DTM.Dtd.get_elems
(Pattern<? super CheckedMap_RD<NamespaceName, DTM.Element>> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.DTM.Mixed.get_elems
(Pattern<? super CheckedSet<DTM.ElementRef>> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<DTM.Sequence> DTM.Sequence.get_elems
(Pattern<? super CheckedList<DTM.CP>> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<DTM.AttributeValue> Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.DTM.Dtd.get_instructions
(Pattern<? super CheckedMap_RD<String, CheckedList<DTM.ProcessingInstruction>>> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.DTM.Named.get_location
(Pattern<? super Location<XMLDocumentIdentifier>> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.DTM.CP.get_modifier
(Pattern<? super EBNFModifier> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.DTM.Named.get_name
(Pattern<? super NamespaceName> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<DTM.Singleton> DTM.Singleton.get_ref
(Pattern<? super DTM.ElementRef> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<DTM.ElementRef> DTM.ElementRef.get_target
(Pattern<? super DTM.Element> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<DTM.ProcessingInstruction> DTM.ProcessingInstruction.get_target
(Pattern<? super String> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<DTM.Attribute> DTM.Attribute.get_type
(Pattern<? super DTM.AttributeType> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<DTM.AttributeValue> Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<DTM.Enumerated> DTM.Enumerated.get_values
(Pattern<? super CheckedSet<String>> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.DTM.__Patterns.term_Any
(Pattern<? super DTM.Content> superpattern) static Pattern
<DTM.Attribute> DTM.__Patterns.term_Attribute
(Pattern<? super DTM.Named> superpattern, Pattern<? super DTM.AttributeType> p_type, Pattern<? super DTM.AttributeDefault> p_def) static Pattern
<DTM.AttributeDefault> DTM.__Patterns.term_AttributeDefault
(Pattern<Object> superpattern) static Pattern
<DTM.AttributeType> DTM.__Patterns.term_AttributeType
(Pattern<Object> superpattern) static Pattern
<DTM.AttributeValue> DTM.__Patterns.term_AttributeValue
(Pattern<? super DTM.AttributeDefault> superpattern, Pattern<? super Boolean> p_fixed, Pattern<? super String> p_value) DTM.__Patterns.term_CData
(Pattern<? super DTM.AttributeType> superpattern) static Pattern
<DTM.Choice> DTM.__Patterns.term_Choice
(Pattern<? super DTM.CP> superpattern, Pattern<? super CheckedList<DTM.CP>> p_alts) static Pattern
<DTM.Content> DTM.__Patterns.term_Content
(Pattern<Object> superpattern) DTM.__Patterns.term_CP
(Pattern<? super DTM.Content> superpattern, Pattern<? super EBNFModifier> p_modifier) DTM.__Patterns.term_Dtd
(Pattern<Object> superpattern, Pattern<? super CheckedMap_RD<NamespaceName, DTM.Element>> p_elems, Pattern<? super CheckedMap_RD<String, CheckedList<DTM.ProcessingInstruction>>> p_instructions) static Pattern
<DTM.Element> DTM.__Patterns.term_Element
(Pattern<? super DTM.Named> superpattern, Pattern<? super CheckedMap_RD<NamespaceName, DTM.Attribute>> p_attrs, Pattern<? super DTM.Content> p_content) static Pattern
<DTM.ElementRef> DTM.__Patterns.term_ElementRef
(Pattern<Object> superpattern, Pattern<? super DTM.Element> p_target) DTM.__Patterns.term_Empty
(Pattern<? super DTM.Content> superpattern) static Pattern
<DTM.Entities> DTM.__Patterns.term_Entities
(Pattern<? super DTM.AttributeType> superpattern) static Pattern
<DTM.Entity> DTM.__Patterns.term_Entity
(Pattern<? super DTM.AttributeType> superpattern) static Pattern
<DTM.Enumerated> DTM.__Patterns.term_Enumerated
(Pattern<? super DTM.AttributeType> superpattern, Pattern<? super CheckedSet<String>> p_values) DTM.__Patterns.term_Id
(Pattern<? super DTM.AttributeType> superpattern) DTM.__Patterns.term_IdRef
(Pattern<? super DTM.AttributeType> superpattern) static Pattern
<DTM.IdRefs> DTM.__Patterns.term_IdRefs
(Pattern<? super DTM.AttributeType> superpattern) static Pattern
<DTM.Implied> DTM.__Patterns.term_Implied
(Pattern<? super DTM.AttributeDefault> superpattern) DTM.__Patterns.term_Mixed
(Pattern<? super DTM.Content> superpattern, Pattern<? super CheckedSet<DTM.ElementRef>> p_elems) DTM.__Patterns.term_Named
(Pattern<Object> superpattern, Pattern<? super Location<XMLDocumentIdentifier>> p_location, Pattern<? super NamespaceName> p_name) static Pattern
<DTM.NMToken> DTM.__Patterns.term_NMToken
(Pattern<? super DTM.AttributeType> superpattern) static Pattern
<DTM.NMTokens> DTM.__Patterns.term_NMTokens
(Pattern<? super DTM.AttributeType> superpattern) static Pattern
<DTM.Notation> DTM.__Patterns.term_Notation
(Pattern<? super DTM.AttributeType> superpattern) static Pattern
<DTM.ProcessingInstruction> DTM.__Patterns.term_ProcessingInstruction
(Pattern<Object> superpattern, Pattern<? super String> p_target, Pattern<? super String> p_body) static Pattern
<DTM.Required> DTM.__Patterns.term_Required
(Pattern<? super DTM.AttributeDefault> superpattern) static Pattern
<DTM.Sequence> DTM.__Patterns.term_Sequence
(Pattern<? super DTM.CP> superpattern, Pattern<? super CheckedList<DTM.CP>> p_elems) static Pattern
<DTM.Singleton> DTM.__Patterns.term_Singleton
(Pattern<? super DTM.CP> superpattern, Pattern<? super DTM.ElementRef> p_ref) -
Uses of Pattern in
Methods in that return PatternModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionPatterns.p_block
(Pattern<? super Format> sub0, Pattern<? super Format> sub1, Pattern<? super Format> sub2) Patterns.p_compound
(Class<? extends Format.Compound> cls, Pattern<? super Format> sub0, Pattern<? super Format> sub1) Patterns.p_compound
(Class<? extends Format.Compound> cls, Pattern<? super Format> sub0, Pattern<? super Format> sub1, Pattern<? super Format> sub2) (package private) static Pattern
<Format.Compound> Methods in with parameters of type PatternModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionPatterns.p_block
(Pattern<? super Format> sub0, Pattern<? super Format> sub1, Pattern<? super Format> sub2) Patterns.p_compound
(Class<? extends Format.Compound> cls, Pattern<? super Format> sub0, Pattern<? super Format> sub1) Patterns.p_compound
(Class<? extends Format.Compound> cls, Pattern<? super Format> sub0, Pattern<? super Format> sub1, Pattern<? super Format> sub2) (package private) static Pattern
<Format.Compound> -
Uses of Pattern in
Methods in that return PatternModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionLLJava.__Patterns.cast_AbstractDynamic
(Pattern<? super LLJava.AbstractDynamic> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_AbstractIntVType
(Pattern<? super LLJava.AbstractIntVType> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_AbstractMethodBody
(Pattern<? super LLJava.AbstractMethodBody> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_AbstractMethodRef
(Pattern<? super LLJava.AbstractMethodRef> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_Add
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Add> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_And
(Pattern<? super LLJava.And> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_Annotation
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Annotation> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_AnnotationDefaultAttribute
(Pattern<? super LLJava.AnnotationDefaultAttribute> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_AnnotationValue
(Pattern<? super LLJava.AnnotationValue> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_Anonymity
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Anonymity> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_ArithInstruction
(Pattern<? super LLJava.ArithInstruction> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_ArrayAccess
(Pattern<? super LLJava.ArrayAccess> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_ArrayAnnotationValue
(Pattern<? super LLJava.ArrayAnnotationValue> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_ArrayType
(Pattern<? super LLJava.ArrayType> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_ArrayTypeExpr
(Pattern<? super LLJava.ArrayTypeExpr> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_Attributable
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Attributable> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_Attribute
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Attribute> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_Block
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Block> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_BooleanLiteral
(Pattern<? super LLJava.BooleanLiteral> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_BooleanType
(Pattern<? super LLJava.BooleanType> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_BooleanVType
(Pattern<? super LLJava.BooleanVType> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_BootstrapMethod
(Pattern<? super LLJava.BootstrapMethod> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_BootstrapMethodsAttribute
(Pattern<? super LLJava.BootstrapMethodsAttribute> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_ByteType
(Pattern<? super LLJava.ByteType> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_ByteVType
(Pattern<? super LLJava.ByteVType> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_Case
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Case> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_Cast
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Cast> p) Verify.__Patterns.cast_Category1
(Pattern<? super Verify.Category1> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_Category1VType
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Category1VType> p) Verify.__Patterns.cast_Category2
(Pattern<? super Verify.Category2> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_Category2VType
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Category2VType> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_CharLiteral
(Pattern<? super LLJava.CharLiteral> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_CharType
(Pattern<? super LLJava.CharType> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_CharVType
(Pattern<? super LLJava.CharVType> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_Class
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Class> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_ClassAnnotationValue
(Pattern<? super LLJava.ClassAnnotationValue> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_ClassExpr
(Pattern<? super LLJava.ClassExpr> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_ClassParent
(Pattern<? super LLJava.ClassParent> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_ClassRef
(Pattern<? super LLJava.ClassRef> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_ClassReference
(Pattern<? super LLJava.ClassReference> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_ClassSignatureAttribute
(Pattern<? super LLJava.ClassSignatureAttribute> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_ClassType
(Pattern<? super LLJava.ClassType> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_ClassTypeExpr
(Pattern<? super LLJava.ClassTypeExpr> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_Cmp
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Cmp> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_CmpFloating
(Pattern<? super LLJava.CmpFloating> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_CmpGT
(Pattern<? super LLJava.CmpGT> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_CmpIntegral
(Pattern<? super LLJava.CmpIntegral> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_CmpLT
(Pattern<? super LLJava.CmpLT> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_CodeAttribute
(Pattern<? super LLJava.CodeAttribute> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_CodeInterval
(Pattern<? super LLJava.CodeInterval> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_CodeMethodBody
(Pattern<? super LLJava.CodeMethodBody> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_CodePoint
(Pattern<? super LLJava.CodePoint> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_ConstantAnnotationValue
(Pattern<? super LLJava.ConstantAnnotationValue> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_ConstantDouble
(Pattern<? super LLJava.ConstantDouble> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_ConstantDoubleValue
(Pattern<? super LLJava.ConstantDoubleValue> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_ConstantFloat
(Pattern<? super LLJava.ConstantFloat> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_ConstantInteger
(Pattern<? super LLJava.ConstantInteger> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_ConstantLong
(Pattern<? super LLJava.ConstantLong> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_ConstantPoolEntry
(Pattern<? super LLJava.ConstantPoolEntry> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_ConstantSingleValue
(Pattern<? super LLJava.ConstantSingleValue> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_ConstantString
(Pattern<? super LLJava.ConstantString> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_ConstantUTF8
(Pattern<? super LLJava.ConstantUTF8> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_ConstantValueAttribute
(Pattern<? super LLJava.ConstantValueAttribute> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_CustomAttribute
(Pattern<? super LLJava.CustomAttribute> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_DefaultMethodBody
(Pattern<? super LLJava.DefaultMethodBody> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_DimensionExpr
(Pattern<? super LLJava.DimensionExpr> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_Div
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Div> p) Verify.__Patterns.cast_Double
(Pattern<? super Verify.Double> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_DoubleLiteral
(Pattern<? super LLJava.DoubleLiteral> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_DoubleType
(Pattern<? super LLJava.DoubleType> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_DoubleVType
(Pattern<? super LLJava.DoubleVType> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_Dup
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Dup> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_Dynamic
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Dynamic> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_DynamicExpr
(Pattern<? super LLJava.DynamicExpr> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_Enter
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Enter> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_EnumAnnotationValue
(Pattern<? super LLJava.EnumAnnotationValue> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_Exception
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Exception> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_ExceptionsAttribute
(Pattern<? super LLJava.ExceptionsAttribute> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_Exit
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Exit> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_ExplicitName
(Pattern<? super LLJava.ExplicitName> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_Field
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Field> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_FieldAccess
(Pattern<? super LLJava.FieldAccess> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_FieldRef
(Pattern<? super LLJava.FieldRef> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_FieldReference
(Pattern<? super LLJava.FieldReference> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_FieldSignatureAttribute
(Pattern<? super LLJava.FieldSignatureAttribute> p) Verify.__Patterns.cast_Float
(Pattern<? super Verify.Float> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_FloatLiteral
(Pattern<? super LLJava.FloatLiteral> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_FloatType
(Pattern<? super LLJava.FloatType> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_FloatVType
(Pattern<? super LLJava.FloatVType> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_Get
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Get> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_Goto
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Goto> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_GotoInterval
(Pattern<? super LLJava.GotoInterval> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_GotoPoint
(Pattern<? super LLJava.GotoPoint> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_Handler
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Handler> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_ImplicitName
(Pattern<? super LLJava.ImplicitName> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_Inc
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Inc> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_InlineInterval
(Pattern<? super LLJava.InlineInterval> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_InlinePoint
(Pattern<? super LLJava.InlinePoint> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_InnerClass
(Pattern<? super LLJava.InnerClass> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_Instanceof
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Instanceof> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_Instruction
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Instruction> p) Verify.__Patterns.cast_Int
(Pattern<? super Verify.Int> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_InterfaceMethodRef
(Pattern<? super LLJava.InterfaceMethodRef> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_IntLiteral
(Pattern<? super LLJava.IntLiteral> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_IntType
(Pattern<? super LLJava.IntType> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_IntVType
(Pattern<? super LLJava.IntVType> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_Invoke
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Invoke> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_InvokeDynamic
(Pattern<? super LLJava.InvokeDynamic> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_Jump
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Jump> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_Label
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Label> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_Length
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Length> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_Literal
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Literal> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_Load
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Load> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_Loadable
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Loadable> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_LoadableExpr
(Pattern<? super LLJava.LoadableExpr> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_LoadArgument
(Pattern<? super LLJava.LoadArgument> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_Local
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Local> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_LocalClass
(Pattern<? super LLJava.LocalClass> p) Verify.__Patterns.cast_Long
(Pattern<? super Verify.Long> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_LongLiteral
(Pattern<? super LLJava.LongLiteral> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_LongType
(Pattern<? super LLJava.LongType> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_LongVType
(Pattern<? super LLJava.LongVType> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_LowerTypeBound
(Pattern<? super LLJava.LowerTypeBound> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_Member
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Member> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_MemberDynamicName
(Pattern<? super LLJava.MemberDynamicName> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_MemberFullName
(Pattern<? super LLJava.MemberFullName> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_MemberRef
(Pattern<? super LLJava.MemberRef> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_MemberReference
(Pattern<? super LLJava.MemberReference> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_MemberStaticName
(Pattern<? super LLJava.MemberStaticName> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_Method
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Method> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_MethodBody
(Pattern<? super LLJava.MethodBody> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_MethodHandle
(Pattern<? super LLJava.MethodHandle> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_MethodHandleExpr
(Pattern<? super LLJava.MethodHandleExpr> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_MethodHandleTarget
(Pattern<? super LLJava.MethodHandleTarget> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_MethodName
(Pattern<? super LLJava.MethodName> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_MethodRef
(Pattern<? super LLJava.MethodRef> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_MethodReference
(Pattern<? super LLJava.MethodReference> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_MethodReferenceParameter
(Pattern<? super LLJava.MethodReferenceParameter> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_MethodSignatureAttribute
(Pattern<? super LLJava.MethodSignatureAttribute> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_MethodType
(Pattern<? super LLJava.MethodType> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_MethodTypeExpr
(Pattern<? super LLJava.MethodTypeExpr> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_Modifiable
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Modifiable> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_ModifierExpr
(Pattern<? super LLJava.ModifierExpr> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_Monitor
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Monitor> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_Mul
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Mul> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_Name
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Name> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_NameAndType
(Pattern<? super LLJava.NameAndType> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_Neg
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Neg> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_NestedAnnotationValue
(Pattern<? super LLJava.NestedAnnotationValue> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_New
(Pattern<? super LLJava.New> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_Node
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Node> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_Nop
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Nop> p) Verify.__Patterns.cast_Null
(Pattern<? super Verify.Null> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_NullLiteral
(Pattern<? super LLJava.NullLiteral> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_NullVType
(Pattern<? super LLJava.NullVType> p) Verify.__Patterns.cast_Object
(Pattern<? super Verify.Object> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_ObjectVType
(Pattern<? super LLJava.ObjectVType> p) Verify.__Patterns.cast_OneWord
(Pattern<? super Verify.OneWord> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_OneWordVType
(Pattern<? super LLJava.OneWordVType> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_Parameter
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Parameter> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_Pop
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Pop> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_PrimitiveType
(Pattern<? super LLJava.PrimitiveType> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_PrimitiveTypeExpr
(Pattern<? super LLJava.PrimitiveTypeExpr> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_Put
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Put> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_QualId
(Pattern<? super LLJava.QualId> p) Verify.__Patterns.cast_Reference
(Pattern<? super Verify.Reference> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_ReferenceTypeExpr
(Pattern<? super LLJava.ReferenceTypeExpr> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_ReferenceVType
(Pattern<? super LLJava.ReferenceVType> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_RefType
(Pattern<? super LLJava.RefType> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_Rem
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Rem> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_Result
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Result> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_ResultExpr
(Pattern<? super LLJava.ResultExpr> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_Return
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Return> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_ReturnsExpr
(Pattern<? super LLJava.ReturnsExpr> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_Shift
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Shift> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_Shl
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Shl> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_ShortType
(Pattern<? super LLJava.ShortType> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_ShortVType
(Pattern<? super LLJava.ShortVType> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_Shr
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Shr> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_SignatureAttribute
(Pattern<? super LLJava.SignatureAttribute> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_SimpleModifierExpr
(Pattern<? super LLJava.SimpleModifierExpr> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_Slot
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Slot> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_SlotRef
(Pattern<? super LLJava.SlotRef> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_SlotReference
(Pattern<? super LLJava.SlotReference> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_StackFrame
(Pattern<? super LLJava.StackFrame> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_StackFrameDelta
(Pattern<? super LLJava.StackFrameDelta> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_StackMapTableAttribute
(Pattern<? super LLJava.StackMapTableAttribute> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_Statement
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Statement> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_Store
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Store> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_StoreArgument
(Pattern<? super LLJava.StoreArgument> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_StringLiteral
(Pattern<? super LLJava.StringLiteral> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_Sub
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Sub> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_Swap
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Swap> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_Switch
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Switch> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_This
(Pattern<? super LLJava.This> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_Throw
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Throw> p) Verify.__Patterns.cast_Top
(Pattern<? super Verify.Top> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_TopVType
(Pattern<? super LLJava.TopVType> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_Try
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Try> p) Verify.__Patterns.cast_TwoWord
(Pattern<? super Verify.TwoWord> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_TwoWordVType
(Pattern<? super LLJava.TwoWordVType> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_Type
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Type> p) Verify.__Patterns.cast_Type
(Pattern<? super Verify.Type> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_TypeArgument
(Pattern<? super LLJava.TypeArgument> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_TypeBound
(Pattern<? super LLJava.TypeBound> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_TypeExpr
(Pattern<? super LLJava.TypeExpr> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_TypeInstruction
(Pattern<? super LLJava.TypeInstruction> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_TypeParameter
(Pattern<? super LLJava.TypeParameter> p) Verify.__Patterns.cast_Uninitialized
(Pattern<? super Verify.Uninitialized> p) Verify.__Patterns.cast_UninitializedNew
(Pattern<? super Verify.UninitializedNew> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_UninitializedNewVType
(Pattern<? super LLJava.UninitializedNewVType> p) Verify.__Patterns.cast_UninitializedThis
(Pattern<? super Verify.UninitializedThis> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_UninitializedThisVType
(Pattern<? super LLJava.UninitializedThisVType> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_UninitializedVType
(Pattern<? super LLJava.UninitializedVType> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_UpperTypeBound
(Pattern<? super LLJava.UpperTypeBound> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_UShr
(Pattern<? super LLJava.UShr> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_Variable
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Variable> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_VariableAccess
(Pattern<? super LLJava.VariableAccess> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_VariableRef
(Pattern<? super LLJava.VariableRef> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_Void
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Void> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_VoidExpr
(Pattern<? super LLJava.VoidExpr> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_VType
(Pattern<? super LLJava.VType> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_WideType
(Pattern<? super LLJava.WideType> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_Wildcard
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Wildcard> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_XOr
(Pattern<? super LLJava.XOr> p) static Pattern
<LLJava.NestedAnnotationValue> LLJava.NestedAnnotationValue.get_annotation
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Annotation> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.DimensionExpr> LLJava.DimensionExpr.get_annotations
(Pattern<? super CheckedList<LLJava.Annotation>> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.Modifiable> LLJava.Modifiable.get_annotations
(Pattern<? super CheckedList<LLJava.Annotation>> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.TypeArgument> LLJava.TypeArgument.get_annotations
(Pattern<? super CheckedList<LLJava.Annotation>> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.TypeParameter> LLJava.TypeParameter.get_annotations
(Pattern<? super CheckedList<LLJava.Annotation>> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.Load> LLJava.Load.get_arg
(Pattern<? super LLJava.LoadArgument> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.Store> LLJava.Store.get_arg
(Pattern<? super LLJava.StoreArgument> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.BootstrapMethod> LLJava.BootstrapMethod.get_arguments
(Pattern<? super CheckedList<LLJava.Loadable>> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.ClassTypeExpr> LLJava.ClassTypeExpr.get_arguments
(Pattern<? super CheckedList<LLJava.TypeArgument>> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.MethodReference> LLJava.MethodReference.get_asInterface
(Pattern<? super Boolean> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.Attributable> LLJava.Attributable.get_attrs
(Pattern<? super CheckedList<LLJava.Attribute>> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.CustomAttribute> LLJava.CustomAttribute.get_attrs
(Pattern<? super CheckedList<LLJava.Attribute>> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.ArrayTypeExpr> LLJava.ArrayTypeExpr.get_base
(Pattern<? super LLJava.TypeExpr> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.CodeMethodBody> LLJava.CodeMethodBody.get_block
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Block> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.Case> LLJava.Case.get_body
(Pattern<? super LLJava.CodePoint> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.Handler> LLJava.Handler.get_body
(Pattern<? super LLJava.CodePoint> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.LLJava.If.get_body
(Pattern<? super LLJava.CodePoint> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.InlineInterval> LLJava.InlineInterval.get_body
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Block> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.InlinePoint> LLJava.InlinePoint.get_body
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Block> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.Method> LLJava.Method.get_body
(Pattern<? super LLJava.MethodBody> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.Try> LLJava.Try.get_body
(Pattern<? super LLJava.CodeInterval> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.AbstractDynamic> LLJava.AbstractDynamic.get_bootstrap
(Pattern<? super LLJava.BootstrapMethod> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.MemberDynamicName> LLJava.MemberDynamicName.get_bootstrapArguments
(Pattern<? super CheckedList<LLJava.LoadableExpr>> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.LLJava.BootstrapMethodsAttribute.get_bootstrapMethods
(Pattern<? super CheckedList<LLJava.BootstrapMethod>> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.TypeParameter> LLJava.TypeParameter.get_bound
(Pattern<? super LLJava.UpperTypeBound> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.Wildcard> LLJava.Wildcard.get_bound
(Pattern<? super LLJava.TypeBound> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.Switch> LLJava.Switch.get_cases
(Pattern<? super CheckedList<LLJava.Case>> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.ObjectVType> LLJava.ObjectVType.get_classname
(Pattern<? super String> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<Verify.Object> Verify.Object.get_classname
(Pattern<? super String> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.LLJava.If.get_condition
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Condition> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.Block> LLJava.Block.get_controlEnv
(Pattern<? super CheckedMap_RD<LLJava.Name, LLJava.Block>> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.Block> LLJava.Block.get_dataEnv
(Pattern<? super CheckedMap_RD<LLJava.Name, LLJava.Variable>> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.InnerClass> LLJava.InnerClass.get_definition
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Class> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.StackFrameDelta> Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.MethodType> LLJava.MethodType.get_descriptor
(Pattern<? super LLJava.ConstantUTF8> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.NameAndType> LLJava.NameAndType.get_descriptor
(Pattern<? super LLJava.ConstantUTF8> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.Member> LLJava.Member.get_descriptorEntry
(Pattern<? super LLJava.ConstantUTF8> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.MethodReference> LLJava.MethodReference.get_dynamicEntry
(Pattern<? super LLJava.InvokeDynamic> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.ArrayType> LLJava.ArrayType.get_element
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Type> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.Annotation> LLJava.Annotation.get_elems
(Pattern<? super CheckedMap_RD<LLJava.Id, LLJava.AnnotationValue>> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.ArrayAnnotationValue> LLJava.ArrayAnnotationValue.get_elems
(Pattern<? super CheckedList<LLJava.AnnotationValue>> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.Block> LLJava.Block.get_elems
(Pattern<? super CheckedList<LLJava.Statement>> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.GotoInterval> LLJava.GotoInterval.get_end
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Name> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.GotoInterval> LLJava.GotoInterval.get_endTarget
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Block> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.ClassReference> LLJava.ClassReference.get_entry
(Pattern<? super LLJava.ClassRef> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.LoadableExpr> LLJava.LoadableExpr.get_entry
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Loadable> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.MemberReference> LLJava.MemberReference.get_entry
(Pattern<? super LLJava.MemberRef> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.TypeInstruction> LLJava.TypeInstruction.get_entry
(Pattern<? super LLJava.ClassRef> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.ResultExpr> LLJava.ResultExpr.get_erasure
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Result> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.TypeArgument> LLJava.TypeArgument.get_erasure
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Type> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.TypeBound> LLJava.TypeBound.get_erasure
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Type> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.Method> LLJava.Method.get_exceptions
(Pattern<? super CheckedList<LLJava.ClassReference>> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.CodeMethodBody> LLJava.CodeMethodBody.get_exceptionTable
(Pattern<? super CheckedList<LLJava.Exception>> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.MemberDynamicName> LLJava.MemberDynamicName.get_factory
(Pattern<? super LLJava.MethodHandleExpr> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.Class> LLJava.Class.get_fields
(Pattern<? super CheckedList<LLJava.Field>> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.DynamicExpr> LLJava.DynamicExpr.get_fullName
(Pattern<? super LLJava.MemberDynamicName> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.MemberReference> LLJava.MemberReference.get_fullName
(Pattern<? super LLJava.MemberFullName> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.CmpFloating> LLJava.CmpFloating.get_greaterNaN
(Pattern<? super Boolean> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.BootstrapMethod> LLJava.BootstrapMethod.get_handle
(Pattern<? super LLJava.MethodHandle> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.Try> LLJava.Try.get_handlers
(Pattern<? super CheckedList<LLJava.Handler>> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.ExplicitName> Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.GotoPoint> LLJava.GotoPoint.get_id
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Name> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.ImplicitName> LLJava.ImplicitName.get_id
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Anonymity> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.QualId> Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.Block> LLJava.Block.get_implicit
(Pattern<? super Boolean> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.Inc> LLJava.Inc.get_increment
(Pattern<? super Integer> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.Slot> Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.SlotReference> Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.Field> LLJava.Field.get_initializer
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Literal> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.Class> LLJava.Class.get_innerClasses
(Pattern<? super CheckedList<LLJava.InnerClass>> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.Class> LLJava.Class.get_innerName
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Id> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.Class> LLJava.Class.get_interfaces
(Pattern<? super CheckedList<LLJava.ClassReference>> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.UpperTypeBound> LLJava.UpperTypeBound.get_interfaces
(Pattern<? super CheckedList<LLJava.ReferenceTypeExpr>> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.Case> LLJava.Case.get_isDefault
(Pattern<? super Boolean> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.MethodHandle> LLJava.MethodHandle.get_kind
(Pattern<? super LLJava.HandleKind> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.Block> LLJava.Block.get_labels
(Pattern<? super CheckedList<LLJava.Name>> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.Case> LLJava.Case.get_labels
(Pattern<? super CheckedSet<Integer>> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.TypeBound> LLJava.TypeBound.get_limit
(Pattern<? super LLJava.ReferenceTypeExpr> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.LLJava.ConstantAnnotationValue.get_literal
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Literal> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.StackFrame> LLJava.StackFrame.get_locals
(Pattern<? super CheckedList<LLJava.VType>> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.Node> LLJava.Node.get_location
(Pattern<? super Location<SourceId>> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.CodeMethodBody> LLJava.CodeMethodBody.get_maxLocals
(Pattern<? super Integer> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.CodeMethodBody> LLJava.CodeMethodBody.get_maxOperands
(Pattern<? super Integer> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.Class> LLJava.Class.get_methods
(Pattern<? super CheckedList<LLJava.Method>> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.SimpleModifierExpr> LLJava.SimpleModifierExpr.get_modifier
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Modifier> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.Invoke> LLJava.Invoke.get_modifiers
(Pattern<? super EnumSet<LLJava.Modifier>> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.Modifiable> LLJava.Modifiable.get_modifiers
(Pattern<? super EnumSet<LLJava.Modifier>> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.New> LLJava.New.get_multiarray
(Pattern<? super Integer> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.Annotation> LLJava.Annotation.get_name
(Pattern<? super LLJava.QualId> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.Attribute> LLJava.Attribute.get_name
(Pattern<? super LLJava.ConstantUTF8> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.Class> LLJava.Class.get_name
(Pattern<? super LLJava.QualId> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.ClassAnnotationValue> LLJava.ClassAnnotationValue.get_name
(Pattern<? super LLJava.QualId> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.ClassRef> LLJava.ClassRef.get_name
(Pattern<? super LLJava.ConstantUTF8> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.ClassType> LLJava.ClassType.get_name
(Pattern<? super LLJava.QualId> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.ClassTypeExpr> LLJava.ClassTypeExpr.get_name
(Pattern<? super LLJava.QualId> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.EnumAnnotationValue> Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.InnerClass> Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.Label> LLJava.Label.get_name
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Name> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.Local> LLJava.Local.get_name
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Name> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.Member> Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.MemberFullName> Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.NameAndType> LLJava.NameAndType.get_name
(Pattern<? super LLJava.ConstantUTF8> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.Parameter> LLJava.Parameter.get_name
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Name> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.TypeParameter> Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.Variable> LLJava.Variable.get_name
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Name> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.VariableRef> LLJava.VariableRef.get_name
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Name> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.Member> LLJava.Member.get_nameEntry
(Pattern<? super LLJava.ConstantUTF8> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.AbstractDynamic> LLJava.AbstractDynamic.get_nametype
(Pattern<? super LLJava.NameAndType> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.MemberRef> LLJava.MemberRef.get_nametype
(Pattern<? super LLJava.NameAndType> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.StackFrameDelta> LLJava.StackFrameDelta.get_next
(Pattern<? super LLJava.StackFrame> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.UninitializedNewVType> LLJava.UninitializedNewVType.get_offset
(Pattern<? super LLJava.New> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<Verify.UninitializedNew> Verify.UninitializedNew.get_offset
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Instruction> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.StackFrame> LLJava.StackFrame.get_operands
(Pattern<? super CheckedList<LLJava.VType>> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.MemberRef> LLJava.MemberRef.get_owner
(Pattern<? super LLJava.ClassRef> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.MemberStaticName> LLJava.MemberStaticName.get_owner
(Pattern<? super LLJava.QualId> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.ClassTypeExpr> LLJava.ClassTypeExpr.get_parameter
(Pattern<? super Boolean> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.Method> LLJava.Method.get_parameters
(Pattern<? super CheckedList<LLJava.Parameter>> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.MethodReference> LLJava.MethodReference.get_parameters
(Pattern<? super CheckedList<LLJava.MethodReferenceParameter>> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.MethodTypeExpr> LLJava.MethodTypeExpr.get_parameters
(Pattern<? super CheckedList<LLJava.TypeExpr>> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.Class> LLJava.Class.get_pool
(Pattern<? super CheckedList<LLJava.ConstantPoolEntry>> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.Instruction> LLJava.Instruction.get_post
(Pattern<? super LLJava.StackFrame> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.Instruction> LLJava.Instruction.get_pre
(Pattern<? super LLJava.StackFrame> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.QualId> LLJava.QualId.get_qualifier
(Pattern<? super CheckedList<LLJava.Id>> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.Exception> LLJava.Exception.get_range
(Pattern<? super LLJava.GotoInterval> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.MethodHandle> LLJava.MethodHandle.get_reference
(Pattern<? super LLJava.MemberRef> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.Method> LLJava.Method.get_result
(Pattern<? super LLJava.ResultExpr> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.MethodReference> LLJava.MethodReference.get_result
(Pattern<? super LLJava.ResultExpr> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.MethodTypeExpr> LLJava.MethodTypeExpr.get_result
(Pattern<? super LLJava.ResultExpr> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.Annotation> LLJava.Annotation.get_runtimeVisible
(Pattern<? super Boolean> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.SignatureAttribute> LLJava.SignatureAttribute.get_signature
(Pattern<? super LLJava.ConstantUTF8> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.Class> LLJava.Class.get_signatureEntry
(Pattern<? super LLJava.ConstantUTF8> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.Member> LLJava.Member.get_signatureEntry
(Pattern<? super LLJava.ConstantUTF8> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.ArrayTypeExpr> LLJava.ArrayTypeExpr.get_specified
(Pattern<? super Boolean> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.DimensionExpr> LLJava.DimensionExpr.get_specified
(Pattern<? super Boolean> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.CodeAttribute> LLJava.CodeAttribute.get_stackMap
(Pattern<? super LLJava.StackMapTableAttribute> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.CodeMethodBody> LLJava.CodeMethodBody.get_stackMap
(Pattern<? super CheckedList<LLJava.StackFrameDelta>> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.CodeMethodBody> LLJava.CodeMethodBody.get_stackMapPlaces
(Pattern<? super CheckedSet<LLJava.Instruction>> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.GotoInterval> LLJava.GotoInterval.get_start
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Name> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.GotoInterval> LLJava.GotoInterval.get_startTarget
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Block> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.FieldAccess> LLJava.FieldAccess.get_statically
(Pattern<? super Boolean> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.Invoke> LLJava.Invoke.get_strategy
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Strategy> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.Class> LLJava.Class.get_superClass
(Pattern<? super LLJava.ClassReference> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.Exception> LLJava.Exception.get_target
(Pattern<? super LLJava.GotoPoint> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.Goto> LLJava.Goto.get_target
(Pattern<? super LLJava.GotoPoint> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.GotoPoint> LLJava.GotoPoint.get_target
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Block> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.Inc> LLJava.Inc.get_target
(Pattern<? super LLJava.VariableAccess> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.LocalClass> LLJava.LocalClass.get_target
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Class> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.MethodHandleExpr> LLJava.MethodHandleExpr.get_target
(Pattern<? super LLJava.MethodHandleTarget> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.MethodHandleTarget> LLJava.MethodHandleTarget.get_target
(Pattern<? super LLJava.MemberReference> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.VariableAccess> LLJava.VariableAccess.get_target
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Slot> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.ConstantUTF8> Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.Class> LLJava.Class.get_thisEntry
(Pattern<? super LLJava.ClassRef> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.ArrayAccess> LLJava.ArrayAccess.get_type
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Type> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.ClassExpr> LLJava.ClassExpr.get_type
(Pattern<? super LLJava.ClassTypeExpr> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.ClassReference> LLJava.ClassReference.get_type
(Pattern<? super LLJava.ClassTypeExpr> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.DynamicExpr> LLJava.DynamicExpr.get_type
(Pattern<? super LLJava.TypeExpr> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.EnumAnnotationValue> LLJava.EnumAnnotationValue.get_type
(Pattern<? super LLJava.QualId> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.Exception> LLJava.Exception.get_type
(Pattern<? super LLJava.ClassReference> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.Field> LLJava.Field.get_type
(Pattern<? super LLJava.TypeExpr> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.FieldReference> LLJava.FieldReference.get_type
(Pattern<? super LLJava.TypeExpr> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.Handler> LLJava.Handler.get_type
(Pattern<? super LLJava.ClassReference> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.Local> LLJava.Local.get_type
(Pattern<? super LLJava.TypeExpr> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.LLJava.MethodReferenceParameter.get_type
(Pattern<? super LLJava.TypeExpr> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.Parameter> LLJava.Parameter.get_type
(Pattern<? super LLJava.TypeExpr> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.ReturnsExpr> LLJava.ReturnsExpr.get_type
(Pattern<? super LLJava.TypeExpr> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.Slot> LLJava.Slot.get_type
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Type> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.TypeInstruction> LLJava.TypeInstruction.get_type
(Pattern<? super LLJava.TypeExpr> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.Variable> LLJava.Variable.get_type
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Type> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.Class> LLJava.Class.get_typeParameters
(Pattern<? super CheckedList<LLJava.TypeParameter>> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.Method> LLJava.Method.get_typeParameters
(Pattern<? super CheckedList<LLJava.TypeParameter>> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.StackFrame> LLJava.StackFrame.get_uninitThis
(Pattern<? super Boolean> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.BooleanLiteral> Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.CharLiteral> Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.ConstantDouble> Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.ConstantFloat> Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.ConstantInteger> Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.ConstantLong> Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.ConstantString> LLJava.ConstantString.get_value
(Pattern<? super LLJava.ConstantUTF8> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.DefaultMethodBody> LLJava.DefaultMethodBody.get_value
(Pattern<? super LLJava.AnnotationValue> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.DoubleLiteral> Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.FloatLiteral> Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.IntLiteral> Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.LongLiteral> Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.StringLiteral> Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.Local> LLJava.Local.get_variable
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Variable> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.Parameter> LLJava.Parameter.get_variable
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Variable> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.SlotReference> Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.AbstractDynamic> LLJava.__Patterns.term_AbstractDynamic
(Pattern<? super LLJava.ConstantPoolEntry> superpattern, Pattern<? super LLJava.BootstrapMethod> p_bootstrap, Pattern<? super LLJava.NameAndType> p_nametype) static Pattern
<LLJava.AbstractIntVType> LLJava.__Patterns.term_AbstractIntVType
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Category1VType> superpattern) static Pattern
<LLJava.AbstractMethodBody> LLJava.__Patterns.term_AbstractMethodBody
(Pattern<? super LLJava.MethodBody> superpattern) static Pattern
<LLJava.AbstractMethodRef> LLJava.__Patterns.term_AbstractMethodRef
(Pattern<? super LLJava.MemberRef> superpattern) static Pattern
<LLJava.Add> LLJava.__Patterns.term_Add
(Pattern<? super LLJava.ArithInstruction> superpattern) static Pattern
<LLJava.And> LLJava.__Patterns.term_And
(Pattern<? super LLJava.ArithInstruction> superpattern) static Pattern
<LLJava.Annotation> LLJava.__Patterns.term_Annotation
(Pattern<? super LLJava.ModifierExpr> superpattern, Pattern<? super LLJava.QualId> p_name, Pattern<? super Boolean> p_runtimeVisible, Pattern<? super CheckedMap_RD<LLJava.Id, LLJava.AnnotationValue>> p_elems) LLJava.__Patterns.term_AnnotationDefaultAttribute
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Attribute> superpattern) static Pattern
<LLJava.AnnotationValue> LLJava.__Patterns.term_AnnotationValue
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Node> superpattern) static Pattern
<LLJava.Anonymity> LLJava.__Patterns.term_Anonymity
(Pattern<Object> superpattern) static Pattern
<LLJava.ArithInstruction> LLJava.__Patterns.term_ArithInstruction
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Instruction> superpattern) static Pattern
<LLJava.ArrayAccess> LLJava.__Patterns.term_ArrayAccess
(Pattern<? super LLJava.StoreArgument> superpattern, Pattern<? super LLJava.Type> p_type) static Pattern
<LLJava.ArrayAnnotationValue> LLJava.__Patterns.term_ArrayAnnotationValue
(Pattern<? super LLJava.AnnotationValue> superpattern, Pattern<? super CheckedList<LLJava.AnnotationValue>> p_elems) static Pattern
<LLJava.ArrayType> LLJava.__Patterns.term_ArrayType
(Pattern<? super LLJava.RefType> superpattern, Pattern<? super LLJava.Type> p_element) static Pattern
<LLJava.ArrayTypeExpr> LLJava.__Patterns.term_ArrayTypeExpr
(Pattern<? super LLJava.ReferenceTypeExpr> superpattern, Pattern<? super LLJava.TypeExpr> p_base, Pattern<? super Boolean> p_specified) static Pattern
<LLJava.Attributable> LLJava.__Patterns.term_Attributable
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Modifiable> superpattern, Pattern<? super CheckedList<LLJava.Attribute>> p_attrs) static Pattern
<LLJava.Attribute> LLJava.__Patterns.term_Attribute
(Pattern<Object> superpattern, Pattern<? super LLJava.ConstantUTF8> p_name) static Pattern
<LLJava.Block> LLJava.__Patterns.term_Block
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Statement> superpattern, Pattern<? super CheckedList<LLJava.Name>> p_labels, Pattern<? super Boolean> p_implicit, Pattern<? super CheckedList<LLJava.Statement>> p_elems, Pattern<? super CheckedMap_RD<LLJava.Name, LLJava.Block>> p_controlEnv, Pattern<? super CheckedMap_RD<LLJava.Name, LLJava.Variable>> p_dataEnv) static Pattern
<LLJava.BooleanLiteral> LLJava.__Patterns.term_BooleanLiteral
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Literal> superpattern, Pattern<? super Boolean> p_value) static Pattern
<LLJava.BooleanType> LLJava.__Patterns.term_BooleanType
(Pattern<? super LLJava.PrimitiveType> superpattern) static Pattern
<LLJava.BooleanVType> LLJava.__Patterns.term_BooleanVType
(Pattern<? super LLJava.AbstractIntVType> superpattern) static Pattern
<LLJava.BootstrapMethod> LLJava.__Patterns.term_BootstrapMethod
(Pattern<Object> superpattern, Pattern<? super LLJava.MethodHandle> p_handle, Pattern<? super CheckedList<LLJava.Loadable>> p_arguments) LLJava.__Patterns.term_BootstrapMethodsAttribute
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Attribute> superpattern, Pattern<? super CheckedList<LLJava.BootstrapMethod>> p_bootstrapMethods) static Pattern
<LLJava.ByteType> LLJava.__Patterns.term_ByteType
(Pattern<? super LLJava.PrimitiveType> superpattern) static Pattern
<LLJava.ByteVType> LLJava.__Patterns.term_ByteVType
(Pattern<? super LLJava.AbstractIntVType> superpattern) static Pattern
<LLJava.Case> LLJava.__Patterns.term_Case
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Node> superpattern, Pattern<? super CheckedSet<Integer>> p_labels, Pattern<? super Boolean> p_isDefault, Pattern<? super LLJava.CodePoint> p_body) static Pattern
<LLJava.Cast> LLJava.__Patterns.term_Cast
(Pattern<? super LLJava.TypeInstruction> superpattern) static Pattern
<Verify.Category1> Verify.__Patterns.term_Category1
(Pattern<? super Verify.Type> superpattern) static Pattern
<LLJava.Category1VType> LLJava.__Patterns.term_Category1VType
(Pattern<? super LLJava.VType> superpattern) static Pattern
<Verify.Category2> Verify.__Patterns.term_Category2
(Pattern<? super Verify.Type> superpattern) static Pattern
<LLJava.Category2VType> LLJava.__Patterns.term_Category2VType
(Pattern<? super LLJava.VType> superpattern) static Pattern
<LLJava.CharLiteral> LLJava.__Patterns.term_CharLiteral
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Literal> superpattern, Pattern<? super Character> p_value) static Pattern
<LLJava.CharType> LLJava.__Patterns.term_CharType
(Pattern<? super LLJava.PrimitiveType> superpattern) static Pattern
<LLJava.CharVType> LLJava.__Patterns.term_CharVType
(Pattern<? super LLJava.AbstractIntVType> superpattern) static Pattern
<LLJava.Class> LLJava.__Patterns.term_Class
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Attributable> superpattern, Pattern<? super LLJava.QualId> p_name, Pattern<? super LLJava.Id> p_innerName, Pattern<? super CheckedList<LLJava.TypeParameter>> p_typeParameters, Pattern<? super LLJava.ClassReference> p_superClass, Pattern<? super CheckedList<LLJava.ClassReference>> p_interfaces, Pattern<? super CheckedList<LLJava.Field>> p_fields, Pattern<? super CheckedList<LLJava.Method>> p_methods, Pattern<? super CheckedList<LLJava.InnerClass>> p_innerClasses, Pattern<? super CheckedList<LLJava.ConstantPoolEntry>> p_pool, Pattern<? super LLJava.ClassRef> p_thisEntry, Pattern<? super LLJava.ConstantUTF8> p_signatureEntry) static Pattern
<LLJava.ClassAnnotationValue> LLJava.__Patterns.term_ClassAnnotationValue
(Pattern<? super LLJava.AnnotationValue> superpattern, Pattern<? super LLJava.QualId> p_name) static Pattern
<LLJava.ClassExpr> LLJava.__Patterns.term_ClassExpr
(Pattern<? super LLJava.LoadableExpr> superpattern, Pattern<? super LLJava.ClassTypeExpr> p_type) static Pattern
<LLJava.ClassParent> LLJava.__Patterns.term_ClassParent
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Node> superpattern) static Pattern
<LLJava.ClassRef> LLJava.__Patterns.term_ClassRef
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Loadable> superpattern, Pattern<? super LLJava.ConstantUTF8> p_name) static Pattern
<LLJava.ClassReference> LLJava.__Patterns.term_ClassReference
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Node> superpattern, Pattern<? super LLJava.ClassTypeExpr> p_type, Pattern<? super LLJava.ClassRef> p_entry) LLJava.__Patterns.term_ClassSignatureAttribute
(Pattern<? super LLJava.SignatureAttribute> superpattern) static Pattern
<LLJava.ClassType> LLJava.__Patterns.term_ClassType
(Pattern<? super LLJava.RefType> superpattern, Pattern<? super LLJava.QualId> p_name) static Pattern
<LLJava.ClassTypeExpr> LLJava.__Patterns.term_ClassTypeExpr
(Pattern<? super LLJava.ReferenceTypeExpr> superpattern, Pattern<? super LLJava.QualId> p_name, Pattern<? super CheckedList<LLJava.TypeArgument>> p_arguments, Pattern<? super Boolean> p_parameter) static Pattern
<LLJava.Cmp> LLJava.__Patterns.term_Cmp
(Pattern<? super LLJava.ArithInstruction> superpattern) static Pattern
<LLJava.CmpFloating> LLJava.__Patterns.term_CmpFloating
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Cmp> superpattern, Pattern<? super Boolean> p_greaterNaN) static Pattern
<LLJava.CmpGT> LLJava.__Patterns.term_CmpGT
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Cmp> superpattern) static Pattern
<LLJava.CmpIntegral> LLJava.__Patterns.term_CmpIntegral
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Cmp> superpattern) static Pattern
<LLJava.CmpLT> LLJava.__Patterns.term_CmpLT
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Cmp> superpattern) static Pattern
<LLJava.CodeAttribute> LLJava.__Patterns.term_CodeAttribute
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Attribute> superpattern, Pattern<? super LLJava.StackMapTableAttribute> p_stackMap) static Pattern
<LLJava.CodeInterval> LLJava.__Patterns.term_CodeInterval
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Node> superpattern) static Pattern
<LLJava.CodeMethodBody> LLJava.__Patterns.term_CodeMethodBody
(Pattern<? super LLJava.MethodBody> superpattern, Pattern<? super LLJava.Block> p_block, Pattern<? super CheckedList<LLJava.Exception>> p_exceptionTable, Pattern<? super Integer> p_maxLocals, Pattern<? super Integer> p_maxOperands, Pattern<? super CheckedSet<LLJava.Instruction>> p_stackMapPlaces, Pattern<? super CheckedList<LLJava.StackFrameDelta>> p_stackMap) static Pattern
<LLJava.CodePoint> LLJava.__Patterns.term_CodePoint
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Node> superpattern) LLJava.__Patterns.term_ConstantAnnotationValue
(Pattern<? super LLJava.AnnotationValue> superpattern, Pattern<? super LLJava.Literal> p_literal) static Pattern
<LLJava.ConstantDouble> LLJava.__Patterns.term_ConstantDouble
(Pattern<? super LLJava.ConstantDoubleValue> superpattern, Pattern<? super Double> p_value) static Pattern
<LLJava.ConstantDoubleValue> LLJava.__Patterns.term_ConstantDoubleValue
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Loadable> superpattern) static Pattern
<LLJava.ConstantFloat> LLJava.__Patterns.term_ConstantFloat
(Pattern<? super LLJava.ConstantSingleValue> superpattern, Pattern<? super Float> p_value) static Pattern
<LLJava.ConstantInteger> LLJava.__Patterns.term_ConstantInteger
(Pattern<? super LLJava.ConstantSingleValue> superpattern, Pattern<? super Integer> p_value) static Pattern
<LLJava.ConstantLong> LLJava.__Patterns.term_ConstantLong
(Pattern<? super LLJava.ConstantDoubleValue> superpattern, Pattern<? super Long> p_value) static Pattern
<LLJava.ConstantPoolEntry> LLJava.__Patterns.term_ConstantPoolEntry
(Pattern<Object> superpattern) static Pattern
<LLJava.ConstantSingleValue> LLJava.__Patterns.term_ConstantSingleValue
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Loadable> superpattern) static Pattern
<LLJava.ConstantString> LLJava.__Patterns.term_ConstantString
(Pattern<? super LLJava.ConstantSingleValue> superpattern, Pattern<? super LLJava.ConstantUTF8> p_value) static Pattern
<LLJava.ConstantUTF8> LLJava.__Patterns.term_ConstantUTF8
(Pattern<? super LLJava.ConstantPoolEntry> superpattern, Pattern<? super String> p_text) static Pattern
<LLJava.ConstantValueAttribute> LLJava.__Patterns.term_ConstantValueAttribute
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Attribute> superpattern) static Pattern
<LLJava.CustomAttribute> LLJava.__Patterns.term_CustomAttribute
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Attribute> superpattern, Pattern<? super CheckedList<LLJava.Attribute>> p_attrs) static Pattern
<LLJava.DefaultMethodBody> LLJava.__Patterns.term_DefaultMethodBody
(Pattern<? super LLJava.MethodBody> superpattern, Pattern<? super LLJava.AnnotationValue> p_value) static Pattern
<LLJava.DimensionExpr> LLJava.__Patterns.term_DimensionExpr
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Node> superpattern, Pattern<? super Boolean> p_specified, Pattern<? super CheckedList<LLJava.Annotation>> p_annotations) static Pattern
<LLJava.Div> LLJava.__Patterns.term_Div
(Pattern<? super LLJava.ArithInstruction> superpattern) static Pattern
<Verify.Double> Verify.__Patterns.term_Double
(Pattern<? super Verify.Category2> superpattern) static Pattern
<LLJava.DoubleLiteral> LLJava.__Patterns.term_DoubleLiteral
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Literal> superpattern, Pattern<? super Double> p_value) static Pattern
<LLJava.DoubleType> LLJava.__Patterns.term_DoubleType
(Pattern<? super LLJava.WideType> superpattern) static Pattern
<LLJava.DoubleVType> LLJava.__Patterns.term_DoubleVType
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Category2VType> superpattern) static Pattern
<LLJava.Dup> LLJava.__Patterns.term_Dup
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Instruction> superpattern) static Pattern
<LLJava.Dynamic> LLJava.__Patterns.term_Dynamic
(Pattern<? super LLJava.AbstractDynamic> superpattern) static Pattern
<LLJava.DynamicExpr> LLJava.__Patterns.term_DynamicExpr
(Pattern<? super LLJava.LoadableExpr> superpattern, Pattern<? super LLJava.TypeExpr> p_type, Pattern<? super LLJava.MemberDynamicName> p_fullName) static Pattern
<LLJava.Enter> LLJava.__Patterns.term_Enter
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Monitor> superpattern) static Pattern
<LLJava.EnumAnnotationValue> LLJava.__Patterns.term_EnumAnnotationValue
(Pattern<? super LLJava.AnnotationValue> superpattern, Pattern<? super LLJava.QualId> p_type, Pattern<? super LLJava.Id> p_name) static Pattern
<LLJava.Exception> LLJava.__Patterns.term_Exception
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Node> superpattern, Pattern<? super LLJava.GotoInterval> p_range, Pattern<? super LLJava.ClassReference> p_type, Pattern<? super LLJava.GotoPoint> p_target) static Pattern
<LLJava.ExceptionsAttribute> LLJava.__Patterns.term_ExceptionsAttribute
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Attribute> superpattern) static Pattern
<LLJava.Exit> LLJava.__Patterns.term_Exit
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Monitor> superpattern) static Pattern
<LLJava.ExplicitName> LLJava.__Patterns.term_ExplicitName
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Name> superpattern, Pattern<? super LLJava.Id> p_id) static Pattern
<LLJava.Field> LLJava.__Patterns.term_Field
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Member> superpattern, Pattern<? super LLJava.TypeExpr> p_type, Pattern<? super LLJava.Literal> p_initializer) static Pattern
<LLJava.FieldAccess> LLJava.__Patterns.term_FieldAccess
(Pattern<? super LLJava.MethodHandleTarget> superpattern, Pattern<? super Boolean> p_statically) static Pattern
<LLJava.FieldRef> LLJava.__Patterns.term_FieldRef
(Pattern<? super LLJava.MemberRef> superpattern) static Pattern
<LLJava.FieldReference> LLJava.__Patterns.term_FieldReference
(Pattern<? super LLJava.MemberReference> superpattern, Pattern<? super LLJava.TypeExpr> p_type) LLJava.__Patterns.term_FieldSignatureAttribute
(Pattern<? super LLJava.SignatureAttribute> superpattern) static Pattern
<Verify.Float> Verify.__Patterns.term_Float
(Pattern<? super Verify.Category1> superpattern) static Pattern
<LLJava.FloatLiteral> LLJava.__Patterns.term_FloatLiteral
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Literal> superpattern, Pattern<? super Float> p_value) static Pattern
<LLJava.FloatType> LLJava.__Patterns.term_FloatType
(Pattern<? super LLJava.PrimitiveType> superpattern) static Pattern
<LLJava.FloatVType> LLJava.__Patterns.term_FloatVType
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Category1VType> superpattern) static Pattern
<LLJava.Get> LLJava.__Patterns.term_Get
(Pattern<? super LLJava.FieldAccess> superpattern) static Pattern
<LLJava.Goto> LLJava.__Patterns.term_Goto
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Jump> superpattern, Pattern<? super LLJava.GotoPoint> p_target) static Pattern
<LLJava.GotoInterval> LLJava.__Patterns.term_GotoInterval
(Pattern<? super LLJava.CodeInterval> superpattern, Pattern<? super LLJava.Name> p_start, Pattern<? super LLJava.Name> p_end, Pattern<? super LLJava.Block> p_startTarget, Pattern<? super LLJava.Block> p_endTarget) static Pattern
<LLJava.GotoPoint> LLJava.__Patterns.term_GotoPoint
(Pattern<? super LLJava.CodePoint> superpattern, Pattern<? super LLJava.Name> p_id, Pattern<? super LLJava.Block> p_target) static Pattern
<LLJava.Handler> LLJava.__Patterns.term_Handler
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Node> superpattern, Pattern<? super LLJava.ClassReference> p_type, Pattern<? super LLJava.CodePoint> p_body) LLJava.__Patterns.term_If
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Instruction> superpattern, Pattern<? super Boolean> p_neg, Pattern<? super LLJava.Condition> p_condition, Pattern<? super LLJava.CodePoint> p_body) static Pattern
<LLJava.ImplicitName> LLJava.__Patterns.term_ImplicitName
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Name> superpattern, Pattern<? super LLJava.Anonymity> p_id) static Pattern
<LLJava.Inc> LLJava.__Patterns.term_Inc
(Pattern<? super LLJava.ArithInstruction> superpattern, Pattern<? super LLJava.VariableAccess> p_target, Pattern<? super Integer> p_increment) static Pattern
<LLJava.InlineInterval> LLJava.__Patterns.term_InlineInterval
(Pattern<? super LLJava.CodeInterval> superpattern, Pattern<? super LLJava.Block> p_body) static Pattern
<LLJava.InlinePoint> LLJava.__Patterns.term_InlinePoint
(Pattern<? super LLJava.CodePoint> superpattern, Pattern<? super LLJava.Block> p_body) static Pattern
<LLJava.InnerClass> LLJava.__Patterns.term_InnerClass
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Attributable> superpattern, Pattern<? super LLJava.Id> p_name, Pattern<? super LLJava.Class> p_definition) static Pattern
<LLJava.Instanceof> LLJava.__Patterns.term_Instanceof
(Pattern<? super LLJava.TypeInstruction> superpattern) static Pattern
<LLJava.Instruction> LLJava.__Patterns.term_Instruction
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Statement> superpattern, Pattern<? super LLJava.StackFrame> p_pre, Pattern<? super LLJava.StackFrame> p_post) static Pattern
<Verify.Int> Verify.__Patterns.term_Int
(Pattern<? super Verify.Category1> superpattern) static Pattern
<LLJava.InterfaceMethodRef> LLJava.__Patterns.term_InterfaceMethodRef
(Pattern<? super LLJava.AbstractMethodRef> superpattern) static Pattern
<LLJava.IntLiteral> LLJava.__Patterns.term_IntLiteral
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Literal> superpattern, Pattern<? super Integer> p_value) static Pattern
<LLJava.IntType> LLJava.__Patterns.term_IntType
(Pattern<? super LLJava.PrimitiveType> superpattern) static Pattern
<LLJava.IntVType> LLJava.__Patterns.term_IntVType
(Pattern<? super LLJava.AbstractIntVType> superpattern) static Pattern
<LLJava.Invoke> LLJava.__Patterns.term_Invoke
(Pattern<? super LLJava.MethodHandleTarget> superpattern, Pattern<? super EnumSet<LLJava.Modifier>> p_modifiers, Pattern<? super LLJava.Strategy> p_strategy) static Pattern
<LLJava.InvokeDynamic> LLJava.__Patterns.term_InvokeDynamic
(Pattern<? super LLJava.AbstractDynamic> superpattern) static Pattern
<LLJava.Jump> LLJava.__Patterns.term_Jump
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Instruction> superpattern) static Pattern
<LLJava.Label> LLJava.__Patterns.term_Label
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Statement> superpattern, Pattern<? super LLJava.Name> p_name) static Pattern
<LLJava.Length> LLJava.__Patterns.term_Length
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Instruction> superpattern) static Pattern
<LLJava.Literal> LLJava.__Patterns.term_Literal
(Pattern<? super LLJava.LoadableExpr> superpattern) static Pattern
<LLJava.Load> LLJava.__Patterns.term_Load
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Instruction> superpattern, Pattern<? super LLJava.LoadArgument> p_arg) static Pattern
<LLJava.Loadable> LLJava.__Patterns.term_Loadable
(Pattern<? super LLJava.ConstantPoolEntry> superpattern) static Pattern
<LLJava.LoadableExpr> LLJava.__Patterns.term_LoadableExpr
(Pattern<? super LLJava.LoadArgument> superpattern, Pattern<? super LLJava.Loadable> p_entry) static Pattern
<LLJava.LoadArgument> LLJava.__Patterns.term_LoadArgument
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Node> superpattern) static Pattern
<LLJava.Local> LLJava.__Patterns.term_Local
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Statement> superpattern, Pattern<? super LLJava.TypeExpr> p_type, Pattern<? super LLJava.Name> p_name, Pattern<? super LLJava.Variable> p_variable) static Pattern
<LLJava.LocalClass> LLJava.__Patterns.term_LocalClass
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Statement> superpattern, Pattern<? super LLJava.Class> p_target) static Pattern
<Verify.Long> Verify.__Patterns.term_Long
(Pattern<? super Verify.Category2> superpattern) static Pattern
<LLJava.LongLiteral> LLJava.__Patterns.term_LongLiteral
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Literal> superpattern, Pattern<? super Long> p_value) static Pattern
<LLJava.LongType> LLJava.__Patterns.term_LongType
(Pattern<? super LLJava.WideType> superpattern) static Pattern
<LLJava.LongVType> LLJava.__Patterns.term_LongVType
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Category2VType> superpattern) static Pattern
<LLJava.LowerTypeBound> LLJava.__Patterns.term_LowerTypeBound
(Pattern<? super LLJava.TypeBound> superpattern) static Pattern
<LLJava.Member> LLJava.__Patterns.term_Member
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Attributable> superpattern, Pattern<? super LLJava.Id> p_name, Pattern<? super LLJava.ConstantUTF8> p_nameEntry, Pattern<? super LLJava.ConstantUTF8> p_descriptorEntry, Pattern<? super LLJava.ConstantUTF8> p_signatureEntry) static Pattern
<LLJava.MemberDynamicName> LLJava.__Patterns.term_MemberDynamicName
(Pattern<? super LLJava.MemberFullName> superpattern, Pattern<? super LLJava.MethodHandleExpr> p_factory, Pattern<? super CheckedList<LLJava.LoadableExpr>> p_bootstrapArguments) static Pattern
<LLJava.MemberFullName> LLJava.__Patterns.term_MemberFullName
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Node> superpattern, Pattern<? super LLJava.Id> p_name) static Pattern
<LLJava.MemberRef> LLJava.__Patterns.term_MemberRef
(Pattern<? super LLJava.ConstantPoolEntry> superpattern, Pattern<? super LLJava.ClassRef> p_owner, Pattern<? super LLJava.NameAndType> p_nametype) static Pattern
<LLJava.MemberReference> LLJava.__Patterns.term_MemberReference
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Node> superpattern, Pattern<? super LLJava.MemberFullName> p_fullName, Pattern<? super LLJava.MemberRef> p_entry) static Pattern
<LLJava.MemberStaticName> LLJava.__Patterns.term_MemberStaticName
(Pattern<? super LLJava.MemberFullName> superpattern, Pattern<? super LLJava.QualId> p_owner) static Pattern
<LLJava.Method> LLJava.__Patterns.term_Method
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Member> superpattern, Pattern<? super CheckedList<LLJava.TypeParameter>> p_typeParameters, Pattern<? super LLJava.ResultExpr> p_result, Pattern<? super CheckedList<LLJava.Parameter>> p_parameters, Pattern<? super CheckedList<LLJava.ClassReference>> p_exceptions, Pattern<? super LLJava.MethodBody> p_body) static Pattern
<LLJava.MethodBody> LLJava.__Patterns.term_MethodBody
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Node> superpattern) static Pattern
<LLJava.MethodHandle> LLJava.__Patterns.term_MethodHandle
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Loadable> superpattern, Pattern<? super LLJava.HandleKind> p_kind, Pattern<? super LLJava.MemberRef> p_reference) static Pattern
<LLJava.MethodHandleExpr> LLJava.__Patterns.term_MethodHandleExpr
(Pattern<? super LLJava.LoadableExpr> superpattern, Pattern<? super LLJava.MethodHandleTarget> p_target) static Pattern
<LLJava.MethodHandleTarget> LLJava.__Patterns.term_MethodHandleTarget
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Instruction> superpattern, Pattern<? super LLJava.MemberReference> p_target) static Pattern
<LLJava.MethodName> LLJava.__Patterns.term_MethodName
(Pattern<Object> superpattern) static Pattern
<LLJava.MethodRef> LLJava.__Patterns.term_MethodRef
(Pattern<? super LLJava.AbstractMethodRef> superpattern) static Pattern
<LLJava.MethodReference> LLJava.__Patterns.term_MethodReference
(Pattern<? super LLJava.MemberReference> superpattern, Pattern<? super Boolean> p_asInterface, Pattern<? super LLJava.ResultExpr> p_result, Pattern<? super CheckedList<LLJava.MethodReferenceParameter>> p_parameters, Pattern<? super LLJava.InvokeDynamic> p_dynamicEntry) LLJava.__Patterns.term_MethodReferenceParameter
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Node> superpattern, Pattern<? super LLJava.TypeExpr> p_type) LLJava.__Patterns.term_MethodSignatureAttribute
(Pattern<? super LLJava.SignatureAttribute> superpattern) static Pattern
<LLJava.MethodType> LLJava.__Patterns.term_MethodType
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Loadable> superpattern, Pattern<? super LLJava.ConstantUTF8> p_descriptor) static Pattern
<LLJava.MethodTypeExpr> LLJava.__Patterns.term_MethodTypeExpr
(Pattern<? super LLJava.LoadableExpr> superpattern, Pattern<? super LLJava.ResultExpr> p_result, Pattern<? super CheckedList<LLJava.TypeExpr>> p_parameters) static Pattern
<LLJava.Modifiable> LLJava.__Patterns.term_Modifiable
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Node> superpattern, Pattern<? super CheckedList<LLJava.Annotation>> p_annotations, Pattern<? super EnumSet<LLJava.Modifier>> p_modifiers) static Pattern
<LLJava.ModifierExpr> LLJava.__Patterns.term_ModifierExpr
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Node> superpattern) static Pattern
<LLJava.Monitor> LLJava.__Patterns.term_Monitor
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Instruction> superpattern) static Pattern
<LLJava.Mul> LLJava.__Patterns.term_Mul
(Pattern<? super LLJava.ArithInstruction> superpattern) static Pattern
<LLJava.Name> static Pattern
<LLJava.NameAndType> LLJava.__Patterns.term_NameAndType
(Pattern<? super LLJava.ConstantPoolEntry> superpattern, Pattern<? super LLJava.ConstantUTF8> p_name, Pattern<? super LLJava.ConstantUTF8> p_descriptor) static Pattern
<LLJava.Neg> LLJava.__Patterns.term_Neg
(Pattern<? super LLJava.ArithInstruction> superpattern) static Pattern
<LLJava.NestedAnnotationValue> LLJava.__Patterns.term_NestedAnnotationValue
(Pattern<? super LLJava.AnnotationValue> superpattern, Pattern<? super LLJava.Annotation> p_annotation) static Pattern
<LLJava.New> LLJava.__Patterns.term_New
(Pattern<? super LLJava.TypeInstruction> superpattern, Pattern<? super Integer> p_multiarray) static Pattern
<LLJava.Node> LLJava.__Patterns.term_Node
(Pattern<Object> superpattern, Pattern<? super Location<SourceId>> p_location) static Pattern
<LLJava.Nop> LLJava.__Patterns.term_Nop
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Instruction> superpattern) static Pattern
<Verify.Null> Verify.__Patterns.term_Null
(Pattern<? super Verify.Category1> superpattern) static Pattern
<LLJava.NullLiteral> LLJava.__Patterns.term_NullLiteral
(Pattern<? super LLJava.LoadArgument> superpattern) static Pattern
<LLJava.NullVType> LLJava.__Patterns.term_NullVType
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Category1VType> superpattern) static Pattern
<Verify.Object> Verify.__Patterns.term_Object
(Pattern<? super Verify.Category1> superpattern, Pattern<? super String> p_classname) static Pattern
<LLJava.ObjectVType> LLJava.__Patterns.term_ObjectVType
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Category1VType> superpattern, Pattern<? super String> p_classname) static Pattern
<Verify.OneWord> Verify.__Patterns.term_OneWord
(Pattern<? super Verify.Category1> superpattern) static Pattern
<LLJava.OneWordVType> LLJava.__Patterns.term_OneWordVType
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Category1VType> superpattern) LLJava.__Patterns.term_Or
(Pattern<? super LLJava.ArithInstruction> superpattern) static Pattern
<LLJava.Parameter> LLJava.__Patterns.term_Parameter
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Modifiable> superpattern, Pattern<? super LLJava.TypeExpr> p_type, Pattern<? super LLJava.Name> p_name, Pattern<? super LLJava.Variable> p_variable) static Pattern
<LLJava.Pop> LLJava.__Patterns.term_Pop
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Instruction> superpattern) static Pattern
<LLJava.PrimitiveType> LLJava.__Patterns.term_PrimitiveType
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Type> superpattern) static Pattern
<LLJava.PrimitiveTypeExpr> LLJava.__Patterns.term_PrimitiveTypeExpr
(Pattern<? super LLJava.TypeExpr> superpattern) static Pattern
<LLJava.Put> LLJava.__Patterns.term_Put
(Pattern<? super LLJava.FieldAccess> superpattern) static Pattern
<LLJava.QualId> LLJava.__Patterns.term_QualId
(Pattern<Object> superpattern, Pattern<? super CheckedList<LLJava.Id>> p_qualifier, Pattern<? super LLJava.Id> p_id) static Pattern
<Verify.Reference> Verify.__Patterns.term_Reference
(Pattern<? super Verify.Category1> superpattern) static Pattern
<LLJava.ReferenceTypeExpr> LLJava.__Patterns.term_ReferenceTypeExpr
(Pattern<? super LLJava.TypeExpr> superpattern) static Pattern
<LLJava.ReferenceVType> LLJava.__Patterns.term_ReferenceVType
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Category1VType> superpattern) static Pattern
<LLJava.RefType> LLJava.__Patterns.term_RefType
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Type> superpattern) static Pattern
<LLJava.Rem> LLJava.__Patterns.term_Rem
(Pattern<? super LLJava.ArithInstruction> superpattern) static Pattern
<LLJava.Result> LLJava.__Patterns.term_Result
(Pattern<Object> superpattern) static Pattern
<LLJava.ResultExpr> LLJava.__Patterns.term_ResultExpr
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Node> superpattern, Pattern<? super LLJava.Result> p_erasure) static Pattern
<LLJava.Return> LLJava.__Patterns.term_Return
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Jump> superpattern) static Pattern
<LLJava.ReturnsExpr> LLJava.__Patterns.term_ReturnsExpr
(Pattern<? super LLJava.ResultExpr> superpattern, Pattern<? super LLJava.TypeExpr> p_type) static Pattern
<LLJava.Shift> LLJava.__Patterns.term_Shift
(Pattern<? super LLJava.ArithInstruction> superpattern) static Pattern
<LLJava.Shl> LLJava.__Patterns.term_Shl
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Shift> superpattern) static Pattern
<LLJava.ShortType> LLJava.__Patterns.term_ShortType
(Pattern<? super LLJava.PrimitiveType> superpattern) static Pattern
<LLJava.ShortVType> LLJava.__Patterns.term_ShortVType
(Pattern<? super LLJava.AbstractIntVType> superpattern) static Pattern
<LLJava.Shr> LLJava.__Patterns.term_Shr
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Shift> superpattern) static Pattern
<LLJava.SignatureAttribute> LLJava.__Patterns.term_SignatureAttribute
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Attribute> superpattern, Pattern<? super LLJava.ConstantUTF8> p_signature) static Pattern
<LLJava.SimpleModifierExpr> LLJava.__Patterns.term_SimpleModifierExpr
(Pattern<? super LLJava.ModifierExpr> superpattern, Pattern<? super LLJava.Modifier> p_modifier) static Pattern
<LLJava.Slot> LLJava.__Patterns.term_Slot
(Pattern<Object> superpattern, Pattern<? super LLJava.Type> p_type, Pattern<? super Integer> p_index) static Pattern
<LLJava.SlotRef> LLJava.__Patterns.term_SlotRef
(Pattern<? super LLJava.VariableAccess> superpattern) static Pattern
<LLJava.SlotReference> LLJava.__Patterns.term_SlotReference
(Pattern<? super LLJava.VariableAccess> superpattern, Pattern<? super Integer> p_index, Pattern<? super Boolean> p_wide) static Pattern
<LLJava.StackFrame> LLJava.__Patterns.term_StackFrame
(Pattern<Object> superpattern, Pattern<? super CheckedList<LLJava.VType>> p_locals, Pattern<? super CheckedList<LLJava.VType>> p_operands, Pattern<? super Boolean> p_uninitThis) static Pattern
<LLJava.StackFrameDelta> LLJava.__Patterns.term_StackFrameDelta
(Pattern<Object> superpattern, Pattern<? super Integer> p_delta, Pattern<? super LLJava.StackFrame> p_next) static Pattern
<LLJava.StackMapTableAttribute> LLJava.__Patterns.term_StackMapTableAttribute
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Attribute> superpattern) static Pattern
<LLJava.Statement> LLJava.__Patterns.term_Statement
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Node> superpattern) static Pattern
<LLJava.Store> LLJava.__Patterns.term_Store
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Instruction> superpattern, Pattern<? super LLJava.StoreArgument> p_arg) static Pattern
<LLJava.StoreArgument> LLJava.__Patterns.term_StoreArgument
(Pattern<? super LLJava.LoadArgument> superpattern) static Pattern
<LLJava.StringLiteral> LLJava.__Patterns.term_StringLiteral
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Literal> superpattern, Pattern<? super String> p_value) static Pattern
<LLJava.Sub> LLJava.__Patterns.term_Sub
(Pattern<? super LLJava.ArithInstruction> superpattern) static Pattern
<LLJava.Swap> LLJava.__Patterns.term_Swap
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Instruction> superpattern) static Pattern
<LLJava.Switch> LLJava.__Patterns.term_Switch
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Instruction> superpattern, Pattern<? super CheckedList<LLJava.Case>> p_cases) static Pattern
<LLJava.This> LLJava.__Patterns.term_This
(Pattern<? super LLJava.VariableAccess> superpattern) static Pattern
<LLJava.Throw> LLJava.__Patterns.term_Throw
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Jump> superpattern) static Pattern
<Verify.Top> Verify.__Patterns.term_Top
(Pattern<? super Verify.Type> superpattern) static Pattern
<LLJava.TopVType> LLJava.__Patterns.term_TopVType
(Pattern<? super LLJava.VType> superpattern) static Pattern
<LLJava.Try> LLJava.__Patterns.term_Try
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Instruction> superpattern, Pattern<? super LLJava.CodeInterval> p_body, Pattern<? super CheckedList<LLJava.Handler>> p_handlers) static Pattern
<Verify.TwoWord> Verify.__Patterns.term_TwoWord
(Pattern<? super Verify.Category2> superpattern) static Pattern
<LLJava.TwoWordVType> LLJava.__Patterns.term_TwoWordVType
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Category2VType> superpattern) static Pattern
<LLJava.Type> LLJava.__Patterns.term_Type
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Result> superpattern) static Pattern
<Verify.Type> static Pattern
<LLJava.TypeArgument> LLJava.__Patterns.term_TypeArgument
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Node> superpattern, Pattern<? super CheckedList<LLJava.Annotation>> p_annotations, Pattern<? super LLJava.Type> p_erasure) static Pattern
<LLJava.TypeBound> LLJava.__Patterns.term_TypeBound
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Node> superpattern, Pattern<? super LLJava.ReferenceTypeExpr> p_limit, Pattern<? super LLJava.Type> p_erasure) static Pattern
<LLJava.TypeExpr> LLJava.__Patterns.term_TypeExpr
(Pattern<? super LLJava.TypeArgument> superpattern) static Pattern
<LLJava.TypeInstruction> LLJava.__Patterns.term_TypeInstruction
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Instruction> superpattern, Pattern<? super LLJava.TypeExpr> p_type, Pattern<? super LLJava.ClassRef> p_entry) static Pattern
<LLJava.TypeParameter> LLJava.__Patterns.term_TypeParameter
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Node> superpattern, Pattern<? super CheckedList<LLJava.Annotation>> p_annotations, Pattern<? super LLJava.Id> p_name, Pattern<? super LLJava.UpperTypeBound> p_bound) static Pattern
<Verify.Uninitialized> Verify.__Patterns.term_Uninitialized
(Pattern<? super Verify.Category1> superpattern) static Pattern
<Verify.UninitializedNew> Verify.__Patterns.term_UninitializedNew
(Pattern<? super Verify.Category1> superpattern, Pattern<? super LLJava.Instruction> p_offset) static Pattern
<LLJava.UninitializedNewVType> LLJava.__Patterns.term_UninitializedNewVType
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Category1VType> superpattern, Pattern<? super LLJava.New> p_offset) static Pattern
<Verify.UninitializedThis> Verify.__Patterns.term_UninitializedThis
(Pattern<? super Verify.Category1> superpattern) static Pattern
<LLJava.UninitializedThisVType> LLJava.__Patterns.term_UninitializedThisVType
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Category1VType> superpattern) static Pattern
<LLJava.UninitializedVType> LLJava.__Patterns.term_UninitializedVType
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Category1VType> superpattern) static Pattern
<LLJava.UpperTypeBound> LLJava.__Patterns.term_UpperTypeBound
(Pattern<? super LLJava.TypeBound> superpattern, Pattern<? super CheckedList<LLJava.ReferenceTypeExpr>> p_interfaces) static Pattern
<LLJava.UShr> LLJava.__Patterns.term_UShr
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Shift> superpattern) static Pattern
<LLJava.Variable> LLJava.__Patterns.term_Variable
(Pattern<Object> superpattern, Pattern<? super LLJava.Type> p_type, Pattern<? super LLJava.Name> p_name) static Pattern
<LLJava.VariableAccess> LLJava.__Patterns.term_VariableAccess
(Pattern<? super LLJava.StoreArgument> superpattern, Pattern<? super LLJava.Slot> p_target) static Pattern
<LLJava.VariableRef> LLJava.__Patterns.term_VariableRef
(Pattern<? super LLJava.VariableAccess> superpattern, Pattern<? super LLJava.Name> p_name) static Pattern
<LLJava.Void> LLJava.__Patterns.term_Void
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Result> superpattern) static Pattern
<LLJava.VoidExpr> LLJava.__Patterns.term_VoidExpr
(Pattern<? super LLJava.ResultExpr> superpattern) static Pattern
<LLJava.VType> LLJava.__Patterns.term_VType
(Pattern<Object> superpattern) static Pattern
<LLJava.WideType> LLJava.__Patterns.term_WideType
(Pattern<? super LLJava.PrimitiveType> superpattern) static Pattern
<LLJava.Wildcard> LLJava.__Patterns.term_Wildcard
(Pattern<? super LLJava.TypeArgument> superpattern, Pattern<? super LLJava.TypeBound> p_bound) static Pattern
<LLJava.XOr> LLJava.__Patterns.term_XOr
(Pattern<? super LLJava.ArithInstruction> superpattern) Methods in with parameters of type PatternModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionLLJava.__Patterns.cast_AbstractDynamic
(Pattern<? super LLJava.AbstractDynamic> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_AbstractIntVType
(Pattern<? super LLJava.AbstractIntVType> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_AbstractMethodBody
(Pattern<? super LLJava.AbstractMethodBody> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_AbstractMethodRef
(Pattern<? super LLJava.AbstractMethodRef> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_Add
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Add> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_And
(Pattern<? super LLJava.And> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_Annotation
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Annotation> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_AnnotationDefaultAttribute
(Pattern<? super LLJava.AnnotationDefaultAttribute> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_AnnotationValue
(Pattern<? super LLJava.AnnotationValue> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_Anonymity
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Anonymity> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_ArithInstruction
(Pattern<? super LLJava.ArithInstruction> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_ArrayAccess
(Pattern<? super LLJava.ArrayAccess> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_ArrayAnnotationValue
(Pattern<? super LLJava.ArrayAnnotationValue> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_ArrayType
(Pattern<? super LLJava.ArrayType> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_ArrayTypeExpr
(Pattern<? super LLJava.ArrayTypeExpr> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_Attributable
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Attributable> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_Attribute
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Attribute> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_Block
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Block> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_BooleanLiteral
(Pattern<? super LLJava.BooleanLiteral> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_BooleanType
(Pattern<? super LLJava.BooleanType> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_BooleanVType
(Pattern<? super LLJava.BooleanVType> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_BootstrapMethod
(Pattern<? super LLJava.BootstrapMethod> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_BootstrapMethodsAttribute
(Pattern<? super LLJava.BootstrapMethodsAttribute> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_ByteType
(Pattern<? super LLJava.ByteType> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_ByteVType
(Pattern<? super LLJava.ByteVType> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_Case
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Case> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_Cast
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Cast> p) Verify.__Patterns.cast_Category1
(Pattern<? super Verify.Category1> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_Category1VType
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Category1VType> p) Verify.__Patterns.cast_Category2
(Pattern<? super Verify.Category2> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_Category2VType
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Category2VType> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_CharLiteral
(Pattern<? super LLJava.CharLiteral> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_CharType
(Pattern<? super LLJava.CharType> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_CharVType
(Pattern<? super LLJava.CharVType> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_Class
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Class> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_ClassAnnotationValue
(Pattern<? super LLJava.ClassAnnotationValue> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_ClassExpr
(Pattern<? super LLJava.ClassExpr> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_ClassParent
(Pattern<? super LLJava.ClassParent> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_ClassRef
(Pattern<? super LLJava.ClassRef> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_ClassReference
(Pattern<? super LLJava.ClassReference> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_ClassSignatureAttribute
(Pattern<? super LLJava.ClassSignatureAttribute> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_ClassType
(Pattern<? super LLJava.ClassType> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_ClassTypeExpr
(Pattern<? super LLJava.ClassTypeExpr> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_Cmp
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Cmp> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_CmpFloating
(Pattern<? super LLJava.CmpFloating> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_CmpGT
(Pattern<? super LLJava.CmpGT> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_CmpIntegral
(Pattern<? super LLJava.CmpIntegral> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_CmpLT
(Pattern<? super LLJava.CmpLT> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_CodeAttribute
(Pattern<? super LLJava.CodeAttribute> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_CodeInterval
(Pattern<? super LLJava.CodeInterval> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_CodeMethodBody
(Pattern<? super LLJava.CodeMethodBody> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_CodePoint
(Pattern<? super LLJava.CodePoint> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_ConstantAnnotationValue
(Pattern<? super LLJava.ConstantAnnotationValue> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_ConstantDouble
(Pattern<? super LLJava.ConstantDouble> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_ConstantDoubleValue
(Pattern<? super LLJava.ConstantDoubleValue> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_ConstantFloat
(Pattern<? super LLJava.ConstantFloat> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_ConstantInteger
(Pattern<? super LLJava.ConstantInteger> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_ConstantLong
(Pattern<? super LLJava.ConstantLong> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_ConstantPoolEntry
(Pattern<? super LLJava.ConstantPoolEntry> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_ConstantSingleValue
(Pattern<? super LLJava.ConstantSingleValue> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_ConstantString
(Pattern<? super LLJava.ConstantString> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_ConstantUTF8
(Pattern<? super LLJava.ConstantUTF8> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_ConstantValueAttribute
(Pattern<? super LLJava.ConstantValueAttribute> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_CustomAttribute
(Pattern<? super LLJava.CustomAttribute> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_DefaultMethodBody
(Pattern<? super LLJava.DefaultMethodBody> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_DimensionExpr
(Pattern<? super LLJava.DimensionExpr> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_Div
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Div> p) Verify.__Patterns.cast_Double
(Pattern<? super Verify.Double> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_DoubleLiteral
(Pattern<? super LLJava.DoubleLiteral> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_DoubleType
(Pattern<? super LLJava.DoubleType> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_DoubleVType
(Pattern<? super LLJava.DoubleVType> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_Dup
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Dup> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_Dynamic
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Dynamic> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_DynamicExpr
(Pattern<? super LLJava.DynamicExpr> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_Enter
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Enter> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_EnumAnnotationValue
(Pattern<? super LLJava.EnumAnnotationValue> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_Exception
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Exception> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_ExceptionsAttribute
(Pattern<? super LLJava.ExceptionsAttribute> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_Exit
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Exit> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_ExplicitName
(Pattern<? super LLJava.ExplicitName> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_Field
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Field> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_FieldAccess
(Pattern<? super LLJava.FieldAccess> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_FieldRef
(Pattern<? super LLJava.FieldRef> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_FieldReference
(Pattern<? super LLJava.FieldReference> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_FieldSignatureAttribute
(Pattern<? super LLJava.FieldSignatureAttribute> p) Verify.__Patterns.cast_Float
(Pattern<? super Verify.Float> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_FloatLiteral
(Pattern<? super LLJava.FloatLiteral> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_FloatType
(Pattern<? super LLJava.FloatType> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_FloatVType
(Pattern<? super LLJava.FloatVType> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_Get
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Get> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_Goto
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Goto> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_GotoInterval
(Pattern<? super LLJava.GotoInterval> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_GotoPoint
(Pattern<? super LLJava.GotoPoint> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_Handler
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Handler> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_ImplicitName
(Pattern<? super LLJava.ImplicitName> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_Inc
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Inc> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_InlineInterval
(Pattern<? super LLJava.InlineInterval> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_InlinePoint
(Pattern<? super LLJava.InlinePoint> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_InnerClass
(Pattern<? super LLJava.InnerClass> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_Instanceof
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Instanceof> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_Instruction
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Instruction> p) Verify.__Patterns.cast_Int
(Pattern<? super Verify.Int> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_InterfaceMethodRef
(Pattern<? super LLJava.InterfaceMethodRef> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_IntLiteral
(Pattern<? super LLJava.IntLiteral> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_IntType
(Pattern<? super LLJava.IntType> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_IntVType
(Pattern<? super LLJava.IntVType> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_Invoke
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Invoke> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_InvokeDynamic
(Pattern<? super LLJava.InvokeDynamic> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_Jump
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Jump> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_Label
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Label> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_Length
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Length> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_Literal
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Literal> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_Load
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Load> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_Loadable
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Loadable> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_LoadableExpr
(Pattern<? super LLJava.LoadableExpr> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_LoadArgument
(Pattern<? super LLJava.LoadArgument> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_Local
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Local> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_LocalClass
(Pattern<? super LLJava.LocalClass> p) Verify.__Patterns.cast_Long
(Pattern<? super Verify.Long> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_LongLiteral
(Pattern<? super LLJava.LongLiteral> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_LongType
(Pattern<? super LLJava.LongType> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_LongVType
(Pattern<? super LLJava.LongVType> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_LowerTypeBound
(Pattern<? super LLJava.LowerTypeBound> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_Member
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Member> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_MemberDynamicName
(Pattern<? super LLJava.MemberDynamicName> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_MemberFullName
(Pattern<? super LLJava.MemberFullName> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_MemberRef
(Pattern<? super LLJava.MemberRef> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_MemberReference
(Pattern<? super LLJava.MemberReference> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_MemberStaticName
(Pattern<? super LLJava.MemberStaticName> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_Method
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Method> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_MethodBody
(Pattern<? super LLJava.MethodBody> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_MethodHandle
(Pattern<? super LLJava.MethodHandle> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_MethodHandleExpr
(Pattern<? super LLJava.MethodHandleExpr> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_MethodHandleTarget
(Pattern<? super LLJava.MethodHandleTarget> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_MethodName
(Pattern<? super LLJava.MethodName> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_MethodRef
(Pattern<? super LLJava.MethodRef> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_MethodReference
(Pattern<? super LLJava.MethodReference> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_MethodReferenceParameter
(Pattern<? super LLJava.MethodReferenceParameter> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_MethodSignatureAttribute
(Pattern<? super LLJava.MethodSignatureAttribute> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_MethodType
(Pattern<? super LLJava.MethodType> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_MethodTypeExpr
(Pattern<? super LLJava.MethodTypeExpr> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_Modifiable
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Modifiable> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_ModifierExpr
(Pattern<? super LLJava.ModifierExpr> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_Monitor
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Monitor> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_Mul
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Mul> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_Name
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Name> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_NameAndType
(Pattern<? super LLJava.NameAndType> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_Neg
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Neg> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_NestedAnnotationValue
(Pattern<? super LLJava.NestedAnnotationValue> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_New
(Pattern<? super LLJava.New> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_Node
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Node> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_Nop
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Nop> p) Verify.__Patterns.cast_Null
(Pattern<? super Verify.Null> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_NullLiteral
(Pattern<? super LLJava.NullLiteral> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_NullVType
(Pattern<? super LLJava.NullVType> p) Verify.__Patterns.cast_Object
(Pattern<? super Verify.Object> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_ObjectVType
(Pattern<? super LLJava.ObjectVType> p) Verify.__Patterns.cast_OneWord
(Pattern<? super Verify.OneWord> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_OneWordVType
(Pattern<? super LLJava.OneWordVType> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_Parameter
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Parameter> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_Pop
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Pop> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_PrimitiveType
(Pattern<? super LLJava.PrimitiveType> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_PrimitiveTypeExpr
(Pattern<? super LLJava.PrimitiveTypeExpr> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_Put
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Put> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_QualId
(Pattern<? super LLJava.QualId> p) Verify.__Patterns.cast_Reference
(Pattern<? super Verify.Reference> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_ReferenceTypeExpr
(Pattern<? super LLJava.ReferenceTypeExpr> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_ReferenceVType
(Pattern<? super LLJava.ReferenceVType> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_RefType
(Pattern<? super LLJava.RefType> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_Rem
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Rem> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_Result
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Result> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_ResultExpr
(Pattern<? super LLJava.ResultExpr> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_Return
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Return> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_ReturnsExpr
(Pattern<? super LLJava.ReturnsExpr> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_Shift
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Shift> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_Shl
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Shl> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_ShortType
(Pattern<? super LLJava.ShortType> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_ShortVType
(Pattern<? super LLJava.ShortVType> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_Shr
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Shr> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_SignatureAttribute
(Pattern<? super LLJava.SignatureAttribute> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_SimpleModifierExpr
(Pattern<? super LLJava.SimpleModifierExpr> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_Slot
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Slot> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_SlotRef
(Pattern<? super LLJava.SlotRef> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_SlotReference
(Pattern<? super LLJava.SlotReference> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_StackFrame
(Pattern<? super LLJava.StackFrame> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_StackFrameDelta
(Pattern<? super LLJava.StackFrameDelta> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_StackMapTableAttribute
(Pattern<? super LLJava.StackMapTableAttribute> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_Statement
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Statement> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_Store
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Store> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_StoreArgument
(Pattern<? super LLJava.StoreArgument> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_StringLiteral
(Pattern<? super LLJava.StringLiteral> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_Sub
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Sub> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_Swap
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Swap> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_Switch
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Switch> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_This
(Pattern<? super LLJava.This> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_Throw
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Throw> p) Verify.__Patterns.cast_Top
(Pattern<? super Verify.Top> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_TopVType
(Pattern<? super LLJava.TopVType> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_Try
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Try> p) Verify.__Patterns.cast_TwoWord
(Pattern<? super Verify.TwoWord> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_TwoWordVType
(Pattern<? super LLJava.TwoWordVType> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_Type
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Type> p) Verify.__Patterns.cast_Type
(Pattern<? super Verify.Type> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_TypeArgument
(Pattern<? super LLJava.TypeArgument> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_TypeBound
(Pattern<? super LLJava.TypeBound> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_TypeExpr
(Pattern<? super LLJava.TypeExpr> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_TypeInstruction
(Pattern<? super LLJava.TypeInstruction> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_TypeParameter
(Pattern<? super LLJava.TypeParameter> p) Verify.__Patterns.cast_Uninitialized
(Pattern<? super Verify.Uninitialized> p) Verify.__Patterns.cast_UninitializedNew
(Pattern<? super Verify.UninitializedNew> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_UninitializedNewVType
(Pattern<? super LLJava.UninitializedNewVType> p) Verify.__Patterns.cast_UninitializedThis
(Pattern<? super Verify.UninitializedThis> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_UninitializedThisVType
(Pattern<? super LLJava.UninitializedThisVType> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_UninitializedVType
(Pattern<? super LLJava.UninitializedVType> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_UpperTypeBound
(Pattern<? super LLJava.UpperTypeBound> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_UShr
(Pattern<? super LLJava.UShr> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_Variable
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Variable> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_VariableAccess
(Pattern<? super LLJava.VariableAccess> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_VariableRef
(Pattern<? super LLJava.VariableRef> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_Void
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Void> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_VoidExpr
(Pattern<? super LLJava.VoidExpr> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_VType
(Pattern<? super LLJava.VType> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_WideType
(Pattern<? super LLJava.WideType> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_Wildcard
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Wildcard> p) LLJava.__Patterns.cast_XOr
(Pattern<? super LLJava.XOr> p) static Pattern
<LLJava.NestedAnnotationValue> LLJava.NestedAnnotationValue.get_annotation
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Annotation> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.DimensionExpr> LLJava.DimensionExpr.get_annotations
(Pattern<? super CheckedList<LLJava.Annotation>> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.Modifiable> LLJava.Modifiable.get_annotations
(Pattern<? super CheckedList<LLJava.Annotation>> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.TypeArgument> LLJava.TypeArgument.get_annotations
(Pattern<? super CheckedList<LLJava.Annotation>> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.TypeParameter> LLJava.TypeParameter.get_annotations
(Pattern<? super CheckedList<LLJava.Annotation>> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.Load> LLJava.Load.get_arg
(Pattern<? super LLJava.LoadArgument> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.Store> LLJava.Store.get_arg
(Pattern<? super LLJava.StoreArgument> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.BootstrapMethod> LLJava.BootstrapMethod.get_arguments
(Pattern<? super CheckedList<LLJava.Loadable>> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.ClassTypeExpr> LLJava.ClassTypeExpr.get_arguments
(Pattern<? super CheckedList<LLJava.TypeArgument>> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.MethodReference> LLJava.MethodReference.get_asInterface
(Pattern<? super Boolean> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.Attributable> LLJava.Attributable.get_attrs
(Pattern<? super CheckedList<LLJava.Attribute>> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.CustomAttribute> LLJava.CustomAttribute.get_attrs
(Pattern<? super CheckedList<LLJava.Attribute>> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.ArrayTypeExpr> LLJava.ArrayTypeExpr.get_base
(Pattern<? super LLJava.TypeExpr> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.CodeMethodBody> LLJava.CodeMethodBody.get_block
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Block> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.Case> LLJava.Case.get_body
(Pattern<? super LLJava.CodePoint> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.Handler> LLJava.Handler.get_body
(Pattern<? super LLJava.CodePoint> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.LLJava.If.get_body
(Pattern<? super LLJava.CodePoint> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.InlineInterval> LLJava.InlineInterval.get_body
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Block> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.InlinePoint> LLJava.InlinePoint.get_body
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Block> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.Method> LLJava.Method.get_body
(Pattern<? super LLJava.MethodBody> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.Try> LLJava.Try.get_body
(Pattern<? super LLJava.CodeInterval> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.AbstractDynamic> LLJava.AbstractDynamic.get_bootstrap
(Pattern<? super LLJava.BootstrapMethod> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.MemberDynamicName> LLJava.MemberDynamicName.get_bootstrapArguments
(Pattern<? super CheckedList<LLJava.LoadableExpr>> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.LLJava.BootstrapMethodsAttribute.get_bootstrapMethods
(Pattern<? super CheckedList<LLJava.BootstrapMethod>> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.TypeParameter> LLJava.TypeParameter.get_bound
(Pattern<? super LLJava.UpperTypeBound> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.Wildcard> LLJava.Wildcard.get_bound
(Pattern<? super LLJava.TypeBound> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.Switch> LLJava.Switch.get_cases
(Pattern<? super CheckedList<LLJava.Case>> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.ObjectVType> LLJava.ObjectVType.get_classname
(Pattern<? super String> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<Verify.Object> Verify.Object.get_classname
(Pattern<? super String> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.LLJava.If.get_condition
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Condition> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.Block> LLJava.Block.get_controlEnv
(Pattern<? super CheckedMap_RD<LLJava.Name, LLJava.Block>> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.Block> LLJava.Block.get_dataEnv
(Pattern<? super CheckedMap_RD<LLJava.Name, LLJava.Variable>> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.InnerClass> LLJava.InnerClass.get_definition
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Class> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.StackFrameDelta> Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.MethodType> LLJava.MethodType.get_descriptor
(Pattern<? super LLJava.ConstantUTF8> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.NameAndType> LLJava.NameAndType.get_descriptor
(Pattern<? super LLJava.ConstantUTF8> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.Member> LLJava.Member.get_descriptorEntry
(Pattern<? super LLJava.ConstantUTF8> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.MethodReference> LLJava.MethodReference.get_dynamicEntry
(Pattern<? super LLJava.InvokeDynamic> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.ArrayType> LLJava.ArrayType.get_element
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Type> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.Annotation> LLJava.Annotation.get_elems
(Pattern<? super CheckedMap_RD<LLJava.Id, LLJava.AnnotationValue>> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.ArrayAnnotationValue> LLJava.ArrayAnnotationValue.get_elems
(Pattern<? super CheckedList<LLJava.AnnotationValue>> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.Block> LLJava.Block.get_elems
(Pattern<? super CheckedList<LLJava.Statement>> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.GotoInterval> LLJava.GotoInterval.get_end
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Name> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.GotoInterval> LLJava.GotoInterval.get_endTarget
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Block> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.ClassReference> LLJava.ClassReference.get_entry
(Pattern<? super LLJava.ClassRef> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.LoadableExpr> LLJava.LoadableExpr.get_entry
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Loadable> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.MemberReference> LLJava.MemberReference.get_entry
(Pattern<? super LLJava.MemberRef> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.TypeInstruction> LLJava.TypeInstruction.get_entry
(Pattern<? super LLJava.ClassRef> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.ResultExpr> LLJava.ResultExpr.get_erasure
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Result> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.TypeArgument> LLJava.TypeArgument.get_erasure
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Type> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.TypeBound> LLJava.TypeBound.get_erasure
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Type> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.Method> LLJava.Method.get_exceptions
(Pattern<? super CheckedList<LLJava.ClassReference>> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.CodeMethodBody> LLJava.CodeMethodBody.get_exceptionTable
(Pattern<? super CheckedList<LLJava.Exception>> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.MemberDynamicName> LLJava.MemberDynamicName.get_factory
(Pattern<? super LLJava.MethodHandleExpr> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.Class> LLJava.Class.get_fields
(Pattern<? super CheckedList<LLJava.Field>> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.DynamicExpr> LLJava.DynamicExpr.get_fullName
(Pattern<? super LLJava.MemberDynamicName> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.MemberReference> LLJava.MemberReference.get_fullName
(Pattern<? super LLJava.MemberFullName> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.CmpFloating> LLJava.CmpFloating.get_greaterNaN
(Pattern<? super Boolean> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.BootstrapMethod> LLJava.BootstrapMethod.get_handle
(Pattern<? super LLJava.MethodHandle> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.Try> LLJava.Try.get_handlers
(Pattern<? super CheckedList<LLJava.Handler>> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.ExplicitName> Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.GotoPoint> LLJava.GotoPoint.get_id
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Name> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.ImplicitName> LLJava.ImplicitName.get_id
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Anonymity> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.QualId> Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.Block> LLJava.Block.get_implicit
(Pattern<? super Boolean> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.Inc> LLJava.Inc.get_increment
(Pattern<? super Integer> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.Slot> Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.SlotReference> Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.Field> LLJava.Field.get_initializer
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Literal> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.Class> LLJava.Class.get_innerClasses
(Pattern<? super CheckedList<LLJava.InnerClass>> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.Class> LLJava.Class.get_innerName
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Id> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.Class> LLJava.Class.get_interfaces
(Pattern<? super CheckedList<LLJava.ClassReference>> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.UpperTypeBound> LLJava.UpperTypeBound.get_interfaces
(Pattern<? super CheckedList<LLJava.ReferenceTypeExpr>> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.Case> LLJava.Case.get_isDefault
(Pattern<? super Boolean> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.MethodHandle> LLJava.MethodHandle.get_kind
(Pattern<? super LLJava.HandleKind> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.Block> LLJava.Block.get_labels
(Pattern<? super CheckedList<LLJava.Name>> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.Case> LLJava.Case.get_labels
(Pattern<? super CheckedSet<Integer>> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.TypeBound> LLJava.TypeBound.get_limit
(Pattern<? super LLJava.ReferenceTypeExpr> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.LLJava.ConstantAnnotationValue.get_literal
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Literal> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.StackFrame> LLJava.StackFrame.get_locals
(Pattern<? super CheckedList<LLJava.VType>> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.Node> LLJava.Node.get_location
(Pattern<? super Location<SourceId>> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.CodeMethodBody> LLJava.CodeMethodBody.get_maxLocals
(Pattern<? super Integer> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.CodeMethodBody> LLJava.CodeMethodBody.get_maxOperands
(Pattern<? super Integer> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.Class> LLJava.Class.get_methods
(Pattern<? super CheckedList<LLJava.Method>> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.SimpleModifierExpr> LLJava.SimpleModifierExpr.get_modifier
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Modifier> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.Invoke> LLJava.Invoke.get_modifiers
(Pattern<? super EnumSet<LLJava.Modifier>> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.Modifiable> LLJava.Modifiable.get_modifiers
(Pattern<? super EnumSet<LLJava.Modifier>> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.New> LLJava.New.get_multiarray
(Pattern<? super Integer> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.Annotation> LLJava.Annotation.get_name
(Pattern<? super LLJava.QualId> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.Attribute> LLJava.Attribute.get_name
(Pattern<? super LLJava.ConstantUTF8> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.Class> LLJava.Class.get_name
(Pattern<? super LLJava.QualId> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.ClassAnnotationValue> LLJava.ClassAnnotationValue.get_name
(Pattern<? super LLJava.QualId> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.ClassRef> LLJava.ClassRef.get_name
(Pattern<? super LLJava.ConstantUTF8> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.ClassType> LLJava.ClassType.get_name
(Pattern<? super LLJava.QualId> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.ClassTypeExpr> LLJava.ClassTypeExpr.get_name
(Pattern<? super LLJava.QualId> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.EnumAnnotationValue> Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.InnerClass> Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.Label> LLJava.Label.get_name
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Name> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.Local> LLJava.Local.get_name
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Name> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.Member> Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.MemberFullName> Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.NameAndType> LLJava.NameAndType.get_name
(Pattern<? super LLJava.ConstantUTF8> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.Parameter> LLJava.Parameter.get_name
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Name> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.TypeParameter> Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.Variable> LLJava.Variable.get_name
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Name> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.VariableRef> LLJava.VariableRef.get_name
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Name> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.Member> LLJava.Member.get_nameEntry
(Pattern<? super LLJava.ConstantUTF8> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.AbstractDynamic> LLJava.AbstractDynamic.get_nametype
(Pattern<? super LLJava.NameAndType> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.MemberRef> LLJava.MemberRef.get_nametype
(Pattern<? super LLJava.NameAndType> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.StackFrameDelta> LLJava.StackFrameDelta.get_next
(Pattern<? super LLJava.StackFrame> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.UninitializedNewVType> LLJava.UninitializedNewVType.get_offset
(Pattern<? super LLJava.New> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<Verify.UninitializedNew> Verify.UninitializedNew.get_offset
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Instruction> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.StackFrame> LLJava.StackFrame.get_operands
(Pattern<? super CheckedList<LLJava.VType>> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.MemberRef> LLJava.MemberRef.get_owner
(Pattern<? super LLJava.ClassRef> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.MemberStaticName> LLJava.MemberStaticName.get_owner
(Pattern<? super LLJava.QualId> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.ClassTypeExpr> LLJava.ClassTypeExpr.get_parameter
(Pattern<? super Boolean> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.Method> LLJava.Method.get_parameters
(Pattern<? super CheckedList<LLJava.Parameter>> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.MethodReference> LLJava.MethodReference.get_parameters
(Pattern<? super CheckedList<LLJava.MethodReferenceParameter>> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.MethodTypeExpr> LLJava.MethodTypeExpr.get_parameters
(Pattern<? super CheckedList<LLJava.TypeExpr>> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.Class> LLJava.Class.get_pool
(Pattern<? super CheckedList<LLJava.ConstantPoolEntry>> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.Instruction> LLJava.Instruction.get_post
(Pattern<? super LLJava.StackFrame> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.Instruction> LLJava.Instruction.get_pre
(Pattern<? super LLJava.StackFrame> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.QualId> LLJava.QualId.get_qualifier
(Pattern<? super CheckedList<LLJava.Id>> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.Exception> LLJava.Exception.get_range
(Pattern<? super LLJava.GotoInterval> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.MethodHandle> LLJava.MethodHandle.get_reference
(Pattern<? super LLJava.MemberRef> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.Method> LLJava.Method.get_result
(Pattern<? super LLJava.ResultExpr> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.MethodReference> LLJava.MethodReference.get_result
(Pattern<? super LLJava.ResultExpr> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.MethodTypeExpr> LLJava.MethodTypeExpr.get_result
(Pattern<? super LLJava.ResultExpr> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.Annotation> LLJava.Annotation.get_runtimeVisible
(Pattern<? super Boolean> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.SignatureAttribute> LLJava.SignatureAttribute.get_signature
(Pattern<? super LLJava.ConstantUTF8> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.Class> LLJava.Class.get_signatureEntry
(Pattern<? super LLJava.ConstantUTF8> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.Member> LLJava.Member.get_signatureEntry
(Pattern<? super LLJava.ConstantUTF8> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.ArrayTypeExpr> LLJava.ArrayTypeExpr.get_specified
(Pattern<? super Boolean> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.DimensionExpr> LLJava.DimensionExpr.get_specified
(Pattern<? super Boolean> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.CodeAttribute> LLJava.CodeAttribute.get_stackMap
(Pattern<? super LLJava.StackMapTableAttribute> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.CodeMethodBody> LLJava.CodeMethodBody.get_stackMap
(Pattern<? super CheckedList<LLJava.StackFrameDelta>> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.CodeMethodBody> LLJava.CodeMethodBody.get_stackMapPlaces
(Pattern<? super CheckedSet<LLJava.Instruction>> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.GotoInterval> LLJava.GotoInterval.get_start
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Name> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.GotoInterval> LLJava.GotoInterval.get_startTarget
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Block> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.FieldAccess> LLJava.FieldAccess.get_statically
(Pattern<? super Boolean> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.Invoke> LLJava.Invoke.get_strategy
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Strategy> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.Class> LLJava.Class.get_superClass
(Pattern<? super LLJava.ClassReference> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.Exception> LLJava.Exception.get_target
(Pattern<? super LLJava.GotoPoint> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.Goto> LLJava.Goto.get_target
(Pattern<? super LLJava.GotoPoint> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.GotoPoint> LLJava.GotoPoint.get_target
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Block> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.Inc> LLJava.Inc.get_target
(Pattern<? super LLJava.VariableAccess> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.LocalClass> LLJava.LocalClass.get_target
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Class> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.MethodHandleExpr> LLJava.MethodHandleExpr.get_target
(Pattern<? super LLJava.MethodHandleTarget> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.MethodHandleTarget> LLJava.MethodHandleTarget.get_target
(Pattern<? super LLJava.MemberReference> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.VariableAccess> LLJava.VariableAccess.get_target
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Slot> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.ConstantUTF8> Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.Class> LLJava.Class.get_thisEntry
(Pattern<? super LLJava.ClassRef> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.ArrayAccess> LLJava.ArrayAccess.get_type
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Type> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.ClassExpr> LLJava.ClassExpr.get_type
(Pattern<? super LLJava.ClassTypeExpr> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.ClassReference> LLJava.ClassReference.get_type
(Pattern<? super LLJava.ClassTypeExpr> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.DynamicExpr> LLJava.DynamicExpr.get_type
(Pattern<? super LLJava.TypeExpr> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.EnumAnnotationValue> LLJava.EnumAnnotationValue.get_type
(Pattern<? super LLJava.QualId> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.Exception> LLJava.Exception.get_type
(Pattern<? super LLJava.ClassReference> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.Field> LLJava.Field.get_type
(Pattern<? super LLJava.TypeExpr> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.FieldReference> LLJava.FieldReference.get_type
(Pattern<? super LLJava.TypeExpr> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.Handler> LLJava.Handler.get_type
(Pattern<? super LLJava.ClassReference> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.Local> LLJava.Local.get_type
(Pattern<? super LLJava.TypeExpr> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.LLJava.MethodReferenceParameter.get_type
(Pattern<? super LLJava.TypeExpr> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.Parameter> LLJava.Parameter.get_type
(Pattern<? super LLJava.TypeExpr> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.ReturnsExpr> LLJava.ReturnsExpr.get_type
(Pattern<? super LLJava.TypeExpr> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.Slot> LLJava.Slot.get_type
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Type> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.TypeInstruction> LLJava.TypeInstruction.get_type
(Pattern<? super LLJava.TypeExpr> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.Variable> LLJava.Variable.get_type
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Type> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.Class> LLJava.Class.get_typeParameters
(Pattern<? super CheckedList<LLJava.TypeParameter>> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.Method> LLJava.Method.get_typeParameters
(Pattern<? super CheckedList<LLJava.TypeParameter>> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.StackFrame> LLJava.StackFrame.get_uninitThis
(Pattern<? super Boolean> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.BooleanLiteral> Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.CharLiteral> Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.ConstantDouble> Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.ConstantFloat> Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.ConstantInteger> Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.ConstantLong> Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.ConstantString> LLJava.ConstantString.get_value
(Pattern<? super LLJava.ConstantUTF8> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.DefaultMethodBody> LLJava.DefaultMethodBody.get_value
(Pattern<? super LLJava.AnnotationValue> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.DoubleLiteral> Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.FloatLiteral> Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.IntLiteral> Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.LongLiteral> Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.StringLiteral> Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.Local> LLJava.Local.get_variable
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Variable> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.Parameter> LLJava.Parameter.get_variable
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Variable> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.SlotReference> Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<LLJava.AbstractDynamic> LLJava.__Patterns.term_AbstractDynamic
(Pattern<? super LLJava.ConstantPoolEntry> superpattern, Pattern<? super LLJava.BootstrapMethod> p_bootstrap, Pattern<? super LLJava.NameAndType> p_nametype) static Pattern
<LLJava.AbstractIntVType> LLJava.__Patterns.term_AbstractIntVType
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Category1VType> superpattern) static Pattern
<LLJava.AbstractMethodBody> LLJava.__Patterns.term_AbstractMethodBody
(Pattern<? super LLJava.MethodBody> superpattern) static Pattern
<LLJava.AbstractMethodRef> LLJava.__Patterns.term_AbstractMethodRef
(Pattern<? super LLJava.MemberRef> superpattern) static Pattern
<LLJava.Add> LLJava.__Patterns.term_Add
(Pattern<? super LLJava.ArithInstruction> superpattern) static Pattern
<LLJava.And> LLJava.__Patterns.term_And
(Pattern<? super LLJava.ArithInstruction> superpattern) static Pattern
<LLJava.Annotation> LLJava.__Patterns.term_Annotation
(Pattern<? super LLJava.ModifierExpr> superpattern, Pattern<? super LLJava.QualId> p_name, Pattern<? super Boolean> p_runtimeVisible, Pattern<? super CheckedMap_RD<LLJava.Id, LLJava.AnnotationValue>> p_elems) LLJava.__Patterns.term_AnnotationDefaultAttribute
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Attribute> superpattern) static Pattern
<LLJava.AnnotationValue> LLJava.__Patterns.term_AnnotationValue
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Node> superpattern) static Pattern
<LLJava.Anonymity> LLJava.__Patterns.term_Anonymity
(Pattern<Object> superpattern) static Pattern
<LLJava.ArithInstruction> LLJava.__Patterns.term_ArithInstruction
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Instruction> superpattern) static Pattern
<LLJava.ArrayAccess> LLJava.__Patterns.term_ArrayAccess
(Pattern<? super LLJava.StoreArgument> superpattern, Pattern<? super LLJava.Type> p_type) static Pattern
<LLJava.ArrayAnnotationValue> LLJava.__Patterns.term_ArrayAnnotationValue
(Pattern<? super LLJava.AnnotationValue> superpattern, Pattern<? super CheckedList<LLJava.AnnotationValue>> p_elems) static Pattern
<LLJava.ArrayType> LLJava.__Patterns.term_ArrayType
(Pattern<? super LLJava.RefType> superpattern, Pattern<? super LLJava.Type> p_element) static Pattern
<LLJava.ArrayTypeExpr> LLJava.__Patterns.term_ArrayTypeExpr
(Pattern<? super LLJava.ReferenceTypeExpr> superpattern, Pattern<? super LLJava.TypeExpr> p_base, Pattern<? super Boolean> p_specified) static Pattern
<LLJava.Attributable> LLJava.__Patterns.term_Attributable
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Modifiable> superpattern, Pattern<? super CheckedList<LLJava.Attribute>> p_attrs) static Pattern
<LLJava.Attribute> LLJava.__Patterns.term_Attribute
(Pattern<Object> superpattern, Pattern<? super LLJava.ConstantUTF8> p_name) static Pattern
<LLJava.Block> LLJava.__Patterns.term_Block
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Statement> superpattern, Pattern<? super CheckedList<LLJava.Name>> p_labels, Pattern<? super Boolean> p_implicit, Pattern<? super CheckedList<LLJava.Statement>> p_elems, Pattern<? super CheckedMap_RD<LLJava.Name, LLJava.Block>> p_controlEnv, Pattern<? super CheckedMap_RD<LLJava.Name, LLJava.Variable>> p_dataEnv) static Pattern
<LLJava.BooleanLiteral> LLJava.__Patterns.term_BooleanLiteral
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Literal> superpattern, Pattern<? super Boolean> p_value) static Pattern
<LLJava.BooleanType> LLJava.__Patterns.term_BooleanType
(Pattern<? super LLJava.PrimitiveType> superpattern) static Pattern
<LLJava.BooleanVType> LLJava.__Patterns.term_BooleanVType
(Pattern<? super LLJava.AbstractIntVType> superpattern) static Pattern
<LLJava.BootstrapMethod> LLJava.__Patterns.term_BootstrapMethod
(Pattern<Object> superpattern, Pattern<? super LLJava.MethodHandle> p_handle, Pattern<? super CheckedList<LLJava.Loadable>> p_arguments) LLJava.__Patterns.term_BootstrapMethodsAttribute
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Attribute> superpattern, Pattern<? super CheckedList<LLJava.BootstrapMethod>> p_bootstrapMethods) static Pattern
<LLJava.ByteType> LLJava.__Patterns.term_ByteType
(Pattern<? super LLJava.PrimitiveType> superpattern) static Pattern
<LLJava.ByteVType> LLJava.__Patterns.term_ByteVType
(Pattern<? super LLJava.AbstractIntVType> superpattern) static Pattern
<LLJava.Case> LLJava.__Patterns.term_Case
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Node> superpattern, Pattern<? super CheckedSet<Integer>> p_labels, Pattern<? super Boolean> p_isDefault, Pattern<? super LLJava.CodePoint> p_body) static Pattern
<LLJava.Cast> LLJava.__Patterns.term_Cast
(Pattern<? super LLJava.TypeInstruction> superpattern) static Pattern
<Verify.Category1> Verify.__Patterns.term_Category1
(Pattern<? super Verify.Type> superpattern) static Pattern
<LLJava.Category1VType> LLJava.__Patterns.term_Category1VType
(Pattern<? super LLJava.VType> superpattern) static Pattern
<Verify.Category2> Verify.__Patterns.term_Category2
(Pattern<? super Verify.Type> superpattern) static Pattern
<LLJava.Category2VType> LLJava.__Patterns.term_Category2VType
(Pattern<? super LLJava.VType> superpattern) static Pattern
<LLJava.CharLiteral> LLJava.__Patterns.term_CharLiteral
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Literal> superpattern, Pattern<? super Character> p_value) static Pattern
<LLJava.CharType> LLJava.__Patterns.term_CharType
(Pattern<? super LLJava.PrimitiveType> superpattern) static Pattern
<LLJava.CharVType> LLJava.__Patterns.term_CharVType
(Pattern<? super LLJava.AbstractIntVType> superpattern) static Pattern
<LLJava.Class> LLJava.__Patterns.term_Class
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Attributable> superpattern, Pattern<? super LLJava.QualId> p_name, Pattern<? super LLJava.Id> p_innerName, Pattern<? super CheckedList<LLJava.TypeParameter>> p_typeParameters, Pattern<? super LLJava.ClassReference> p_superClass, Pattern<? super CheckedList<LLJava.ClassReference>> p_interfaces, Pattern<? super CheckedList<LLJava.Field>> p_fields, Pattern<? super CheckedList<LLJava.Method>> p_methods, Pattern<? super CheckedList<LLJava.InnerClass>> p_innerClasses, Pattern<? super CheckedList<LLJava.ConstantPoolEntry>> p_pool, Pattern<? super LLJava.ClassRef> p_thisEntry, Pattern<? super LLJava.ConstantUTF8> p_signatureEntry) static Pattern
<LLJava.ClassAnnotationValue> LLJava.__Patterns.term_ClassAnnotationValue
(Pattern<? super LLJava.AnnotationValue> superpattern, Pattern<? super LLJava.QualId> p_name) static Pattern
<LLJava.ClassExpr> LLJava.__Patterns.term_ClassExpr
(Pattern<? super LLJava.LoadableExpr> superpattern, Pattern<? super LLJava.ClassTypeExpr> p_type) static Pattern
<LLJava.ClassParent> LLJava.__Patterns.term_ClassParent
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Node> superpattern) static Pattern
<LLJava.ClassRef> LLJava.__Patterns.term_ClassRef
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Loadable> superpattern, Pattern<? super LLJava.ConstantUTF8> p_name) static Pattern
<LLJava.ClassReference> LLJava.__Patterns.term_ClassReference
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Node> superpattern, Pattern<? super LLJava.ClassTypeExpr> p_type, Pattern<? super LLJava.ClassRef> p_entry) LLJava.__Patterns.term_ClassSignatureAttribute
(Pattern<? super LLJava.SignatureAttribute> superpattern) static Pattern
<LLJava.ClassType> LLJava.__Patterns.term_ClassType
(Pattern<? super LLJava.RefType> superpattern, Pattern<? super LLJava.QualId> p_name) static Pattern
<LLJava.ClassTypeExpr> LLJava.__Patterns.term_ClassTypeExpr
(Pattern<? super LLJava.ReferenceTypeExpr> superpattern, Pattern<? super LLJava.QualId> p_name, Pattern<? super CheckedList<LLJava.TypeArgument>> p_arguments, Pattern<? super Boolean> p_parameter) static Pattern
<LLJava.Cmp> LLJava.__Patterns.term_Cmp
(Pattern<? super LLJava.ArithInstruction> superpattern) static Pattern
<LLJava.CmpFloating> LLJava.__Patterns.term_CmpFloating
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Cmp> superpattern, Pattern<? super Boolean> p_greaterNaN) static Pattern
<LLJava.CmpGT> LLJava.__Patterns.term_CmpGT
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Cmp> superpattern) static Pattern
<LLJava.CmpIntegral> LLJava.__Patterns.term_CmpIntegral
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Cmp> superpattern) static Pattern
<LLJava.CmpLT> LLJava.__Patterns.term_CmpLT
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Cmp> superpattern) static Pattern
<LLJava.CodeAttribute> LLJava.__Patterns.term_CodeAttribute
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Attribute> superpattern, Pattern<? super LLJava.StackMapTableAttribute> p_stackMap) static Pattern
<LLJava.CodeInterval> LLJava.__Patterns.term_CodeInterval
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Node> superpattern) static Pattern
<LLJava.CodeMethodBody> LLJava.__Patterns.term_CodeMethodBody
(Pattern<? super LLJava.MethodBody> superpattern, Pattern<? super LLJava.Block> p_block, Pattern<? super CheckedList<LLJava.Exception>> p_exceptionTable, Pattern<? super Integer> p_maxLocals, Pattern<? super Integer> p_maxOperands, Pattern<? super CheckedSet<LLJava.Instruction>> p_stackMapPlaces, Pattern<? super CheckedList<LLJava.StackFrameDelta>> p_stackMap) static Pattern
<LLJava.CodePoint> LLJava.__Patterns.term_CodePoint
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Node> superpattern) LLJava.__Patterns.term_ConstantAnnotationValue
(Pattern<? super LLJava.AnnotationValue> superpattern, Pattern<? super LLJava.Literal> p_literal) static Pattern
<LLJava.ConstantDouble> LLJava.__Patterns.term_ConstantDouble
(Pattern<? super LLJava.ConstantDoubleValue> superpattern, Pattern<? super Double> p_value) static Pattern
<LLJava.ConstantDoubleValue> LLJava.__Patterns.term_ConstantDoubleValue
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Loadable> superpattern) static Pattern
<LLJava.ConstantFloat> LLJava.__Patterns.term_ConstantFloat
(Pattern<? super LLJava.ConstantSingleValue> superpattern, Pattern<? super Float> p_value) static Pattern
<LLJava.ConstantInteger> LLJava.__Patterns.term_ConstantInteger
(Pattern<? super LLJava.ConstantSingleValue> superpattern, Pattern<? super Integer> p_value) static Pattern
<LLJava.ConstantLong> LLJava.__Patterns.term_ConstantLong
(Pattern<? super LLJava.ConstantDoubleValue> superpattern, Pattern<? super Long> p_value) static Pattern
<LLJava.ConstantPoolEntry> LLJava.__Patterns.term_ConstantPoolEntry
(Pattern<Object> superpattern) static Pattern
<LLJava.ConstantSingleValue> LLJava.__Patterns.term_ConstantSingleValue
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Loadable> superpattern) static Pattern
<LLJava.ConstantString> LLJava.__Patterns.term_ConstantString
(Pattern<? super LLJava.ConstantSingleValue> superpattern, Pattern<? super LLJava.ConstantUTF8> p_value) static Pattern
<LLJava.ConstantUTF8> LLJava.__Patterns.term_ConstantUTF8
(Pattern<? super LLJava.ConstantPoolEntry> superpattern, Pattern<? super String> p_text) static Pattern
<LLJava.ConstantValueAttribute> LLJava.__Patterns.term_ConstantValueAttribute
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Attribute> superpattern) static Pattern
<LLJava.CustomAttribute> LLJava.__Patterns.term_CustomAttribute
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Attribute> superpattern, Pattern<? super CheckedList<LLJava.Attribute>> p_attrs) static Pattern
<LLJava.DefaultMethodBody> LLJava.__Patterns.term_DefaultMethodBody
(Pattern<? super LLJava.MethodBody> superpattern, Pattern<? super LLJava.AnnotationValue> p_value) static Pattern
<LLJava.DimensionExpr> LLJava.__Patterns.term_DimensionExpr
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Node> superpattern, Pattern<? super Boolean> p_specified, Pattern<? super CheckedList<LLJava.Annotation>> p_annotations) static Pattern
<LLJava.Div> LLJava.__Patterns.term_Div
(Pattern<? super LLJava.ArithInstruction> superpattern) static Pattern
<Verify.Double> Verify.__Patterns.term_Double
(Pattern<? super Verify.Category2> superpattern) static Pattern
<LLJava.DoubleLiteral> LLJava.__Patterns.term_DoubleLiteral
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Literal> superpattern, Pattern<? super Double> p_value) static Pattern
<LLJava.DoubleType> LLJava.__Patterns.term_DoubleType
(Pattern<? super LLJava.WideType> superpattern) static Pattern
<LLJava.DoubleVType> LLJava.__Patterns.term_DoubleVType
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Category2VType> superpattern) static Pattern
<LLJava.Dup> LLJava.__Patterns.term_Dup
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Instruction> superpattern) static Pattern
<LLJava.Dynamic> LLJava.__Patterns.term_Dynamic
(Pattern<? super LLJava.AbstractDynamic> superpattern) static Pattern
<LLJava.DynamicExpr> LLJava.__Patterns.term_DynamicExpr
(Pattern<? super LLJava.LoadableExpr> superpattern, Pattern<? super LLJava.TypeExpr> p_type, Pattern<? super LLJava.MemberDynamicName> p_fullName) static Pattern
<LLJava.Enter> LLJava.__Patterns.term_Enter
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Monitor> superpattern) static Pattern
<LLJava.EnumAnnotationValue> LLJava.__Patterns.term_EnumAnnotationValue
(Pattern<? super LLJava.AnnotationValue> superpattern, Pattern<? super LLJava.QualId> p_type, Pattern<? super LLJava.Id> p_name) static Pattern
<LLJava.Exception> LLJava.__Patterns.term_Exception
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Node> superpattern, Pattern<? super LLJava.GotoInterval> p_range, Pattern<? super LLJava.ClassReference> p_type, Pattern<? super LLJava.GotoPoint> p_target) static Pattern
<LLJava.ExceptionsAttribute> LLJava.__Patterns.term_ExceptionsAttribute
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Attribute> superpattern) static Pattern
<LLJava.Exit> LLJava.__Patterns.term_Exit
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Monitor> superpattern) static Pattern
<LLJava.ExplicitName> LLJava.__Patterns.term_ExplicitName
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Name> superpattern, Pattern<? super LLJava.Id> p_id) static Pattern
<LLJava.Field> LLJava.__Patterns.term_Field
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Member> superpattern, Pattern<? super LLJava.TypeExpr> p_type, Pattern<? super LLJava.Literal> p_initializer) static Pattern
<LLJava.FieldAccess> LLJava.__Patterns.term_FieldAccess
(Pattern<? super LLJava.MethodHandleTarget> superpattern, Pattern<? super Boolean> p_statically) static Pattern
<LLJava.FieldRef> LLJava.__Patterns.term_FieldRef
(Pattern<? super LLJava.MemberRef> superpattern) static Pattern
<LLJava.FieldReference> LLJava.__Patterns.term_FieldReference
(Pattern<? super LLJava.MemberReference> superpattern, Pattern<? super LLJava.TypeExpr> p_type) LLJava.__Patterns.term_FieldSignatureAttribute
(Pattern<? super LLJava.SignatureAttribute> superpattern) static Pattern
<Verify.Float> Verify.__Patterns.term_Float
(Pattern<? super Verify.Category1> superpattern) static Pattern
<LLJava.FloatLiteral> LLJava.__Patterns.term_FloatLiteral
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Literal> superpattern, Pattern<? super Float> p_value) static Pattern
<LLJava.FloatType> LLJava.__Patterns.term_FloatType
(Pattern<? super LLJava.PrimitiveType> superpattern) static Pattern
<LLJava.FloatVType> LLJava.__Patterns.term_FloatVType
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Category1VType> superpattern) static Pattern
<LLJava.Get> LLJava.__Patterns.term_Get
(Pattern<? super LLJava.FieldAccess> superpattern) static Pattern
<LLJava.Goto> LLJava.__Patterns.term_Goto
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Jump> superpattern, Pattern<? super LLJava.GotoPoint> p_target) static Pattern
<LLJava.GotoInterval> LLJava.__Patterns.term_GotoInterval
(Pattern<? super LLJava.CodeInterval> superpattern, Pattern<? super LLJava.Name> p_start, Pattern<? super LLJava.Name> p_end, Pattern<? super LLJava.Block> p_startTarget, Pattern<? super LLJava.Block> p_endTarget) static Pattern
<LLJava.GotoPoint> LLJava.__Patterns.term_GotoPoint
(Pattern<? super LLJava.CodePoint> superpattern, Pattern<? super LLJava.Name> p_id, Pattern<? super LLJava.Block> p_target) static Pattern
<LLJava.Handler> LLJava.__Patterns.term_Handler
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Node> superpattern, Pattern<? super LLJava.ClassReference> p_type, Pattern<? super LLJava.CodePoint> p_body) LLJava.__Patterns.term_If
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Instruction> superpattern, Pattern<? super Boolean> p_neg, Pattern<? super LLJava.Condition> p_condition, Pattern<? super LLJava.CodePoint> p_body) static Pattern
<LLJava.ImplicitName> LLJava.__Patterns.term_ImplicitName
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Name> superpattern, Pattern<? super LLJava.Anonymity> p_id) static Pattern
<LLJava.Inc> LLJava.__Patterns.term_Inc
(Pattern<? super LLJava.ArithInstruction> superpattern, Pattern<? super LLJava.VariableAccess> p_target, Pattern<? super Integer> p_increment) static Pattern
<LLJava.InlineInterval> LLJava.__Patterns.term_InlineInterval
(Pattern<? super LLJava.CodeInterval> superpattern, Pattern<? super LLJava.Block> p_body) static Pattern
<LLJava.InlinePoint> LLJava.__Patterns.term_InlinePoint
(Pattern<? super LLJava.CodePoint> superpattern, Pattern<? super LLJava.Block> p_body) static Pattern
<LLJava.InnerClass> LLJava.__Patterns.term_InnerClass
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Attributable> superpattern, Pattern<? super LLJava.Id> p_name, Pattern<? super LLJava.Class> p_definition) static Pattern
<LLJava.Instanceof> LLJava.__Patterns.term_Instanceof
(Pattern<? super LLJava.TypeInstruction> superpattern) static Pattern
<LLJava.Instruction> LLJava.__Patterns.term_Instruction
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Statement> superpattern, Pattern<? super LLJava.StackFrame> p_pre, Pattern<? super LLJava.StackFrame> p_post) static Pattern
<Verify.Int> Verify.__Patterns.term_Int
(Pattern<? super Verify.Category1> superpattern) static Pattern
<LLJava.InterfaceMethodRef> LLJava.__Patterns.term_InterfaceMethodRef
(Pattern<? super LLJava.AbstractMethodRef> superpattern) static Pattern
<LLJava.IntLiteral> LLJava.__Patterns.term_IntLiteral
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Literal> superpattern, Pattern<? super Integer> p_value) static Pattern
<LLJava.IntType> LLJava.__Patterns.term_IntType
(Pattern<? super LLJava.PrimitiveType> superpattern) static Pattern
<LLJava.IntVType> LLJava.__Patterns.term_IntVType
(Pattern<? super LLJava.AbstractIntVType> superpattern) static Pattern
<LLJava.Invoke> LLJava.__Patterns.term_Invoke
(Pattern<? super LLJava.MethodHandleTarget> superpattern, Pattern<? super EnumSet<LLJava.Modifier>> p_modifiers, Pattern<? super LLJava.Strategy> p_strategy) static Pattern
<LLJava.InvokeDynamic> LLJava.__Patterns.term_InvokeDynamic
(Pattern<? super LLJava.AbstractDynamic> superpattern) static Pattern
<LLJava.Jump> LLJava.__Patterns.term_Jump
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Instruction> superpattern) static Pattern
<LLJava.Label> LLJava.__Patterns.term_Label
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Statement> superpattern, Pattern<? super LLJava.Name> p_name) static Pattern
<LLJava.Length> LLJava.__Patterns.term_Length
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Instruction> superpattern) static Pattern
<LLJava.Literal> LLJava.__Patterns.term_Literal
(Pattern<? super LLJava.LoadableExpr> superpattern) static Pattern
<LLJava.Load> LLJava.__Patterns.term_Load
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Instruction> superpattern, Pattern<? super LLJava.LoadArgument> p_arg) static Pattern
<LLJava.Loadable> LLJava.__Patterns.term_Loadable
(Pattern<? super LLJava.ConstantPoolEntry> superpattern) static Pattern
<LLJava.LoadableExpr> LLJava.__Patterns.term_LoadableExpr
(Pattern<? super LLJava.LoadArgument> superpattern, Pattern<? super LLJava.Loadable> p_entry) static Pattern
<LLJava.LoadArgument> LLJava.__Patterns.term_LoadArgument
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Node> superpattern) static Pattern
<LLJava.Local> LLJava.__Patterns.term_Local
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Statement> superpattern, Pattern<? super LLJava.TypeExpr> p_type, Pattern<? super LLJava.Name> p_name, Pattern<? super LLJava.Variable> p_variable) static Pattern
<LLJava.LocalClass> LLJava.__Patterns.term_LocalClass
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Statement> superpattern, Pattern<? super LLJava.Class> p_target) static Pattern
<Verify.Long> Verify.__Patterns.term_Long
(Pattern<? super Verify.Category2> superpattern) static Pattern
<LLJava.LongLiteral> LLJava.__Patterns.term_LongLiteral
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Literal> superpattern, Pattern<? super Long> p_value) static Pattern
<LLJava.LongType> LLJava.__Patterns.term_LongType
(Pattern<? super LLJava.WideType> superpattern) static Pattern
<LLJava.LongVType> LLJava.__Patterns.term_LongVType
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Category2VType> superpattern) static Pattern
<LLJava.LowerTypeBound> LLJava.__Patterns.term_LowerTypeBound
(Pattern<? super LLJava.TypeBound> superpattern) static Pattern
<LLJava.Member> LLJava.__Patterns.term_Member
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Attributable> superpattern, Pattern<? super LLJava.Id> p_name, Pattern<? super LLJava.ConstantUTF8> p_nameEntry, Pattern<? super LLJava.ConstantUTF8> p_descriptorEntry, Pattern<? super LLJava.ConstantUTF8> p_signatureEntry) static Pattern
<LLJava.MemberDynamicName> LLJava.__Patterns.term_MemberDynamicName
(Pattern<? super LLJava.MemberFullName> superpattern, Pattern<? super LLJava.MethodHandleExpr> p_factory, Pattern<? super CheckedList<LLJava.LoadableExpr>> p_bootstrapArguments) static Pattern
<LLJava.MemberFullName> LLJava.__Patterns.term_MemberFullName
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Node> superpattern, Pattern<? super LLJava.Id> p_name) static Pattern
<LLJava.MemberRef> LLJava.__Patterns.term_MemberRef
(Pattern<? super LLJava.ConstantPoolEntry> superpattern, Pattern<? super LLJava.ClassRef> p_owner, Pattern<? super LLJava.NameAndType> p_nametype) static Pattern
<LLJava.MemberReference> LLJava.__Patterns.term_MemberReference
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Node> superpattern, Pattern<? super LLJava.MemberFullName> p_fullName, Pattern<? super LLJava.MemberRef> p_entry) static Pattern
<LLJava.MemberStaticName> LLJava.__Patterns.term_MemberStaticName
(Pattern<? super LLJava.MemberFullName> superpattern, Pattern<? super LLJava.QualId> p_owner) static Pattern
<LLJava.Method> LLJava.__Patterns.term_Method
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Member> superpattern, Pattern<? super CheckedList<LLJava.TypeParameter>> p_typeParameters, Pattern<? super LLJava.ResultExpr> p_result, Pattern<? super CheckedList<LLJava.Parameter>> p_parameters, Pattern<? super CheckedList<LLJava.ClassReference>> p_exceptions, Pattern<? super LLJava.MethodBody> p_body) static Pattern
<LLJava.MethodBody> LLJava.__Patterns.term_MethodBody
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Node> superpattern) static Pattern
<LLJava.MethodHandle> LLJava.__Patterns.term_MethodHandle
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Loadable> superpattern, Pattern<? super LLJava.HandleKind> p_kind, Pattern<? super LLJava.MemberRef> p_reference) static Pattern
<LLJava.MethodHandleExpr> LLJava.__Patterns.term_MethodHandleExpr
(Pattern<? super LLJava.LoadableExpr> superpattern, Pattern<? super LLJava.MethodHandleTarget> p_target) static Pattern
<LLJava.MethodHandleTarget> LLJava.__Patterns.term_MethodHandleTarget
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Instruction> superpattern, Pattern<? super LLJava.MemberReference> p_target) static Pattern
<LLJava.MethodName> LLJava.__Patterns.term_MethodName
(Pattern<Object> superpattern) static Pattern
<LLJava.MethodRef> LLJava.__Patterns.term_MethodRef
(Pattern<? super LLJava.AbstractMethodRef> superpattern) static Pattern
<LLJava.MethodReference> LLJava.__Patterns.term_MethodReference
(Pattern<? super LLJava.MemberReference> superpattern, Pattern<? super Boolean> p_asInterface, Pattern<? super LLJava.ResultExpr> p_result, Pattern<? super CheckedList<LLJava.MethodReferenceParameter>> p_parameters, Pattern<? super LLJava.InvokeDynamic> p_dynamicEntry) LLJava.__Patterns.term_MethodReferenceParameter
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Node> superpattern, Pattern<? super LLJava.TypeExpr> p_type) LLJava.__Patterns.term_MethodSignatureAttribute
(Pattern<? super LLJava.SignatureAttribute> superpattern) static Pattern
<LLJava.MethodType> LLJava.__Patterns.term_MethodType
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Loadable> superpattern, Pattern<? super LLJava.ConstantUTF8> p_descriptor) static Pattern
<LLJava.MethodTypeExpr> LLJava.__Patterns.term_MethodTypeExpr
(Pattern<? super LLJava.LoadableExpr> superpattern, Pattern<? super LLJava.ResultExpr> p_result, Pattern<? super CheckedList<LLJava.TypeExpr>> p_parameters) static Pattern
<LLJava.Modifiable> LLJava.__Patterns.term_Modifiable
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Node> superpattern, Pattern<? super CheckedList<LLJava.Annotation>> p_annotations, Pattern<? super EnumSet<LLJava.Modifier>> p_modifiers) static Pattern
<LLJava.ModifierExpr> LLJava.__Patterns.term_ModifierExpr
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Node> superpattern) static Pattern
<LLJava.Monitor> LLJava.__Patterns.term_Monitor
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Instruction> superpattern) static Pattern
<LLJava.Mul> LLJava.__Patterns.term_Mul
(Pattern<? super LLJava.ArithInstruction> superpattern) static Pattern
<LLJava.Name> static Pattern
<LLJava.NameAndType> LLJava.__Patterns.term_NameAndType
(Pattern<? super LLJava.ConstantPoolEntry> superpattern, Pattern<? super LLJava.ConstantUTF8> p_name, Pattern<? super LLJava.ConstantUTF8> p_descriptor) static Pattern
<LLJava.Neg> LLJava.__Patterns.term_Neg
(Pattern<? super LLJava.ArithInstruction> superpattern) static Pattern
<LLJava.NestedAnnotationValue> LLJava.__Patterns.term_NestedAnnotationValue
(Pattern<? super LLJava.AnnotationValue> superpattern, Pattern<? super LLJava.Annotation> p_annotation) static Pattern
<LLJava.New> LLJava.__Patterns.term_New
(Pattern<? super LLJava.TypeInstruction> superpattern, Pattern<? super Integer> p_multiarray) static Pattern
<LLJava.Node> LLJava.__Patterns.term_Node
(Pattern<Object> superpattern, Pattern<? super Location<SourceId>> p_location) static Pattern
<LLJava.Nop> LLJava.__Patterns.term_Nop
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Instruction> superpattern) static Pattern
<Verify.Null> Verify.__Patterns.term_Null
(Pattern<? super Verify.Category1> superpattern) static Pattern
<LLJava.NullLiteral> LLJava.__Patterns.term_NullLiteral
(Pattern<? super LLJava.LoadArgument> superpattern) static Pattern
<LLJava.NullVType> LLJava.__Patterns.term_NullVType
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Category1VType> superpattern) static Pattern
<Verify.Object> Verify.__Patterns.term_Object
(Pattern<? super Verify.Category1> superpattern, Pattern<? super String> p_classname) static Pattern
<LLJava.ObjectVType> LLJava.__Patterns.term_ObjectVType
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Category1VType> superpattern, Pattern<? super String> p_classname) static Pattern
<Verify.OneWord> Verify.__Patterns.term_OneWord
(Pattern<? super Verify.Category1> superpattern) static Pattern
<LLJava.OneWordVType> LLJava.__Patterns.term_OneWordVType
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Category1VType> superpattern) LLJava.__Patterns.term_Or
(Pattern<? super LLJava.ArithInstruction> superpattern) static Pattern
<LLJava.Parameter> LLJava.__Patterns.term_Parameter
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Modifiable> superpattern, Pattern<? super LLJava.TypeExpr> p_type, Pattern<? super LLJava.Name> p_name, Pattern<? super LLJava.Variable> p_variable) static Pattern
<LLJava.Pop> LLJava.__Patterns.term_Pop
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Instruction> superpattern) static Pattern
<LLJava.PrimitiveType> LLJava.__Patterns.term_PrimitiveType
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Type> superpattern) static Pattern
<LLJava.PrimitiveTypeExpr> LLJava.__Patterns.term_PrimitiveTypeExpr
(Pattern<? super LLJava.TypeExpr> superpattern) static Pattern
<LLJava.Put> LLJava.__Patterns.term_Put
(Pattern<? super LLJava.FieldAccess> superpattern) static Pattern
<LLJava.QualId> LLJava.__Patterns.term_QualId
(Pattern<Object> superpattern, Pattern<? super CheckedList<LLJava.Id>> p_qualifier, Pattern<? super LLJava.Id> p_id) static Pattern
<Verify.Reference> Verify.__Patterns.term_Reference
(Pattern<? super Verify.Category1> superpattern) static Pattern
<LLJava.ReferenceTypeExpr> LLJava.__Patterns.term_ReferenceTypeExpr
(Pattern<? super LLJava.TypeExpr> superpattern) static Pattern
<LLJava.ReferenceVType> LLJava.__Patterns.term_ReferenceVType
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Category1VType> superpattern) static Pattern
<LLJava.RefType> LLJava.__Patterns.term_RefType
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Type> superpattern) static Pattern
<LLJava.Rem> LLJava.__Patterns.term_Rem
(Pattern<? super LLJava.ArithInstruction> superpattern) static Pattern
<LLJava.Result> LLJava.__Patterns.term_Result
(Pattern<Object> superpattern) static Pattern
<LLJava.ResultExpr> LLJava.__Patterns.term_ResultExpr
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Node> superpattern, Pattern<? super LLJava.Result> p_erasure) static Pattern
<LLJava.Return> LLJava.__Patterns.term_Return
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Jump> superpattern) static Pattern
<LLJava.ReturnsExpr> LLJava.__Patterns.term_ReturnsExpr
(Pattern<? super LLJava.ResultExpr> superpattern, Pattern<? super LLJava.TypeExpr> p_type) static Pattern
<LLJava.Shift> LLJava.__Patterns.term_Shift
(Pattern<? super LLJava.ArithInstruction> superpattern) static Pattern
<LLJava.Shl> LLJava.__Patterns.term_Shl
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Shift> superpattern) static Pattern
<LLJava.ShortType> LLJava.__Patterns.term_ShortType
(Pattern<? super LLJava.PrimitiveType> superpattern) static Pattern
<LLJava.ShortVType> LLJava.__Patterns.term_ShortVType
(Pattern<? super LLJava.AbstractIntVType> superpattern) static Pattern
<LLJava.Shr> LLJava.__Patterns.term_Shr
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Shift> superpattern) static Pattern
<LLJava.SignatureAttribute> LLJava.__Patterns.term_SignatureAttribute
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Attribute> superpattern, Pattern<? super LLJava.ConstantUTF8> p_signature) static Pattern
<LLJava.SimpleModifierExpr> LLJava.__Patterns.term_SimpleModifierExpr
(Pattern<? super LLJava.ModifierExpr> superpattern, Pattern<? super LLJava.Modifier> p_modifier) static Pattern
<LLJava.Slot> LLJava.__Patterns.term_Slot
(Pattern<Object> superpattern, Pattern<? super LLJava.Type> p_type, Pattern<? super Integer> p_index) static Pattern
<LLJava.SlotRef> LLJava.__Patterns.term_SlotRef
(Pattern<? super LLJava.VariableAccess> superpattern) static Pattern
<LLJava.SlotReference> LLJava.__Patterns.term_SlotReference
(Pattern<? super LLJava.VariableAccess> superpattern, Pattern<? super Integer> p_index, Pattern<? super Boolean> p_wide) static Pattern
<LLJava.StackFrame> LLJava.__Patterns.term_StackFrame
(Pattern<Object> superpattern, Pattern<? super CheckedList<LLJava.VType>> p_locals, Pattern<? super CheckedList<LLJava.VType>> p_operands, Pattern<? super Boolean> p_uninitThis) static Pattern
<LLJava.StackFrameDelta> LLJava.__Patterns.term_StackFrameDelta
(Pattern<Object> superpattern, Pattern<? super Integer> p_delta, Pattern<? super LLJava.StackFrame> p_next) static Pattern
<LLJava.StackMapTableAttribute> LLJava.__Patterns.term_StackMapTableAttribute
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Attribute> superpattern) static Pattern
<LLJava.Statement> LLJava.__Patterns.term_Statement
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Node> superpattern) static Pattern
<LLJava.Store> LLJava.__Patterns.term_Store
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Instruction> superpattern, Pattern<? super LLJava.StoreArgument> p_arg) static Pattern
<LLJava.StoreArgument> LLJava.__Patterns.term_StoreArgument
(Pattern<? super LLJava.LoadArgument> superpattern) static Pattern
<LLJava.StringLiteral> LLJava.__Patterns.term_StringLiteral
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Literal> superpattern, Pattern<? super String> p_value) static Pattern
<LLJava.Sub> LLJava.__Patterns.term_Sub
(Pattern<? super LLJava.ArithInstruction> superpattern) static Pattern
<LLJava.Swap> LLJava.__Patterns.term_Swap
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Instruction> superpattern) static Pattern
<LLJava.Switch> LLJava.__Patterns.term_Switch
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Instruction> superpattern, Pattern<? super CheckedList<LLJava.Case>> p_cases) static Pattern
<LLJava.This> LLJava.__Patterns.term_This
(Pattern<? super LLJava.VariableAccess> superpattern) static Pattern
<LLJava.Throw> LLJava.__Patterns.term_Throw
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Jump> superpattern) static Pattern
<Verify.Top> Verify.__Patterns.term_Top
(Pattern<? super Verify.Type> superpattern) static Pattern
<LLJava.TopVType> LLJava.__Patterns.term_TopVType
(Pattern<? super LLJava.VType> superpattern) static Pattern
<LLJava.Try> LLJava.__Patterns.term_Try
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Instruction> superpattern, Pattern<? super LLJava.CodeInterval> p_body, Pattern<? super CheckedList<LLJava.Handler>> p_handlers) static Pattern
<Verify.TwoWord> Verify.__Patterns.term_TwoWord
(Pattern<? super Verify.Category2> superpattern) static Pattern
<LLJava.TwoWordVType> LLJava.__Patterns.term_TwoWordVType
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Category2VType> superpattern) static Pattern
<LLJava.Type> LLJava.__Patterns.term_Type
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Result> superpattern) static Pattern
<Verify.Type> static Pattern
<LLJava.TypeArgument> LLJava.__Patterns.term_TypeArgument
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Node> superpattern, Pattern<? super CheckedList<LLJava.Annotation>> p_annotations, Pattern<? super LLJava.Type> p_erasure) static Pattern
<LLJava.TypeBound> LLJava.__Patterns.term_TypeBound
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Node> superpattern, Pattern<? super LLJava.ReferenceTypeExpr> p_limit, Pattern<? super LLJava.Type> p_erasure) static Pattern
<LLJava.TypeExpr> LLJava.__Patterns.term_TypeExpr
(Pattern<? super LLJava.TypeArgument> superpattern) static Pattern
<LLJava.TypeInstruction> LLJava.__Patterns.term_TypeInstruction
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Instruction> superpattern, Pattern<? super LLJava.TypeExpr> p_type, Pattern<? super LLJava.ClassRef> p_entry) static Pattern
<LLJava.TypeParameter> LLJava.__Patterns.term_TypeParameter
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Node> superpattern, Pattern<? super CheckedList<LLJava.Annotation>> p_annotations, Pattern<? super LLJava.Id> p_name, Pattern<? super LLJava.UpperTypeBound> p_bound) static Pattern
<Verify.Uninitialized> Verify.__Patterns.term_Uninitialized
(Pattern<? super Verify.Category1> superpattern) static Pattern
<Verify.UninitializedNew> Verify.__Patterns.term_UninitializedNew
(Pattern<? super Verify.Category1> superpattern, Pattern<? super LLJava.Instruction> p_offset) static Pattern
<LLJava.UninitializedNewVType> LLJava.__Patterns.term_UninitializedNewVType
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Category1VType> superpattern, Pattern<? super LLJava.New> p_offset) static Pattern
<Verify.UninitializedThis> Verify.__Patterns.term_UninitializedThis
(Pattern<? super Verify.Category1> superpattern) static Pattern
<LLJava.UninitializedThisVType> LLJava.__Patterns.term_UninitializedThisVType
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Category1VType> superpattern) static Pattern
<LLJava.UninitializedVType> LLJava.__Patterns.term_UninitializedVType
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Category1VType> superpattern) static Pattern
<LLJava.UpperTypeBound> LLJava.__Patterns.term_UpperTypeBound
(Pattern<? super LLJava.TypeBound> superpattern, Pattern<? super CheckedList<LLJava.ReferenceTypeExpr>> p_interfaces) static Pattern
<LLJava.UShr> LLJava.__Patterns.term_UShr
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Shift> superpattern) static Pattern
<LLJava.Variable> LLJava.__Patterns.term_Variable
(Pattern<Object> superpattern, Pattern<? super LLJava.Type> p_type, Pattern<? super LLJava.Name> p_name) static Pattern
<LLJava.VariableAccess> LLJava.__Patterns.term_VariableAccess
(Pattern<? super LLJava.StoreArgument> superpattern, Pattern<? super LLJava.Slot> p_target) static Pattern
<LLJava.VariableRef> LLJava.__Patterns.term_VariableRef
(Pattern<? super LLJava.VariableAccess> superpattern, Pattern<? super LLJava.Name> p_name) static Pattern
<LLJava.Void> LLJava.__Patterns.term_Void
(Pattern<? super LLJava.Result> superpattern) static Pattern
<LLJava.VoidExpr> LLJava.__Patterns.term_VoidExpr
(Pattern<? super LLJava.ResultExpr> superpattern) static Pattern
<LLJava.VType> LLJava.__Patterns.term_VType
(Pattern<Object> superpattern) static Pattern
<LLJava.WideType> LLJava.__Patterns.term_WideType
(Pattern<? super LLJava.PrimitiveType> superpattern) static Pattern
<LLJava.Wildcard> LLJava.__Patterns.term_Wildcard
(Pattern<? super LLJava.TypeArgument> superpattern, Pattern<? super LLJava.TypeBound> p_bound) static Pattern
<LLJava.XOr> LLJava.__Patterns.term_XOr
(Pattern<? super LLJava.ArithInstruction> superpattern) -
Uses of Pattern in
Methods in that return PatternModifier and TypeMethodDescription<D> Pattern
<SimpleMessage<D>> Matches the doc id of the location of the SimpleMessage.Tests the doc id of the location of the SimpleMessage to be equal to the given argument.Patterns.mKind
(Message.Kind kind) Matches any Message with the given kind.Patterns.mKind
(Pattern<? super Message.Kind> kind) Matches the kind of the Message.Pattern
<SimpleMessage<?>> Patterns.mLine
(int line) Tests the line number of the location of the SimpleMessage to be equal to the given argument.Pattern
<SimpleMessage<?>> Tests the dline number of the location of the SimpleMessage.Pattern
<SimpleMessage<?>> Matches the location of the SimpleMessage.Pattern
<SimpleMessage<?>> Matches the text of the SimpleMessage.Pattern
<SimpleMessage<?>> Tests the text of the SimpleMessage to be equal to the argument.Pattern
<SimpleMessage<?>> Patterns.mTextStartsWith
(String pref) Tests the text of the SimpleMessage to start with the given argument.Methods in with parameters of type PatternModifier and TypeMethodDescription<D> Pattern
<SimpleMessage<D>> Matches the doc id of the location of the SimpleMessage.Patterns.mKind
(Pattern<? super Message.Kind> kind) Matches the kind of the Message.Pattern
<SimpleMessage<?>> Tests the dline number of the location of the SimpleMessage.Pattern
<SimpleMessage<?>> Matches the location of the SimpleMessage.Pattern
<SimpleMessage<?>> Matches the text of the SimpleMessage. -
Uses of Pattern in
Subclasses of Pattern in and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Abstract base class for patterns that delegate to some other pattern, chosen dynamically per target.class
Abstract base class for patterns that contain no subpatterns.class
B, C> Abstract base class for patterns that contain two subpatterns.class
B> Abstract base class for patterns that delegate expensively transformed targets to a subpattern.class
E extends Enum<E>> class
Abstract base class for patterns that match only a subset of the target type.class
B> class
Wrapper class for a pattern that is to be created on demand.class
B> Abstract base class for patterns that delegate transformed targets to a subpattern.class
(package private) static class
Base class for patterns that contain one subpattern of the same target type.class
B> class
Abstract base class for patterns that delegate matching dynamically to a number of alternative subpatterns.class
B> class
B> class
B> Abstract base class for patterns that delegate transformed targets to a subpattern.class
B> Abstract base class for patterns that contain one class
Class of pattern variables.(package private) class
(package private) class
Fields in declared as PatternModifier and TypeFieldDescriptionSearch.alt
The current alternative.Atomic.anyObject
A pattern that matches anything.PrimitivePatterns.compiledStringConstant
A pattern that matches finite floating-point values.SendMoreMoney.generate
A pattern that matches infinite floating-point values.PrimitivePatterns.isFalse
A pattern that matches the valuefalse
A pattern that matches the valuetrue
The left subpattern.PrimitivePatterns.nanDouble
A pattern that matches the floating-point valueNaN
A pattern that matches negative floating-point values.PrimitivePatterns.negativeInteger
A pattern that matches negative integer values.Pattern.none
A pattern that matches nothing.PrimitivePatterns.p_nonnull
A pattern that matches positive floating-point values.PrimitivePatterns.positiveInteger
A pattern that matches positive integer values.Binary.right
The right subpattern.SendMoreMoney.sendMoreMoney
A pattern that matches the floating-point value zero.PrimitivePatterns.zeroInteger
A pattern that matches the integer value zero.Methods in that return PatternModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionstatic <A> Pattern
<A> Combines many patterns conjunctively.static <A> Pattern
<A> Combines many patterns conjunctively.static <A> Pattern
<A> Combines many patterns conjunctively.static <A> Pattern
<A> Pattern.all
(Pattern<? super A> p1, Pattern<? super A> p2, Pattern<? super A> p3, Pattern<? super A> p4) Combines many patterns conjunctively.static <A> Pattern
<A> SendMoreMoney.allDifferent
(List<? extends Variable<?>> vs) XPathPatterns.ancestorOrSelf
(Pattern<? super Node> body) Combines this patterns conjunctively with another pattern.static final <A> Pattern
<A> Pattern.any()
Returns a pattern that matches anything.static <A> Pattern
<A[]> CollectionPatterns.anyArrayElement
(Pattern<? super A> p) Returns a pattern that matches a given pattern for any element of an array successively.CollectionPatterns.anyElement
(Pattern<? super A> p) Returns a pattern that matches a given pattern for any element of anIterable
successively.static <A> Pattern
<A> default <B> Pattern
<B> Returns a pattern that effectively substitutes a subpattern for this extractor in a given root pattern.static final <A> Pattern
<A> Combines two patterns conjunctively.Adaptive.clone()
Return a reference that behaves like a copy of this pattern.Binary.clone()
Makes a matching-state copy if this pattern.Unary.clone()
static <A> Pattern
(Comparator<? super A> comparator, A other, Pattern<? super Integer> body) static <A extends Comparable<? super A>>
Pattern<A> Returns a pattern that matches objects based on comparison with a given object.Pattern.compile()
(Pattern<? super Node> body) XPathPatterns.descendantOrSelf
(Pattern<? super Node> body) static final <A> Pattern
<A> Combines two patterns disjunctively.static <A> Pattern
<A[]> CollectionPatterns.elementwise
(Pattern<? super A>... ps) Returns a pattern that matches a given array of patterns element-by-element against an array.CollectionPatterns.elementwise
(List<Pattern<? super A>> ps) Returns a pattern that matches a given list of patterns element-by-element against a list.Return a pattern that matches an optional value if present.static <A> Pattern
<A> PrimitivePatterns.eq
(A a) Returns a pattern that matches objects identically equal to a given reference.static <A> Pattern
<A> PrimitivePatterns.eqNull()
Returns a pattern that matches only thenull
reference.static <A> Pattern
<A> PrimitivePatterns.equal
(A other) Returns a pattern that matches objects equal to a given reference.static <A> Pattern
<A> static <A> Pattern
<A[]> CollectionPatterns.firstArrayElement
(Pattern<? super A> p) Returns a pattern that matches a given pattern for the first matching element of an array.CollectionPatterns.firstElement
(Pattern<? super A> p) Returns a pattern that matches a given pattern for the first matching element of anIterable
.static <A> Pattern
<A> XPathPatterns.followingSibling
(Pattern<? super Node> body) static <A,
B extends A>
Pattern<A> ReflectionPatterns.forInstancesOf
(Class<? extends B> cls, Pattern<? super B> body) Returns a pattern that delegates to a given pattern after dynamic type checking.static <A> Pattern
<A> Returns a pattern that matches against elements from a given set.(package private) static <A,
B> Pattern <B> SendMoreMoney.genAllDifferent
(Motif<A, B> m, List<? extends Variable<A>> vs) (package private) static <A,
B> Pattern <B> SendMoreMoney.genAllDifferent2
(Motif<A, B> m, List<? extends Observable<A>> vs) (package private) <A,
B> Pattern <B> CryptArith.generate
(Motif<A, B> m, Collection<Variable<A>> vars) (package private) <A,
B> Pattern <B> CryptArith.generateAllDifferent
(Motif<A, B> m, Collection<Variable<A>> vars) (package private) <B> Pattern
<B> CryptArith.generatePartialSums
(Motif<Integer, B> m) (package private) static <B> Pattern
<B> SendMoreMoney.genPartialSums
(Motif<Integer, B> m, List<? extends Variable<Integer>> as, List<? extends Variable<Integer>> bs, List<? extends Variable<Integer>> cs) (package private) static <B> Pattern
<B> SendMoreMoney.genPartialSums2
(Motif<Integer, B> m, List<? extends Observable<Integer>> as, List<? extends Observable<Integer>> bs, List<? extends Observable<Integer>> cs) Returns a pattern that matches a given pattern against the element at a given index in aList
.Returns a pattern that matches a given pattern against the element for a given key in aMap
.static <A> Pattern
<A[]> Returns a pattern that matches a given pattern against the element at a given index in an array.Lazy.getBody()
static <A extends Comparable<? super A>>
Pattern<A> PrimitivePatterns.greaterThan
(A other) static <A> Pattern
<A> PrimitivePatterns.greaterThan
(Comparator<? super A> comparator, A other) static <A extends Comparable<? super A>>
Pattern<A> PrimitivePatterns.greaterThanOrEqual
(A other) static <A> Pattern
<A> PrimitivePatterns.greaterThanOrEqual
(Comparator<? super A> comparator, A other) static <A> Pattern
<A> FunctionPatterns.ifThenElse
(Predicate<? super A> condition, Pattern<? super A> thenBody, Pattern<? super A> elseBody) Creates the wrapped pattern.ReflectionPatterns.isInstanceOf
(Class<?> cls) Returns a pattern that matches objects of a given class.Returns a pattern that matches a given pattern against the key set of a map.static <A> Pattern
<A[]> Returns a pattern that matches a given pattern against the length of an array.static <A extends Comparable<? super A>>
Pattern<A> PrimitivePatterns.lessThan
(A other) static <A> Pattern
<A> PrimitivePatterns.lessThan
(Comparator<? super A> comparator, A other) static <A extends Comparable<? super A>>
Pattern<A> PrimitivePatterns.lessThanOrEqual
(A other) static <A> Pattern
<A> PrimitivePatterns.lessThanOrEqual
(Comparator<? super A> comparator, A other) Pattern.limit
(int n) Returns a pattern that stops after a given number of matches.static <A extends Annotation>
Pattern<AnnotatedElement> ReflectionPatterns.matchAnnotation
(Class<? extends A> cls, Pattern<? super A> body) Returns a pattern that matches a given pattern against an annotation of the target object.static <A> Pattern
<A> ReflectionPatterns.matchClass
(Pattern<? super Class<? extends A>> p) Returns a pattern that matches a given pattern against the class of the target object.ReflectionPatterns.matchField
(Field field, Pattern<Object> body) Returns a pattern that matches a given pattern against the value of a field of the target object.ReflectionPatterns.matchMethod
(Method method, Pattern<Object> body, Object... args) Returns a pattern that matches a given pattern against the return value of a method of the target object.XMLPatterns.namespaceURI
(Pattern<? super String> namespaceURI) XMLPatterns.namespaceURI
(String namespaceURI) Pattern.narrow()
Returns an equivalent pattern with narrower type parameter.static <A> Pattern
<A> PrimitivePatterns.neq
(A a) Returns a pattern that matches objects not identically equal to a given reference.static <A> Pattern
<A> PrimitivePatterns.neqNull()
Returns a pattern that matches anything but thenull
reference.static <A> Pattern
<A> PrimitivePatterns.nequal
(A other) Returns a pattern that matches objects not equal to a given reference.static final <A> Pattern
<A> XMLPatterns.nextSibling
(Pattern<? super Node> body) CollectionPatterns.nil()
Returns a pattern that matches if and only if this pattern has no match.static final <A> Pattern
<A> Pattern.none()
Returns a pattern that matches nothing.static <A> Pattern
<A> static <A> Pattern
<A> Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.Combines this patterns disjunctively with another pattern.XMLPatterns.ownerDocument
(Pattern<? super Document> body) Returns the "plus" variant of the Kleene fixpoint of a pattern as a function of this variable.XPathPatterns.precedingSibling
(Pattern<? super Node> body) Return a pattern that matches an optional value if present.XMLPatterns.previousSibling
(Pattern<? super Node> body) XMLPatterns.processingInstruction
(String target, Pattern<? super String> data) PrimitivePatterns.range
(char from, char to) Returns a pattern that matches characters in a given range.static final <A> Pattern
<A> Pattern.repeat()
(Pattern<? super Element> body) static <A> Pattern
<Collection<A>> Returns a pattern that matches a given pattern against the (single) element of a list.static <A> Pattern
<Collection<A>> Returns a pattern that matches a given pattern against the size of aCollection
static <A> Pattern
<A> Combines many patterns disjunctively.static <A> Pattern
<A> Combines many patterns disjunctively.static <A> Pattern
<A> Combines many patterns disjunctively.static <A> Pattern
<A> Pattern.some
(Pattern<? super A> p1, Pattern<? super A> p2, Pattern<? super A> p3, Pattern<? super A> p4) Combines many patterns disjunctively.Pattern.someMatch()
Returns the "star" variant of the Kleene fixpoint of a pattern as a function of this variable.CryptArith.strategy1()
static <A> Pattern
<A> static <A,
B> Pattern <A> static <A,
B> Pattern <A> FunctionPatterns.transformIfNonNull
(Function<? super A, ? extends B> fun, Pattern<B> body) Pattern.uniquely()
Returns a pattern that matches if and only if this pattern has a unique match.CollectionPatterns.values
(Pattern<? super Collection<B>> p) Returns a pattern that matches a given pattern against the values of a map.Methods in with parameters of type PatternModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionstatic <A> Pattern
<A> Combines many patterns conjunctively.static <A> Pattern
<A> Combines many patterns conjunctively.static <A> Pattern
<A> Combines many patterns conjunctively.static <A> Pattern
<A> Pattern.all
(Pattern<? super A> p1, Pattern<? super A> p2, Pattern<? super A> p3, Pattern<? super A> p4) Combines many patterns conjunctively.XPathPatterns.ancestorOrSelf
(Pattern<? super Node> body) Combines this patterns conjunctively with another pattern.static <A> Pattern
<A[]> CollectionPatterns.anyArrayElement
(Pattern<? super A> p) Returns a pattern that matches a given pattern for any element of an array successively.CollectionPatterns.anyElement
(Pattern<? super A> p) Returns a pattern that matches a given pattern for any element of anIterable
successively.default <B> Pattern
<B> Returns a pattern that effectively substitutes a subpattern for this extractor in a given root pattern.static final <A> Pattern
<A> Combines two patterns conjunctively.static <A> Pattern
(Comparator<? super A> comparator, A other, Pattern<? super Integer> body) static <A extends Comparable<? super A>>
Pattern<A> Returns a pattern that matches objects based on comparison with a given object.protected void
(Pattern<? super Node> body) XPathPatterns.descendantOrSelf
(Pattern<? super Node> body) Extractor.eagerBindings
(Pattern<B> root, B target) Returns a collection of values bound to this extractor by all matches of a patterns for a target.static final <A> Pattern
<A> Combines two patterns disjunctively.static <A> Pattern
<A[]> CollectionPatterns.elementwise
(Pattern<? super A>... ps) Returns a pattern that matches a given array of patterns element-by-element against an array.Return a pattern that matches an optional value if present.static <A> Pattern
<A> static <A> Pattern
<A[]> CollectionPatterns.firstArrayElement
(Pattern<? super A> p) Returns a pattern that matches a given pattern for the first matching element of an array.CollectionPatterns.firstElement
(Pattern<? super A> p) Returns a pattern that matches a given pattern for the first matching element of anIterable
.static <A> Pattern
<A> XPathPatterns.followingSibling
(Pattern<? super Node> body) static <A,
B extends A>
Pattern<A> ReflectionPatterns.forInstancesOf
(Class<? extends B> cls, Pattern<? super B> body) Returns a pattern that delegates to a given pattern after dynamic type checking.Returns a pattern that matches a given pattern against the element at a given index in aList
.Returns a pattern that matches a given pattern against the element for a given key in aMap
.static <A> Pattern
<A[]> Returns a pattern that matches a given pattern against the element at a given index in an array.static <A> Motif
<A, A> static <A> Pattern
<A> FunctionPatterns.ifThenElse
(Predicate<? super A> condition, Pattern<? super A> thenBody, Pattern<? super A> elseBody) Creates the wrapped pattern.Returns a pattern that matches a given pattern against the key set of a map.Extractor.lazyBindings
(Pattern<B> root, B target) static <A> Pattern
<A[]> Returns a pattern that matches a given pattern against the length of an array.static <A extends Annotation>
Pattern<AnnotatedElement> ReflectionPatterns.matchAnnotation
(Class<? extends A> cls, Pattern<? super A> body) Returns a pattern that matches a given pattern against an annotation of the target object.static <A> Pattern
<A> ReflectionPatterns.matchClass
(Pattern<? super Class<? extends A>> p) Returns a pattern that matches a given pattern against the class of the target object.ReflectionPatterns.matchField
(Field field, Pattern<Object> body) Returns a pattern that matches a given pattern against the value of a field of the target object.ReflectionPatterns.matchMethod
(Method method, Pattern<Object> body, Object... args) Returns a pattern that matches a given pattern against the return value of a method of the target object.XMLPatterns.namespaceURI
(Pattern<? super String> namespaceURI) static final <A> Pattern
<A> XMLPatterns.nextSibling
(Pattern<? super Node> body) static <A,
B> MultiTransform <A, B> Combines this patterns disjunctively with another pattern.XMLPatterns.ownerDocument
(Pattern<? super Document> body) Returns the "plus" variant of the Kleene fixpoint of a pattern as a function of this variable.XPathPatterns.precedingSibling
(Pattern<? super Node> body) Return a pattern that matches an optional value if present.XMLPatterns.previousSibling
(Pattern<? super Node> body) XMLPatterns.processingInstruction
(String target, Pattern<? super String> data) EnumBranch
<A, E> XMLPatterns.rootElement
(Pattern<? super Element> body) static <A,
B> Rule <A, B> protected void
static <A> Pattern
<Collection<A>> Returns a pattern that matches a given pattern against the (single) element of a list.static <A> Pattern
<Collection<A>> Returns a pattern that matches a given pattern against the size of aCollection
.static <A> Pattern
<A> Combines many patterns disjunctively.static <A> Pattern
<A> Combines many patterns disjunctively.static <A> Pattern
<A> Combines many patterns disjunctively.static <A> Pattern
<A> Pattern.some
(Pattern<? super A> p1, Pattern<? super A> p2, Pattern<? super A> p3, Pattern<? super A> p4) Combines many patterns disjunctively.Returns the "star" variant of the Kleene fixpoint of a pattern as a function of this variable.(package private) static void
(package private) static void
(Pattern<Iterable<? extends Integer>> p, List<? extends Integer> digits, List<? extends Variable<Integer>> vars) static <A,
B> Pattern <A> static <A,
B> Pattern <A> FunctionPatterns.transformIfNonNull
(Function<? super A, ? extends B> fun, Pattern<B> body) CollectionPatterns.values
(Pattern<? super Collection<B>> p) Returns a pattern that matches a given pattern against the values of a map.Method parameters in with type arguments of type PatternModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionstatic <A> Pattern
<A> CollectionPatterns.elementwise
(List<Pattern<? super A>> ps) Returns a pattern that matches a given list of patterns element-by-element against a list.Constructors in with parameters of type PatternModifierConstructorDescriptionprotected
Creates a new pattern.protected
(Pattern<? super B> body) Creates a new pattern.protected
Creates a new pattern.protected
(Pattern<? super B> body) (package private)
(Pattern<? super B> body) Creates a new pattern.(package private)
Creates a new pattern.protected
(Pattern<? super B> body) Creates a new pattern.protected
(Pattern<? super B> body) Creates a new pattern.protected
Creates a new pattern.protected
Creates a new pattern.Constructor parameters in with type arguments of type Pattern -
Uses of Pattern in
Methods in that return PatternModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionMethods in with parameters of type PatternModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionMethod parameters in with type arguments of type Pattern -
Uses of Pattern in
Methods in with parameters of type PatternModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionprotected void
(MessageStore<SimpleMessage<D>> store, @Opt Pattern<? super Integer> size, Pattern<? super Message>... expectedPrefix) -
Uses of Pattern in
Methods in that return PatternModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionTPath.__Patterns.cast_AxisSpecifier
(Pattern<? super TPath.AxisSpecifier> p) TPath.__Patterns.cast_BinaryExpr
(Pattern<? super TPath.BinaryExpr> p) TPath.__Patterns.cast_Comment
(Pattern<? super TPath.Comment> p) TPath.__Patterns.cast_ComparisonExpr
(Pattern<? super TPath.ComparisonExpr> p) TPath.__Patterns.cast_EqualityExpr
(Pattern<? super TPath.EqualityExpr> p) TPath.__Patterns.cast_Expr
(Pattern<? super TPath.Expr> p) TPath.__Patterns.cast_Filter
(Pattern<? super TPath.Filter> p) TPath.__Patterns.cast_FunctionCall
(Pattern<? super TPath.FunctionCall> p) TPath.__Patterns.cast_Item
(Pattern<? super TPath.Item> p) TPath.__Patterns.cast_Literal
(Pattern<? super TPath.Literal> p) TPath.__Patterns.cast_LogicalExpr
(Pattern<? super TPath.LogicalExpr> p) TPath.__Patterns.cast_Minus
(Pattern<? super TPath.Minus> p) TPath.__Patterns.cast_Mult
(Pattern<? super TPath.Mult> p) TPath.__Patterns.cast_NameTest
(Pattern<? super TPath.NameTest> p) TPath.__Patterns.cast_Node
(Pattern<? super TPath.Node> p) TPath.__Patterns.cast_Number
(Pattern<? super TPath.Number> p) TPath.__Patterns.cast_NumericExpr
(Pattern<? super TPath.NumericExpr> p) TPath.__Patterns.cast_Paren
(Pattern<? super TPath.Paren> p) TPath.__Patterns.cast_PathExpr
(Pattern<? super TPath.PathExpr> p) TPath.__Patterns.cast_Plus
(Pattern<? super TPath.Plus> p) TPath.__Patterns.cast_ProcessingInstruction
(Pattern<? super TPath.ProcessingInstruction> p) TPath.__Patterns.cast_Root
(Pattern<? super TPath.Root> p) TPath.__Patterns.cast_Step
(Pattern<? super TPath.Step> p) TPath.__Patterns.cast_Test
(Pattern<? super TPath.Test> p) TPath.__Patterns.cast_Text
(Pattern<? super TPath.Text> p) TPath.__Patterns.cast_TypeTest
(Pattern<? super TPath.TypeTest> p) TPath.__Patterns.cast_UnaryExpr
(Pattern<? super TPath.UnaryExpr> p) TPath.__Patterns.cast_Union
(Pattern<? super TPath.Union> p) TPath.__Patterns.cast_ValueExpr
(Pattern<? super TPath.ValueExpr> p) TPath.__Patterns.cast_VariableReference
(Pattern<? super TPath.VariableReference> p) static Pattern
<TPath.UnaryExpr> TPath.UnaryExpr.get_arg
(Pattern<? super TPath.Expr> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<TPath.FunctionCall> TPath.FunctionCall.get_args
(Pattern<? super CheckedList<TPath.Expr>> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<TPath.AxisSpecifier> Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<TPath.Step> TPath.Step.get_axis
(Pattern<? super TPath.AxisSpecifier> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<TPath.Step> TPath.Step.get_base
(Pattern<? super TPath.Expr> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<TPath.Expr> TPath.Expr.get_forced
(Pattern<? super Boolean> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<TPath.Expr> TPath.Expr.get_forcing
(Pattern<? super Boolean> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<TPath.BinaryExpr> TPath.BinaryExpr.get_left
(Pattern<? super TPath.Expr> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<TPath.Item> TPath.Item.get_location
(Pattern<? super Location<XMLDocumentIdentifier>> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<TPath.FunctionCall> Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<TPath.VariableReference> Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<TPath.Step> TPath.Step.get_predicates
(Pattern<? super CheckedList<TPath.Expr>> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<TPath.NameTest> TPath.NameTest.get_prefix
(Pattern<? super String> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<TPath.BinaryExpr> TPath.BinaryExpr.get_right
(Pattern<? super TPath.Expr> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<TPath.NameTest> TPath.NameTest.get_suffix
(Pattern<? super String> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<TPath.ProcessingInstruction> TPath.ProcessingInstruction.get_target
(Pattern<? super String> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<TPath.Step> TPath.Step.get_test
(Pattern<? super TPath.Test> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<TPath.Literal> Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<TPath.Number> Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.TPath.__Patterns.term_And
(Pattern<? super TPath.LogicalExpr> superpattern) static Pattern
<TPath.AxisSpecifier> TPath.__Patterns.term_AxisSpecifier
(Pattern<? super TPath.Item> superpattern, Pattern<? super Axis> p_axis) static Pattern
<TPath.BinaryExpr> TPath.__Patterns.term_BinaryExpr
(Pattern<? super TPath.Expr> superpattern, Pattern<? super TPath.Expr> p_left, Pattern<? super TPath.Expr> p_right) static Pattern
<TPath.Comment> TPath.__Patterns.term_Comment
(Pattern<? super TPath.TypeTest> superpattern) static Pattern
<TPath.ComparisonExpr> TPath.__Patterns.term_ComparisonExpr
(Pattern<? super TPath.BinaryExpr> superpattern) TPath.__Patterns.term_Div
(Pattern<? super TPath.NumericExpr> superpattern) TPath.__Patterns.term_Eq
(Pattern<? super TPath.EqualityExpr> superpattern) static Pattern
<TPath.EqualityExpr> TPath.__Patterns.term_EqualityExpr
(Pattern<? super TPath.BinaryExpr> superpattern) static Pattern
<TPath.Expr> TPath.__Patterns.term_Expr
(Pattern<? super TPath.Item> superpattern, Pattern<? super Boolean> p_forcing, Pattern<? super Boolean> p_forced) static Pattern
<TPath.Filter> TPath.__Patterns.term_Filter
(Pattern<? super TPath.BinaryExpr> superpattern) static Pattern
<TPath.FunctionCall> TPath.__Patterns.term_FunctionCall
(Pattern<? super TPath.Expr> superpattern, Pattern<? super String> p_name, Pattern<? super CheckedList<TPath.Expr>> p_args) TPath.__Patterns.term_Geq
(Pattern<? super TPath.ComparisonExpr> superpattern) TPath.__Patterns.term_Gt
(Pattern<? super TPath.ComparisonExpr> superpattern) static Pattern
<TPath.Item> TPath.__Patterns.term_Item
(Pattern<Object> superpattern, Pattern<? super Location<XMLDocumentIdentifier>> p_location) TPath.__Patterns.term_Leq
(Pattern<? super TPath.ComparisonExpr> superpattern) static Pattern
<TPath.Literal> TPath.__Patterns.term_Literal
(Pattern<? super TPath.ValueExpr> superpattern, Pattern<? super String> p_text) static Pattern
<TPath.LogicalExpr> TPath.__Patterns.term_LogicalExpr
(Pattern<? super TPath.BinaryExpr> superpattern) TPath.__Patterns.term_Lt
(Pattern<? super TPath.ComparisonExpr> superpattern) static Pattern
<TPath.Minus> TPath.__Patterns.term_Minus
(Pattern<? super TPath.NumericExpr> superpattern) TPath.__Patterns.term_Mod
(Pattern<? super TPath.NumericExpr> superpattern) static Pattern
<TPath.Mult> TPath.__Patterns.term_Mult
(Pattern<? super TPath.NumericExpr> superpattern) static Pattern
<TPath.NameTest> TPath.__Patterns.term_NameTest
(Pattern<? super TPath.Test> superpattern, Pattern<? super String> p_prefix, Pattern<? super String> p_suffix) TPath.__Patterns.term_Neg
(Pattern<? super TPath.UnaryExpr> superpattern) TPath.__Patterns.term_Neq
(Pattern<? super TPath.EqualityExpr> superpattern) static Pattern
<TPath.Node> TPath.__Patterns.term_Node
(Pattern<? super TPath.TypeTest> superpattern) static Pattern
<TPath.Number> TPath.__Patterns.term_Number
(Pattern<? super TPath.ValueExpr> superpattern, Pattern<? super Double> p_value) static Pattern
<TPath.NumericExpr> TPath.__Patterns.term_NumericExpr
(Pattern<? super TPath.BinaryExpr> superpattern) TPath.__Patterns.term_Or
(Pattern<? super TPath.LogicalExpr> superpattern) static Pattern
<TPath.Paren> TPath.__Patterns.term_Paren
(Pattern<? super TPath.UnaryExpr> superpattern) static Pattern
<TPath.PathExpr> TPath.__Patterns.term_PathExpr
(Pattern<? super TPath.Expr> superpattern) static Pattern
<TPath.Plus> TPath.__Patterns.term_Plus
(Pattern<? super TPath.NumericExpr> superpattern) static Pattern
<TPath.ProcessingInstruction> TPath.__Patterns.term_ProcessingInstruction
(Pattern<? super TPath.TypeTest> superpattern, Pattern<? super String> p_target) static Pattern
<TPath.Root> TPath.__Patterns.term_Root
(Pattern<? super TPath.PathExpr> superpattern) static Pattern
<TPath.Step> TPath.__Patterns.term_Step
(Pattern<? super TPath.PathExpr> superpattern, Pattern<? super TPath.Expr> p_base, Pattern<? super TPath.AxisSpecifier> p_axis, Pattern<? super TPath.Test> p_test, Pattern<? super CheckedList<TPath.Expr>> p_predicates) static Pattern
<TPath.Test> TPath.__Patterns.term_Test
(Pattern<? super TPath.Item> superpattern) static Pattern
<TPath.Text> TPath.__Patterns.term_Text
(Pattern<? super TPath.TypeTest> superpattern) static Pattern
<TPath.TypeTest> TPath.__Patterns.term_TypeTest
(Pattern<? super TPath.Test> superpattern) static Pattern
<TPath.UnaryExpr> TPath.__Patterns.term_UnaryExpr
(Pattern<? super TPath.Expr> superpattern, Pattern<? super TPath.Expr> p_arg) static Pattern
<TPath.Union> TPath.__Patterns.term_Union
(Pattern<? super TPath.BinaryExpr> superpattern) static Pattern
<TPath.ValueExpr> TPath.__Patterns.term_ValueExpr
(Pattern<? super TPath.Expr> superpattern) static Pattern
<TPath.VariableReference> TPath.__Patterns.term_VariableReference
(Pattern<? super TPath.ValueExpr> superpattern, Pattern<? super String> p_name) Methods in with parameters of type PatternModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionTPath.__Patterns.cast_AxisSpecifier
(Pattern<? super TPath.AxisSpecifier> p) TPath.__Patterns.cast_BinaryExpr
(Pattern<? super TPath.BinaryExpr> p) TPath.__Patterns.cast_Comment
(Pattern<? super TPath.Comment> p) TPath.__Patterns.cast_ComparisonExpr
(Pattern<? super TPath.ComparisonExpr> p) TPath.__Patterns.cast_EqualityExpr
(Pattern<? super TPath.EqualityExpr> p) TPath.__Patterns.cast_Expr
(Pattern<? super TPath.Expr> p) TPath.__Patterns.cast_Filter
(Pattern<? super TPath.Filter> p) TPath.__Patterns.cast_FunctionCall
(Pattern<? super TPath.FunctionCall> p) TPath.__Patterns.cast_Item
(Pattern<? super TPath.Item> p) TPath.__Patterns.cast_Literal
(Pattern<? super TPath.Literal> p) TPath.__Patterns.cast_LogicalExpr
(Pattern<? super TPath.LogicalExpr> p) TPath.__Patterns.cast_Minus
(Pattern<? super TPath.Minus> p) TPath.__Patterns.cast_Mult
(Pattern<? super TPath.Mult> p) TPath.__Patterns.cast_NameTest
(Pattern<? super TPath.NameTest> p) TPath.__Patterns.cast_Node
(Pattern<? super TPath.Node> p) TPath.__Patterns.cast_Number
(Pattern<? super TPath.Number> p) TPath.__Patterns.cast_NumericExpr
(Pattern<? super TPath.NumericExpr> p) TPath.__Patterns.cast_Paren
(Pattern<? super TPath.Paren> p) TPath.__Patterns.cast_PathExpr
(Pattern<? super TPath.PathExpr> p) TPath.__Patterns.cast_Plus
(Pattern<? super TPath.Plus> p) TPath.__Patterns.cast_ProcessingInstruction
(Pattern<? super TPath.ProcessingInstruction> p) TPath.__Patterns.cast_Root
(Pattern<? super TPath.Root> p) TPath.__Patterns.cast_Step
(Pattern<? super TPath.Step> p) TPath.__Patterns.cast_Test
(Pattern<? super TPath.Test> p) TPath.__Patterns.cast_Text
(Pattern<? super TPath.Text> p) TPath.__Patterns.cast_TypeTest
(Pattern<? super TPath.TypeTest> p) TPath.__Patterns.cast_UnaryExpr
(Pattern<? super TPath.UnaryExpr> p) TPath.__Patterns.cast_Union
(Pattern<? super TPath.Union> p) TPath.__Patterns.cast_ValueExpr
(Pattern<? super TPath.ValueExpr> p) TPath.__Patterns.cast_VariableReference
(Pattern<? super TPath.VariableReference> p) static Pattern
<TPath.UnaryExpr> TPath.UnaryExpr.get_arg
(Pattern<? super TPath.Expr> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<TPath.FunctionCall> TPath.FunctionCall.get_args
(Pattern<? super CheckedList<TPath.Expr>> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<TPath.AxisSpecifier> Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<TPath.Step> TPath.Step.get_axis
(Pattern<? super TPath.AxisSpecifier> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<TPath.Step> TPath.Step.get_base
(Pattern<? super TPath.Expr> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<TPath.Expr> TPath.Expr.get_forced
(Pattern<? super Boolean> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<TPath.Expr> TPath.Expr.get_forcing
(Pattern<? super Boolean> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<TPath.BinaryExpr> TPath.BinaryExpr.get_left
(Pattern<? super TPath.Expr> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<TPath.Item> TPath.Item.get_location
(Pattern<? super Location<XMLDocumentIdentifier>> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<TPath.FunctionCall> Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<TPath.VariableReference> Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<TPath.Step> TPath.Step.get_predicates
(Pattern<? super CheckedList<TPath.Expr>> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<TPath.NameTest> TPath.NameTest.get_prefix
(Pattern<? super String> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<TPath.BinaryExpr> TPath.BinaryExpr.get_right
(Pattern<? super TPath.Expr> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<TPath.NameTest> TPath.NameTest.get_suffix
(Pattern<? super String> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<TPath.ProcessingInstruction> TPath.ProcessingInstruction.get_target
(Pattern<? super String> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<TPath.Step> TPath.Step.get_test
(Pattern<? super TPath.Test> p) Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<TPath.Literal> Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.static Pattern
<TPath.Number> Lifts a pattern which matches the field value to one which matches this whole object.TPath.__Patterns.term_And
(Pattern<? super TPath.LogicalExpr> superpattern) static Pattern
<TPath.AxisSpecifier> TPath.__Patterns.term_AxisSpecifier
(Pattern<? super TPath.Item> superpattern, Pattern<? super Axis> p_axis) static Pattern
<TPath.BinaryExpr> TPath.__Patterns.term_BinaryExpr
(Pattern<? super TPath.Expr> superpattern, Pattern<? super TPath.Expr> p_left, Pattern<? super TPath.Expr> p_right) static Pattern
<TPath.Comment> TPath.__Patterns.term_Comment
(Pattern<? super TPath.TypeTest> superpattern) static Pattern
<TPath.ComparisonExpr> TPath.__Patterns.term_ComparisonExpr
(Pattern<? super TPath.BinaryExpr> superpattern) TPath.__Patterns.term_Div
(Pattern<? super TPath.NumericExpr> superpattern) TPath.__Patterns.term_Eq
(Pattern<? super TPath.EqualityExpr> superpattern) static Pattern
<TPath.EqualityExpr> TPath.__Patterns.term_EqualityExpr
(Pattern<? super TPath.BinaryExpr> superpattern) static Pattern
<TPath.Expr> TPath.__Patterns.term_Expr
(Pattern<? super TPath.Item> superpattern, Pattern<? super Boolean> p_forcing, Pattern<? super Boolean> p_forced) static Pattern
<TPath.Filter> TPath.__Patterns.term_Filter
(Pattern<? super TPath.BinaryExpr> superpattern) static Pattern
<TPath.FunctionCall> TPath.__Patterns.term_FunctionCall
(Pattern<? super TPath.Expr> superpattern, Pattern<? super String> p_name, Pattern<? super CheckedList<TPath.Expr>> p_args) TPath.__Patterns.term_Geq
(Pattern<? super TPath.ComparisonExpr> superpattern) TPath.__Patterns.term_Gt
(Pattern<? super TPath.ComparisonExpr> superpattern) static Pattern
<TPath.Item> TPath.__Patterns.term_Item
(Pattern<Object> superpattern, Pattern<? super Location<XMLDocumentIdentifier>> p_location) TPath.__Patterns.term_Leq
(Pattern<? super TPath.ComparisonExpr> superpattern) static Pattern
<TPath.Literal> TPath.__Patterns.term_Literal
(Pattern<? super TPath.ValueExpr> superpattern, Pattern<? super String> p_text) static Pattern
<TPath.LogicalExpr> TPath.__Patterns.term_LogicalExpr
(Pattern<? super TPath.BinaryExpr> superpattern) TPath.__Patterns.term_Lt
(Pattern<? super TPath.ComparisonExpr> superpattern) static Pattern
<TPath.Minus> TPath.__Patterns.term_Minus
(Pattern<? super TPath.NumericExpr> superpattern) TPath.__Patterns.term_Mod
(Pattern<? super TPath.NumericExpr> superpattern) static Pattern
<TPath.Mult> TPath.__Patterns.term_Mult
(Pattern<? super TPath.NumericExpr> superpattern) static Pattern
<TPath.NameTest> TPath.__Patterns.term_NameTest
(Pattern<? super TPath.Test> superpattern, Pattern<? super String> p_prefix, Pattern<? super String> p_suffix) TPath.__Patterns.term_Neg
(Pattern<? super TPath.UnaryExpr> superpattern) TPath.__Patterns.term_Neq
(Pattern<? super TPath.EqualityExpr> superpattern) static Pattern
<TPath.Node> TPath.__Patterns.term_Node
(Pattern<? super TPath.TypeTest> superpattern) static Pattern
<TPath.Number> TPath.__Patterns.term_Number
(Pattern<? super TPath.ValueExpr> superpattern, Pattern<? super Double> p_value) static Pattern
<TPath.NumericExpr> TPath.__Patterns.term_NumericExpr
(Pattern<? super TPath.BinaryExpr> superpattern) TPath.__Patterns.term_Or
(Pattern<? super TPath.LogicalExpr> superpattern) static Pattern
<TPath.Paren> TPath.__Patterns.term_Paren
(Pattern<? super TPath.UnaryExpr> superpattern) static Pattern
<TPath.PathExpr> TPath.__Patterns.term_PathExpr
(Pattern<? super TPath.Expr> superpattern) static Pattern
<TPath.Plus> TPath.__Patterns.term_Plus
(Pattern<? super TPath.NumericExpr> superpattern) static Pattern
<TPath.ProcessingInstruction> TPath.__Patterns.term_ProcessingInstruction
(Pattern<? super TPath.TypeTest> superpattern, Pattern<? super String> p_target) static Pattern
<TPath.Root> TPath.__Patterns.term_Root
(Pattern<? super TPath.PathExpr> superpattern) static Pattern
<TPath.Step> TPath.__Patterns.term_Step
(Pattern<? super TPath.PathExpr> superpattern, Pattern<? super TPath.Expr> p_base, Pattern<? super TPath.AxisSpecifier> p_axis, Pattern<? super TPath.Test> p_test, Pattern<? super CheckedList<TPath.Expr>> p_predicates) static Pattern
<TPath.Test> TPath.__Patterns.term_Test
(Pattern<? super TPath.Item> superpattern) static Pattern
<TPath.Text> TPath.__Patterns.term_Text
(Pattern<? super TPath.TypeTest> superpattern) static Pattern
<TPath.TypeTest> TPath.__Patterns.term_TypeTest
(Pattern<? super TPath.Test> superpattern) static Pattern
<TPath.UnaryExpr> TPath.__Patterns.term_UnaryExpr
(Pattern<? super TPath.Expr> superpattern, Pattern<? super TPath.Expr> p_arg) static Pattern
<TPath.Union> TPath.__Patterns.term_Union
(Pattern<? super TPath.BinaryExpr> superpattern) static Pattern
<TPath.ValueExpr> TPath.__Patterns.term_ValueExpr
(Pattern<? super TPath.Expr> superpattern) static Pattern
<TPath.VariableReference> TPath.__Patterns.term_VariableReference
(Pattern<? super TPath.ValueExpr> superpattern, Pattern<? super String> p_name) -
Uses of Pattern in
Methods in that return PatternModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionstatic Pattern
<AnnotationVisitor.Annotation> AnnotationPatterns.annotation
(Class<? extends Annotation> type, Pattern<? super Map<String, AnnotationVisitor.ElementValue>> params) AnnotationPatterns.array
(Pattern<? super List<AnnotationVisitor.ElementValue>> body) AnnotationPatterns.nested
(Pattern<? super AnnotationVisitor.Annotation> body) static Pattern
<AnnotationVisitor.Annotation> AnnotationPatterns.repeatable
(Class<? extends Annotation> containerType, Pattern<? super AnnotationVisitor.Annotation> body) static Pattern
<Map<String, AnnotationVisitor.ElementValue>> AnnotationPatterns.value
(Pattern<? super AnnotationVisitor.ElementValue> body) Methods in with parameters of type PatternModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionstatic Pattern
<AnnotationVisitor.Annotation> AnnotationPatterns.annotation
(Class<? extends Annotation> type, Pattern<? super Map<String, AnnotationVisitor.ElementValue>> params) AnnotationPatterns.array
(Pattern<? super List<AnnotationVisitor.ElementValue>> body) AnnotationPatterns.nested
(Pattern<? super AnnotationVisitor.Annotation> body) static Pattern
<AnnotationVisitor.Annotation> AnnotationPatterns.repeatable
(Class<? extends Annotation> containerType, Pattern<? super AnnotationVisitor.Annotation> body) static Pattern
<Map<String, AnnotationVisitor.ElementValue>> AnnotationPatterns.value
(Pattern<? super AnnotationVisitor.ElementValue> body)
FunctionPatterns.test(java.util.function.Predicate<? super A>)